
How to take uncompressed ace-diff latest version ?

vinothwindows47 opened this issue · 9 comments

How to take uncompressed ace-diff latest version ?

You mean this one?

Unminified built version is not part of the release. You have any use case for that?

I am using ace-diff - v1.0.0 - I have changed a lot in that ace-diff version . But currently ace diff - v2.2.0 totally different from v1.0.0. I have some bug in that (1.0.0) ace diff due to ace version migration changes . I want fix it to migrate latest version . But I can't migrate latest version .

I’m not following.

Anyway, you could always build whatever you need from ES6 source.
If there is a bug, want to share it so we can fix current version? Or what did you change in your v1 copy?

Hi @JackuB ,

 I want some features in ace-diff new version ,
  1. Wrap Lines options in diff mode .
  2. Synchronize scroll option
  3. Exact Line Diff
  4. Navigate Next and Prev Diff Option
  5. Ignoring White Space option
  6. Inline Diff View - Ace Diff

@JackuB - Any idea about this ?

Still not clear from your description what are you trying to achieve. You have the source available in the npm package

Hi @JackuB , Ace editor did not provide integrated diff features with the editor itself. So we decided to use AceDiff. When I had taken AceDiff to integrate with our application, which released version is 1.0. After integrated with our application, we realized that we have missed a lot of basic functionalities in that AceDiff. So, I raised issues and feature requirement to AceDiff Developers. At one point, AceDiff development was totally stopped by that Developers. So, We have fixed issues & implemented features such as synchronized scroll, Navigate next and prev diff etc... by changing the original source code of AceDiff.
A few months back, I saw AceDiff release version 2.0. So, I wanted to migrate it. But I could not migrate it, because AceDiff source code is entirely different from 1.0 to 2.0. I was helpless. So I raised a issue infront of you.

As a basic diff tool, everyone is expecting few fundamental features. I have listed out in the above comments. If it is possible or any idea of making those features as a road map, that's our choice.

Any chance you could open pull requests with the things you developed/want?

Initially, I will do migrate it with the latest one and verify the changed code and send pull request .