
Allowing securitytenant header

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The header securitytenant is needed when requests need to set the header that governs what tenant an entity belongs to. In my case I am using metricbeat and I am trying to setup the dashboards on the global tenant in AWS ES.

Can you please elaborate more on this? Where you face the error that requires this header? I haven't came across it yet.

Just hitting this too. OpenSearch dashboards support multi-tenancy i.e. a single instance can support multiple tenants, and each tenant provides an isolated area of configuration for saved objects e.g. searches and index patterns.

When using the API to manage those saved objects there is a single endpoint for all tenants and you provide the header securitytenant to specify which one you want to target. Without including this header in the request it targets the Global tenant by default.

I've yet to find good documentation on the OpenSearch dashboards API and only came across this securitytenant header referred to on their forums e.g. https://forum.opensearch.org/t/saved-objects-kibana-api-from-tenant/9655