

Opened this issue · 2 comments

Thank you so much for putting this schematic up on github! As a "lockdown project" I decided to try to fix my broken 898D. The microcontroller was busted but I was able to replace this with an Arduino Nano and new firmware from It is now working again and is a lot more reliable and firmware is now completely hackable.

On my unit I think the Soft_Air and Soft_Iron switches are wired to the opposite connectors but this might have been mixed up in my initial disassembly.

Also any chance you could push the kicad sch file to repository as well. I am curious how you do the boxed net labels. I prefer this method over what kicad does with just a label over the wire.

Hey, that's awesome! My hot air was acting up and I thought I might have to do the same thing. Good to know there is something already out there if I have to end up going this route. I could be wrong with the soft switches, next time I have the station open I'll try and verify which is which.
I'll add the Kicad sch file as well. I tend to use the global nets a lot just because I like them more. It's probably more proper to use the wire label, but if you don't need both, I guess you can just choose to use either.
It'd be nice to have a more complete schematic available if you caught some stuff I didn't get to.

I was suspecting the microcontroller in mine was busted, as the temperature reading of my iron kept freezing every so often.

It turned out to be an even simpler fix, as I found there was a cut connection from the years of flexing stress the iron was exposed to.

Anyway, thank you for the schematic! It'll be helpful in the future in case something else breaks.