
cannot find function in MSPasteboardLayers at sketch v88.1

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how to use function setSymbols or setLocalSymbols in MSPasteboardLayers at sketch v88.1

Sorry my export-headers script has stopped working since Sketch 83.1 and I haven't been able to find a solution. So I don't know the answer to this question.

Thank you very much

@abynim Could you please post the script you are using? Thanks

@abynim Thanks, I will take a look soon.

@abynim What isn't working for you with that script?
I built class-dump from https://github.com/NSGod/class-dump, ran the commands you run to extract headers from frameworks, and it worked for the latest Sketch Beta. Perhaps the class-dump you are using is too outdated?

Thanks for testing it @LeoNatan. That might be it. IIRC I could not get the latest class-dump to build, and didn't have time to dig deeper into it. Can you send me the class-dump build you generated and I can try to use that in the script? Please send to abynimbalkar at gmail if you're able to. Thanks!

@abynim I just sent you my build. Let me know if it works or doesn't, so we can thing why it works for me locally but not for your workflow.

I also devised a system that demangles Swift names in files, so that they appear as Sketch.UploadCollectionItem.h instead of _TtC6Sketch20UploadCollectionItem.h. Let me know if you are interested in integrating it in your flow.

@fendouxiaohaier can use Object-C KVC

const pasteboardLayers = MSPasteboardLayers.new()
pasteboardLayers.setValue_forKey(symbols, 'localSymbols')