This is a copy of Objective-Zip library developed by Flying Dolphin Studio. It was forked from Archlite and includes many fixes and changes from AgileBits.
Archlite's changes included:
- Removed use of exceptions.
- Changed APIs to return NSError objects by reference.
- Removed libz and link against the system version.
- Changes to the naming scheme.
AgileBits' changes included:
- Test application was moved into its own folder.
- ZLib source code was removed and replaced with the shared libz.dylib library available on both Mac OS X and iOS.
- Compiler warnings reported by LLVM 3.0 compiler (Xcode 4) were fixed.
Additional changes include:
- Fixed issues with initializing NSErrors. They were not always created, and they were created without checking that the caller passed a variable to set.
- Added targets for static libraries for iOS (ARM) and Intel, and added a framework target for Mac OS X. Best way to use is now to add the project file as a reference to a parent project and then include the appropriate Objective-Zip target in the build phases of the target that uses it.
- Removed includes of zip and minizip headers from Objective-Zip headers so that their use is transparent to Objective-Zip users.
Code license
- Objective-Zip: New BSD License
- MiniZip: See MiniZip website