
Don't require overwrite of existing pre-commit hooks

acaloiaro opened this issue · 3 comments

When running env-sample-sync install, if a git pre-commit hook is already installed, env-sample-sync gives the user the option (yes/no) to overwrite the existing one. This is not ideal because the user should have the option to retain any existing pre-commit hooks. This should be relatively easy to fix.

The way env-sample-sync install works is by installing the hook to .git/hooks/pre-commit.

  1. Checks whether a hook is already installed and provides an option to overwrite the existing one
  2. Creates a directory named pre-commit-hooks.d
  3. Makes a copy of itself (the binary) and places it in pre-commit-hooks.d
  4. Writes its own pre-commit bash script to .git/hooks/pre-commit
    4.1 This script executes all executables in pre-commit-hooks.d.

To make the changes for this issue, between (2.) and (3.), add a step to copy any existing pre-commit script into pre-commit-hooks.d before writing env-sample-sync's pre-commit script.

Hi @acaloiaro will love to work on this

Cool! Let me know if there's anything I can make more clear, and if you want to chat in real time, there's a Gitter channel here:

Closed by #6