
How Can I pass params?

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your library is very useful for me. I need some suggestion:
How can I pass parameters ?
I'm using this:

$params = array("I" => "SI");

Is that correct?

This snippet of code is from the library's __call method

    // If no parameters are passed, this will be an empty array
    $params = array_values($params);


    // Build the request, it's ok that params might have any empty array
    $request = json_encode(array(
        'method' => $method,
        'params' => $params,
        'id'     => $this->id

So depending on the parameters of the RPC command the general format will be the following.

For example a command that takes two strings will be
$myVar->nameofRPCcommand($myStr1, $myStr2);

Or with a string followed by an array
$myVar->nameofRPCcommand($myStr, $myArr);

Hope this answered your question.

@PetrifiedLasagna is correct :)