
credentials_process is unsupported

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I have an ~/.aws/credentials file with the following content:

credential_process = get-toke --role my-role
region = us-west-2

When running aws-es-proxy I expect the program to execute the credentials_process program to retrieve AWS credentials. However, it does not seem that this is supported. I also notice that there is a request to support multiple profiles for AWS (#34).

I was able to resolve my issue, and support multiple profiles by simply bumping the AWS SDK version.

$ git diff glide.yaml 
diff --git a/glide.yaml b/glide.yaml
index 9282e93..c48fa3a 100644
--- a/glide.yaml
+++ b/glide.yaml
@@ -5,7 +5,7 @@ owners:
   email: muslim.adel@gmail.com
 - package: github.com/aws/aws-sdk-go
-  version: ~v1.12.61
+  version: ~v1.18.1
   - aws/credentials
   - aws/session

This also allowed me to run to choose the profile I wanted to use with aws-es-proxy as follows:

ENV AWS_DEFAULT_PROFILE=my-profile aws-es-proxy ...