
Quality of life changes - dice menu & view speed

Opened this issue · 1 comments

Hi there =) I hope its OK, if I add some suggestions here :D

1) Menu List should only hold dice types
Instead of listing all possible variants of a dice (especialy for the D4) you could add a dropdown for the shape.
So instead of D4 and D4 Crystal, you should add only the general dice type in the scrolling menu and then a dropdown for the shape with values like pyramid, crystal, etc.
This will make new possibilities to add new shapes, without loosing the overview of all dices.

2) Speed of rotation
Increase the rotation speed with holding the left mouse button. Its a bit slow when you want to check every side of a dice and its more or less a sport activity 😃

For #2, I made that change while adding support for bottom-aligned numbers on a D4. I set it to be 5x as fast as it was.

There is a pull request active for that change.

If/when that's approved, I think it would be good to add a slider somewhere to let us choose what the speed is.