
new firmware version

Closed this issue · 3 comments

23:29:33 up 2:50, load average: 1.02, 1.11, 0.97
==========df -h
Filesystem Size Used Available Use% Mounted on
rootfs 12.3M 12.3M 0 100% /
/dev/root 12.3M 12.3M 0 100% /
tmpfs 60.9M 920.0K 60.0M 1% /tmp
tmpfs 512.0K 0 512.0K 0% /dev
/dev/mtdblock7 1.0M 828.0K 196.0K 81% /data
/dev/mtdblock7 1.0M 828.0K 196.0K 81% /etc
tmpfs 60.9M 920.0K 60.0M 1% /userdisk/sysapihttpd
/dev/root 1.0M 828.0K 196.0K 81% /mnt
/dev/mtdblock7 1.0M 828.0K 196.0K 81% /mnt

ROM ver: config core 'version'
# ROM ver
option ROM '3.0.27'
# channel
option CHANNEL 'release'
# hardware platform R1AC or R1N etc.
option HARDWARE 'R4A'
# CFE ver
option UBOOT '1.0.2'
# Linux Kernel ver
option LINUX '0.0.1'
# RAMFS ver
option RAMFS '0.0.1'
option SQAFS '0.0.1'
# ROOTFS ver
option ROOTFS '0.0.1'
#build time
option BUILDTIME 'Mon, 12 Apr 2021 08:58:58 +0000'
#build timestamp
option BUILDTS '1618217938'
#build git tag
option GTAG 'commit 00994b00d3a6fb52206dbe9f27f2577c9e11738f'
Hardware : Ver. A
ROM sum:
System : Dual - 1
KERNEL : console=ttyS1,115200n8 uart_en=0 factory_mode=0 mem=128m root=/dev/mtdblock9

MTD table:
dev: size erasesize name
mtd0: 01000000 00010000 "ALL"
mtd1: 00030000 00010000 "Bootloader"
mtd2: 00010000 00010000 "Config"
mtd3: 00010000 00010000 "Bdata"
mtd4: 00010000 00010000 "Factory"
mtd5: 00010000 00010000 "crash"
mtd6: 00010000 00010000 "cfg_bak"
mtd7: 00100000 00010000 "overlay"
mtd8: 00e80000 00010000 "OS1"
mtd9: 00ce0000 00010000 "rootfs"

==========tmp dir
-rw-r--r-- 1 root root 0 Apr 12 2021 3660.bootcheck.log
-rw-r--r-- 1 root root 23 Jan 3 15:48 TZ
drwxr-xr-x 9 root root 180 Apr 12 2021 arrays
drwx------ 2 root root 80 Jan 3 21:42 authenfailed-cache
drwxr-xr-x 3 root root 60 Apr 12 2021 daemon
drwxr-xr-x 2 root root 100 Jan 3 22:47 datalist
-rw-r--r-- 1 root root 1.2K Jan 3 23:01 dhcp.leases
-rw-r--r-- 1 root root 105 Jan 3 23:10 diag_net_spd
drwxr-xr-x 4 root root 180 Jan 3 21:00 etc
-rw-r--r-- 1 root root 4 Apr 12 2021 head.bin
drwxr-xr-x 2 root root 260 Jan 3 21:56 hosts
drwxr-xr-x 2 root root 40 Apr 12 2021 http_info
-rw-r--r-- 1 root root 392 Jan 3 22:55 iot_pubkey_cache
-rw-r--r-- 1 root root 10 Jan 3 22:55 iot_time_cache
-rw-r--r-- 1 root root 36 Jan 3 22:55 iot_token_cache
-rw-r--r-- 1 root root 0 Jan 3 23:29 ip6neighbor
drwxr-xr-x 2 root root 80 Apr 12 2021 lock
drwxr-xr-x 3 root root 100 Apr 12 2021 log
drwxr-xr-x 2 root root 40 Jan 3 21:00 logexec
-rw------- 1 root root 146.7K Apr 12 2021 luci-indexcache
drwx------ 2 root root 100 Jan 3 23:09 luci-nonce
drwx------ 2 root root 220 Jan 3 23:29 luci-sessions
-rw------- 1 root root 0 Jan 3 23:29 messages
-rw-r--r-- 1 root root 4 Jan 3 23:11 mi_ip_conflict_pid
drwxr-xr-x 2 root root 40 Apr 12 2021 mnt
-rw-r--r-- 1 root root 185 Jan 3 23:27
-rw-r--r-- 1 root root 177 Jan 3 23:27
-rw-r--r-- 1 root root 227 Jan 3 23:11 network.env
-rw-r--r-- 1 root root 885 Jan 3 21:00 nginx_check.log
-rw-r--r-- 1 root root 13 Jan 3 21:48 ntp.status
-rw-r--r-- 1 root root 4 Jan 3 21:26 ota_predownload_pid
-rw-rw-r-- 1 1000 1000 184.0K Nov 5 2018 oui
drwxr-xr-x 2 root root 80 Jan 3 21:00 quark
-rw-r--r-- 1 root root 17 Apr 12 2021 rc.done
-rw-r--r-- 1 root root 3.4K Apr 12 2021 rc.timing
lrwxrwxrwx 1 root root 21 Jan 3 23:11 resolv.conf -> /tmp/
-rw-r--r-- 1 root root 39 Jan 3 23:11
-rw-r--r-- 1 root root 43 Apr 12 2021 resolv.conf.dummy
drwxr-xr-x 2 root root 40 Apr 12 2021 root
-rw-r--r-- 1 root root 2 Jan 3 23:11 router_in_xiaomi
drwxr-xr-x 2 root root 40 Apr 12 2021 rr
drwxr-xr-x 2 root root 240 Jan 3 23:11 run
-rw-r--r-- 1 root root 5 Jan 3 23:11
-rw-r--r-- 1 root root 2 Jan 3 23:27 smart_force_wifi_down
-rw-r--r-- 1 root root 4.9K Jan 3 21:00 speedtest_urls.xml
drwxr-xr-x 3 root root 60 Apr 12 2021 spool
-rw-r--r-- 1 root root 5 Jan 3 23:29 startscene_crontab.lua.PID
-rw------- 1 root root 188 Jan 3 23:23 stat_points_privacy.log
-rw------- 1 root root 1002 Jan 3 23:27 stat_points_rom.log
-rw-r--r-- 1 root root 0 Jan 3 22:52 stat_points_web.log
drwxr-xrwx 2 root root 120 Jan 3 21:45 state
drwxrwxrwx 13 root root 260 Apr 12 2021 sysapihttpd
drwxr-xr-x 3 root root 360 Jan 3 21:00 sysapihttpdconf
drwxr-xr-x 2 root root 80 Dec 31 1969 sysinfo
srwxr-xr-x 1 root root 0 Apr 12 2021 syslog-ng.ctl
-rw-r--r-- 1 root root 4 Apr 12 2021
drwx------ 2 root root 40 Jan 3 23:29 syslogbackup
drwxr-xr-x 2 root root 80 Apr 12 2021 taskmonitor
-rw-r--r-- 1 root root 21.0K Jan 3 23:27 uci2dat_mt7603e.log
-rw-r--r-- 1 root root 19.7K Jan 3 23:27 uci2dat_mt7612.log
drwxrwxrwx 2 root root 40 Jan 3 21:00 uploadfiles
-rw-r--r-- 1 root root 0 Jan 3 23:12 upnp.leases
-rw-r--r-- 1 root root 0 Apr 12 2021 web_config_list
prw------- 1 root root 0 Jan 3 23:11 web_filter_list
-rw------- 1 root root 0 Jan 3 23:29 wifi_analysis.log
-rw-r--r-- 1 root root 5 Jan 3 23:11
-rw-r--r-- 1 root root 1.8K Jan 3 23:29 xiaoqiang.log
0 /tmp/3660.bootcheck.log
4.0K /tmp/TZ
20.0K /tmp/arrays
8.0K /tmp/authenfailed-cache
0 /tmp/daemon
0 /tmp/datalist
4.0K /tmp/dhcp.leases
4.0K /tmp/diag_net_spd
32.0K /tmp/etc
4.0K /tmp/head.bin
44.0K /tmp/hosts
0 /tmp/http_info
4.0K /tmp/iot_pubkey_cache
4.0K /tmp/iot_time_cache
4.0K /tmp/iot_token_cache
0 /tmp/ip6neighbor
8.0K /tmp/lock
4.0K /tmp/log
0 /tmp/logexec
148.0K /tmp/luci-indexcache
12.0K /tmp/luci-nonce
36.0K /tmp/luci-sessions
0 /tmp/messages
4.0K /tmp/mi_ip_conflict_pid
0 /tmp/mnt
4.0K /tmp/
4.0K /tmp/
4.0K /tmp/network.env
4.0K /tmp/nginx_check.log
4.0K /tmp/ntp.status
4.0K /tmp/ota_predownload_pid
188.0K /tmp/oui
8.0K /tmp/quark
4.0K /tmp/rc.done
4.0K /tmp/rc.timing
0 /tmp/resolv.conf
4.0K /tmp/
4.0K /tmp/resolv.conf.dummy
0 /tmp/root
4.0K /tmp/router_in_xiaomi
0 /tmp/rr
32.0K /tmp/run
4.0K /tmp/
4.0K /tmp/smart_force_wifi_down
8.0K /tmp/speedtest_urls.xml
0 /tmp/spool
4.0K /tmp/startscene_crontab.lua.PID
4.0K /tmp/stat_points_privacy.log
4.0K /tmp/stat_points_rom.log
0 /tmp/stat_points_web.log
16.0K /tmp/state
24.0K /tmp/sysapihttpd
124.0K /tmp/sysapihttpdconf
8.0K /tmp/sysinfo
0 /tmp/syslog-ng.ctl
4.0K /tmp/
0 /tmp/syslogbackup
44.0K /tmp/taskmonitor
24.0K /tmp/uci2dat_mt7603e.log
20.0K /tmp/uci2dat_mt7612.log
0 /tmp/uploadfiles
0 /tmp/upnp.leases
0 /tmp/web_config_list
0 /tmp/web_filter_list
0 /tmp/wifi_analysis.log
4.0K /tmp/
8.0K /tmp/xiaoqiang.log
==========iwpriv wl0
wl0 e2p:
[0x0000]:7662 [0x0002]:0001 [0x0004]:CD3C [0x0006]:7157
[0x0008]:FDF8 [0x000A]:7612 [0x000C]:14C3 [0x000E]:0000
[0x0010]:0000 [0x0012]:7612 [0x0014]:14C3 [0x0016]:0000
[0x0018]:0000 [0x001A]:FFFF [0x001C]:FFFF [0x001E]:FFFF
[0x0020]:FFFF [0x0022]:D837 [0x0024]:009D [0x0026]:7FFF
[0x0028]:9BFD [0x002A]:FFFF [0x002C]:FFFF [0x002E]:FFFF
[0x0030]:FFFF [0x0032]:FFFF [0x0034]:FF22 [0x0036]:2000
[0x0038]:FFFF [0x003A]:01B4 [0x003C]:0000 [0x003E]:0000
[0x0040]:0000 [0x0042]:D7FF [0x0044]:8200 [0x0046]:0000
[0x0048]:8100 [0x004A]:0000 [0x004C]:0000 [0x004E]:01E0
[0x0050]:0000 [0x0052]:0000 [0x0054]:BA00 [0x0056]:0A84
[0x0058]:001A [0x005A]:0000 [0x005C]:0B83 [0x005E]:001A
[0x0060]:0000 [0x0062]:067A [0x0064]:0020 [0x0066]:7A00
[0x0068]:2006 [0x006A]:8485 [0x006C]:0878 [0x006E]:8420
[0x0070]:7E84 [0x0072]:2002 [0x0074]:8384 [0x0076]:1676
[0x0078]:8420 [0x007A]:7583 [0x007C]:201C [0x007E]:8384
[0x0080]:0A79 [0x0082]:0020 [0x0084]:7900 [0x0086]:200A
[0x0088]:8484 [0x008A]:067B [0x008C]:8320 [0x008E]:7782
[0x0090]:2014 [0x0092]:8181 [0x0094]:057E [0x0096]:8120
[0x0098]:7983 [0x009A]:2011 [0x009C]:8282 [0x009E]:1600
[0x00A0]:C5C5 [0x00A2]:C6C6 [0x00A4]:0000 [0x00A6]:C6C6
[0x00A8]:80C3 [0x00AA]:C6C8 [0x00AC]:C1C4 [0x00AE]:0000
[0x00B0]:0000 [0x00B2]:C6C7 [0x00B4]:00C5 [0x00B6]:0000
[0x00B8]:0000 [0x00BA]:0000 [0x00BC]:0000 [0x00BE]:8484
[0x00C0]:FF00 [0x00C2]:FFFF [0x00C4]:FFFF [0x00C6]:FFFF
[0x00C8]:FFFF [0x00CA]:FFFF [0x00CC]:FFFF [0x00CE]:FFFF
[0x00D0]:FFFF [0x00D2]:FFFF [0x00D4]:FFFF [0x00D6]:FFFF
[0x00D8]:FFFF [0x00DA]:FFFF [0x00DC]:FFFF [0x00DE]:FFFF
[0x00E0]:FFFF [0x00E2]:FFFF [0x00E4]:FFFF [0x00E6]:FFFF
[0x00E8]:FFFF [0x00EA]:FFFF [0x00EC]:FFFF [0x00EE]:FFFF
[0x00F0]:FFFF [0x00F2]:FFFF [0x00F4]:FFFF [0x00F6]:0000
[0x00F8]:FF00 [0x00FA]:FFFF [0x00FC]:FFFF [0x00FE]:FFFF
[0x0100]:CA0F [0x0102]:C574 [0x0104]:07E8 [0x0106]:3D30
[0x0108]:B001 [0x010A]:2608 [0x010C]:0E00 [0x010E]:1504
[0x0110]:8A00 [0x0112]:4000 [0x0114]:0000 [0x0116]:0800
[0x0118]:9D00 [0x011A]:0008 [0x011C]:C012 [0x011E]:0000
[0x0120]:2008 [0x0122]:2A04 [0x0124]:0090 [0x0126]:2400
[0x0128]:0401 [0x012A]:0854 [0x012C]:A0D0 [0x012E]:2028
[0x0130]:FFFF [0x0132]:FFFF [0x0134]:FFFF [0x0136]:08FF
[0x0138]:FFFF [0x013A]:FFFF [0x013C]:FFFF [0x013E]:0000
[0x0140]:FFFF [0x0142]:FFFF [0x0144]:FFFF [0x0146]:FFFF
[0x0148]:FFFF [0x014A]:FFFF [0x014C]:FFFF [0x014E]:FFFF
[0x0150]:FFFF [0x0152]:FFFF [0x0154]:FFFF [0x0156]:FFFF
[0x0158]:FFFF [0x015A]:FFFF [0x015C]:FFFF [0x015E]:FFFF
[0x0160]:FFFF [0x0162]:FFFF [0x0164]:FFFF [0x0166]:FFFF
[0x0168]:FFFF [0x016A]:FFFF [0x016C]:FFFF [0x016E]:FFFF
[0x0170]:FFFF [0x0172]:FFFF [0x0174]:FFFF [0x0176]:FFFF
[0x0178]:FFFF [0x017A]:FFFF [0x017C]:FFFF [0x017E]:FFFF
[0x0180]:FFFF [0x0182]:FFFF [0x0184]:FFFF [0x0186]:FFFF
[0x0188]:FFFF [0x018A]:FFFF [0x018C]:FFFF [0x018E]:FFFF
[0x0190]:FFFF [0x0192]:FFFF [0x0194]:FFFF [0x0196]:FFFF
[0x0198]:FFFF [0x019A]:FFFF [0x019C]:FFFF [0x019E]:FFFF
[0x01A0]:FFFF [0x01A2]:FFFF [0x01A4]:FFFF [0x01A6]:FFFF
[0x01A8]:FFFF [0x01AA]:FFFF [0x01AC]:FFFF [0x01AE]:FFFF
[0x01B0]:FFFF [0x01B2]:FFFF [0x01B4]:FFFF [0x01B6]:FFFF
[0x01B8]:FFFF [0x01BA]:FFFF [0x01BC]:FFFF [0x01BE]:FFFF
[0x01C0]:FFFF [0x01C2]:FFFF [0x01C4]:FFFF [0x01C6]:FFFF
[0x01C8]:FFFF [0x01CA]:FFFF [0x01CC]:FFFF [0x01CE]:FFFF
[0x01D0]:FFFF [0x01D2]:FFFF [0x01D4]:FFFF [0x01D6]:FFFF
[0x01D8]:FFFF [0x01DA]:FFFF [0x01DC]:FFFF [0x01DE]:FFFF
[0x01E0]:81C0 [0x01E2]:C382 [0x01E4]:4504 [0x01E6]:0746
[0x01E8]:0908 [0x01EA]:FFFF [0x01EC]:FFFF [0x01EE]:FFFF
[0x01F0]:FFFF [0x01F2]:FFFF [0x01F4]:FFFF [0x01F6]:FFFF
[0x01F8]:FFFF [0x01FA]:FFFF [0x01FC]:FFFF [0x01FE]:FFFF

==========iwpriv wl1
wl1 e2p:
[0x0000]:7603 [0x0002]:0201 [0x0004]:CD3C [0x0006]:7157
[0x0008]:FCF8 [0x000A]:7603 [0x000C]:14C3 [0x000E]:FFFF
[0x0010]:FFFF [0x0012]:7603 [0x0014]:14C3 [0x0016]:0000
[0x0018]:0000 [0x001A]:0000 [0x001C]:0000 [0x001E]:0000
[0x0020]:0000 [0x0022]:07B0 [0x0024]:00A0 [0x0026]:7F60
[0x0028]:9BFD [0x002A]:FFFF [0x002C]:FFFF [0x002E]:FFFF
[0x0030]:FFFF [0x0032]:FFFF [0x0034]:3422 [0x0036]:2000
[0x0038]:FFFF [0x003A]:0100 [0x003C]:0000 [0x003E]:0000
[0x0040]:0000 [0x0042]:0022 [0x0044]:0000 [0x0046]:0000
[0x0048]:0000 [0x004A]:0000 [0x004C]:0000 [0x004E]:01E0
[0x0050]:0082 [0x0052]:9400 [0x0054]:AC40 [0x0056]:C9C0
[0x0058]:C222 [0x005A]:C1C1 [0x005C]:C9C0 [0x005E]:C122
[0x0060]:C1C1 [0x0062]:0000 [0x0064]:0000 [0x0066]:0000
[0x0068]:0000 [0x006A]:0000 [0x006C]:0000 [0x006E]:0000
[0x0070]:FFFF [0x0072]:FFFF [0x0074]:FFFF [0x0076]:FFFF
[0x0078]:FFFF [0x007A]:FFFF [0x007C]:FFFF [0x007E]:FFFF
[0x0080]:FFFF [0x0082]:FFFF [0x0084]:FFFF [0x0086]:FFFF
[0x0088]:FFFF [0x008A]:FFFF [0x008C]:FFFF [0x008E]:FFFF
[0x0090]:0000 [0x0092]:0000 [0x0094]:0000 [0x0096]:0000
[0x0098]:0000 [0x009A]:0000 [0x009C]:0000 [0x009E]:0000
[0x00A0]:C6C6 [0x00A2]:C6C6 [0x00A4]:C0C4 [0x00A6]:C6C0
[0x00A8]:C4C6 [0x00AA]:C0C4 [0x00AC]:C0C0 [0x00AE]:0000
[0x00B0]:FFFF [0x00B2]:FFFF [0x00B4]:FFFF [0x00B6]:FFFF
[0x00B8]:FFFF [0x00BA]:FFFF [0x00BC]:FFFF [0x00BE]:FFFF
[0x00C0]:040D [0x00C2]:1403 [0x00C4]:130A [0x00C6]:FFFF
[0x00C8]:FFFF [0x00CA]:FFFF [0x00CC]:FFFF [0x00CE]:FFFF
[0x00D0]:FFFF [0x00D2]:FFFF [0x00D4]:FFFF [0x00D6]:FFFF
[0x00D8]:FFFF [0x00DA]:FFFF [0x00DC]:FFFF [0x00DE]:FFFF
[0x00E0]:FFFF [0x00E2]:FFFF [0x00E4]:FFFF [0x00E6]:FFFF
[0x00E8]:FFFF [0x00EA]:FFFF [0x00EC]:FFFF [0x00EE]:FFFF
[0x00F0]:0005 [0x00F2]:0000 [0x00F4]:00AD [0x00F6]:88D3
[0x00F8]:0000 [0x00FA]:0000 [0x00FC]:0000 [0x00FE]:0000
[0x0100]:FFFF [0x0102]:FFFF [0x0104]:FFFF [0x0106]:FFFF
[0x0108]:FFFF [0x010A]:FFFF [0x010C]:FFFF [0x010E]:FFFF
[0x0110]:FFFF [0x0112]:FFFF [0x0114]:FFFF [0x0116]:FFFF
[0x0118]:FFFF [0x011A]:FFFF [0x011C]:FFFF [0x011E]:FFFF
[0x0120]:0000 [0x0122]:0000 [0x0124]:0000 [0x0126]:0000
[0x0128]:0000 [0x012A]:0000 [0x012C]:0000 [0x012E]:20FF
[0x0130]:FFFF [0x0132]:FFFF [0x0134]:FFFF [0x0136]:FFFF
[0x0138]:FFFF [0x013A]:FFFF [0x013C]:FFFF [0x013E]:FFFF
[0x0140]:FFFF [0x0142]:FFFF [0x0144]:FFFF [0x0146]:FFFF
[0x0148]:FFFF [0x014A]:FFFF [0x014C]:FFFF [0x014E]:FFFF
[0x0150]:FFFF [0x0152]:FFFF [0x0154]:FFFF [0x0156]:FFFF
[0x0158]:FFFF [0x015A]:FFFF [0x015C]:FFFF [0x015E]:FFFF
[0x0160]:FFFF [0x0162]:FFFF [0x0164]:FFFF [0x0166]:FFFF
[0x0168]:FFFF [0x016A]:FFFF [0x016C]:FFFF [0x016E]:FFFF
[0x0170]:FFFF [0x0172]:FFFF [0x0174]:FFFF [0x0176]:FFFF
[0x0178]:FFFF [0x017A]:FFFF [0x017C]:FFFF [0x017E]:FFFF
[0x0180]:FFFF [0x0182]:FFFF [0x0184]:FFFF [0x0186]:FFFF
[0x0188]:FFFF [0x018A]:FFFF [0x018C]:FFFF [0x018E]:FFFF
[0x0190]:FFFF [0x0192]:FFFF [0x0194]:FFFF [0x0196]:FFFF
[0x0198]:FFFF [0x019A]:FFFF [0x019C]:FFFF [0x019E]:FFFF
[0x01A0]:FFFF [0x01A2]:FFFF [0x01A4]:FFFF [0x01A6]:FFFF
[0x01A8]:FFFF [0x01AA]:FFFF [0x01AC]:FFFF [0x01AE]:FFFF
[0x01B0]:FFFF [0x01B2]:FFFF [0x01B4]:FFFF [0x01B6]:FFFF
[0x01B8]:FFFF [0x01BA]:FFFF [0x01BC]:FFFF [0x01BE]:FFFF
[0x01C0]:FFFF [0x01C2]:FFFF [0x01C4]:FFFF [0x01C6]:FFFF
[0x01C8]:FFFF [0x01CA]:FFFF [0x01CC]:FFFF [0x01CE]:FFFF
[0x01D0]:FFFF [0x01D2]:FFFF [0x01D4]:FFFF [0x01D6]:FFFF
[0x01D8]:FFFF [0x01DA]:FFFF [0x01DC]:FFFF [0x01DE]:FFFF
[0x01E0]:FFFF [0x01E2]:FFFF [0x01E4]:FFFF [0x01E6]:FFFF
[0x01E8]:FFFF [0x01EA]:FFFF [0x01EC]:FFFF [0x01EE]:FFFF
[0x01F0]:FFFF [0x01F2]:FFFF [0x01F4]:FFFF [0x01F6]:FFFF
[0x01F8]:FFFF [0x01FA]:FFFF [0x01FC]:FFFF [0x01FE]:FFFF

br-lan Link encap:Ethernet HWaddr 3C:CD:57:71:F8:FA
inet addr: Bcast: Mask:
inet6 addr: fe80::3ecd:57ff:fe71:f8fa/64 Scope:Link
RX packets:8463 errors:0 dropped:17 overruns:0 frame:0
TX packets:6321 errors:0 dropped:0 overruns:0 carrier:0
collisions:0 txqueuelen:0
RX bytes:609145 (594.8 KiB) TX bytes:1518364 (1.4 MiB)

eth0 Link encap:Ethernet HWaddr 3C:CD:57:71:F8:FA
RX packets:244501 errors:0 dropped:0 overruns:0 frame:0
TX packets:254116 errors:0 dropped:0 overruns:0 carrier:0
collisions:0 txqueuelen:1000
RX bytes:211651962 (201.8 MiB) TX bytes:37325273 (35.5 MiB)

ifb0 Link encap:Ethernet HWaddr D2:02:71:27:8D:FF
inet6 addr: fe80::d002:71ff:fe27:8dff/64 Scope:Link
RX packets:15 errors:0 dropped:0 overruns:0 frame:0
TX packets:0 errors:0 dropped:15 overruns:0 carrier:0
collisions:0 txqueuelen:32
RX bytes:1950 (1.9 KiB) TX bytes:0 (0.0 B)

lo Link encap:Local Loopback
inet addr: Mask:
inet6 addr: ::1/128 Scope:Host
RX packets:45111 errors:0 dropped:0 overruns:0 frame:0
TX packets:45111 errors:0 dropped:0 overruns:0 carrier:0
collisions:0 txqueuelen:0
RX bytes:11093684 (10.5 MiB) TX bytes:11093684 (10.5 MiB)

wl0 Link encap:Ethernet HWaddr 3C:CD:57:71:F8:FD
RX packets:179742 errors:11 dropped:0 overruns:0 frame:0
TX packets:239782 errors:0 dropped:0 overruns:0 carrier:0
collisions:0 txqueuelen:1000
RX bytes:29398014 (28.0 MiB) TX bytes:200768120 (191.4 MiB)

wl1 Link encap:Ethernet HWaddr 3C:CD:57:71:F8:FC
RX packets:105902 errors:300 dropped:0 overruns:0 frame:0
TX packets:69840 errors:0 dropped:0 overruns:0 carrier:0
collisions:0 txqueuelen:1000
RX bytes:14731065 (14.0 MiB) TX bytes:25324368 (24.1 MiB)

Inter-| Receive | Transmit
face |bytes packets errs drop fifo frame compressed multicast|bytes packets errs drop fifo colls carrier compressed
ifb0: 1950 15 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 15 0 0 0 0
wl2: 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0
gre0: 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0
lo: 11093684 45111 0 0 0 0 0 0 11093684 45111 0 0 0 0 0 0
wl1: 14731065 105902 300 0 0 0 0 1038 25324368 69840 0 0 0 0 0 0
tunl0: 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0
gretap0: 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0
eth1: 24179742 71202 0 10 0 0 0 0 17084883 68262 0 0 0 0 0 0
wl0: 29398014 179742 11 0 0 0 0 3572 200768120 239782 0 0 0 0 0 0
eth0: 211651962 244501 0 0 0 0 0 0 37325273 254116 0 0 0 0 0 0
wl3: 168175 1085 0 0 0 0 0 0 197307 1993 0 0 0 0 0 0
apcli0: 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0
br-lan: 609145 8463 0 17 0 0 0 0 1518364 6321 0 0 0 0 0 0
apclii0: 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0
0000 0e8d0801 0 0 60300000 0 0 0 0 0 0 10000 0 0 0 0 0
0008 0e8d0801 0 0 60310000 0 0 0 0 0 0 10000 0 0 0 0 0
0100 14c37662 4 60000004 0 0 0 0 0 60100000 100000 0 0 0 0 0 10000 rt2860
0200 14c37603 18 60200000 0 0 0 0 0 0 100000 0 0 0 0 0 0 mt_drv
Kernel IP routing table
Destination Gateway Genmask Flags Metric Ref Use Iface UG 0 0 0 br-lan U 0 0 0 br-lan
==========ip -6 route
fe80::/64 dev br-lan proto kernel metric 256
fe80::/64 dev ifb0 proto kernel metric 256
1 root 2004 S init
2 root 0 SW [kthreadd]
3 root 0 SW [ksoftirqd/0]
5 root 0 SW< [kworker/0:0H]
7 root 0 SW [migration/0]
8 root 0 SW [rcu_bh]
9 root 0 SW [rcu_sched]
10 root 0 SW [watchdog/0]
11 root 0 SW [watchdog/1]
12 root 0 SW [migration/1]
13 root 0 SW [ksoftirqd/1]
15 root 0 SW< [kworker/1:0H]
16 root 0 SW [watchdog/2]
17 root 0 SW [migration/2]
18 root 0 SW [ksoftirqd/2]
20 root 0 SW< [kworker/2:0H]
21 root 0 SW [watchdog/3]
22 root 0 SW [migration/3]
23 root 0 SW [ksoftirqd/3]
25 root 0 SW< [kworker/3:0H]
26 root 0 SW< [khelper]
27 root 0 SW [kdevtmpfs]
105 root 0 SW< [writeback]
107 root 0 SW< [kintegrityd]
108 root 0 SW< [bioset]
110 root 0 SW< [kblockd]
132 root 0 SW< [cfg80211]
151 root 0 SW [khungtaskd]
152 root 0 SW [kswapd0]
239 root 0 SW [fsnotify_mark]
253 root 0 SW< [crypto]
329 root 0 SW< [et_port_queue]
352 root 0 SW< [deferwq]
582 root 0 SWN [jffs2_gcd_mtd7]
685 root 2004 S init
701 root 5400 S /usr/sbin/syslog-ng
967 root 1296 S /sbin/hotplug2 --override --persistent --set-rules-file /etc/hotplug2.rules --set-coldplug-cmd /sbin/udev
1030 root 1376 S < /sbin/ubusd
1088 root 0 SW [kworker/2:1]
1121 root 9976 S /usr/sbin/taskmonitorServer -t 15 -l 0x500000
1124 root 1400 S /usr/sbin/taskmonitorDaemon -p /usr/sbin/taskmonitorServer -b /usr/sbin/taskmonitorServer
1186 root 0 SW [kworker/3:0]
1201 root 0 SW [kworker/0:1]
1629 root 0 SW< [kworker/1:1H]
2042 root 0 SW< [kworker/3:1H]
2048 root 0 SW< [kworker/0:1H]
2051 root 0 SW< [kworker/2:1H]
3974 root 2000 S {} /bin/sh /usr/sbin/
3990 root 1424 S /usr/sbin/iwevent
3991 root 2036 S {iwevent-call} /bin/sh /usr/sbin/iwevent-call
4092 root 2120 S /usr/sbin/netapi
4165 root 18300 S /usr/sbin/datacenter
4267 root 16712 S /usr/sbin/plugincenter
4372 root 4732 S /usr/bin/lua /usr/sbin/miqosd hwqos
4669 root 3872 S /usr/sbin/rmonitor
4768 root 15292 S /usr/sbin/smartcontroller
4787 root 1988 S /sbin/netifd
4949 root 0 SW [kworker/3:2]
5024 root 1992 S watchdog -t 5 -T 120 /dev/watchdog
5031 root 0 SW [kworker/0:2]
5032 root 0 SW [kworker/1:0]
5045 root 2168 S {syslog-ng.helpe} /bin/sh /usr/sbin/syslog-ng.helper
5046 root 2004 S tail -F /tmp/stat_points_rom.log /tmp/stat_points_web.log
5047 root 1996 S grep stat_points_instant
5048 root 2000 S {stat_points.hel} /bin/sh /usr/sbin/stat_points.helper
5049 root 2164 S {stat_points.cro} /bin/sh /usr/sbin/stat_points.cron
5090 root 5248 S statisticsservice -c /etc/statisticsservice/statisticsservice.conf
5195 root 1212 S btnd reset 18
5837 root 7176 S /usr/sbin/trafficd
5897 root 1428 S /usr/sbin/xqbc 988
6007 root 2012 S < /usr/sbin/crond -c /etc/crontabs -l 5
7267 root 2000 S {mald} /bin/sh /usr/bin/mald 2
7268 root 11348 S < /usr/bin/messagingagent --handler_threads 2
8846 root 1228 S /usr/sbin/web_filter_record
8884 root 0 SW [kworker/2:2]
12118 root 0 SW [kworker/u8:1]
14677 root 0 SW [kworker/u8:2]
15958 root 1992 S sleep 300
16031 root 0 SW [kworker/2:0]
16032 root 0 SW [kworker/2:3]
16087 root 0 SW [kworker/0:0]
16147 root 0 SW [kworker/3:1]
16154 root 0 SW [RtmpCmdQTask]
16155 root 0 SW [RtmpWscTask]
16156 root 0 SW [RtmpMlmeTask]
16282 root 1220 S < acsc
16336 root 0 SW [RtmpCmdQTask]
16337 root 0 SW [RtmpWscTask]
16338 root 0 SW [RtmpMlmeTask]
16407 root 0 SW [kworker/1:2]
17931 root 1992 S sleep 120
17941 root 3972 S < {luci} /usr/bin/lua /www/cgi-bin/luci
17948 root 2004 S < /bin/sh -c /usr/sbin/ >/dev/null 2>/dev/null
17949 root 2012 S < {log_collection.} /bin/sh /usr/sbin/
17988 root 2000 R < ps -w
19359 root 3912 S < /usr/bin/fcgi-cgi -c 4
19883 root 8036 S nginx: master process /usr/sbin/sysapihttpd -c /tmp/sysapihttpdconf/sysapihttpd.conf
19884 root 8128 S < {sysapihttpd} nginx: worker process
========== iwinfo wl0 info
wl0 ESSID: local
Access Point: 3C:CD:57:71:F8:FD
Mode: Master Channel: 36 (5.180 GHz)
Tx-Power: 13 dBm Link Quality: 0/100
Signal: 0 Noise: -86
Bit Rate: 867.0
Type: wext HW Mode(s): 802.11
Hardware: unknown [Generic WEXT]
TX power offset: unknown
Frequency offset: unknown
Supports VAPs: no PHY name: wl0
========== iwinfo wl0 assolist
ifname: wl0
ssid: local
bssid: 3C:CD:57:71:F8:FD
channel: 36
noise: -86
stacount: 2
CLIENT_MAC |PHY|SECU|RSSI|NOISE|SNR|RX_RATE|RX_UC(pkt)|RX_UC(kbyte)|RX_MC(pkt)|RX_MC(kbyte)|TX_RATE|TX_UC(pkt)|TX_UC(kbyte)|TX_MC(pkt)|TX_MC(kbyte)|IDLE(ms)|MBAND
AE:1E:1C:5B:85:79 ac WPA2PSK -55 -95 40 1.0 1144 250 17 2 263.5 1072 491 0 0 0 0
BC:FE:D9:3B:69:CE ac WPA2PSK -60 -95 35 1.0 12 2 31 8 263.5 9 1 0 0 0 0
========== iwinfo wl0 txpowerlist
166 dBm (2147483647 mW)
0 dBm ( 1 mW)
========== iwinfo wl0 freqlist
0 0
========== iwpriv wl0 stat
wl0 stat:
Current temperature = 25
Tx success = 263739
Tx retry count = 16986, PER=6.0%
Tx fail to Rcv ACK after retry = 110, PLR=0.04%
Tx fail for queue full = 0
Rx success = 218847
Rx with CRC = 5844, PER=2.6%
Rx with PhyErr = 0
Rx with PlcpErr = 1392
Rx drop due to out of resource = 0
Rx duplicate frame = 995
False CCA = 1014695
False CCA (one second) = 0
Channel Utilization = 1%
Channel Utilization Average = 1%
RSSI = -55 -54 -66
Last TX Rate = MCS9, 1SS, ldpc, 80M, LGI, VHT
Last TX PER = 0
Last RX Rate = MCS0, bcc, 20M, LGI, OFDM
WPS Information:
Enrollee PinCode(ra0) 74693092

Enrollee PinCode(ApCli0) 74037735
Ap Client WPS Profile Count = 0

========== iwpriv wl0 show stat
========== iwpriv wl0 show stainfo
========== iwpriv wl0 rf
wl0 rf:Dump to RFDump.txt
========== iwpriv wl0 bbp
wl0 bbp:
































































































































































































========== iwinfo wl1 info
wl1 ESSID: local
Access Point: 3C:CD:57:71:F8:FC
Mode: Master Channel: 11 (2.462 GHz)
Tx-Power: 11 dBm Link Quality: 0/100
Signal: 0 Noise: -73
Bit Rate: 144.0
Type: wext HW Mode(s): 802.11bgn
Hardware: unknown [Generic WEXT]
TX power offset: unknown
Frequency offset: unknown
Supports VAPs: no PHY name: wl1
========== iwinfo wl1 assolist
ifname: wl1
ssid: local
bssid: 3C:CD:57:71:F8:FC
channel: 11
noise: -73
stacount: 2
CLIENT_MAC |PHY|SECU|RSSI|NOISE|SNR|RX_RATE|RX_UC(pkt)|RX_UC(kbyte)|RX_MC(pkt)|RX_MC(kbyte)|TX_RATE|TX_UC(pkt)|TX_UC(kbyte)|TX_MC(pkt)|TX_MC(kbyte)|IDLE(ms)|MBAND
BC:FE:D9:3B:69:CE n WPA2PSK -49 -95 46 1.0 31 4 46 10 54.0 27 7 0 0 0 0
00:BB:3A:F7:CF:12 n WPA2PSK -40 -95 55 1.0 211 56 42 9 26.0 202 70 0 0 0 0
========== iwinfo wl1 txpowerlist
166 dBm (2147483647 mW)
0 dBm ( 1 mW)
========== iwinfo wl1 freqlist
0 0
========== iwpriv wl1 stat
wl1 stat:
Tx success = 65444
Tx fail count = 4279, PER=6.1%
Rx success = 254832
Rx with CRC = 24344, PER=8.7%
Rx with PhyErr = 0
Rx with PlcpErr = 0
Rx drop due to out of resource = 0
Rx duplicate frame = 0
False CCA (one second) = 320 (CCK 298 + OFDM 22)
Channel Utilization = 2%
Channel Utilization Average = 2%
RSSI = -40 -55 0
Last TX Rate = MCS7, 20M, LGI, MM
Last RX Rate = MCS7, 20M, LGI, MM
TX AGG Range 1 (1) = 47750
TX AGG Range 2 (25) = 4489
TX AGG Range 3 (6
15) = 982
TX AGG Range 4 (>15) = 59
AMPDU Tx success = 64995
AMPDU Tx fail count = 3897, PER=5.6%
WPS Information:
Enrollee PinCode(ra0) 74693085
Enrollee PinCode(ra1) 53721563
Enrollee PinCode(ra2) 64207322

Enrollee PinCode(ApCli0) 01292763
Ap Client WPS Profile Count = 0


========== iwpriv wl1 show stat
========== iwpriv wl1 show stainfo
========== iwpriv wl1 rf
wl1 rf:Dump to RFDump.txt
========== iwpriv wl1 bbp
wl1 bbp:
========== iwinfo wl2 info
wl2 ESSID: minet_ready
Access Point: 3E:CD:57:51:F8:FC
Mode: Master Channel: 11 (2.462 GHz)
Tx-Power: 11 dBm Link Quality: 0/100
Signal: 0 Noise: -95
Bit Rate: 144.0
Type: wext HW Mode(s): 802.11bgn
Hardware: unknown [Generic WEXT]
TX power offset: unknown
Frequency offset: unknown
Supports VAPs: no PHY name: wl2
========== iwinfo wl2 assolist
ifname: wl2
ssid: minet_ready
bssid: 3E:CD:57:51:F8:FC
channel: 11
noise: -95
stacount: 0
CLIENT_MAC |PHY|SECU|RSSI|NOISE|SNR|RX_RATE|RX_UC(pkt)|RX_UC(kbyte)|RX_MC(pkt)|RX_MC(kbyte)|TX_RATE|TX_UC(pkt)|TX_UC(kbyte)|TX_MC(pkt)|TX_MC(kbyte)|IDLE(ms)|MBAND
========== iwinfo wl2 txpowerlist
166 dBm (2147483647 mW)
0 dBm ( 1 mW)
========== iwinfo wl2 freqlist
0 0
========== iwpriv wl2 stat
wl2 stat:
Tx success = 65444
Tx fail count = 4279, PER=6.1%
Rx success = 254834
Rx with CRC = 24344, PER=8.7%
Rx with PhyErr = 0
Rx with PlcpErr = 0
Rx drop due to out of resource = 0
Rx duplicate frame = 0
False CCA (one second) = 338 (CCK 332 + OFDM 6)
Channel Utilization = 2%
Channel Utilization Average = 2%
RSSI = -40 -55 0
Last TX Rate = MCS7, 20M, LGI, MM
Last RX Rate = MCS7, 20M, LGI, MM
TX AGG Range 1 (1) = 47750
TX AGG Range 2 (25) = 4489
TX AGG Range 3 (6
15) = 982
TX AGG Range 4 (>15) = 59
AMPDU Tx success = 64995
AMPDU Tx fail count = 3897, PER=5.6%
WPS Information:
Enrollee PinCode(ra0) 74693085
Enrollee PinCode(ra1) 53721563
Enrollee PinCode(ra2) 64207322

Enrollee PinCode(ApCli0) 01292763
Ap Client WPS Profile Count = 0


========== iwpriv wl2 show stat
========== iwpriv wl2 show stainfo
========== iwpriv wl2 rf
wl2 rf:Dump to RFDump.txt
========== iwpriv wl2 bbp
wl2 bbp:
========== iwinfo wl3 info
wl3 ESSID: MiShareWiFi_F8FB
Access Point: 3E:CD:57:61:F8:FC
Mode: Master Channel: 11 (2.462 GHz)
Tx-Power: 11 dBm Link Quality: 0/100
Signal: 0 Noise: -95
Bit Rate: 144.0
Type: wext HW Mode(s): 802.11bgn
Hardware: unknown [Generic WEXT]
TX power offset: unknown
Frequency offset: unknown
Supports VAPs: no PHY name: wl3
========== iwinfo wl3 assolist
ifname: wl3
ssid: MiShareWiFi_F8FB
bssid: 3E:CD:57:61:F8:FC
channel: 11
noise: -95
stacount: 0
CLIENT_MAC |PHY|SECU|RSSI|NOISE|SNR|RX_RATE|RX_UC(pkt)|RX_UC(kbyte)|RX_MC(pkt)|RX_MC(kbyte)|TX_RATE|TX_UC(pkt)|TX_UC(kbyte)|TX_MC(pkt)|TX_MC(kbyte)|IDLE(ms)|MBAND
========== iwinfo wl3 txpowerlist
166 dBm (2147483647 mW)
0 dBm ( 1 mW)
========== iwinfo wl3 freqlist
0 0
========== iwpriv wl3 stat
wl3 stat:
Tx success = 65444
Tx fail count = 4279, PER=6.1%
Rx success = 254842
Rx with CRC = 24346, PER=8.7%
Rx with PhyErr = 0
Rx with PlcpErr = 0
Rx drop due to out of resource = 0
Rx duplicate frame = 0
False CCA (one second) = 275 (CCK 258 + OFDM 17)
Channel Utilization = 2%
Channel Utilization Average = 2%
RSSI = -40 -55 0
Last TX Rate = MCS7, 20M, LGI, MM
Last RX Rate = MCS7, 20M, LGI, MM
TX AGG Range 1 (1) = 47750
TX AGG Range 2 (25) = 4489
TX AGG Range 3 (6
15) = 982
TX AGG Range 4 (>15) = 59
AMPDU Tx success = 64995
AMPDU Tx fail count = 3897, PER=5.6%
WPS Information:
Enrollee PinCode(ra0) 74693085
Enrollee PinCode(ra1) 53721563
Enrollee PinCode(ra2) 64207322

Enrollee PinCode(ApCli0) 01292763
Ap Client WPS Profile Count = 0


========== iwpriv wl3 show stat
========== iwpriv wl3 show stainfo
========== iwpriv wl3 rf
wl3 rf:Dump to RFDump.txt
========== iwpriv wl3 bbp
wl3 bbp:
wifi_log: wificount="2"
wifi_log: Ifname="wl0", Current_channel="36", Scan_if="apclii0"
Cell 01 - Address: 36:F1:50:1B:E6:9A
Frequency:5.18 GHz (Channel 36)
wifi_log: Ifname="wl1", Current_channel="11", Scan_if="apcli0"
[ 8280.480000] wifi_log: [Class 2 - SEND ASSOC RSP] - if="wl1", sta_mac="66:64:4a:07:e9:22", bssid="3c:cd:57:71:f8:fc", action="mlme-assoc", status="0", Aid="3"
[ 8280.580000] wifi_log: [Class 3 - EAPOL START] - if="wl1", sta_mac="66:64:4a:07:e9:22", bssid="3c:cd:57:71:f8:fc", action="eapol-start"
[ 8280.590000] wifi_log: [Class 3 - SEND EAPOL 1/4] - if="wl1", sta_mac="66:64:4a:07:e9:22", bssid="3c:cd:57:71:f8:fc", action="send-eapol"
[ 8280.600000] wifi_log: [Class 3 - RECV EAPOL 2/4] - if="wl1", sta_mac="66:64:4a:07:e9:22", bssid="3c:cd:57:71:f8:fc", action="recv-eapol"
[ 8280.610000] wifi_log: [Class 3 - SEND EAPOL 3/4] - if="wl1", sta_mac="66:64:4a:07:e9:22", bssid="3c:cd:57:71:f8:fc", action="send-eapol"
[ 8280.630000] wifi_log: [Class 3 - RECV EAPOL 4/4] - if="wl1", sta_mac="66:64:4a:07:e9:22", bssid="3c:cd:57:71:f8:fc", action="recv-eapol"
[ 8280.640000] wifi_log: [Class 3 - EAPOL DONE] - if="wl1", sta_mac="66:64:4a:07:e9:22", bssid="3c:cd:57:71:f8:fc", action="eapol-done"
[ 8351.520000] wifi_auth1 MAC 66-64-4a-07-e9-22
[ 8351.520000] wifi_log: [Class 1 - RECV AUTH] - if="wl1", sta_mac="66:64:4a:07:e9:22", bssid="3c:cd:57:71:f8:fc", action="recv-auth", rssi="-52", status="0"
[ 8351.540000] wifi_log: [Class 1 - SEND AUTH_RSP] - if="wl1", sta_mac="66:64:4a:07:e9:22", bssid="3c:cd:57:71:f8:fc", action="mlme-auth", info="send auth resp(Success)", status="0"
[ 8351.560000] wifi_log: [Class 2 - RECV ASSOC] - if="wl1", sta_mac="66:64:4a:07:e9:22", bssid="3c:cd:57:71:f8:fc", action="recv-assoc", rssi="-52", Aid="3"
[ 8351.570000] wifi_assoc MAC 66-64-4a-07-e9-22, RSSI -52 StatusCode 0
[ 8351.580000] wifi_log: [Class 2 - SEND ASSOC RSP] - if="wl1", sta_mac="66:64:4a:07:e9:22", bssid="3c:cd:57:71:f8:fc", action="mlme-assoc", status="0", Aid="3"
[ 8351.680000] wifi_log: [Class 3 - EAPOL START] - if="wl1", sta_mac="66:64:4a:07:e9:22", bssid="3c:cd:57:71:f8:fc", action="eapol-start"
[ 8351.690000] wifi_log: [Class 3 - SEND EAPOL 1/4] - if="wl1", sta_mac="66:64:4a:07:e9:22", bssid="3c:cd:57:71:f8:fc", action="send-eapol"
[ 8351.700000] wifi_log: [Class 3 - RECV EAPOL 2/4] - if="wl1", sta_mac="66:64:4a:07:e9:22", bssid="3c:cd:57:71:f8:fc", action="recv-eapol"
[ 8351.710000] wifi_log: [Class 3 - SEND EAPOL 3/4] - if="wl1", sta_mac="66:64:4a:07:e9:22", bssid="3c:cd:57:71:f8:fc", action="send-eapol"
[ 8351.730000] wifi_log: [Class 3 - RECV EAPOL 4/4] - if="wl1", sta_mac="66:64:4a:07:e9:22", bssid="3c:cd:57:71:f8:fc", action="recv-eapol"
[ 8351.740000] wifi_log: [Class 3 - EAPOL DONE] - if="wl1", sta_mac="66:64:4a:07:e9:22", bssid="3c:cd:57:71:f8:fc", action="eapol-done"
[ 8355.280000] wifi_deauth(rcv) MAC 66-64-4a-07-e9-22, ReasonCode 3
[ 8355.290000] wifi_log: [Class 1 - RECV DEAUTH] - if="wl1", sta_mac="66:64:4a:07:e9:22", bssid="3c:cd:57:71:f8:fc", action="recv-deauth", reason="3", rssi="-53"
[ 8356.210000] wifi_auth1 MAC 66-64-4a-07-e9-22
[ 8356.220000] wifi_log: [Class 1 - RECV AUTH] - if="wl1", sta_mac="66:64:4a:07:e9:22", bssid="3c:cd:57:71:f8:fc", action="recv-auth", rssi="-52", status="0"
[ 8356.230000] wifi_log: [Class 1 - SEND AUTH_RSP] - if="wl1", sta_mac="66:64:4a:07:e9:22", bssid="3c:cd:57:71:f8:fc", action="mlme-auth", info="send auth resp(Success)", status="0"
[ 8356.250000] wifi_log: [Class 2 - RECV ASSOC] - if="wl1", sta_mac="66:64:4a:07:e9:22", bssid="3c:cd:57:71:f8:fc", action="recv-assoc", rssi="-52", Aid="3"
[ 8356.260000] wifi_assoc MAC 66-64-4a-07-e9-22, RSSI -52 StatusCode 0
[ 8356.270000] wifi_log: [Class 2 - SEND ASSOC RSP] - if="wl1", sta_mac="66:64:4a:07:e9:22", bssid="3c:cd:57:71:f8:fc", action="mlme-assoc", status="0", Aid="3"
[ 8356.370000] wifi_log: [Class 3 - EAPOL START] - if="wl1", sta_mac="66:64:4a:07:e9:22", bssid="3c:cd:57:71:f8:fc", action="eapol-start"
[ 8356.380000] wifi_log: [Class 3 - SEND EAPOL 1/4] - if="wl1", sta_mac="66:64:4a:07:e9:22", bssid="3c:cd:57:71:f8:fc", action="send-eapol"
[ 8356.390000] wifi_log: [Class 3 - RECV EAPOL 2/4] - if="wl1", sta_mac="66:64:4a:07:e9:22", bssid="3c:cd:57:71:f8:fc", action="recv-eapol"
[ 8356.400000] wifi_log: [Class 3 - SEND EAPOL 3/4] - if="wl1", sta_mac="66:64:4a:07:e9:22", bssid="3c:cd:57:71:f8:fc", action="send-eapol"
[ 8356.420000] wifi_log: [Class 3 - RECV EAPOL 4/4] - if="wl1", sta_mac="66:64:4a:07:e9:22", bssid="3c:cd:57:71:f8:fc", action="recv-eapol"
[ 8356.430000] wifi_log: [Class 3 - EAPOL DONE] - if="wl1", sta_mac="66:64:4a:07:e9:22", bssid="3c:cd:57:71:f8:fc", action="eapol-done"
[ 8464.180000] wifi5_disa1_3=MAC:ae-1e-1c-5b-85-79,TSF:3780402214,DIFF:193,RSSI:-48
[ 8464.180000] wifi_log: [Class 1 - RECV DEAUTH] - if="wl0", sta_mac="ae:1e:1c:5b:85:79", bssid="3c:cd:57:71:f8:fd", action="recv-deauth", reason="3", rssi="-48"
[ 8542.320000] wifi_log: [Class 1 - RECV AUTH] - if="wl0", sta_mac="ae:1e:1c:5b:85:79", bssid="3c:cd:57:71:f8:fd", action="recv-auth", rssi="-49", status="0"
[ 8542.340000] wifi_log: [Class 1 - SEND AUTH_RSP] - if="wl0", sta_mac="ae:1e:1c:5b:85:79", bssid="3c:cd:57:71:f8:fd", action="mlme-auth", info="send auth resp(Success)", status="0"
[ 8542.350000] wifi_log: [Class 2 - RECV ASSOC] - if="wl0", sta_mac="ae:1e:1c:5b:85:79", bssid="3c:cd:57:71:f8:fd", action="recv-assoc", rssi="-49", Aid="2"
[ 8542.370000] wifi5_assoc=MAC:ae-1e-1c-5b-85-79,TSF:3858596870,RSSI:-49
[ 8542.370000] wifi_log: [Class 2 - SEND ASSOC RSP] - if="wl0", sta_mac="ae:1e:1c:5b:85:79", bssid="3c:cd:57:71:f8:fd", action="mlme-assoc", status="0", Aid="2"
[ 8542.600000] wifi_log: [Class 3 - EAPOL START] - if="wl0", sta_mac="ae:1e:1c:5b:85:79", bssid="3c:cd:57:71:f8:fd", action="eapol-start"
[ 8542.610000] wifi_log: [Class 3 - SEND EAPOL 1/4] - if="wl0", sta_mac="ae:1e:1c:5b:85:79", bssid="3c:cd:57:71:f8:fd", action="send-eapol"
[ 8542.650000] wifi_log: [Class 3 - RECV EAPOL 2/4] - if="wl0", sta_mac="ae:1e:1c:5b:85:79", bssid="3c:cd:57:71:f8:fd", action="recv-eapol"
[ 8542.660000] wifi_log: [Class 3 - SEND EAPOL 3/4] - if="wl0", sta_mac="ae:1e:1c:5b:85:79", bssid="3c:cd:57:71:f8:fd", action="send-eapol"
[ 8542.670000] wifi_log: [Class 3 - RECV EAPOL 4/4] - if="wl0", sta_mac="ae:1e:1c:5b:85:79", bssid="3c:cd:57:71:f8:fd", action="recv-eapol"
[ 8542.690000] wifi_log: [Class 3 - EAPOL DONE] - if="wl0", sta_mac="ae:1e:1c:5b:85:79", bssid="3c:cd:57:71:f8:fd", action="eapol-done"
[ 9143.290000] ESW: Link Status Changed - Port4 Link Down
[ 9143.630000] ipaccount: ifname [eth1] event[9]
[ 9143.640000] eth1: ===> VirtualIF_close
[ 9143.640000] ipaccount: ifname [eth1] event[2]
[ 9143.650000] *hwnat unreg dev ******* unset dev[eth1]:5
[ 9143.650000] ipaccount: ifname [eth1] event[7]
[ 9143.660000] GDMA2_MAC_ADRH -- : 0x00003ccd
[ 9143.660000] GDMA2_MAC_ADRL -- : 0x5771f8fb
[ 9143.670000] ipaccount: ifname [eth1] event[8]
[ 9143.670000] GDMA2_MAC_ADRH -- : 0x00003ccd
[ 9143.680000] GDMA2_MAC_ADRL -- : 0x5771f8fb
[ 9143.680000] ipaccount: ifname [eth1] event[8]
[ 9143.690000] ipaccount: ifname [eth1] event[13]
[ 9143.690000] eth1: ===> VirtualIF_open
[ 9143.700000] ipaccount: ifname [eth1] event[1]
[ 9143.700000] *hwnat reg dev ******* set dev[eth1]->ifindex = 5
[ 9144.840000] ESW: Link Status Changed - Port4 Link UP,100Mbps,Full Duplex
[ 9147.350000] ipaccount: ifname [eth1] event[7]
[ 9149.490000] dev_redirect: add(+) dev redirect mapping: src:eth1->dst:ifb0
[ 9150.260000] dev_redirect OFF.
[ 9150.480000] dev_redirect OFF.ipaccount: landev_init_all() add dev [eth0] is_wireless: 0.
[ 9151.910000] ipaccount: landev_init_all() add dev [wl0] is_wireless: 1.
[ 9151.920000] ipaccount: landev_init_all() add dev [wl1] is_wireless: 1.
[ 9151.920000] ipaccount: landev_init_all() add dev [wl3] is_wireless: 1.
[ 9187.270000] ipaccount: ifname [br-guest] event[9]
[ 9187.270000] ipaccount: ifname [br-guest] event[2]
[ 9187.280000] *hwnat unreg dev ******* unset dev[br-guest]:16
[ 9187.280000] device wl3 left promiscuous mode
[ 9187.290000] br-guest: port 1(wl3) entered disabled state
[ 9187.290000] ipaccount: ifname [br-guest] event[8]
[ 9187.300000] ipaccount: ifname [br-guest] event[11]
[ 9187.300000] ipaccount: ifname [br-guest] event[6]
[ 9187.400000] ipaccount: ifname [br-guest] event[17]
[ 9187.410000] ipaccount: ifname [ifb0] event[9]
[ 9187.420000] ifb is closed now.
[ 9187.420000] ipaccount: ifname [ifb0] event[2]
[ 9187.420000] *hwnat unreg dev ******* unset dev[ifb0]:2
[ 9187.440000] ipaccount: ifname [br-lan] event[9]
[ 9187.440000] br-lan: port 3(wl0) entered disabled state
[ 9187.450000] br-lan: port 2(wl1) entered disabled state
[ 9187.450000] br-lan: port 1(eth0) entered disabled state
[ 9187.460000] ipaccount: ifname [br-lan] event[2]
[ 9187.460000] *hwnat unreg dev ******* unset dev[br-lan]:15
[ 9187.470000] device eth0 left promiscuous mode
[ 9187.470000] br-lan: port 1(eth0) entered disabled state
[ 9187.590000] ipaccount: ifname [br-lan] event[11]
[ 9187.590000] ipaccount: ifname [eth0] event[9]
[ 9187.590000] ra2880stop()...Done
[ 9187.600000] eth1: ===> VirtualIF_close
[ 9187.600000] Free TX/RX Ring Memory!
[ 9187.610000] ipaccount: ifname [eth0] event[2]
[ 9187.610000] *hwnat unreg dev ******* unset dev[eth0]:3
[ 9187.620000] IPv6: ADDRCONF(NETDEV_UP): eth0: link is not ready
[ 9187.620000] device wl0 left promiscuous mode
[ 9187.630000] br-lan: port 3(wl0) entered disabled state
[ 9187.630000] device wl1 left promiscuous mode
[ 9187.640000] br-lan: port 2(wl1) entered disabled state
[ 9187.640000] ipaccount: ifname [br-lan] event[11]
[ 9187.650000] ipaccount: ifname [br-lan] event[6]
[ 9187.730000] ipaccount: ifname [br-lan] event[17]
[ 9187.740000] ipaccount: ifname [lo] event[9]
[ 9187.750000] ipaccount: ifname [lo] event[2]
[ 9187.750000] *hwnat unreg dev ******* unset dev[lo]:1
[ 9187.830000] ipaccount: ifname [eth1] event[9]
[ 9187.840000] eth1: ===> VirtualIF_close
[ 9187.840000] ipaccount: ifname [eth1] event[2]
[ 9187.850000] *hwnat unreg dev ******* unset dev[eth1]:5
[ 9187.850000] ipaccount: ifname [eth1] event[7]
[ 9187.860000] GDMA2_MAC_ADRH -- : 0x00003ccd
[ 9187.860000] GDMA2_MAC_ADRL -- : 0x5771f8fb
[ 9187.860000] ipaccount: ifname [eth1] event[8]
[ 9189.620000] ipaccount: ifname [br-lan] event[16]
[ 9189.620000] ipaccount: ifname [br-lan] event[5]
[ 9189.630000] *hwnat reg dev ******* set dev[br-lan]->ifindex = 17
[ 9189.640000] ipaccount: ifname [eth0] event[13]
[ 9189.640000] 3C:FFFFFFCD:57:71:FFFFFFF8:FFFFFFFA
[ 9189.650000] Raeth v3.1 (Tasklet,SkbRecycle)
[ 9189.660000] set CLK_CFG_0 = 0x40a00020!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!1
[ 9189.660000] phy_free_head is 0xc46000!!!
[ 9189.670000] phy_free_tail_phy is 0xc47ff0!!!
[ 9189.670000] txd_pool=a0c50000 phy_txd_pool=00C50000
[ 9189.680000] ei_local->skb_free start address is 0x8749a6dc.
[ 9189.680000] free_txd: 00c50010, ei_local->cpu_ptr: 00C50000
[ 9189.690000] POOL HEAD_PTR | DMA_PTR | CPU_PTR
[ 9189.690000] ----------------+---------+--------
[ 9189.700000] 0xa0c50000 0x00C50000 0x00C50000
[ 9189.700000]
[ 9189.700000] phy_qrx_ring = 0x00c45000, qrx_ring = 0xa0c45000
[ 9189.710000]
[ 9189.710000] phy_rx_ring0 = 0x00c58000, rx_ring0 = 0xa0c58000
[ 9189.750000] MT7530 Reset Completed!!
[ 9189.760000] change HW-TRAP to 0x17c8f
[ 9189.760000] set LAN/WAN LLLLW
[ 9189.770000] GMAC1_MAC_ADRH -- : 0x00003ccd
[ 9189.770000] GMAC1_MAC_ADRL -- : 0x5771f8fa
[ 9189.780000] eth1: ===> VirtualIF_open
[ 9189.780000] MT7621 GE2 link rate to 1G
[ 9189.790000] CDMA_CSG_CFG = 81000000
[ 9189.790000] GDMA1_FWD_CFG = 20714444
[ 9189.790000] GDMA2_FWD_CFG = 20714444
[ 9189.800000] ipaccount: ifname [eth0] event[1]
[ 9189.800000] *hwnat reg dev ******* set dev[eth0]->ifindex = 3
[ 9189.810000] ipaccount: ifname [wl1] event[9]
[ 9189.810000] wifi_disassoc2 MAC 50-5b-c2-09-e8-32, ReasonCode 4
[ 9189.820000] wifi_log: [Class 2 - SEND DISASSOC] - if="wl1", sta_mac="50:5b:c2:09:e8:32", bssid="3c:cd:57:71:f8:fc", action="send-disassoc", info="mlme kick out sta", reason="4", Aid="1"
[ 9189.840000] wifi_disassoc2 MAC 20-f5-43-0d-18-e5, ReasonCode 4
[ 9189.840000] wifi_log: [Class 2 - SEND DISASSOC] - if="wl1", sta_mac="20:f5:43:0d:18:e5", bssid="3c:cd:57:71:f8:fc", action="send-disassoc", info="mlme kick out sta", reason="4", Aid="2"
[ 9189.860000] wifi_disassoc2 MAC 66-64-4a-07-e9-22, ReasonCode 4
[ 9189.870000] wifi_log: [Class 2 - SEND DISASSOC] - if="wl1", sta_mac="66:64:4a:07:e9:22", bssid="3c:cd:57:71:f8:fc", action="send-disassoc", info="mlme kick out sta", reason="4", Aid="3"
[ 9190.180000] wifi_deauth1 MAC 50-5b-c2-09-e8-32, ReasonCode 6
[ 9190.180000] wifi_deauth1 MAC 50-5b-c2-09-e8-32, ReasonCode 6
[ 9190.280000] wifi_deauth1 MAC 50-5b-c2-09-e8-32, ReasonCode 6
[ 9190.330000] wifi_auth1 MAC 50-5b-c2-09-e8-32
[ 9190.340000] wifi_log: [Class 1 - RECV AUTH] - if="wl1", sta_mac="50:5b:c2:09:e8:32", bssid="3c:cd:57:71:f8:fc", action="recv-auth", rssi="-54", status="0"
[ 9190.350000] wifi_log: [Class 1 - SEND AUTH_RSP] - if="wl1", sta_mac="50:5b:c2:09:e8:32", bssid="3c:cd:57:71:f8:fc", action="mlme-auth", info="send auth resp(Success)", status="0"
[ 9190.370000] wifi_log: [Class 2 - RECV ASSOC] - if="wl1", sta_mac="50:5b:c2:09:e8:32", bssid="3c:cd:57:71:f8:fc", action="recv-assoc", rssi="-54", Aid="1"
[ 9190.390000] wifi_assoc MAC 50-5b-c2-09-e8-32, RSSI -54 StatusCode 0
[ 9190.390000] wifi_log: [Class 2 - SEND ASSOC RSP] - if="wl1", sta_mac="50:5b:c2:09:e8:32", bssid="3c:cd:57:71:f8:fc", action="mlme-assoc", status="0", Aid="1"
[ 9190.490000] wifi_log: [Class 3 - EAPOL START] - if="wl1", sta_mac="50:5b:c2:09:e8:32", bssid="3c:cd:57:71:f8:fc", action="eapol-start"
[ 9190.500000] wifi_log: [Class 3 - SEND EAPOL 1/4] - if="wl1", sta_mac="50:5b:c2:09:e8:32", bssid="3c:cd:57:71:f8:fc", action="send-eapol"
[ 9190.540000] ipaccount: ifname [wl1] event[2]
[ 9190.540000] *hwnat unreg dev ******* unset dev[wl1]:8
[ 9190.550000] ipaccount: ifname [eth0] event[20]
[ 9190.550000] device eth0 entered promiscuous mode
[ 9190.560000] ipaccount: ifname [br-lan] event[11]
[ 9190.560000] ipaccount: ifname [br-lan] event[8]
[ 9190.570000] ipaccount: ifname [br-lan] event[7]
[ 9190.570000] ipaccount: ifname [br-lan] event[8]
[ 9190.580000] ipaccount: ifname [br-lan] event[13]
[ 9190.580000] br-lan: port 1(eth0) entered forwarding state
[ 9190.590000] br-lan: port 1(eth0) entered forwarding state
[ 9190.600000] ipaccount: ifname [br-lan] event[1]
[ 9190.610000] IPv6: ADDRCONF(NETDEV_UP): wl1: link is not ready
[ 9190.620000] ipaccount: ifname [wl1] event[13]
[ 9190.620000] pAd->ApBootFlag = TRUE
[ 9190.970000] efuse_probe: efuse = 10000002
[ 9190.980000] tssi_1_target_pwr_g_band = 34
[ 9191.250000] <==== rt28xx_init, Status=0
[ 9191.250000] pAd->ApBootFlag = FALSE
[ 9191.250000] ipaccount: ifname [wl1] event[1]
[ 9191.260000] *hwnat reg dev ******* set dev[wl1]->ifindex = 8
[ 9191.260000] ipaccount: ifname [wl1] event[4]
[ 9191.270000] ipaccount: ifname [br-lan] event[4]
[ 9191.270000] ipaccount: ifname [wl1] event[20]
[ 9191.280000] device wl1 entered promiscuous mode
[ 9191.280000] br-lan: port 2(wl1) entered forwarding state
[ 9191.290000] br-lan: port 2(wl1) entered forwarding state
[ 9191.290000] ipaccount: ifname [br-lan] event[7]
[ 9191.300000] ipaccount: ifname [wl0] event[9]
[ 9191.300000] wifi5_disa2_4=MAC:00-bb-3a-f7-cf-12,TSF:4507549301, DIFF:4298
[ 9191.310000] wifi_log: [Class 2 - SEND DISASSOC] - if="wl0", sta_mac="00:bb:3a:f7:cf:12", bssid="3c:cd:57:71:f8:fd", action="send-disassoc", info="mlme kick out sta", reason="4", Aid="1"
[ 9191.330000] wifi5_disa2_4=MAC:ae-1e-1c-5b-85-79,TSF:4507572955, DIFF:618
[ 9191.330000] wifi_log: [Class 2 - SEND DISASSOC] - if="wl0", sta_mac="ae:1e:1c:5b:85:79", bssid="3c:cd:57:71:f8:fd", action="send-disassoc", info="mlme kick out sta", reason="4", Aid="2"
[ 9191.350000] wifi5_disa2_4=MAC:bc-fe-d9-3b-69-ce,TSF:4507596501, DIFF:1538
[ 9191.360000] wifi_log: [Class 2 - SEND DISASSOC] - if="wl0", sta_mac="bc:fe:d9:3b:69:ce", bssid="3c:cd:57:71:f8:fd", action="send-disassoc", info="mlme kick out sta", reason="4", Aid="3"
[ 9191.410000] ipaccount: ifname [wl0] event[2]
[ 9191.410000] *hwnat unreg dev ******* unset dev[wl0]:9
[ 9191.420000] ipaccount: ifname [br-lan] event[7]
[ 9191.430000] IPv6: ADDRCONF(NETDEV_UP): wl0: link is not ready
[ 9191.430000] ipaccount: ifname [wl0] event[13]
[ 9191.440000] MAC_CSR0=0, rtmp_asic_top_init
[ 9191.480000] Set defult RDRegion value: CountryCode=MX �
[ 9191.480000] 11�, RDRegion=0
[ 9191.500000] ESW: Link Status Changed - Port2 Link UP,100Mbps,Full Duplex
[ 9192.590000] br-lan: port 1(eth0) entered forwarding state
[ 9192.840000] ESW: Link Status Changed - Port3 Link UP,1000Mbps,Full Duplex
[ 9193.230000] wifi_auth1 MAC ae-1e-1c-5b-85-79
[ 9193.240000] wifi_log: [Class 1 - RECV AUTH] - if="wl1", sta_mac="ae:1e:1c:5b:85:79", bssid="3c:cd:57:71:f8:fc", action="recv-auth", rssi="-46", status="0"
[ 9193.250000] wifi_log: [Class 1 - SEND AUTH_RSP] - if="wl1", sta_mac="ae:1e:1c:5b:85:79", bssid="3c:cd:57:71:f8:fc", action="mlme-auth", info="send auth resp(Success)", status="0"
[ 9193.290000] br-lan: port 2(wl1) entered forwarding state
[ 9193.290000] wifi_log: [Class 2 - RECV REASSOC] - if="wl1", sta_mac="ae:1e:1c:5b:85:79", bssid="3c:cd:57:71:f8:fc", action="recv-reassoc", rssi="-46", Aid="1"
[ 9193.310000] wifi_assoc MAC ae-1e-1c-5b-85-79, RSSI -46 StatusCode 0
[ 9193.310000] wifi_log: [Class 2 - SEND REASSOC RSP] - if="wl1", sta_mac="ae:1e:1c:5b:85:79", bssid="3c:cd:57:71:f8:fc", action="mlme-assoc", status="0", Aid="1"
[ 9193.410000] wifi_log: [Class 3 - EAPOL START] - if="wl1", sta_mac="ae:1e:1c:5b:85:79", bssid="3c:cd:57:71:f8:fc", action="eapol-start"
[ 9193.420000] wifi_log: [Class 3 - SEND EAPOL 1/4] - if="wl1", sta_mac="ae:1e:1c:5b:85:79", bssid="3c:cd:57:71:f8:fc", action="send-eapol"
[ 9193.440000] wifi_log: [Class 3 - RECV EAPOL 2/4] - if="wl1", sta_mac="ae:1e:1c:5b:85:79", bssid="3c:cd:57:71:f8:fc", action="recv-eapol"
[ 9193.450000] wifi_log: [Class 3 - SEND EAPOL 3/4] - if="wl1", sta_mac="ae:1e:1c:5b:85:79", bssid="3c:cd:57:71:f8:fc", action="send-eapol"
[ 9193.470000] wifi_log: [Class 3 - RECV EAPOL 4/4] - if="wl1", sta_mac="ae:1e:1c:5b:85:79", bssid="3c:cd:57:71:f8:fc", action="recv-eapol"
[ 9193.480000] wifi_log: [Class 3 - EAPOL DONE] - if="wl1", sta_mac="ae:1e:1c:5b:85:79", bssid="3c:cd:57:71:f8:fc", action="eapol-done"
[ 9193.710000] wifi_auth1 MAC 00-bb-3a-f7-cf-12
[ 9193.710000] wifi_log: [Class 1 - RECV AUTH] - if="wl1", sta_mac="00:bb:3a:f7:cf:12", bssid="3c:cd:57:71:f8:fc", action="recv-auth", rssi="-43", status="0"
[ 9193.730000] wifi_log: [Class 1 - SEND AUTH_RSP] - if="wl1", sta_mac="00:bb:3a:f7:cf:12", bssid="3c:cd:57:71:f8:fc", action="mlme-auth", info="send auth resp(Success)", status="0"
[ 9193.740000] wifi_log: [Class 2 - RECV ASSOC] - if="wl1", sta_mac="00:bb:3a:f7:cf:12", bssid="3c:cd:57:71:f8:fc", action="recv-assoc", rssi="-43", Aid="2"
[ 9193.760000] wifi_assoc MAC 00-bb-3a-f7-cf-12, RSSI -43 StatusCode 0
[ 9193.770000] wifi_log: [Class 2 - SEND ASSOC RSP] - if="wl1", sta_mac="00:bb:3a:f7:cf:12", bssid="3c:cd:57:71:f8:fc", action="mlme-assoc", status="0", Aid="2"
[ 9193.870000] wifi_log: [Class 3 - EAPOL START] - if="wl1", sta_mac="00:bb:3a:f7:cf:12", bssid="3c:cd:57:71:f8:fc", action="eapol-start"
[ 9193.880000] wifi_log: [Class 3 - SEND EAPOL 1/4] - if="wl1", sta_mac="00:bb:3a:f7:cf:12", bssid="3c:cd:57:71:f8:fc", action="send-eapol"
[ 9193.890000] wifi_log: [Class 3 - RECV EAPOL 2/4] - if="wl1", sta_mac="00:bb:3a:f7:cf:12", bssid="3c:cd:57:71:f8:fc", action="recv-eapol"
[ 9193.900000] <==== rt28xx_init, Status=0
[ 9193.900000] ipaccount: ifname [wl0] event[1]
[ 9193.900000] *hwnat reg dev ******* set dev[wl0]->ifindex = 9
[ 9193.900000] ipaccount: ifname [wl1] event[9]
[ 9193.920000] wifi_log: [Class 3 - SEND EAPOL 3/4] - if="wl1", sta_mac="00:bb:3a:f7:cf:12", bssid="3c:cd:57:71:f8:fc", action="send-eapol"
[ 9193.940000] wifi_log: [Class 3 - RECV EAPOL 4/4] - if="wl1", sta_mac="00:bb:3a:f7:cf:12", bssid="3c:cd:57:71:f8:fc", action="recv-eapol"
[ 9193.950000] wifi_log: [Class 3 - EAPOL DONE] - if="wl1", sta_mac="00:bb:3a:f7:cf:12", bssid="3c:cd:57:71:f8:fc", action="eapol-done"
[ 9193.960000] wifi_disassoc2 MAC ae-1e-1c-5b-85-79, ReasonCode 4
[ 9193.970000] wifi_log: [Class 2 - SEND DISASSOC] - if="wl1", sta_mac="ae:1e:1c:5b:85:79", bssid="3c:cd:57:71:f8:fc", action="send-disassoc", info="mlme kick out sta", reason="4", Aid="1"
[ 9193.990000] wifi_disassoc2 MAC 00-bb-3a-f7-cf-12, ReasonCode 4
[ 9193.990000] wifi_log: [Class 2 - SEND DISASSOC] - if="wl1", sta_mac="00:bb:3a:f7:cf:12", bssid="3c:cd:57:71:f8:fc", action="send-disassoc", info="mlme kick out sta", reason="4", Aid="2"
[ 9194.630000] br-lan: port 2(wl1) entered disabled state
[ 9194.640000] ipaccount: ifname [wl1] event[2]
[ 9194.640000] *hwnat unreg dev ******* unset dev[wl1]:8
[ 9194.650000] ipaccount: ifname [wl0] event[4]
[ 9194.650000] ipaccount: ifname [wl0] event[20]
[ 9194.660000] device wl0 entered promiscuous mode
[ 9194.660000] br-lan: port 3(wl0) entered forwarding state
[ 9194.670000] br-lan: port 3(wl0) entered forwarding state
[ 9194.670000] ipaccount: ifname [br-lan] event[7]
[ 9194.680000] ipaccount: ifname [br-lan] event[7]
[ 9194.680000] ipaccount: ifname [ifb0] event[13]
[ 9194.690000] ifb is opened now.
[ 9194.690000] ipaccount: ifname [ifb0] event[1]
[ 9194.690000] *hwnat reg dev ******* set dev[ifb0]->ifindex = 2
[ 9194.700000] ipaccount: ifname [lo] event[13]
[ 9194.710000] ipaccount: ifname [lo] event[1]
[ 9194.710000] *hwnat reg dev ******* set dev[lo]->ifindex = 1
[ 9194.810000] wifi_log: [Class 1 - RECV AUTH] - if="wl0", sta_mac="ae:1e:1c:5b:85:79", bssid="3c:cd:57:71:f8:fd", action="recv-auth", rssi="-47", status="0"
[ 9194.820000] wifi_log: [Class 1 - SEND AUTH_RSP] - if="wl0", sta_mac="ae:1e:1c:5b:85:79", bssid="3c:cd:57:71:f8:fd", action="mlme-auth", info="send auth resp(Success)", status="0"
[ 9194.840000] wifi_log: [Class 2 - RECV REASSOC] - if="wl0", sta_mac="ae:1e:1c:5b:85:79", bssid="3c:cd:57:71:f8:fd", action="recv-reassoc", rssi="-48", Aid="1"
[ 9194.860000] wifi5_assoc=MAC:ae-1e-1c-5b-85-79,TSF:958099,RSSI:-48
[ 9194.860000] wifi_log: [Class 2 - SEND REASSOC RSP] - if="wl0", sta_mac="ae:1e:1c:5b:85:79", bssid="3c:cd:57:71:f8:fd", action="mlme-assoc", status="0", Aid="1"
[ 9194.960000] ipaccount: ifname [wl0] event[9]
[ 9194.960000] wifi5_disa2_4=MAC:ae-1e-1c-5b-85-79,TSF:1065348, DIFF:0
[ 9194.970000] wifi_log: [Class 2 - SEND DISASSOC] - if="wl0", sta_mac="ae:1e:1c:5b:85:79", bssid="3c:cd:57:71:f8:fd", action="send-disassoc", info="mlme kick out sta", reason="4", Aid="1"
[ 9195.030000] br-lan: port 3(wl0) entered disabled state
[ 9195.030000] ipaccount: ifname [wl0] event[2]
[ 9195.040000] *hwnat unreg dev ******* unset dev[wl0]:9
[ 9195.110000] ipaccount: landev_init_all() add dev [eth0] is_wireless: 0.
[ 9195.110000] ipaccount: landev_init_all() add dev [wl0] is_wireless: 1.
[ 9195.120000] ipaccount: landev_init_all() add dev [wl1] is_wireless: 1.
[ 9195.130000] ipaccount: landev_init_all() add dev [wl3] is_wireless: 1.
[ 9195.710000] ipaccount: ifname [wl1] event[13]
[ 9195.710000] pAd->ApBootFlag = TRUE
[ 9196.010000] efuse_probe: efuse = 10000002
[ 9196.020000] tssi_1_target_pwr_g_band = 34
[ 9196.410000] <==== rt28xx_init, Status=0
[ 9196.420000] pAd->ApBootFlag = FALSE
[ 9196.420000] ipaccount: ifname [wl1] event[1]
[ 9196.420000] *hwnat reg dev ******* set dev[wl1]->ifindex = 8
[ 9196.650000] br-lan: port 2(wl1) entered forwarding state
[ 9196.650000] br-lan: port 2(wl1) entered forwarding state
[ 9196.660000] ipaccount: ifname [wl1] event[4]
[ 9197.800000] ipaccount: landev_init_all() add dev [eth0] is_wireless: 0.
[ 9197.810000] ipaccount: landev_init_all() add dev [wl0] is_wireless: 1.
[ 9197.820000] ipaccount: landev_init_all() add dev [wl1] is_wireless: 1.
[ 9197.820000] ipaccount: landev_init_all() add dev [wl3] is_wireless: 1.
[ 9198.650000] br-lan: port 2(wl1) entered forwarding state
[ 9198.940000] ipaccount: landev_init_all() add dev [eth0] is_wireless: 0.
[ 9198.940000] ipaccount: landev_init_all() add dev [wl0] is_wireless: 1.
[ 9198.950000] ipaccount: landev_init_all() add dev [wl1] is_wireless: 1.
[ 9198.960000] ipaccount: landev_init_all() add dev [wl3] is_wireless: 1.
[ 9199.200000] ipaccount: landev_init_all() add dev [eth0] is_wireless: 0.
[ 9199.200000] ipaccount: landev_init_all() add dev [wl0] is_wireless: 1.
[ 9199.210000] ipaccount: landev_init_all() add dev [wl1] is_wireless: 1.
[ 9199.220000] ipaccount: landev_init_all() add dev [wl3] is_wireless: 1.
[ 9199.720000] ipaccount: ifname [wl0] event[13]
[ 9199.730000] MAC_CSR0=0, rtmp_asic_top_init
[ 9199.760000] Set defult RDRegion value: CountryCode=MX �
[ 9199.760000] 11�, RDRegion=0
[ 9200.400000] wifi_deauth1 MAC 50-5b-c2-09-e8-32, ReasonCode 6
[ 9200.410000] wifi_deauth1 MAC 50-5b-c2-09-e8-32, ReasonCode 6
[ 9200.850000] ESW: Link Status Changed - Port4 Link UP,100Mbps,Full Duplex
[ 9202.060000] <==== rt28xx_init, Status=0
[ 9202.060000] ipaccount: ifname [wl0] event[1]
[ 9202.070000] *hwnat reg dev ******* set dev[wl0]->ifindex = 9
[ 9202.070000] br-lan: port 3(wl0) entered forwarding state
[ 9202.080000] br-lan: port 3(wl0) entered forwarding state
[ 9202.080000] ipaccount: ifname [wl0] event[4]
[ 9203.880000] disable ip account module.
[ 9204.080000] br-lan: port 3(wl0) entered forwarding state
[ 9204.280000] wifi_auth1 MAC 02-e0-20-0a-2c-87
[ 9204.280000] wifi_log: [Class 1 - RECV AUTH] - if="wl1", sta_mac="02:e0:20:0a:2c:87", bssid="3c:cd:57:71:f8:fc", action="recv-auth", rssi="-52", status="0"
[ 9204.290000] wifi_log: [Class 1 - SEND AUTH_RSP] - if="wl1", sta_mac="02:e0:20:0a:2c:87", bssid="3c:cd:57:71:f8:fc", action="mlme-auth", info="send auth resp(Success)", status="0"
[ 9204.310000] ESW: Link Status Changed - Port2 Link Down
[ 9204.310000] wifi_log: [Class 2 - RECV ASSOC] - if="wl1", sta_mac="02:e0:20:0a:2c:87", bssid="3c:cd:57:71:f8:fc", action="recv-assoc", rssi="-52", Aid="1"
[ 9204.310000] wifi_assoc MAC 02-e0-20-0a-2c-87, RSSI -52 StatusCode 0
[ 9204.310000] wifi_log: [Class 2 - SEND ASSOC RSP] - if="wl1", sta_mac="02:e0:20:0a:2c:87", bssid="3c:cd:57:71:f8:fc", action="mlme-assoc", status="0", Aid="1"
[ 9204.360000] ESW: Link Status Changed - Port3 Link Down
[ 9204.410000] wifi_log: [Class 3 - EAPOL START] - if="wl1", sta_mac="02:e0:20:0a:2c:87", bssid="3c:cd:57:71:f8:fc", action="eapol-start"
[ 9204.420000] wifi_log: [Class 3 - SEND EAPOL 1/4] - if="wl1", sta_mac="02:e0:20:0a:2c:87", bssid="3c:cd:57:71:f8:fc", action="send-eapol"
[ 9204.430000] wifi_log: [Class 3 - RECV EAPOL 2/4] - if="wl1", sta_mac="02:e0:20:0a:2c:87", bssid="3c:cd:57:71:f8:fc", action="recv-eapol"
[ 9204.450000] wifi_log: [Class 3 - SEND EAPOL 3/4] - if="wl1", sta_mac="02:e0:20:0a:2c:87", bssid="3c:cd:57:71:f8:fc", action="send-eapol"
[ 9204.480000] wifi_log: [Class 3 - RECV EAPOL 4/4] - if="wl1", sta_mac="02:e0:20:0a:2c:87", bssid="3c:cd:57:71:f8:fc", action="recv-eapol"
[ 9204.490000] wifi_log: [Class 3 - EAPOL DONE] - if="wl1", sta_mac="02:e0:20:0a:2c:87", bssid="3c:cd:57:71:f8:fc", action="eapol-done"
[ 9205.670000] wifi_auth1 MAC 66-64-4a-07-e9-22
[ 9205.670000] wifi_log: [Class 1 - RECV AUTH] - if="wl1", sta_mac="66:64:4a:07:e9:22", bssid="3c:cd:57:71:f8:fc", action="recv-auth", rssi="-53", status="0"
[ 9205.690000] wifi_log: [Class 1 - SEND AUTH_RSP] - if="wl1", sta_mac="66:64:4a:07:e9:22", bssid="3c:cd:57:71:f8:fc", action="mlme-auth", info="send auth resp(Success)", status="0"
[ 9205.710000] wifi_log: [Class 2 - RECV ASSOC] - if="wl1", sta_mac="66:64:4a:07:e9:22", bssid="3c:cd:57:71:f8:fc", action="recv-assoc", rssi="-53", Aid="2"
[ 9205.720000] wifi_assoc MAC 66-64-4a-07-e9-22, RSSI -53 StatusCode 0
[ 9205.730000] wifi_log: [Class 2 - SEND ASSOC RSP] - if="wl1", sta_mac="66:64:4a:07:e9:22", bssid="3c:cd:57:71:f8:fc", action="mlme-assoc", status="0", Aid="2"
[ 9205.830000] wifi_log: [Class 3 - EAPOL START] - if="wl1", sta_mac="66:64:4a:07:e9:22", bssid="3c:cd:57:71:f8:fc", action="eapol-start"
[ 9205.840000] wifi_log: [Class 3 - SEND EAPOL 1/4] - if="wl1", sta_mac="66:64:4a:07:e9:22", bssid="3c:cd:57:71:f8:fc", action="send-eapol"
[ 9205.850000] wifi_log: [Class 3 - RECV EAPOL 2/4] - if="wl1", sta_mac="66:64:4a:07:e9:22", bssid="3c:cd:57:71:f8:fc", action="recv-eapol"
[ 9205.860000] wifi_log: [Class 3 - SEND EAPOL 3/4] - if="wl1", sta_mac="66:64:4a:07:e9:22", bssid="3c:cd:57:71:f8:fc", action="send-eapol"
[ 9205.880000] wifi_log: [Class 3 - RECV EAPOL 4/4] - if="wl1", sta_mac="66:64:4a:07:e9:22", bssid="3c:cd:57:71:f8:fc", action="recv-eapol"
[ 9205.890000] wifi_log: [Class 3 - EAPOL DONE] - if="wl1", sta_mac="66:64:4a:07:e9:22", bssid="3c:cd:57:71:f8:fc", action="eapol-done"
[ 9209.110000] ESW: Link Status Changed - Port2 Link UP,100Mbps,Full Duplex
[ 9209.790000] HNAT: switch HNAT OFF.....
[ 9210.170000] ESW: Link Status Changed - Port3 Link UP,1000Mbps,Full Duplex
[ 9219.300000] wifi_log: [Class 1 - RECV AUTH] - if="wl0", sta_mac="ae:1e:1c:5b:85:79", bssid="3c:cd:57:71:f8:fd", action="recv-auth", rssi="-53", status="0"
[ 9219.320000] wifi_log: [Class 1 - SEND AUTH_RSP] - if="wl0", sta_mac="ae:1e:1c:5b:85:79", bssid="3c:cd:57:71:f8:fd", action="mlme-auth", info="send auth resp(Success)", status="0"
[ 9219.330000] wifi_log: [Class 2 - RECV ASSOC] - if="wl0", sta_mac="ae:1e:1c:5b:85:79", bssid="3c:cd:57:71:f8:fd", action="recv-assoc", rssi="-53", Aid="1"
[ 9219.350000] wifi5_assoc=MAC:ae-1e-1c-5b-85-79,TSF:16537314,RSSI:-53
[ 9219.350000] wifi_log: [Class 2 - SEND ASSOC RSP] - if="wl0", sta_mac="ae:1e:1c:5b:85:79", bssid="3c:cd:57:71:f8:fd", action="mlme-assoc", status="0", Aid="1"
[ 9219.550000] wifi_log: [Class 3 - EAPOL START] - if="wl0", sta_mac="ae:1e:1c:5b:85:79", bssid="3c:cd:57:71:f8:fd", action="eapol-start"
[ 9219.560000] wifi_log: [Class 3 - SEND EAPOL 1/4] - if="wl0", sta_mac="ae:1e:1c:5b:85:79", bssid="3c:cd:57:71:f8:fd", action="send-eapol"
[ 9219.600000] wifi_log: [Class 3 - RECV EAPOL 2/4] - if="wl0", sta_mac="ae:1e:1c:5b:85:79", bssid="3c:cd:57:71:f8:fd", action="recv-eapol"
[ 9219.620000] wifi_log: [Class 3 - SEND EAPOL 3/4] - if="wl0", sta_mac="ae:1e:1c:5b:85:79", bssid="3c:cd:57:71:f8:fd", action="send-eapol"
[ 9219.630000] wifi_log: [Class 3 - RECV EAPOL 4/4] - if="wl0", sta_mac="ae:1e:1c:5b:85:79", bssid="3c:cd:57:71:f8:fd", action="recv-eapol"
[ 9219.640000] wifi_log: [Class 3 - EAPOL DONE] - if="wl0", sta_mac="ae:1e:1c:5b:85:79", bssid="3c:cd:57:71:f8:fd", action="eapol-done"
[ 9223.110000] wifi5_disa1_1=MAC:ae-1e-1c-5b-85-79,TSF:20303491,DIFF:3,RSSI:-53
[ 9223.120000] wifi_log: [Class 1 - RECV DEAUTH] - if="wl0", sta_mac="ae:1e:1c:5b:85:79", bssid="3c:cd:57:71:f8:fd", action="recv-deauth", reason="1", rssi="-53"
[ 9223.220000] wifi_log: [Class 1 - RECV AUTH] - if="wl0", sta_mac="ae:1e:1c:5b:85:79", bssid="3c:cd:57:71:f8:fd", action="recv-auth", rssi="-53", status="0"
[ 9223.240000] wifi_log: [Class 1 - SEND AUTH_RSP] - if="wl0", sta_mac="ae:1e:1c:5b:85:79", bssid="3c:cd:57:71:f8:fd", action="mlme-auth", info="send auth resp(Success)", status="0"
[ 9223.260000] wifi_log: [Class 2 - RECV ASSOC] - if="wl0", sta_mac="ae:1e:1c:5b:85:79", bssid="3c:cd:57:71:f8:fd", action="recv-assoc", rssi="-53", Aid="1"
[ 9223.270000] wifi5_assoc=MAC:ae-1e-1c-5b-85-79,TSF:20459414,RSSI:-53
[ 9223.280000] wifi_log: [Class 2 - SEND ASSOC RSP] - if="wl0", sta_mac="ae:1e:1c:5b:85:79", bssid="3c:cd:57:71:f8:fd", action="mlme-assoc", status="0", Aid="1"
[ 9223.550000] wifi_log: [Class 3 - EAPOL START] - if="wl0", sta_mac="ae:1e:1c:5b:85:79", bssid="3c:cd:57:71:f8:fd", action="eapol-start"
[ 9223.560000] wifi_log: [Class 3 - SEND EAPOL 1/4] - if="wl0", sta_mac="ae:1e:1c:5b:85:79", bssid="3c:cd:57:71:f8:fd", action="send-eapol"
[ 9223.590000] wifi_log: [Class 3 - RECV EAPOL 2/4] - if="wl0", sta_mac="ae:1e:1c:5b:85:79", bssid="3c:cd:57:71:f8:fd", action="recv-eapol"
[ 9223.600000] wifi_log: [Class 3 - SEND EAPOL 3/4] - if="wl0", sta_mac="ae:1e:1c:5b:85:79", bssid="3c:cd:57:71:f8:fd", action="send-eapol"
[ 9223.610000] wifi_log: [Class 3 - RECV EAPOL 4/4] - if="wl0", sta_mac="ae:1e:1c:5b:85:79", bssid="3c:cd:57:71:f8:fd", action="recv-eapol"
[ 9223.620000] wifi_log: [Class 3 - EAPOL DONE] - if="wl0", sta_mac="ae:1e:1c:5b:85:79", bssid="3c:cd:57:71:f8:fd", action="eapol-done"
[ 9226.860000] wifi_log: [Class 1 - RECV AUTH] - if="wl0", sta_mac="00:bb:3a:f7:cf:12", bssid="3c:cd:57:71:f8:fd", action="recv-auth", rssi="-35", status="0"
[ 9226.870000] wifi_log: [Class 1 - SEND AUTH_RSP] - if="wl0", sta_mac="00:bb:3a:f7:cf:12", bssid="3c:cd:57:71:f8:fd", action="mlme-auth", info="send auth resp(Success)", status="0"
[ 9226.890000] wifi_log: [Class 2 - RECV ASSOC] - if="wl0", sta_mac="00:bb:3a:f7:cf:12", bssid="3c:cd:57:71:f8:fd", action="recv-assoc", rssi="-35", Aid="2"
[ 9226.900000] wifi5_assoc=MAC:00-bb-3a-f7-cf-12,TSF:24089191,RSSI:-35
[ 9226.910000] wifi_log: [Class 2 - SEND ASSOC RSP] - if="wl0", sta_mac="00:bb:3a:f7:cf:12", bssid="3c:cd:57:71:f8:fd", action="mlme-assoc", status="0", Aid="2"
[ 9227.630000] wifi_log: [Class 3 - EAPOL START] - if="wl0", sta_mac="00:bb:3a:f7:cf:12", bssid="3c:cd:57:71:f8:fd", action="eapol-start"
[ 9227.640000] wifi_log: [Class 3 - SEND EAPOL 1/4] - if="wl0", sta_mac="00:bb:3a:f7:cf:12", bssid="3c:cd:57:71:f8:fd", action="send-eapol"
[ 9227.650000] wifi_log: [Class 3 - RECV EAPOL 2/4] - if="wl0", sta_mac="00:bb:3a:f7:cf:12", bssid="3c:cd:57:71:f8:fd", action="recv-eapol"
[ 9227.660000] wifi_log: [Class 3 - SEND EAPOL 3/4] - if="wl0", sta_mac="00:bb:3a:f7:cf:12", bssid="3c:cd:57:71:f8:fd", action="send-eapol"
[ 9227.680000] wifi_log: [Class 3 - RECV EAPOL 4/4] - if="wl0", sta_mac="00:bb:3a:f7:cf:12", bssid="3c:cd:57:71:f8:fd", action="recv-eapol"
[ 9227.690000] wifi_log: [Class 3 - EAPOL DONE] - if="wl0", sta_mac="00:bb:3a:f7:cf:12", bssid="3c:cd:57:71:f8:fd", action="eapol-done"
[ 9238.820000] wifi_log: [Class 1 - RECV AUTH] - if="wl0", sta_mac="bc:fe:d9:3b:69:ce", bssid="3c:cd:57:71:f8:fd", action="recv-auth", rssi="-65", status="0"
[ 9238.840000] wifi_log: [Class 1 - SEND AUTH_RSP] - if="wl0", sta_mac="bc:fe:d9:3b:69:ce", bssid="3c:cd:57:71:f8:fd", action="mlme-auth", info="send auth resp(Success)", status="0"
[ 9238.850000] wifi_log: [Class 2 - RECV REASSOC] - if="wl0", sta_mac="bc:fe:d9:3b:69:ce", bssid="3c:cd:57:71:f8:fd", action="recv-reassoc", rssi="-65", Aid="3"
[ 9238.870000] wifi5_assoc=MAC:bc-fe-d9-3b-69-ce,TSF:36057604,RSSI:-65
[ 9238.870000] wifi_log: [Class 2 - SEND REASSOC RSP] - if="wl0", sta_mac="bc:fe:d9:3b:69:ce", bssid="3c:cd:57:71:f8:fd", action="mlme-assoc", status="0", Aid="3"
[ 9239.110000] wifi_log: [Class 3 - EAPOL START] - if="wl0", sta_mac="bc:fe:d9:3b:69:ce", bssid="3c:cd:57:71:f8:fd", action="eapol-start"
[ 9239.130000] wifi_log: [Class 3 - SEND EAPOL 1/4] - if="wl0", sta_mac="bc:fe:d9:3b:69:ce", bssid="3c:cd:57:71:f8:fd", action="send-eapol"
[ 9239.140000] wifi_log: [Class 3 - RECV EAPOL 2/4] - if="wl0", sta_mac="bc:fe:d9:3b:69:ce", bssid="3c:cd:57:71:f8:fd", action="recv-eapol"
[ 9239.150000] wifi_log: [Class 3 - SEND EAPOL 3/4] - if="wl0", sta_mac="bc:fe:d9:3b:69:ce", bssid="3c:cd:57:71:f8:fd", action="send-eapol"
[ 9239.160000] wifi_log: [Class 3 - RECV EAPOL 4/4] - if="wl0", sta_mac="bc:fe:d9:3b:69:ce", bssid="3c:cd:57:71:f8:fd", action="recv-eapol"
[ 9239.180000] wifi_log: [Class 3 - EAPOL DONE] - if="wl0", sta_mac="bc:fe:d9:3b:69:ce", bssid="3c:cd:57:71:f8:fd", action="eapol-done"
[ 9272.810000] wifi_auth1 MAC 50-5b-c2-09-e8-32
[ 9272.820000] wifi_log: [Class 1 - RECV AUTH] - if="wl1", sta_mac="50:5b:c2:09:e8:32", bssid="3c:cd:57:71:f8:fc", action="recv-auth", rssi="-32", status="0"
[ 9272.830000] wifi_log: [Class 1 - SEND AUTH_RSP] - if="wl1", sta_mac="50:5b:c2:09:e8:32", bssid="3c:cd:57:71:f8:fc", action="mlme-auth", info="send auth resp(Success)", status="0"
[ 9272.850000] wifi_log: [Class 2 - RECV ASSOC] - if="wl1", sta_mac="50:5b:c2:09:e8:32", bssid="3c:cd:57:71:f8:fc", action="recv-assoc", rssi="-32", Aid="3"
[ 9272.870000] wifi_assoc MAC 50-5b-c2-09-e8-32, RSSI -32 StatusCode 0
[ 9272.870000] wifi_log: [Class 2 - SEND ASSOC RSP] - if="wl1", sta_mac="50:5b:c2:09:e8:32", bssid="3c:cd:57:71:f8:fc", action="mlme-assoc", status="0", Aid="3"
[ 9272.970000] wifi_log: [Class 3 - EAPOL START] - if="wl1", sta_mac="50:5b:c2:09:e8:32", bssid="3c:cd:57:71:f8:fc", action="eapol-start"
[ 9272.980000] wifi_log: [Class 3 - SEND EAPOL 1/4] - if="wl1", sta_mac="50:5b:c2:09:e8:32", bssid="3c:cd:57:71:f8:fc", action="send-eapol"
[ 9273.020000] wifi_log: [Class 3 - RECV EAPOL 2/4] - if="wl1", sta_mac="50:5b:c2:09:e8:32", bssid="3c:cd:57:71:f8:fc", action="recv-eapol"
[ 9273.040000] wifi_log: [Class 3 - SEND EAPOL 3/4] - if="wl1", sta_mac="50:5b:c2:09:e8:32", bssid="3c:cd:57:71:f8:fc", action="send-eapol"
[ 9273.050000] wifi_log: [Class 3 - RECV EAPOL 4/4] - if="wl1", sta_mac="50:5b:c2:09:e8:32", bssid="3c:cd:57:71:f8:fc", action="recv-eapol"
[ 9273.060000] wifi_log: [Class 3 - EAPOL DONE] - if="wl1", sta_mac="50:5b:c2:09:e8:32", bssid="3c:cd:57:71:f8:fc", action="eapol-done"
[ 9339.900000] wifi5_disa1_3=MAC:ae-1e-1c-5b-85-79,TSF:137091909,DIFF:111,RSSI:-50
[ 9339.910000] wifi_log: [Class 1 - RECV DEAUTH] - if="wl0", sta_mac="ae:1e:1c:5b:85:79", bssid="3c:cd:57:71:f8:fd", action="recv-deauth", reason="3", rssi="-50"
[ 9344.210000] wifi_log: [Class 1 - RECV AUTH] - if="wl0", sta_mac="ae:1e:1c:5b:85:79", bssid="3c:cd:57:71:f8:fd", action="recv-auth", rssi="-50", status="0"
[ 9344.220000] wifi_log: [Class 1 - SEND AUTH_RSP] - if="wl0", sta_mac="ae:1e:1c:5b:85:79", bssid="3c:cd:57:71:f8:fd", action="mlme-auth", info="send auth resp(Success)", status="0"
[ 9344.240000] wifi_log: [Class 2 - RECV ASSOC] - if="wl0", sta_mac="ae:1e:1c:5b:85:79", bssid="3c:cd:57:71:f8:fd", action="recv-assoc", rssi="-50", Aid="1"
[ 9344.250000] wifi5_assoc=MAC:ae-1e-1c-5b-85-79,TSF:141445148,RSSI:-50
[ 9344.260000] wifi_log: [Class 2 - SEND ASSOC RSP] - if="wl0", sta_mac="ae:1e:1c:5b:85:79", bssid="3c:cd:57:71:f8:fd", action="mlme-assoc", status="0", Aid="1"
[ 9344.790000] wifi_log: [Class 3 - EAPOL START] - if="wl0", sta_mac="ae:1e:1c:5b:85:79", bssid="3c:cd:57:71:f8:fd", action="eapol-start"
[ 9344.800000] wifi_log: [Class 3 - SEND EAPOL 1/4] - if="wl0", sta_mac="ae:1e:1c:5b:85:79", bssid="3c:cd:57:71:f8:fd", action="send-eapol"
[ 9344.810000] wifi_log: [Class 3 - RECV EAPOL 2/4] - if="wl0", sta_mac="ae:1e:1c:5b:85:79", bssid="3c:cd:57:71:f8:fd", action="recv-eapol"
[ 9344.830000] wifi_log: [Class 3 - SEND EAPOL 3/4] - if="wl0", sta_mac="ae:1e:1c:5b:85:79", bssid="3c:cd:57:71:f8:fd", action="send-eapol"
[ 9344.840000] wifi_log: [Class 3 - RECV EAPOL 4/4] - if="wl0", sta_mac="ae:1e:1c:5b:85:79", bssid="3c:cd:57:71:f8:fd", action="recv-eapol"
[ 9344.850000] wifi_log: [Class 3 - EAPOL DONE] - if="wl0", sta_mac="ae:1e:1c:5b:85:79", bssid="3c:cd:57:71:f8:fd", action="eapol-done"
[ 9507.740000] wifi_auth1 MAC 20-f5-43-0d-18-e5
[ 9507.740000] wifi_log: [Class 1 - RECV AUTH] - if="wl1", sta_mac="20:f5:43:0d:18:e5", bssid="3c:cd:57:71:f8:fc", action="recv-auth", rssi="-44", status="0"
[ 9507.760000] wifi_log: [Class 1 - SEND AUTH_RSP] - if="wl1", sta_mac="20:f5:43:0d:18:e5", bssid="3c:cd:57:71:f8:fc", action="mlme-auth", info="send auth resp(Success)", status="0"
[ 9507.780000] wifi_log: [Class 2 - RECV ASSOC] - if="wl1", sta_mac="20:f5:43:0d:18:e5", bssid="3c:cd:57:71:f8:fc", action="recv-assoc", rssi="-44", Aid="4"
[ 9507.790000] wifi_assoc MAC 20-f5-43-0d-18-e5, RSSI -44 StatusCode 0
[ 9507.800000] wifi_log: [Class 2 - SEND ASSOC RSP] - if="wl1", sta_mac="20:f5:43:0d:18:e5", bssid="3c:cd:57:71:f8:fc", action="mlme-assoc", status="0", Aid="4"
[ 9507.900000] wifi_log: [Class 3 - EAPOL START] - if="wl1", sta_mac="20:f5:43:0d:18:e5", bssid="3c:cd:57:71:f8:fc", action="eapol-start"
[ 9507.910000] wifi_log: [Class 3 - SEND EAPOL 1/4] - if="wl1", sta_mac="20:f5:43:0d:18:e5", bssid="3c:cd:57:71:f8:fc", action="send-eapol"
[ 9507.920000] wifi_log: [Class 3 - RECV EAPOL 2/4] - if="wl1", sta_mac="20:f5:43:0d:18:e5", bssid="3c:cd:57:71:f8:fc", action="recv-eapol"
[ 9507.930000] wifi_log: [Class 3 - SEND EAPOL 3/4] - if="wl1", sta_mac="20:f5:43:0d:18:e5", bssid="3c:cd:57:71:f8:fc", action="send-eapol"
[ 9507.950000] wifi_log: [Class 3 - RECV EAPOL 4/4] - if="wl1", sta_mac="20:f5:43:0d:18:e5", bssid="3c:cd:57:71:f8:fc", action="recv-eapol"
[ 9507.960000] wifi_log: [Class 3 - EAPOL DONE] - if="wl1", sta_mac="20:f5:43:0d:18:e5", bssid="3c:cd:57:71:f8:fc", action="eapol-done"
[ 9810.090000] wifi_log: [Class 1 - Ageout] -ageout 20:f5:43:0d:18:e5 after 300-sec silence
[ 9810.090000] wifi_log: [Class 1 - SEND DEAUTH] - if="wl1", sta_mac="20:f5:43:0d:18:e5", bssid="3c:cd:57:71:f8:fc", action="send-deauth", info="aging, sta leave", reason="3", Aid="4"
[ 9820.670000] wifi_auth1 MAC 20-f5-43-0d-18-e5
[ 9820.670000] wifi_log: [Class 1 - RECV AUTH] - if="wl1", sta_mac="20:f5:43:0d:18:e5", bssid="3c:cd:57:71:f8:fc", action="recv-auth", rssi="-43", status="0"
[ 9820.690000] wifi_log: [Class 1 - SEND AUTH_RSP] - if="wl1", sta_mac="20:f5:43:0d:18:e5", bssid="3c:cd:57:71:f8:fc", action="mlme-auth", info="send auth resp(Success)", status="0"
[ 9820.710000] wifi_log: [Class 2 - RECV ASSOC] - if="wl1", sta_mac="20:f5:43:0d:18:e5", bssid="3c:cd:57:71:f8:fc", action="recv-assoc", rssi="-43", Aid="4"
[ 9820.720000] wifi_assoc MAC 20-f5-43-0d-18-e5, RSSI -43 StatusCode 41
[ 9820.730000] wifi_log: [Class 2 - SEND ASSOC RSP] - if="wl1", sta_mac="20:f5:43:0d:18:e5", bssid="3c:cd:57:71:f8:fc", action="mlme-assoc", status="41", Aid="4"
[10129.730000] ipaccount: ifname [wl1] event[9]
[10129.730000] wifi_disassoc2 MAC 02-e0-20-0a-2c-87, ReasonCode 4
[10129.740000] wifi_log: [Class 2 - SEND DISASSOC] - if="wl1", sta_mac="02:e0:20:0a:2c:87", bssid="3c:cd:57:71:f8:fc", action="send-disassoc", info="mlme kick out sta", reason="4", Aid="1"
[10129.760000] wifi_disassoc2 MAC 66-64-4a-07-e9-22, ReasonCode 4
[10129.760000] wifi_log: [Class 2 - SEND DISASSOC] - if="wl1", sta_mac="66:64:4a:07:e9:22", bssid="3c:cd:57:71:f8:fc", action="send-disassoc", info="mlme kick out sta", reason="4", Aid="2"
[10129.780000] wifi_disassoc2 MAC 50-5b-c2-09-e8-32, ReasonCode 4
[10129.790000] wifi_log: [Class 2 - SEND DISASSOC] - if="wl1", sta_mac="50:5b:c2:09:e8:32", bssid="3c:cd:57:71:f8:fc", action="send-disassoc", info="mlme kick out sta", reason="4", Aid="3"
[10130.440000] br-lan: port 2(wl1) entered disabled state
[10130.440000] ipaccount: ifname [wl1] event[2]
[10130.450000] *hwnat unreg dev ******* unset dev[wl1]:8
[10130.660000] ipaccount: ifname [wl0] event[9]
[10130.660000] wifi5_disa2_4=MAC:ae-1e-1c-5b-85-79,TSF:927875759, DIFF:749
[10130.670000] wifi_log: [Class 2 - SEND DISASSOC] - if="wl0", sta_mac="ae:1e:1c:5b:85:79", bssid="3c:cd:57:71:f8:fd", action="send-disassoc", info="mlme kick out sta", reason="4", Aid="1"
[10130.690000] wifi5_disa2_4=MAC:00-bb-3a-f7-cf-12,TSF:927899351, DIFF:861
[10130.690000] wifi_log: [Class 2 - SEND DISASSOC] - if="wl0", sta_mac="00:bb:3a:f7:cf:12", bssid="3c:cd:57:71:f8:fd", action="send-disassoc", info="mlme kick out sta", reason="4", Aid="2"
[10130.710000] wifi5_disa2_4=MAC:bc-fe-d9-3b-69-ce,TSF:927922796, DIFF:850
[10130.720000] wifi_log: [Class 2 - SEND DISASSOC] - if="wl0", sta_mac="bc:fe:d9:3b:69:ce", bssid="3c:cd:57:71:f8:fd", action="send-disassoc", info="mlme kick out sta", reason="4", Aid="3"
[10130.770000] br-lan: port 3(wl0) entered disabled state
[10130.770000] ipaccount: ifname [wl0] event[2]
[10130.780000] *hwnat unreg dev ******* unset dev[wl0]:9
[10131.730000] ipaccount: ifname [wl1] event[13]
[10131.730000] pAd->ApBootFlag = TRUE
[10132.110000] efuse_probe: efuse = 10000002
[10132.120000] tssi_1_target_pwr_g_band = 34
[10134.990000] <==== rt28xx_init, Status=0
[10134.990000] pAd->ApBootFlag = FALSE
[10135.000000] ipaccount: ifname [wl1] event[1]
[10135.000000] *hwnat reg dev ******* set dev[wl1]->ifindex = 8
[10135.010000] br-lan: port 2(wl1) entered forwarding state
[10135.010000] br-lan: port 2(wl1) entered forwarding state
[10135.020000] ipaccount: ifname [wl1] event[4]
[10137.010000] br-lan: port 2(wl1) entered forwarding state
[10137.510000] ipaccount: ifname [wl0] event[13]
[10137.510000] MAC_CSR0=0, rtmp_asic_top_init
[10137.550000] Set defult RDRegion value: CountryCode=MX �
[10137.550000] 11�, RDRegion=0
[10139.830000] <==== rt28xx_init, Status=0
[10139.830000] ipaccount: ifname [wl0] event[1]
[10139.840000] *hwnat reg dev ******* set dev[wl0]->ifindex = 9
[10139.840000] br-lan: port 3(wl0) entered forwarding state
[10139.850000] br-lan: port 3(wl0) entered forwarding state
[10139.850000] ipaccount: ifname [wl0] event[4]
[10140.810000] wifi_auth1 MAC bc-fe-d9-3b-69-ce
[10140.820000] wifi_log: [Class 1 - RECV AUTH] - if="wl1", sta_mac="bc:fe:d9:3b:69:ce", bssid="3c:cd:57:71:f8:fc", action="recv-auth", rssi="-48", status="0"
[10140.830000] wifi_log: [Class 1 - SEND AUTH_RSP] - if="wl1", sta_mac="bc:fe:d9:3b:69:ce", bssid="3c:cd:57:71:f8:fc", action="mlme-auth", info="send auth resp(Success)", status="0"
[10140.850000] wifi_log: [Class 2 - RECV ASSOC] - if="wl1", sta_mac="bc:fe:d9:3b:69:ce", bssid="3c:cd:57:71:f8:fc", action="recv-assoc", rssi="-44", Aid="1"
[10140.860000] wifi_assoc MAC bc-fe-d9-3b-69-ce, RSSI -44 StatusCode 0
[10140.870000] wifi_log: [Class 2 - SEND ASSOC RSP] - if="wl1", sta_mac="bc:fe:d9:3b:69:ce", bssid="3c:cd:57:71:f8:fc", action="mlme-assoc", status="0", Aid="1"
[10140.970000] wifi_log: [Class 3 - EAPOL START] - if="wl1", sta_mac="bc:fe:d9:3b:69:ce", bssid="3c:cd:57:71:f8:fc", action="eapol-start"
[10140.980000] wifi_log: [Class 3 - SEND EAPOL 1/4] - if="wl1", sta_mac="bc:fe:d9:3b:69:ce", bssid="3c:cd:57:71:f8:fc", action="send-eapol"
[10141.000000] wifi_log: [Class 3 - RECV EAPOL 2/4] - if="wl1", sta_mac="bc:fe:d9:3b:69:ce", bssid="3c:cd:57:71:f8:fc", action="recv-eapol"
[10141.010000] wifi_log: [Class 3 - SEND EAPOL 3/4] - if="wl1", sta_mac="bc:fe:d9:3b:69:ce", bssid="3c:cd:57:71:f8:fc", action="send-eapol"
[10141.020000] wifi_log: [Class 3 - RECV EAPOL 4/4] - if="wl1", sta_mac="bc:fe:d9:3b:69:ce", bssid="3c:cd:57:71:f8:fc", action="recv-eapol"
[10141.040000] wifi_log: [Class 3 - EAPOL DONE] - if="wl1", sta_mac="bc:fe:d9:3b:69:ce", bssid="3c:cd:57:71:f8:fc", action="eapol-done"
[10141.290000] wifi_auth1 MAC 00-bb-3a-f7-cf-12
[10141.300000] wifi_log: [Class 1 - RECV AUTH] - if="wl1", sta_mac="00:bb:3a:f7:cf:12", bssid="3c:cd:57:71:f8:fc", action="recv-auth", rssi="-35", status="0"
[10141.310000] wifi_log: [Class 1 - SEND AUTH_RSP] - if="wl1", sta_mac="00:bb:3a:f7:cf:12", bssid="3c:cd:57:71:f8:fc", action="mlme-auth", info="send auth resp(Success)", status="0"
[10141.330000] wifi_log: [Class 2 - RECV ASSOC] - if="wl1", sta_mac="00:bb:3a:f7:cf:12", bssid="3c:cd:57:71:f8:fc", action="recv-assoc", rssi="-35", Aid="2"
[10141.340000] wifi_assoc MAC 00-bb-3a-f7-cf-12, RSSI -35 StatusCode 0
[10141.350000] wifi_log: [Class 2 - SEND ASSOC RSP] - if="wl1", sta_mac="00:bb:3a:f7:cf:12", bssid="3c:cd:57:71:f8:fc", action="mlme-assoc", status="0", Aid="2"
[10141.450000] wifi_log: [Class 3 - EAPOL START] - if="wl1", sta_mac="00:bb:3a:f7:cf:12", bssid="3c:cd:57:71:f8:fc", action="eapol-start"
[10141.460000] wifi_log: [Class 3 - SEND EAPOL 1/4] - if="wl1", sta_mac="00:bb:3a:f7:cf:12", bssid="3c:cd:57:71:f8:fc", action="send-eapol"
[10141.470000] wifi_log: [Class 3 - RECV EAPOL 2/4] - if="wl1", sta_mac="00:bb:3a:f7:cf:12", bssid="3c:cd:57:71:f8:fc", action="recv-eapol"
[10141.490000] wifi_log: [Class 3 - SEND EAPOL 3/4] - if="wl1", sta_mac="00:bb:3a:f7:cf:12", bssid="3c:cd:57:71:f8:fc", action="send-eapol"
[10141.500000] wifi_log: [Class 3 - RECV EAPOL 4/4] - if="wl1", sta_mac="00:bb:3a:f7:cf:12", bssid="3c:cd:57:71:f8:fc", action="recv-eapol"
[10141.510000] wifi_log: [Class 3 - EAPOL DONE] - if="wl1", sta_mac="00:bb:3a:f7:cf:12", bssid="3c:cd:57:71:f8:fc", action="eapol-done"
[10141.850000] br-lan: port 3(wl0) entered forwarding state
[10145.080000] wifi_log: [Class 1 - RECV AUTH] - if="wl0", sta_mac="ae:1e:1c:5b:85:79", bssid="3c:cd:57:71:f8:fd", action="recv-auth", rssi="-48", status="0"
[10145.090000] wifi_log: [Class 1 - SEND AUTH_RSP] - if="wl0", sta_mac="ae:1e:1c:5b:85:79", bssid="3c:cd:57:71:f8:fd", action="mlme-auth", info="send auth resp(Success)", status="0"
[10145.110000] wifi_log: [Class 2 - RECV ASSOC] - if="wl0", sta_mac="ae:1e:1c:5b:85:79", bssid="3c:cd:57:71:f8:fd", action="recv-assoc", rssi="-48", Aid="1"
[10145.130000] wifi5_assoc=MAC:ae-1e-1c-5b-85-79,TSF:4475859,RSSI:-48
[10145.130000] wifi_log: [Class 2 - SEND ASSOC RSP] - if="wl0", sta_mac="ae:1e:1c:5b:85:79", bssid="3c:cd:57:71:f8:fd", action="mlme-assoc", status="0", Aid="1"
[10145.330000] wifi_log: [Class 3 - EAPOL START] - if="wl0", sta_mac="ae:1e:1c:5b:85:79", bssid="3c:cd:57:71:f8:fd", action="eapol-start"
[10145.340000] wifi_log: [Class 3 - SEND EAPOL 1/4] - if="wl0", sta_mac="ae:1e:1c:5b:85:79", bssid="3c:cd:57:71:f8:fd", action="send-eapol"
[10145.360000] wifi_log: [Class 3 - RECV EAPOL 2/4] - if="wl0", sta_mac="ae:1e:1c:5b:85:79", bssid="3c:cd:57:71:f8:fd", action="recv-eapol"
[10145.380000] wifi_log: [Class 3 - SEND EAPOL 3/4] - if="wl0", sta_mac="ae:1e:1c:5b:85:79", bssid="3c:cd:57:71:f8:fd", action="send-eapol"
[10145.390000] wifi_log: [Class 3 - RECV EAPOL 4/4] - if="wl0", sta_mac="ae:1e:1c:5b:85:79", bssid="3c:cd:57:71:f8:fd", action="recv-eapol"
[10145.400000] wifi_log: [Class 3 - EAPOL DONE] - if="wl0", sta_mac="ae:1e:1c:5b:85:79", bssid="3c:cd:57:71:f8:fd", action="eapol-done"
[10160.430000] wifi_log: [Class 1 - RECV AUTH] - if="wl0", sta_mac="bc:fe:d9:3b:69:ce", bssid="3c:cd:57:71:f8:fd", action="recv-auth", rssi="-50", status="0"
[10160.450000] wifi_log: [Class 1 - SEND AUTH_RSP] - if="wl0", sta_mac="bc:fe:d9:3b:69:ce", bssid="3c:cd:57:71:f8:fd", action="mlme-auth", info="send auth resp(Success)", status="0"
[10160.460000] wifi_log: [Class 2 - RECV REASSOC] - if="wl0", sta_mac="bc:fe:d9:3b:69:ce", bssid="3c:cd:57:71:f8:fd", action="recv-reassoc", rssi="-49", Aid="2"
[10160.480000] wifi5_assoc=MAC:bc-fe-d9-3b-69-ce,TSF:19828620,RSSI:-49
[10160.480000] wifi_log: [Class 2 - SEND REASSOC RSP] - if="wl0", sta_mac="bc:fe:d9:3b:69:ce", bssid="3c:cd:57:71:f8:fd", action="mlme-assoc", status="0", Aid="2"
[10160.690000] wifi_log: [Class 3 - EAPOL START] - if="wl0", sta_mac="bc:fe:d9:3b:69:ce", bssid="3c:cd:57:71:f8:fd", action="eapol-start"
[10160.700000] wifi_log: [Class 3 - SEND EAPOL 1/4] - if="wl0", sta_mac="bc:fe:d9:3b:69:ce", bssid="3c:cd:57:71:f8:fd", action="send-eapol"
[10160.710000] wifi_log: [Class 3 - RECV EAPOL 2/4] - if="wl0", sta_mac="bc:fe:d9:3b:69:ce", bssid="3c:cd:57:71:f8:fd", action="recv-eapol"
[10160.730000] wifi_log: [Class 3 - SEND EAPOL 3/4] - if="wl0", sta_mac="bc:fe:d9:3b:69:ce", bssid="3c:cd:57:71:f8:fd", action="send-eapol"
[10160.740000] wifi_log: [Class 3 - RECV EAPOL 4/4] - if="wl0", sta_mac="bc:fe:d9:3b:69:ce", bssid="3c:cd:57:71:f8:fd", action="recv-eapol"
[10160.750000] wifi_log: [Class 3 - EAPOL DONE] - if="wl0", sta_mac="bc:fe:d9:3b:69:ce", bssid="3c:cd:57:71:f8:fd", action="eapol-done"
[10248.560000] TransmitCountFromOS = 232974
[10248.560000] TransmittedFragmentCount = -2124355700
[10248.570000] MulticastTransmittedFrameCount = 47492
[10248.570000] FailedCount = 110
[10248.570000] RetryCount = 16986
[10248.580000] MultipleRetryCount = 0
[10248.580000] RTSSuccessCount = 0
[10248.580000] RTSFailureCount = 0
[10248.590000] ACKFailureCount = 0
[10248.590000] FrameDuplicateCount = 995
[10248.590000] ReceivedFragmentCount = 218847
[10248.600000] MulticastReceivedFrameCount = 3590
[10248.600000] Rx drop due to out of resource = 0
[10248.610000] RealFcsErrCount = 5844
[10248.610000] TransmittedFrameCount = 263745
[10248.610000] WEPUndecryptableCount = 0
[10248.620000] ===Some 11n statistics variables:
[10248.620000] TransmittedAMSDUCount = 0
[10248.630000] TransmittedOctetsInAMSDU = 0
[10248.630000] ReceivedAMSDUCount = 405
[10248.630000] ReceivedOctesInAMSDUCount = 177529
[10248.640000] TransmittedAMPDUCount = 128156
[10248.640000] TransmittedMPDUsInAMPDUCount = 191522
[10248.650000] TransmittedOctetsInAMPDUCount = 198843440
[10248.650000] MPDUInReceivedAMPDUCount = 149625
[10248.660000] fAnyStaFortyIntolerant=0
[10248.660000] -- IF-ra0 --
[10248.660000] Packets Received = 179742
[10248.670000] Packets Sent = 239782
[10248.670000] Bytes Received = 29398014
[10248.670000] Byte Sent = 200768120
[10248.680000] Error Packets Received = 11
[10248.680000] Drop Received Packets = 12211
[10248.680000] WscInfo:
[10248.680000] WscConfMode=6
[10248.680000] WscMode=PIN
[10248.680000] WscConfStatus=2
[10248.680000] WscPinCode=74693092
[10248.680000] WscState=0x0
[10248.680000] WscStatus=0x1
[10248.680000] WscLatestMacAddr=00:00:00:00:00:00
[10248.710000] -- IF-ra0 end --
[10248.710000] ae:1e:1c:5b:85:79 - 1
[10248.710000] bc:fe:d9:3b:69:ce - 2
[10248.720000] ====================
[10248.730000] BackOff Slot : short slot time, BKOFF_SLOT_CFG(0x1104) = 0x00000109
[10248.730000] HT Operating Mode : 0
[10248.750000] AE:1E:1C:5B:85:79 1 0 1 1 3 -56 -55 VHT 80M 1S-M9 0 0 299 390 103 0 , 1072, 100%
[10248.770000] MaxCap:VHT 80M 1S-M91 0
[10248.770000] BC:FE:D9:3B:69:CE 2 0 1 1 3 -60 -60 VHT 80M 1S-M9 1 0 278 433 87 0 , 9, 100%
[10248.790000] MaxCap:VHT 80M 1S-M91 0
[10248.920000] TransmitCountFromOS = 128453
[10248.920000] TransmittedFragmentCount = 120676
[10248.930000] MulticastTransmittedFrameCount = 55232
[10248.930000] FailedCount = 4279
[10248.940000] RetryCount = 0
[10248.940000] MultipleRetryCount = 0
[10248.940000] RTSSuccessCount = 0
[10248.940000] RTSFailureCount = 0
[10248.950000] ACKFailureCount = 0
[10248.950000] FrameDuplicateCount = 0
[10248.950000] ReceivedFragmentCount = 254832
[10248.960000] MulticastReceivedFrameCount = 1063
[10248.960000] Rx drop due to out of resource = 0
[10248.970000] RealFcsErrCount = 24344
[10248.970000] TransmittedFrameCount = 65444
[10248.980000] WEPUndecryptableCount = 0
[10248.980000] ===Some 11n statistics variables:
[10248.980000] TxAMSDUCount = 0
[10248.990000] RxAMSDUCount = 0
[10248.990000] TransmittedAMPDUCount = 0
[10248.990000] TransmittedMPDUsInAMPDUCount = 65172
[10249.000000] TransmittedOctetsInAMPDUCount = 24396655
[10249.000000] MPDUInReceivedAMPDUCount = 68636
[10249.010000] fAnyStaFortyIntolerant=0
[10249.010000] -- IF-ra0 --
[10249.010000] Packets Received = 105902
[10249.020000] Packets Sent = 69840
[10249.020000] Bytes Received = 14731065
[10249.020000] Byte Sent = 25324368
[10249.030000] Error Packets Received = 300
[10249.030000] Drop Received Packets = 35493
[10249.040000] WscInfo:
[10249.040000] WscConfMode=6
[10249.040000] WscMode=PIN
[10249.040000] WscConfStatus=2
[10249.040000] WscPinCode=74693085
[10249.040000] WscState=0x0
[10249.040000] WscStatus=0x1
[10249.040000] WscLatestMacAddr=00:00:00:00:00:00
[10249.060000] -- IF-ra0 end --
[10249.060000] -- IF-ra1 --
[10249.060000] Packets Received = 0
[10249.070000] Packets Sent = 0
[10249.070000] Bytes Received = 0
[10249.070000] Byte Sent = 0
[10249.080000] Error Packets Received = 0
[10249.080000] Drop Received Packets = 0
[10249.080000] WscInfo:
[10249.080000] WscConfMode=6
[10249.080000] WscMode=PIN
[10249.080000] WscConfStatus=2
[10249.080000] WscPinCode=53721563
[10249.080000] WscState=0x0
[10249.080000] WscStatus=0x1
[10249.080000] WscLatestMacAddr=00:00:00:00:00:00
[10249.110000] -- IF-ra1 end --
[10249.110000] -- IF-ra2 --
[10249.110000] Packets Received = 1085
[10249.120000] Packets Sent = 1993
[10249.120000] Bytes Received = 168175
[10249.120000] Byte Sent = 197307
[10249.130000] Error Packets Received = 0
[10249.130000] Drop Received Packets = 0
[10249.130000] WscInfo:
[10249.130000] WscConfMode=6
[10249.130000] WscMode=PIN
[10249.130000] WscConfStatus=2
[10249.130000] WscPinCode=64207322
[10249.130000] WscState=0x0
[10249.130000] WscStatus=0x1
[10249.130000] WscLatestMacAddr=00:00:00:00:00:00
[10249.160000] -- IF-ra2 end --
[10249.160000] bc:fe:d9:3b:69:ce - 1
[10249.160000] 00:bb:3a:f7:cf:12 - 2
[10249.170000] ====================
[10249.180000] HT Operating Mode : 3
[10249.180000] MAC MODE AID BSS PSM WMM MIMOPS RSSI0/1/2 PhMd BW MCS SGI STBC Idle Rate QosMap
[10249.190000] BC:FE:D9:3B:69:CE 200011 0 0 1 3 -49/-61/0 HTMIX 20M 7 0 0 211 65 0 , 27, 100%
[10249.200000] MaxCap:HTMIX 20M 7 1 0
[10249.210000] 00:BB:3A:F7:CF:12 200012 0 0 1 3 -40/-55/0 HTMIX 20M 15 0 0 227 130 0 , 202, 100%
[10249.220000] MaxCap:HTMIX 20M 15 1 0
[10249.780000] TransmitCountFromOS = 128453
[10249.780000] TransmittedFragmentCount = 120676
[10249.790000] MulticastTransmittedFrameCount = 55232
[10249.790000] FailedCount = 4279
[10249.800000] RetryCount = 0
[10249.800000] MultipleRetryCount = 0
[10249.800000] RTSSuccessCount = 0
[10249.810000] RTSFailureCount = 0
[10249.810000] ACKFailureCount = 0
[10249.810000] FrameDuplicateCount = 0
[10249.820000] ReceivedFragmentCount = 254834
[10249.820000] MulticastReceivedFrameCount = 1063
[10249.820000] Rx drop due to out of resource = 0
[10249.830000] RealFcsErrCount = 24344
[10249.830000] TransmittedFrameCount = 65444
[10249.840000] WEPUndecryptableCount = 0
[10249.840000] ===Some 11n statistics variables:
[10249.850000] TxAMSDUCount = 0
[10249.850000] RxAMSDUCount = 0
[10249.850000] TransmittedAMPDUCount = 0
[10249.860000] TransmittedMPDUsInAMPDUCount = 65172
[10249.860000] TransmittedOctetsInAMPDUCount = 24396655
[10249.860000] MPDUInReceivedAMPDUCount = 68636
[10249.870000] fAnyStaFortyIntolerant=0
[10249.870000] -- IF-ra0 --
[10249.880000] Packets Received = 105902
[10249.880000] Packets Sent = 69840
[10249.880000] Bytes Received = 14731065
[10249.890000] Byte Sent = 25324368
[10249.890000] Error Packets Received = 300
[10249.890000] Drop Received Packets = 35493
[10249.900000] WscInfo:
[10249.900000] WscConfMode=6
[10249.900000] WscMode=PIN
[10249.900000] WscConfStatus=2
[10249.900000] WscPinCode=74693085
[10249.900000] WscState=0x0
[10249.900000] WscStatus=0x1
[10249.900000] WscLatestMacAddr=00:00:00:00:00:00
[10249.920000] -- IF-ra0 end --
[10249.920000] -- IF-ra1 --
[10249.930000] Packets Received = 0
[10249.930000] Packets Sent = 0
[10249.930000] Bytes Received = 0
[10249.930000] Byte Sent = 0
[10249.940000] Error Packets Received = 0
[10249.940000] Drop Received Packets = 0
[10249.940000] WscInfo:
[10249.940000] WscConfMode=6
[10249.940000] WscMode=PIN
[10249.940000] WscConfStatus=2
[10249.940000] WscPinCode=53721563
[10249.940000] WscState=0x0
[10249.940000] WscStatus=0x1
[10249.940000] WscLatestMacAddr=00:00:00:00:00:00
[10249.970000] -- IF-ra1 end --
[10249.970000] -- IF-ra2 --
[10249.970000] Packets Received = 1085
[10249.980000] Packets Sent = 1993
[10249.980000] Bytes Received = 168175
[10249.980000] Byte Sent = 197307
[10249.990000] Error Packets Received = 0
[10249.990000] Drop Received Packets = 0
[10249.990000] WscInfo:
[10249.990000] WscConfMode=6
[10249.990000] WscMode=PIN
[10249.990000] WscConfStatus=2
[10249.990000] WscPinCode=64207322
[10249.990000] WscState=0x0
[10249.990000] WscStatus=0x1
[10249.990000] WscLatestMacAddr=00:00:00:00:00:00
[10250.020000] -- IF-ra2 end --
[10250.020000] bc:fe:d9:3b:69:ce - 1
[10250.020000] 00:bb:3a:f7:cf:12 - 2
[10250.030000] ====================
[10250.040000] HT Operating Mode : 3
[10250.040000] MAC MODE AID BSS PSM WMM MIMOPS RSSI0/1/2 PhMd BW MCS SGI STBC Idle Rate QosMap
[10250.620000] TransmitCountFromOS = 128453
[10250.630000] TransmittedFragmentCount = 120676
[10250.630000] MulticastTransmittedFrameCount = 55232
[10250.640000] FailedCount = 4279
[10250.640000] RetryCount = 0
[10250.640000] MultipleRetryCount = 0
[10250.650000] RTSSuccessCount = 0
[10250.650000] RTSFailureCount = 0
[10250.650000] ACKFailureCount = 0
[10250.660000] FrameDuplicateCount = 0
[10250.660000] ReceivedFragmentCount = 254842
[10250.660000] MulticastReceivedFrameCount = 1063
[10250.670000] Rx drop due to out of resource = 0
[10250.670000] RealFcsErrCount = 24346
[10250.680000] TransmittedFrameCount = 65444
[10250.680000] WEPUndecryptableCount = 0
[10250.680000] ===Some 11n statistics variables:
[10250.690000] TxAMSDUCount = 0
[10250.690000] RxAMSDUCount = 0
[10250.700000] TransmittedAMPDUCount = 0
[10250.700000] TransmittedMPDUsInAMPDUCount = 65172
[10250.710000] TransmittedOctetsInAMPDUCount = 24396655
[10250.710000] MPDUInReceivedAMPDUCount = 68636
[10250.710000] fAnyStaFortyIntolerant=0
[10250.720000] -- IF-ra0 --
[10250.720000] Packets Received = 105902
[10250.720000] Packets Sent = 69840
[10250.730000] Bytes Received = 14731065
[10250.730000] Byte Sent = 25324368
[10250.730000] Error Packets Received = 300
[10250.740000] Drop Received Packets = 35493
[10250.740000] WscInfo:
[10250.740000] WscConfMode=6
[10250.740000] WscMode=PIN
[10250.740000] WscConfStatus=2
[10250.740000] WscPinCode=74693085
[10250.740000] WscState=0x0
[10250.740000] WscStatus=0x1
[10250.740000] WscLatestMacAddr=00:00:00:00:00:00
[10250.770000] -- IF-ra0 end --
[10250.770000] -- IF-ra1 --
[10250.770000] Packets Received = 0
[10250.780000] Packets Sent = 0
[10250.780000] Bytes Received = 0
[10250.780000] Byte Sent = 0
[10250.780000] Error Packets Received = 0
[10250.790000] Drop Received Packets = 0
[10250.790000] WscInfo:
[10250.790000] WscConfMode=6
[10250.790000] WscMode=PIN
[10250.790000] WscConfStatus=2
[10250.790000] WscPinCode=53721563
[10250.790000] WscState=0x0
[10250.790000] WscStatus=0x1
[10250.790000] WscLatestMacAddr=00:00:00:00:00:00
[10250.810000] -- IF-ra1 end --
[10250.820000] -- IF-ra2 --
[10250.820000] Packets Received = 1085
[10250.820000] Packets Sent = 1993
[10250.830000] Bytes Received = 168175
[10250.830000] Byte Sent = 197307
[10250.830000] Error Packets Received = 0
[10250.840000] Drop Received Packets = 0
[10250.840000] WscInfo:
[10250.840000] WscConfMode=6
[10250.840000] WscMode=PIN
[10250.840000] WscConfStatus=2
[10250.840000] WscPinCode=64207322
[10250.840000] WscState=0x0
[10250.840000] WscStatus=0x1
[10250.840000] WscLatestMacAddr=00:00:00:00:00:00
[10250.860000] -- IF-ra2 end --
[10250.870000] bc:fe:d9:3b:69:ce - 1
[10250.870000] 00:bb:3a:f7:cf:12 - 2
[10250.880000] ====================
[10250.890000] HT Operating Mode : 3
[10250.890000] MAC MODE AID BSS PSM WMM MIMOPS RSSI0/1/2 PhMd BW MCS SGI STBC Idle Rate QosMap
MemTotal: 124728 kB
MemFree: 61904 kB
Buffers: 3736 kB
Cached: 13116 kB
SwapCached: 0 kB
Active: 21940 kB
Inactive: 7544 kB
Active(anon): 12852 kB
Inactive(anon): 904 kB
Active(file): 9088 kB
Inactive(file): 6640 kB
Unevictable: 0 kB
Mlocked: 0 kB
SwapTotal: 0 kB
SwapFree: 0 kB
Dirty: 0 kB
Writeback: 0 kB
AnonPages: 12660 kB
Mapped: 7848 kB
Shmem: 1124 kB
Slab: 18944 kB
SReclaimable: 1820 kB
SUnreclaim: 17124 kB
KernelStack: 1088 kB
PageTables: 552 kB
NFS_Unstable: 0 kB
Bounce: 0 kB
WritebackTmp: 0 kB
CommitLimit: 62364 kB
Committed_AS: 71672 kB
VmallocTotal: 1048372 kB
VmallocUsed: 11252 kB
VmallocChunk: 948016 kB
top - 23:29:43 up 2:50, 0 users, load average: 1.02, 1.11, 0.97
Tasks: 98 total, 1 running, 97 sleeping, 0 stopped, 0 zombie
Cpu(s): 1.3%us, 2.2%sy, 0.0%ni, 96.0%id, 0.0%wa, 0.0%hi, 0.5%si, 0.0%st
Mem: 124728k total, 63416k used, 61312k free, 4028k buffers
Swap: 0k total, 0k used, 0k free, 13344k cached

18162 root 15 -5 1784 592 476 R 4 0.5 0:00.23 top
1 root 20 0 2004 364 308 S 0 0.3 0:02.60 init
3 root 20 0 0 0 0 S 0 0.0 0:05.21 ksoftirqd/0
5 root 0 -20 0 0 0 S 0 0.0 0:00.00 kworker/0:0H
7 root RT 0 0 0 0 S 0 0.0 0:10.66 migration/0
8 root 20 0 0 0 0 S 0 0.0 0:00.03 rcu_bh
9 root 20 0 0 0 0 S 0 0.0 0:03.17 rcu_sched
10 root RT 0 0 0 0 S 0 0.0 0:00.50 watchdog/0
11 root RT 0 0 0 0 S 0 0.0 0:00.26 watchdog/1
12 root RT 0 0 0 0 S 0 0.0 0:08.07 migration/1
13 root 20 0 0 0 0 S 0 0.0 0:06.67 ksoftirqd/1
15 root 0 -20 0 0 0 S 0 0.0 0:00.00 kworker/1:0H
16 root RT 0 0 0 0 S 0 0.0 0:00.55 watchdog/2
17 root RT 0 0 0 0 S 0 0.0 0:09.59 migration/2
2 root 20 0 0 0 0 S 0 0.0 0:00.02 kthreadd
20 root 0 -20 0 0 0 S 0 0.0 0:00.00 kworker/2:0H
21 root RT 0 0 0 0 S 0 0.0 0:00.35 watchdog/3
22 root RT 0 0 0 0 S 0 0.0 0:09.92 migration/3
23 root 20 0 0 0 0 S 0 0.0 0:13.76 ksoftirqd/3
25 root 0 -20 0 0 0 S 0 0.0 0:00.00 kworker/3:0H
26 root 0 -20 0 0 0 S 0 0.0 0:00.00 khelper
27 root 20 0 0 0 0 S 0 0.0 0:00.00 kdevtmpfs
105 root 0 -20 0 0 0 S 0 0.0 0:00.00 writeback
107 root 0 -20 0 0 0 S 0 0.0 0:00.00 kintegrityd
108 root 0 -20 0 0 0 S 0 0.0 0:00.00 bioset
110 root 0 -20 0 0 0 S 0 0.0 0:00.00 kblockd
132 root 0 -20 0 0 0 S 0 0.0 0:00.00 cfg80211
151 root 20 0 0 0 0 S 0 0.0 0:00.02 khungtaskd
152 root 20 0 0 0 0 S 0 0.0 0:00.00 kswapd0
239 root 20 0 0 0 0 S 0 0.0 0:00.00 fsnotify_mark
253 root 0 -20 0 0 0 S 0 0.0 0:00.00 crypto
329 root 0 -20 0 0 0 S 0 0.0 0:00.00 et_port_queue
352 root 0 -20 0 0 0 S 0 0.0 0:00.00 deferwq
582 root 30 10 0 0 0 S 0 0.0 0:03.41 jffs2_gcd_mtd7
685 root 20 0 2004 76 0 S 0 0.1 0:00.01 init
701 root 20 0 5400 1108 768 S 0 0.9 0:15.61 syslog-ng
967 root 20 0 1296 480 356 S 0 0.4 0:00.05 hotplug2
1030 root 10 -10 1376 340 280 S 0 0.3 0:01.44 ubusd
1088 root 20 0 0 0 0 S 0 0.0 0:03.18 kworker/2:1
1121 root 20 0 9976 500 336 S 0 0.4 0:03.72 taskmonitorServ
1124 root 20 0 1400 288 220 S 0 0.2 0:00.04 taskmonitorDaem
1186 root 20 0 0 0 0 S 0 0.0 0:02.70 kworker/3:0
1201 root 20 0 0 0 0 S 0 0.0 0:04.25 kworker/0:1
1629 root 0 -20 0 0 0 S 0 0.0 0:00.08 kworker/1:1H
2042 root 0 -20 0 0 0 S 0 0.0 0:00.06 kworker/3:1H
2048 root 0 -20 0 0 0 S 0 0.0 0:00.02 kworker/0:1H
2051 root 0 -20 0 0 0 S 0 0.0 0:00.00 kworker/2:1H
3974 root 20 0 2000 348 292 S 0 0.3 0:00.02
3990 root 20 0 1424 344 284 S 0 0.3 0:00.79 iwevent
3991 root 20 0 2036 540 432 S 0 0.4 0:10.05 iwevent-call
4092 root 20 0 2120 408 328 S 0 0.3 0:00.09 netapi
4165 root 20 0 18300 2864 2420 S 0 2.3 0:02.86 datacenter
4267 root 20 0 16712 3504 3008 S 0 2.8 0:01.06 plugincenter
4372 root 20 0 4732 2684 960 S 0 2.2 0:04.61 lua
18 root 20 0 0 0 0 S 0 0.0 0:05.37 ksoftirqd/2
4768 root 20 0 15292 3228 2656 S 0 2.6 0:00.89 smartcontroller
4787 root 20 0 1988 852 656 S 0 0.7 0:00.77 netifd
4949 root 20 0 0 0 0 S 0 0.0 0:00.00 kworker/3:2
5024 root 20 0 1992 60 0 S 0 0.0 0:00.09 watchdog
5031 root 20 0 0 0 0 S 0 0.0 0:00.01 kworker/0:2
5032 root 20 0 0 0 0 S 0 0.0 0:00.12 kworker/1:0
5045 root 20 0 2168 720 476 S 0 0.6 0:00.63 syslog-ng.helpe
5046 root 20 0 2004 344 288 S 0 0.3 0:00.08 tail
5047 root 20 0 1996 348 292 S 0 0.3 0:00.06 grep
5048 root 20 0 2000 348 292 S 0 0.3 0:00.01 stat_points.hel
5049 root 20 0 2164 720 480 S 0 0.6 0:00.09 stat_points.cro
5090 root 20 0 5248 1796 1416 S 0 1.4 0:00.10 statisticsservi
5195 root RT 0 1212 80 48 S 0 0.1 0:00.08 btnd
5837 root 20 0 7184 2876 1200 S 0 2.3 0:04.79 trafficd
5897 root 20 0 1428 356 296 S 0 0.3 0:00.04 xqbc
6007 root 15 -5 2012 316 244 S 0 0.3 0:00.01 crond
7267 root 20 0 2000 348 292 S 0 0.3 0:00.00 mald
7268 root 15 -5 11348 1492 1148 S 0 1.2 0:02.63 messagingagent
8846 root 20 0 1228 328 264 S 0 0.3 0:00.09 web_filter_reco
8884 root 20 0 0 0 0 S 0 0.0 0:01.58 kworker/2:2
12118 root 20 0 0 0 0 S 0 0.0 0:00.01 kworker/u8:1
14677 root 20 0 0 0 0 S 0 0.0 0:00.02 kworker/u8:2
15958 root 20 0 1992 348 292 S 0 0.3 0:00.00 sleep
16031 root 20 0 0 0 0 S 0 0.0 0:00.00 kworker/2:0
16032 root 20 0 0 0 0 S 0 0.0 0:00.80 kworker/2:3
16087 root 20 0 0 0 0 S 0 0.0 0:00.00 kworker/0:0
16147 root 20 0 0 0 0 S 0 0.0 0:00.42 kworker/3:1
16154 root 20 0 0 0 0 S 0 0.0 0:00.07 RtmpCmdQTask
16155 root 20 0 0 0 0 S 0 0.0 0:00.00 RtmpWscTask
16156 root 20 0 0 0 0 S 0 0.0 0:00.19 RtmpMlmeTask
16282 root 15 -5 1220 68 0 S 0 0.1 0:00.04 acsc
16336 root 20 0 0 0 0 S 0 0.0 0:00.00 RtmpCmdQTask
16337 root 20 0 0 0 0 S 0 0.0 0:00.01 RtmpWscTask
16338 root 20 0 0 0 0 S 0 0.0 0:00.73 RtmpMlmeTask
16407 root 20 0 0 0 0 S 0 0.0 0:08.14 kworker/1:2
17931 root 20 0 1992 348 292 S 0 0.3 0:00.00 sleep
17941 root 15 -5 3972 2104 864 S 0 1.7 0:00.16 luci
17948 root 15 -5 2004 348 292 S 0 0.3 0:00.01 sh
17949 root 15 -5 2024 544 448 S 0 0.4 0:00.14 log_collection.
4669 root 20 0 3872 456 348 S 0 0.4 0:00.08 rmonitor
19359 root 15 -5 3912 856 680 S 0 0.7 0:03.64 fcgi-cgi
19883 root 20 0 8036 1612 228 S 0 1.3 0:00.00 sysapihttpd
19884 root 15 -5 8128 2676 1412 S 0 2.1 0:08.63 sysapihttpd

========== cat /tmp/pppoe.log
========== cat /tmp/vpn.stat.msg
========== ubus call turbo_ccgame get_pass

==========uptime 23:29:33 up 2:50, load average: 1.02, 1.11, 0.97 ==========df -h Filesystem Size Used Available Use% Mounted on rootfs 12.3M 12.3M 0 100% / /dev/root 12.3M 12.3M 0 100% / tmpfs 60.9M 920.0K 60.0M 1% /tmp tmpfs 512.0K 0 512.0K 0% /dev /dev/mtdblock7 1.0M 828.0K 196.0K 81% /data /dev/mtdblock7 1.0M 828.0K 196.0K 81% /etc tmpfs 60.9M 920.0K 60.0M 1% /userdisk/sysapihttpd /dev/root 1.0M 828.0K 196.0K 81% /mnt /dev/mtdblock7 1.0M 828.0K 196.0K 81% /mnt ==========bootinfo

ROM ver: config core 'version' # ROM ver option ROM '3.0.27' # channel option CHANNEL 'release' # hardware platform R1AC or R1N etc. option HARDWARE 'R4A' # CFE ver option UBOOT '1.0.2' # Linux Kernel ver option LINUX '0.0.1' # RAMFS ver option RAMFS '0.0.1' # SQUASHFS ver option SQAFS '0.0.1' # ROOTFS ver option ROOTFS '0.0.1' #build time option BUILDTIME 'Mon, 12 Apr 2021 08:58:58 +0000' #build timestamp option BUILDTS '1618217938' #build git tag option GTAG 'commit 00994b00d3a6fb52206dbe9f27f2577c9e11738f' Hardware : Ver. A ROM sum: System : Dual - 1 KERNEL : console=ttyS1,115200n8 uart_en=0 factory_mode=0 mem=128m root=/dev/mtdblock9

MTD table: dev: size erasesize name mtd0: 01000000 00010000 "ALL" mtd1: 00030000 00010000 "Bootloader" mtd2: 00010000 00010000 "Config" mtd3: 00010000 00010000 "Bdata" mtd4: 00010000 00010000 "Factory" mtd5: 00010000 00010000 "crash" mtd6: 00010000 00010000 "cfg_bak" mtd7: 00100000 00010000 "overlay" mtd8: 00e80000 00010000 "OS1" mtd9: 00ce0000 00010000 "rootfs"

==========tmp dir -rw-r--r-- 1 root root 0 Apr 12 2021 3660.bootcheck.log -rw-r--r-- 1 root root 23 Jan 3 15:48 TZ drwxr-xr-x 9 root root 180 Apr 12 2021 arrays drwx------ 2 root root 80 Jan 3 21:42 authenfailed-cache drwxr-xr-x 3 root root 60 Apr 12 2021 daemon drwxr-xr-x 2 root root 100 Jan 3 22:47 datalist -rw-r--r-- 1 root root 1.2K Jan 3 23:01 dhcp.leases -rw-r--r-- 1 root root 105 Jan 3 23:10 diag_net_spd drwxr-xr-x 4 root root 180 Jan 3 21:00 etc -rw-r--r-- 1 root root 4 Apr 12 2021 head.bin drwxr-xr-x 2 root root 260 Jan 3 21:56 hosts drwxr-xr-x 2 root root 40 Apr 12 2021 http_info -rw-r--r-- 1 root root 392 Jan 3 22:55 iot_pubkey_cache -rw-r--r-- 1 root root 10 Jan 3 22:55 iot_time_cache -rw-r--r-- 1 root root 36 Jan 3 22:55 iot_token_cache -rw-r--r-- 1 root root 0 Jan 3 23:29 ip6neighbor drwxr-xr-x 2 root root 80 Apr 12 2021 lock drwxr-xr-x 3 root root 100 Apr 12 2021 log drwxr-xr-x 2 root root 40 Jan 3 21:00 logexec -rw------- 1 root root 146.7K Apr 12 2021 luci-indexcache drwx------ 2 root root 100 Jan 3 23:09 luci-nonce drwx------ 2 root root 220 Jan 3 23:29 luci-sessions -rw------- 1 root root 0 Jan 3 23:29 messages -rw-r--r-- 1 root root 4 Jan 3 23:11 mi_ip_conflict_pid drwxr-xr-x 2 root root 40 Apr 12 2021 mnt -rw-r--r-- 1 root root 185 Jan 3 23:27 -rw-r--r-- 1 root root 177 Jan 3 23:27 -rw-r--r-- 1 root root 227 Jan 3 23:11 network.env -rw-r--r-- 1 root root 885 Jan 3 21:00 nginx_check.log -rw-r--r-- 1 root root 13 Jan 3 21:48 ntp.status -rw-r--r-- 1 root root 4 Jan 3 21:26 ota_predownload_pid -rw-rw-r-- 1 1000 1000 184.0K Nov 5 2018 oui drwxr-xr-x 2 root root 80 Jan 3 21:00 quark -rw-r--r-- 1 root root 17 Apr 12 2021 rc.done -rw-r--r-- 1 root root 3.4K Apr 12 2021 rc.timing lrwxrwxrwx 1 root root 21 Jan 3 23:11 resolv.conf -> /tmp/ -rw-r--r-- 1 root root 39 Jan 3 23:11 -rw-r--r-- 1 root root 43 Apr 12 2021 resolv.conf.dummy drwxr-xr-x 2 root root 40 Apr 12 2021 root -rw-r--r-- 1 root root 2 Jan 3 23:11 router_in_xiaomi drwxr-xr-x 2 root root 40 Apr 12 2021 rr drwxr-xr-x 2 root root 240 Jan 3 23:11 run -rw-r--r-- 1 root root 5 Jan 3 23:11 -rw-r--r-- 1 root root 2 Jan 3 23:27 smart_force_wifi_down -rw-r--r-- 1 root root 4.9K Jan 3 21:00 speedtest_urls.xml drwxr-xr-x 3 root root 60 Apr 12 2021 spool -rw-r--r-- 1 root root 5 Jan 3 23:29 startscene_crontab.lua.PID -rw------- 1 root root 188 Jan 3 23:23 stat_points_privacy.log -rw------- 1 root root 1002 Jan 3 23:27 stat_points_rom.log -rw-r--r-- 1 root root 0 Jan 3 22:52 stat_points_web.log drwxr-xrwx 2 root root 120 Jan 3 21:45 state drwxrwxrwx 13 root root 260 Apr 12 2021 sysapihttpd drwxr-xr-x 3 root root 360 Jan 3 21:00 sysapihttpdconf drwxr-xr-x 2 root root 80 Dec 31 1969 sysinfo srwxr-xr-x 1 root root 0 Apr 12 2021 syslog-ng.ctl -rw-r--r-- 1 root root 4 Apr 12 2021 drwx------ 2 root root 40 Jan 3 23:29 syslogbackup drwxr-xr-x 2 root root 80 Apr 12 2021 taskmonitor -rw-r--r-- 1 root root 21.0K Jan 3 23:27 uci2dat_mt7603e.log -rw-r--r-- 1 root root 19.7K Jan 3 23:27 uci2dat_mt7612.log drwxrwxrwx 2 root root 40 Jan 3 21:00 uploadfiles -rw-r--r-- 1 root root 0 Jan 3 23:12 upnp.leases -rw-r--r-- 1 root root 0 Apr 12 2021 web_config_list prw------- 1 root root 0 Jan 3 23:11 web_filter_list -rw------- 1 root root 0 Jan 3 23:29 wifi_analysis.log -rw-r--r-- 1 root root 5 Jan 3 23:11 -rw-r--r-- 1 root root 1.8K Jan 3 23:29 xiaoqiang.log 0 /tmp/3660.bootcheck.log 4.0K /tmp/TZ 20.0K /tmp/arrays 8.0K /tmp/authenfailed-cache 0 /tmp/daemon 0 /tmp/datalist 4.0K /tmp/dhcp.leases 4.0K /tmp/diag_net_spd 32.0K /tmp/etc 4.0K /tmp/head.bin 44.0K /tmp/hosts 0 /tmp/http_info 4.0K /tmp/iot_pubkey_cache 4.0K /tmp/iot_time_cache 4.0K /tmp/iot_token_cache 0 /tmp/ip6neighbor 8.0K /tmp/lock 4.0K /tmp/log 0 /tmp/logexec 148.0K /tmp/luci-indexcache 12.0K /tmp/luci-nonce 36.0K /tmp/luci-sessions 0 /tmp/messages 4.0K /tmp/mi_ip_conflict_pid 0 /tmp/mnt 4.0K /tmp/ 4.0K /tmp/ 4.0K /tmp/network.env 4.0K /tmp/nginx_check.log 4.0K /tmp/ntp.status 4.0K /tmp/ota_predownload_pid 188.0K /tmp/oui 8.0K /tmp/quark 4.0K /tmp/rc.done 4.0K /tmp/rc.timing 0 /tmp/resolv.conf 4.0K /tmp/ 4.0K /tmp/resolv.conf.dummy 0 /tmp/root 4.0K /tmp/router_in_xiaomi 0 /tmp/rr 32.0K /tmp/run 4.0K /tmp/ 4.0K /tmp/smart_force_wifi_down 8.0K /tmp/speedtest_urls.xml 0 /tmp/spool 4.0K /tmp/startscene_crontab.lua.PID 4.0K /tmp/stat_points_privacy.log 4.0K /tmp/stat_points_rom.log 0 /tmp/stat_points_web.log 16.0K /tmp/state 24.0K /tmp/sysapihttpd 124.0K /tmp/sysapihttpdconf 8.0K /tmp/sysinfo 0 /tmp/syslog-ng.ctl 4.0K /tmp/ 0 /tmp/syslogbackup 44.0K /tmp/taskmonitor 24.0K /tmp/uci2dat_mt7603e.log 20.0K /tmp/uci2dat_mt7612.log 0 /tmp/uploadfiles 0 /tmp/upnp.leases 0 /tmp/web_config_list 0 /tmp/web_filter_list 0 /tmp/wifi_analysis.log 4.0K /tmp/ 8.0K /tmp/xiaoqiang.log ==========iwpriv wl0 wl0 e2p: [0x0000]:7662 [0x0002]:0001 [0x0004]:CD3C [0x0006]:7157 [0x0008]:FDF8 [0x000A]:7612 [0x000C]:14C3 [0x000E]:0000 [0x0010]:0000 [0x0012]:7612 [0x0014]:14C3 [0x0016]:0000 [0x0018]:0000 [0x001A]:FFFF 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[0x0138]:FFFF [0x013A]:FFFF [0x013C]:FFFF [0x013E]:0000 [0x0140]:FFFF [0x0142]:FFFF [0x0144]:FFFF [0x0146]:FFFF [0x0148]:FFFF [0x014A]:FFFF [0x014C]:FFFF [0x014E]:FFFF [0x0150]:FFFF [0x0152]:FFFF [0x0154]:FFFF [0x0156]:FFFF [0x0158]:FFFF [0x015A]:FFFF [0x015C]:FFFF [0x015E]:FFFF [0x0160]:FFFF [0x0162]:FFFF [0x0164]:FFFF [0x0166]:FFFF [0x0168]:FFFF [0x016A]:FFFF [0x016C]:FFFF [0x016E]:FFFF [0x0170]:FFFF [0x0172]:FFFF [0x0174]:FFFF [0x0176]:FFFF [0x0178]:FFFF [0x017A]:FFFF [0x017C]:FFFF [0x017E]:FFFF [0x0180]:FFFF [0x0182]:FFFF [0x0184]:FFFF [0x0186]:FFFF [0x0188]:FFFF [0x018A]:FFFF [0x018C]:FFFF [0x018E]:FFFF [0x0190]:FFFF [0x0192]:FFFF [0x0194]:FFFF [0x0196]:FFFF [0x0198]:FFFF [0x019A]:FFFF [0x019C]:FFFF [0x019E]:FFFF [0x01A0]:FFFF [0x01A2]:FFFF [0x01A4]:FFFF [0x01A6]:FFFF [0x01A8]:FFFF [0x01AA]:FFFF [0x01AC]:FFFF [0x01AE]:FFFF [0x01B0]:FFFF [0x01B2]:FFFF [0x01B4]:FFFF [0x01B6]:FFFF [0x01B8]:FFFF [0x01BA]:FFFF [0x01BC]:FFFF [0x01BE]:FFFF [0x01C0]:FFFF [0x01C2]:FFFF [0x01C4]:FFFF 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==========iwpriv wl1 wl1 e2p: [0x0000]:7603 [0x0002]:0201 [0x0004]:CD3C [0x0006]:7157 [0x0008]:FCF8 [0x000A]:7603 [0x000C]:14C3 [0x000E]:FFFF [0x0010]:FFFF [0x0012]:7603 [0x0014]:14C3 [0x0016]:0000 [0x0018]:0000 [0x001A]:0000 [0x001C]:0000 [0x001E]:0000 [0x0020]:0000 [0x0022]:07B0 [0x0024]:00A0 [0x0026]:7F60 [0x0028]:9BFD [0x002A]:FFFF [0x002C]:FFFF [0x002E]:FFFF [0x0030]:FFFF [0x0032]:FFFF [0x0034]:3422 [0x0036]:2000 [0x0038]:FFFF [0x003A]:0100 [0x003C]:0000 [0x003E]:0000 [0x0040]:0000 [0x0042]:0022 [0x0044]:0000 [0x0046]:0000 [0x0048]:0000 [0x004A]:0000 [0x004C]:0000 [0x004E]:01E0 [0x0050]:0082 [0x0052]:9400 [0x0054]:AC40 [0x0056]:C9C0 [0x0058]:C222 [0x005A]:C1C1 [0x005C]:C9C0 [0x005E]:C122 [0x0060]:C1C1 [0x0062]:0000 [0x0064]:0000 [0x0066]:0000 [0x0068]:0000 [0x006A]:0000 [0x006C]:0000 [0x006E]:0000 [0x0070]:FFFF [0x0072]:FFFF [0x0074]:FFFF [0x0076]:FFFF [0x0078]:FFFF [0x007A]:FFFF [0x007C]:FFFF [0x007E]:FFFF [0x0080]:FFFF [0x0082]:FFFF [0x0084]:FFFF [0x0086]:FFFF [0x0088]:FFFF [0x008A]:FFFF [0x008C]:FFFF [0x008E]:FFFF [0x0090]:0000 [0x0092]:0000 [0x0094]:0000 [0x0096]:0000 [0x0098]:0000 [0x009A]:0000 [0x009C]:0000 [0x009E]:0000 [0x00A0]:C6C6 [0x00A2]:C6C6 [0x00A4]:C0C4 [0x00A6]:C6C0 [0x00A8]:C4C6 [0x00AA]:C0C4 [0x00AC]:C0C0 [0x00AE]:0000 [0x00B0]:FFFF [0x00B2]:FFFF [0x00B4]:FFFF [0x00B6]:FFFF [0x00B8]:FFFF [0x00BA]:FFFF [0x00BC]:FFFF [0x00BE]:FFFF [0x00C0]:040D [0x00C2]:1403 [0x00C4]:130A [0x00C6]:FFFF [0x00C8]:FFFF [0x00CA]:FFFF [0x00CC]:FFFF [0x00CE]:FFFF [0x00D0]:FFFF [0x00D2]:FFFF [0x00D4]:FFFF [0x00D6]:FFFF [0x00D8]:FFFF [0x00DA]:FFFF [0x00DC]:FFFF [0x00DE]:FFFF [0x00E0]:FFFF [0x00E2]:FFFF [0x00E4]:FFFF [0x00E6]:FFFF [0x00E8]:FFFF [0x00EA]:FFFF [0x00EC]:FFFF [0x00EE]:FFFF [0x00F0]:0005 [0x00F2]:0000 [0x00F4]:00AD [0x00F6]:88D3 [0x00F8]:0000 [0x00FA]:0000 [0x00FC]:0000 [0x00FE]:0000 [0x0100]:FFFF [0x0102]:FFFF [0x0104]:FFFF [0x0106]:FFFF [0x0108]:FFFF [0x010A]:FFFF [0x010C]:FFFF [0x010E]:FFFF [0x0110]:FFFF [0x0112]:FFFF [0x0114]:FFFF [0x0116]:FFFF [0x0118]:FFFF [0x011A]:FFFF [0x011C]:FFFF [0x011E]:FFFF [0x0120]:0000 [0x0122]:0000 [0x0124]:0000 [0x0126]:0000 [0x0128]:0000 [0x012A]:0000 [0x012C]:0000 [0x012E]:20FF [0x0130]:FFFF [0x0132]:FFFF [0x0134]:FFFF [0x0136]:FFFF [0x0138]:FFFF [0x013A]:FFFF [0x013C]:FFFF [0x013E]:FFFF [0x0140]:FFFF [0x0142]:FFFF [0x0144]:FFFF [0x0146]:FFFF [0x0148]:FFFF [0x014A]:FFFF [0x014C]:FFFF [0x014E]:FFFF [0x0150]:FFFF [0x0152]:FFFF [0x0154]:FFFF [0x0156]:FFFF [0x0158]:FFFF [0x015A]:FFFF [0x015C]:FFFF [0x015E]:FFFF [0x0160]:FFFF [0x0162]:FFFF [0x0164]:FFFF [0x0166]:FFFF [0x0168]:FFFF [0x016A]:FFFF [0x016C]:FFFF [0x016E]:FFFF [0x0170]:FFFF [0x0172]:FFFF [0x0174]:FFFF [0x0176]:FFFF [0x0178]:FFFF [0x017A]:FFFF [0x017C]:FFFF [0x017E]:FFFF [0x0180]:FFFF [0x0182]:FFFF [0x0184]:FFFF [0x0186]:FFFF [0x0188]:FFFF [0x018A]:FFFF [0x018C]:FFFF [0x018E]:FFFF [0x0190]:FFFF [0x0192]:FFFF [0x0194]:FFFF [0x0196]:FFFF [0x0198]:FFFF [0x019A]:FFFF [0x019C]:FFFF [0x019E]:FFFF [0x01A0]:FFFF [0x01A2]:FFFF [0x01A4]:FFFF [0x01A6]:FFFF [0x01A8]:FFFF [0x01AA]:FFFF [0x01AC]:FFFF [0x01AE]:FFFF [0x01B0]:FFFF [0x01B2]:FFFF [0x01B4]:FFFF [0x01B6]:FFFF [0x01B8]:FFFF [0x01BA]:FFFF [0x01BC]:FFFF [0x01BE]:FFFF [0x01C0]:FFFF [0x01C2]:FFFF [0x01C4]:FFFF [0x01C6]:FFFF [0x01C8]:FFFF [0x01CA]:FFFF [0x01CC]:FFFF [0x01CE]:FFFF [0x01D0]:FFFF [0x01D2]:FFFF [0x01D4]:FFFF [0x01D6]:FFFF [0x01D8]:FFFF [0x01DA]:FFFF [0x01DC]:FFFF [0x01DE]:FFFF [0x01E0]:FFFF [0x01E2]:FFFF [0x01E4]:FFFF [0x01E6]:FFFF [0x01E8]:FFFF [0x01EA]:FFFF [0x01EC]:FFFF [0x01EE]:FFFF [0x01F0]:FFFF [0x01F2]:FFFF [0x01F4]:FFFF [0x01F6]:FFFF [0x01F8]:FFFF [0x01FA]:FFFF [0x01FC]:FFFF [0x01FE]:FFFF

==========ifconfig br-lan Link encap:Ethernet HWaddr 3C:CD:57:71:F8:FA inet addr: Bcast: Mask: inet6 addr: fe80::3ecd:57ff:fe71:f8fa/64 Scope:Link UP BROADCAST RUNNING MULTICAST MTU:1430 Metric:1 RX packets:8463 errors:0 dropped:17 overruns:0 frame:0 TX packets:6321 errors:0 dropped:0 overruns:0 carrier:0 collisions:0 txqueuelen:0 RX bytes:609145 (594.8 KiB) TX bytes:1518364 (1.4 MiB)

eth0 Link encap:Ethernet HWaddr 3C:CD:57:71:F8:FA UP BROADCAST RUNNING MULTICAST MTU:1500 Metric:1 RX packets:244501 errors:0 dropped:0 overruns:0 frame:0 TX packets:254116 errors:0 dropped:0 overruns:0 carrier:0 collisions:0 txqueuelen:1000 RX bytes:211651962 (201.8 MiB) TX bytes:37325273 (35.5 MiB) Interrupt:3

ifb0 Link encap:Ethernet HWaddr D2:02:71:27:8D:FF inet6 addr: fe80::d002:71ff:fe27:8dff/64 Scope:Link UP BROADCAST RUNNING NOARP MTU:1500 Metric:1 RX packets:15 errors:0 dropped:0 overruns:0 frame:0 TX packets:0 errors:0 dropped:15 overruns:0 carrier:0 collisions:0 txqueuelen:32 RX bytes:1950 (1.9 KiB) TX bytes:0 (0.0 B)

lo Link encap:Local Loopback inet addr: Mask: inet6 addr: ::1/128 Scope:Host UP LOOPBACK RUNNING MTU:65536 Metric:1 RX packets:45111 errors:0 dropped:0 overruns:0 frame:0 TX packets:45111 errors:0 dropped:0 overruns:0 carrier:0 collisions:0 txqueuelen:0 RX bytes:11093684 (10.5 MiB) TX bytes:11093684 (10.5 MiB)

wl0 Link encap:Ethernet HWaddr 3C:CD:57:71:F8:FD UP BROADCAST RUNNING MULTICAST MTU:1500 Metric:1 RX packets:179742 errors:11 dropped:0 overruns:0 frame:0 TX packets:239782 errors:0 dropped:0 overruns:0 carrier:0 collisions:0 txqueuelen:1000 RX bytes:29398014 (28.0 MiB) TX bytes:200768120 (191.4 MiB) Interrupt:4

wl1 Link encap:Ethernet HWaddr 3C:CD:57:71:F8:FC UP BROADCAST RUNNING MULTICAST MTU:1500 Metric:1 RX packets:105902 errors:300 dropped:0 overruns:0 frame:0 TX packets:69840 errors:0 dropped:0 overruns:0 carrier:0 collisions:0 txqueuelen:1000 RX bytes:14731065 (14.0 MiB) TX bytes:25324368 (24.1 MiB) Interrupt:24

==========/proc/net/dev Inter-| Receive | Transmit face |bytes packets errs drop fifo frame compressed multicast|bytes packets errs drop fifo colls carrier compressed ifb0: 1950 15 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 15 0 0 0 0 wl2: 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 gre0: 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 lo: 11093684 45111 0 0 0 0 0 0 11093684 45111 0 0 0 0 0 0 wl1: 14731065 105902 300 0 0 0 0 1038 25324368 69840 0 0 0 0 0 0 tunl0: 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 gretap0: 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 eth1: 24179742 71202 0 10 0 0 0 0 17084883 68262 0 0 0 0 0 0 wl0: 29398014 179742 11 0 0 0 0 3572 200768120 239782 0 0 0 0 0 0 eth0: 211651962 244501 0 0 0 0 0 0 37325273 254116 0 0 0 0 0 0 wl3: 168175 1085 0 0 0 0 0 0 197307 1993 0 0 0 0 0 0 apcli0: 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 br-lan: 609145 8463 0 17 0 0 0 0 1518364 6321 0 0 0 0 0 0 apclii0: 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 ==========/proc/bus/pci/devices 0000 0e8d0801 0 0 60300000 0 0 0 0 0 0 10000 0 0 0 0 0 0008 0e8d0801 0 0 60310000 0 0 0 0 0 0 10000 0 0 0 0 0 0100 14c37662 4 60000004 0 0 0 0 0 60100000 100000 0 0 0 0 0 10000 rt2860 0200 14c37603 18 60200000 0 0 0 0 0 0 100000 0 0 0 0 0 0 mt_drv ==========route Kernel IP routing table Destination Gateway Genmask Flags Metric Ref Use Iface UG 0 0 0 br-lan U 0 0 0 br-lan ==========ip -6 route fe80::/64 dev br-lan proto kernel metric 256 fe80::/64 dev ifb0 proto kernel metric 256 ==========ps PID USER VSZ STAT COMMAND 1 root 2004 S init 2 root 0 SW [kthreadd] 3 root 0 SW [ksoftirqd/0] 5 root 0 SW< [kworker/0:0H] 7 root 0 SW [migration/0] 8 root 0 SW [rcu_bh] 9 root 0 SW [rcu_sched] 10 root 0 SW [watchdog/0] 11 root 0 SW [watchdog/1] 12 root 0 SW [migration/1] 13 root 0 SW [ksoftirqd/1] 15 root 0 SW< [kworker/1:0H] 16 root 0 SW [watchdog/2] 17 root 0 SW [migration/2] 18 root 0 SW [ksoftirqd/2] 20 root 0 SW< [kworker/2:0H] 21 root 0 SW [watchdog/3] 22 root 0 SW [migration/3] 23 root 0 SW [ksoftirqd/3] 25 root 0 SW< [kworker/3:0H] 26 root 0 SW< [khelper] 27 root 0 SW [kdevtmpfs] 105 root 0 SW< [writeback] 107 root 0 SW< [kintegrityd] 108 root 0 SW< [bioset] 110 root 0 SW< [kblockd] 132 root 0 SW< [cfg80211] 151 root 0 SW [khungtaskd] 152 root 0 SW [kswapd0] 239 root 0 SW [fsnotify_mark] 253 root 0 SW< [crypto] 329 root 0 SW< [et_port_queue] 352 root 0 SW< [deferwq] 582 root 0 SWN [jffs2_gcd_mtd7] 685 root 2004 S init 701 root 5400 S /usr/sbin/syslog-ng 967 root 1296 S /sbin/hotplug2 --override --persistent --set-rules-file /etc/hotplug2.rules --set-coldplug-cmd /sbin/udev 1030 root 1376 S < /sbin/ubusd 1088 root 0 SW [kworker/2:1] 1121 root 9976 S /usr/sbin/taskmonitorServer -t 15 -l 0x500000 1124 root 1400 S /usr/sbin/taskmonitorDaemon -p /usr/sbin/taskmonitorServer -b /usr/sbin/taskmonitorServer 1186 root 0 SW [kworker/3:0] 1201 root 0 SW [kworker/0:1] 1629 root 0 SW< [kworker/1:1H] 2042 root 0 SW< [kworker/3:1H] 2048 root 0 SW< [kworker/0:1H] 2051 root 0 SW< [kworker/2:1H] 3974 root 2000 S {} /bin/sh /usr/sbin/ 3990 root 1424 S /usr/sbin/iwevent 3991 root 2036 S {iwevent-call} /bin/sh /usr/sbin/iwevent-call 4092 root 2120 S /usr/sbin/netapi 4165 root 18300 S /usr/sbin/datacenter 4267 root 16712 S /usr/sbin/plugincenter 4372 root 4732 S /usr/bin/lua /usr/sbin/miqosd hwqos 4669 root 3872 S /usr/sbin/rmonitor 4768 root 15292 S /usr/sbin/smartcontroller 4787 root 1988 S /sbin/netifd 4949 root 0 SW [kworker/3:2] 5024 root 1992 S watchdog -t 5 -T 120 /dev/watchdog 5031 root 0 SW [kworker/0:2] 5032 root 0 SW [kworker/1:0] 5045 root 2168 S {syslog-ng.helpe} /bin/sh /usr/sbin/syslog-ng.helper 5046 root 2004 S tail -F /tmp/stat_points_rom.log /tmp/stat_points_web.log 5047 root 1996 S grep stat_points_instant 5048 root 2000 S {stat_points.hel} /bin/sh /usr/sbin/stat_points.helper 5049 root 2164 S {stat_points.cro} /bin/sh /usr/sbin/stat_points.cron 5090 root 5248 S statisticsservice -c /etc/statisticsservice/statisticsservice.conf 5195 root 1212 S btnd reset 18 5837 root 7176 S /usr/sbin/trafficd 5897 root 1428 S /usr/sbin/xqbc 988 6007 root 2012 S < /usr/sbin/crond -c /etc/crontabs -l 5 7267 root 2000 S {mald} /bin/sh /usr/bin/mald 2 7268 root 11348 S < /usr/bin/messagingagent --handler_threads 2 8846 root 1228 S /usr/sbin/web_filter_record 8884 root 0 SW [kworker/2:2] 12118 root 0 SW [kworker/u8:1] 14677 root 0 SW [kworker/u8:2] 15958 root 1992 S sleep 300 16031 root 0 SW [kworker/2:0] 16032 root 0 SW [kworker/2:3] 16087 root 0 SW [kworker/0:0] 16147 root 0 SW [kworker/3:1] 16154 root 0 SW [RtmpCmdQTask] 16155 root 0 SW [RtmpWscTask] 16156 root 0 SW [RtmpMlmeTask] 16282 root 1220 S < acsc 16336 root 0 SW [RtmpCmdQTask] 16337 root 0 SW [RtmpWscTask] 16338 root 0 SW [RtmpMlmeTask] 16407 root 0 SW [kworker/1:2] 17931 root 1992 S sleep 120 17941 root 3972 S < {luci} /usr/bin/lua /www/cgi-bin/luci 17948 root 2004 S < /bin/sh -c /usr/sbin/ >/dev/null 2>/dev/null 17949 root 2012 S < {log_collection.} /bin/sh /usr/sbin/ 17988 root 2000 R < ps -w 19359 root 3912 S < /usr/bin/fcgi-cgi -c 4 19883 root 8036 S nginx: master process /usr/sbin/sysapihttpd -c /tmp/sysapihttpdconf/sysapihttpd.conf 19884 root 8128 S < {sysapihttpd} nginx: worker process ========== iwinfo wl0 info wl0 ESSID: local Access Point: 3C:CD:57:71:F8:FD Mode: Master Channel: 36 (5.180 GHz) Tx-Power: 13 dBm Link Quality: 0/100 Signal: 0 Noise: -86 Bit Rate: 867.0 Encryption: WPA2 PSK/NONE (WEP-40, WEP-104, TKIP, CCMP, AES-OCB, CKIP, NONE) Type: wext HW Mode(s): 802.11 Hardware: unknown [Generic WEXT] TX power offset: unknown Frequency offset: unknown Supports VAPs: no PHY name: wl0 ========== iwinfo wl0 assolist ifname: wl0 ssid: local bssid: 3C:CD:57:71:F8:FD channel: 36 noise: -86 stacount: 2 CLIENT_MAC |PHY|SECU|RSSI|NOISE|SNR|RX_RATE|RX_UC(pkt)|RX_UC(kbyte)|RX_MC(pkt)|RX_MC(kbyte)|TX_RATE|TX_UC(pkt)|TX_UC(kbyte)|TX_MC(pkt)|TX_MC(kbyte)|IDLE(ms)|MBAND AE:1E:1C:5B:85:79 ac WPA2PSK -55 -95 40 1.0 1144 250 17 2 263.5 1072 491 0 0 0 0 BC:FE:D9:3B:69:CE ac WPA2PSK -60 -95 35 1.0 12 2 31 8 263.5 9 1 0 0 0 0 ========== iwinfo wl0 txpowerlist 166 dBm (2147483647 mW) 0 dBm ( 1 mW) ========== iwinfo wl0 freqlist 0 0 ========== iwpriv wl0 stat wl0 stat: Current temperature = 25 Tx success = 263739 Tx retry count = 16986, PER=6.0% Tx fail to Rcv ACK after retry = 110, PLR=0.04% Tx fail for queue full = 0 Rx success = 218847 Rx with CRC = 5844, PER=2.6% Rx with PhyErr = 0 Rx with PlcpErr = 1392 Rx drop due to out of resource = 0 Rx duplicate frame = 995 False CCA = 1014695 False CCA (one second) = 0 Channel Utilization = 1% Channel Utilization Average = 1% RSSI = -55 -54 -66 Last TX Rate = MCS9, 1SS, ldpc, 80M, LGI, VHT Last TX PER = 0 Last RX Rate = MCS0, bcc, 20M, LGI, OFDM WPS Information: Enrollee PinCode(ra0) 74693092

Enrollee PinCode(ApCli0) 74037735 Ap Client WPS Profile Count = 0

========== iwpriv wl0 show stat ========== iwpriv wl0 show stainfo ========== iwpriv wl0 rf wl0 rf:Dump to RFDump.txt ========== iwpriv wl0 bbp wl0 bbp: BBP[0x2000]:f000f200

BBP[0x2004]:000000da BBP[0x2008]:00000000

BBP[0x200c]:8700030a BBP[0x2010]:00000000

BBP[0x2014]:00000000 BBP[0x2018]:00000000

BBP[0x201c]:00000000 BBP[0x2020]:00000002

BBP[0x2024]:00000000 BBP[0x2028]:00000000

BBP[0x202c]:00000000 BBP[0x2030]:00000000

BBP[0x2034]:00000000 BBP[0x2038]:00000000

BBP[0x203c]:00000000 BBP[0x2040]:00000000

BBP[0x2044]:00000000 BBP[0x2048]:00000000

BBP[0x204c]:00000000 BBP[0x2050]:00000000

BBP[0x2054]:00000000 BBP[0x2058]:00000000

BBP[0x205c]:00000000 BBP[0x2060]:00000000

BBP[0x2064]:00000000 BBP[0x2068]:0000001f

BBP[0x206c]:00000000 BBP[0x2070]:00000000

BBP[0x2074]:00000000 BBP[0x2078]:00000006

BBP[0x207c]:00000000 BBP[0x2080]:00030001

BBP[0x2084]:00020000 BBP[0x2088]:0008ac40

BBP[0x208c]:ff13ffff BBP[0x2090]:00001615

BBP[0x2094]:00000000 BBP[0x2098]:00100020

BBP[0x209c]:00000000 BBP[0x20a0]:00000000

BBP[0x20a4]:00000000 BBP[0x20a8]:00000000

BBP[0x20ac]:00000000 BBP[0x20b0]:00000000


BBP[0x2104]:29252924 BBP[0x2108]:25182926

BBP[0x210c]:23512350 BBP[0x2110]:29292928

BBP[0x2114]:20ff20ff BBP[0x2118]:20ff20ff

BBP[0x211c]:20ff20ff BBP[0x2120]:00000000

BBP[0x2124]:ffffffff BBP[0x2128]:00000000

BBP[0x212c]:0fde8001 BBP[0x2130]:00000050

BBP[0x2134]:00000000 BBP[0x2138]:00000000

BBP[0x213c]:00000000 BBP[0x2300]:00007408

BBP[0x2304]:00000001 BBP[0x2308]:00007070

BBP[0x230c]:00000000 BBP[0x2310]:15e99d50

BBP[0x2314]:15e99d50 BBP[0x2318]:00000404

BBP[0x231c]:08081010 BBP[0x2320]:1e424af8

BBP[0x2324]:1e424af8 BBP[0x2328]:00000000

BBP[0x232c]:00000404 BBP[0x2330]:050500f3

BBP[0x2334]:040a0305 BBP[0x2338]:110f0238

BBP[0x233c]:88a28cb8 BBP[0x2340]:00000000

BBP[0x2344]:00000000 BBP[0x2348]:00670700

BBP[0x234c]:03f73331 BBP[0x2350]:00bda7a8

BBP[0x2354]:00b5e2d8 BBP[0x2358]:00001e21

BBP[0x235c]:0000272c BBP[0x2360]:00002f3a

BBP[0x2364]:80000000 BBP[0x2368]:007c2003

BBP[0x236c]:000000cf BBP[0x2370]:00000800

BBP[0x2374]:00000000 BBP[0x2378]:00000002

BBP[0x237c]:00000ff3 BBP[0x2380]:00005050

BBP[0x2384]:00007878 BBP[0x2388]:000a0c0c

BBP[0x238c]:08080808 BBP[0x2390]:00000000

BBP[0x2394]:08080808 BBP[0x2398]:00000000

BBP[0x239c]:38383e45 BBP[0x23a0]:00000000

BBP[0x23a4]:1c1c2226 BBP[0x23a8]:00000000

BBP[0x23ac]:16161717 BBP[0x23b0]:00000000

BBP[0x23b4]:00000000 BBP[0x23b8]:00000000

BBP[0x23bc]:00000000 BBP[0x23c0]:00000000

BBP[0x23c4]:00000000 BBP[0x23c8]:00000000

BBP[0x23cc]:ffffffff BBP[0x23d0]:00000000

BBP[0x23d4]:ffffffff BBP[0x23d8]:00000000

BBP[0x23dc]:ffffffff BBP[0x23e0]:00000000

BBP[0x23e4]:00001010 BBP[0x23e8]:00001010

BBP[0x23ec]:baa20e96 BBP[0x23f0]:00000000

BBP[0x23f4]:ff64a4e2 BBP[0x23f8]:02e7ceb0

BBP[0x23fc]:00000000 BBP[0x2400]:02e90403

BBP[0x2404]:00000000 BBP[0x2500]:00000000

BBP[0x2504]:0000003a BBP[0x2508]:00000011

BBP[0x250c]:00000005 BBP[0x2510]:00000000

BBP[0x2514]:00000000 BBP[0x2518]:000000ff

BBP[0x251c]:00000080 BBP[0x2520]:00000000

BBP[0x2524]:00000000 BBP[0x2528]:00000000


BBP[0x2604]:0005070b BBP[0x2608]:00000000

BBP[0x260c]:00014700 BBP[0x2610]:00000006

BBP[0x2614]:00c00006 BBP[0x2618]:00fffe94

BBP[0x261c]:00000052 BBP[0x2620]:00000000

BBP[0x2624]:00000000 BBP[0x2628]:00000000

BBP[0x262c]:00000000 BBP[0x2630]:00777773

BBP[0x2634]:802500d5 BBP[0x2700]:00000008

BBP[0x2704]:00100d10 BBP[0x2708]:01000026

BBP[0x270c]:00000000 BBP[0x2710]:00000008

BBP[0x2714]:00000003 BBP[0x2718]:00000000

BBP[0x271c]:00000000 BBP[0x2720]:4100800a

BBP[0x2724]:00002222 BBP[0x2728]:0002bb76

BBP[0x272c]:00000fff BBP[0x2730]:00000000

BBP[0x2734]:00000000 BBP[0x2738]:00000000

BBP[0x273c]:80000000 BBP[0x2740]:00000004

BBP[0x2744]:cc0af622 BBP[0x2748]:00000030

BBP[0x274c]:00000000 BBP[0x2750]:0337a805

BBP[0x2754]:02f7580d BBP[0x2758]:001009e9

BBP[0x275c]:0337a805 BBP[0x2760]:02f7580d

BBP[0x2764]:001009e9 BBP[0x2768]:092f5900

BBP[0x276c]:00000000 BBP[0x2770]:00000000

BBP[0x2774]:00e50000 BBP[0x2778]:6d010b7e

BBP[0x277c]:7c097c05 BBP[0x2780]:7e7e7f7f

BBP[0x2784]:00007d7e BBP[0x2788]:7d7e7e00

BBP[0x278c]:0a050506 BBP[0x2790]:0000090a

BBP[0x2794]:0b0b0b00 BBP[0x2798]:01070107

BBP[0x279c]:00000101 BBP[0x27a0]:6d6f7970

BBP[0x27a4]:00006d6d BBP[0x27a8]:06040404

BBP[0x27ac]:00000506 BBP[0x27b0]:03040500

BBP[0x27b4]:7e7d7d7e BBP[0x27b8]:00007c7e

BBP[0x27bc]:7e7f0000 BBP[0x27c0]:0a0b0e0c

BBP[0x27c4]:00000909 BBP[0x27c8]:7a7a027a

BBP[0x27cc]:00007c7c BBP[0x27d0]:000000e5


BBP[0x2804]:000000c0 BBP[0x2808]:00000000

BBP[0x280c]:00000000 BBP[0x2810]:00000000

BBP[0x2814]:00000000 BBP[0x2818]:00000000

BBP[0x281c]:00000000 BBP[0x2820]:00000000

BBP[0x2824]:00000000 BBP[0x2828]:00000000

BBP[0x282c]:00000000 BBP[0x2830]:18100800

BBP[0x2834]:25002820 BBP[0x2838]:18100800

BBP[0x283c]:25002820 BBP[0x2840]:cb9a9874

BBP[0x2844]:0a87a86d BBP[0x2900]:00000e0b

BBP[0x2904]:0000000f BBP[0x2908]:00012a81

BBP[0x290c]:0003740f BBP[0x2910]:00ff6006

BBP[0x2914]:0003e295 BBP[0x2918]:0060001c

BBP[0x291c]:00000000 BBP[0x2920]:00000000

BBP[0x2924]:0000ad96 BBP[0x2928]:00000000

BBP[0x292c]:ffffff96 BBP[0x2930]:ffffffad

BBP[0x2934]:00000492 BBP[0x2938]:00560411

BBP[0x293c]:c8f21b1c BBP[0x2940]:0000581e

BBP[0x2944]:00074021 BBP[0x2948]:f000a990

BBP[0x294c]:f9ff9ff9 BBP[0x2950]:2640006f

BBP[0x2954]:00000001 BBP[0x2958]:000070ab

BBP[0x295c]:000072f3 BBP[0x2960]:00000016

BBP[0x2964]:898ff030 BBP[0x2968]:00000000

BBP[0x296c]:00000000 BBP[0x2970]:0000003f

BBP[0x2974]:006000cc BBP[0x2978]:00000000

BBP[0x297c]:00000000 BBP[0x2980]:00000000

BBP[0x2984]:00000000 BBP[0x2988]:00014444

BBP[0x298c]:3ff6aaa9 BBP[0x2990]:00000000

BBP[0x2994]:01e00000 BBP[0x2998]:03f00000

BBP[0x299c]:77777777 BBP[0x29a0]:00000000

BBP[0x29a4]:00000000 BBP[0x29a8]:00000001

BBP[0x29ac]:00000028 BBP[0x29b0]:00000000

BBP[0x29b4]:00000000 BBP[0x29b8]:00000000

BBP[0x29bc]:00000000 BBP[0x29c0]:00000000

BBP[0x29c4]:00000000 BBP[0x29c8]:00000000

BBP[0x29cc]:00000000 BBP[0x29d0]:00000000

BBP[0x29d4]:00000a00 BBP[0x29d8]:00000000

BBP[0x29dc]:00000000 BBP[0x29e0]:00000000

BBP[0x29e4]:00000000 BBP[0x29e8]:00000000

BBP[0x29ec]:00000000 BBP[0x29f0]:00020000

BBP[0x29f4]:00000000 BBP[0x29f8]:00000000

BBP[0x29fc]:00000000 BBP[0x2a00]:00000000

BBP[0x2a04]:00000000 BBP[0x2a08]:00000013

BBP[0x2a0c]:00000000 BBP[0x2a10]:00000000

BBP[0x2a14]:00000000 BBP[0x2a18]:00000000

BBP[0x2a1c]:00000000 BBP[0x2a20]:00000000

BBP[0x2a24]:00000000 BBP[0x2a28]:00000000

BBP[0x2a2c]:00000000 BBP[0x2a30]:00000000

BBP[0x2a34]:00000000 BBP[0x2a38]:00000000

BBP[0x2a3c]:00000000 BBP[0x2a40]:00000000

BBP[0x2a44]:00000000 BBP[0x2a48]:00000000

BBP[0x2a4c]:00000000 BBP[0x2a50]:00000000

BBP[0x2a54]:00000000 BBP[0x2a58]:00000000

BBP[0x2a5c]:00000000 BBP[0x2a60]:00000000

BBP[0x2a64]:00000000 BBP[0x2a68]:00000000

BBP[0x2a6c]:00000000 BBP[0x2a70]:00000000

BBP[0x2a74]:00000000 BBP[0x2a78]:00000000

BBP[0x2a7c]:004f0000 BBP[0x2a80]:00000000

BBP[0x2a84]:00000000 BBP[0x2a88]:00000000

BBP[0x2a8c]:00000000 BBP[0x2a90]:00000000

BBP[0x2a94]:fefca86f BBP[0x2b00]:00000000

BBP[0x2b04]:00000000 BBP[0x2b08]:00000000

BBP[0x2b0c]:00130000 BBP[0x2b10]:00000000

BBP[0x2b14]:04e20000 BBP[0x2b18]:8000abe0

BBP[0x2b1c]:00000000 BBP[0x2b20]:00000000

BBP[0x2b24]:00000000 BBP[0x2c00]:00000000

BBP[0x2c04]:00000000 BBP[0x2c08]:00000000

BBP[0x2c0c]:00000000 BBP[0x2c10]:00000067

BBP[0x2c14]:0000000c BBP[0x2c18]:00000000

BBP[0x2c1c]:00000000 BBP[0x2c20]:00000000

BBP[0x2c24]:00000004 BBP[0x2c28]:ffff72ec

BBP[0x2c2c]:0d660000 BBP[0x2c30]:00000000

BBP[0x2c34]:00000000 BBP[0x2c38]:00000000

BBP[0x2c3c]:00000000 BBP[0x2c40]:00000000

BBP[0x2c44]:00000000 BBP[0x2c48]:00000000

BBP[0x2c4c]:00000000 BBP[0x2c50]:00000000

BBP[0x2c54]:00000000 BBP[0x2c58]:00007b04

BBP[0x2c5c]:00000000 BBP[0x2c60]:00007500

BBP[0x2c64]:00006500 BBP[0x2c68]:00000000

BBP[0x2c6c]:00000000 BBP[0x2c70]:00000008

BBP[0x2c74]:00000075 BBP[0x2c78]:00000000

BBP[0x2c7c]:00000000 BBP[0x2c80]:00000000

BBP[0x2c84]:00000000 BBP[0x2c88]:00000000

BBP[0x2c8c]:00000000 BBP[0x2c90]:00000000

BBP[0x2c94]:00000000 BBP[0x2c98]:00000000

BBP[0x2c9c]:00000000 BBP[0x2ca0]:00000000

BBP[0x2ca4]:00000000 BBP[0x2ca8]:00000000

BBP[0x2cac]:00000000 BBP[0x2cb0]:00000000

========== iwinfo wl1 info wl1 ESSID: local Access Point: 3C:CD:57:71:F8:FC Mode: Master Channel: 11 (2.462 GHz) Tx-Power: 11 dBm Link Quality: 0/100 Signal: 0 Noise: -73 Bit Rate: 144.0 Encryption: WPA2 PSK/NONE (WEP-40, WEP-104, TKIP, CCMP, AES-OCB, CKIP, NONE) Type: wext HW Mode(s): 802.11bgn Hardware: unknown [Generic WEXT] TX power offset: unknown Frequency offset: unknown Supports VAPs: no PHY name: wl1 ========== iwinfo wl1 assolist ifname: wl1 ssid: local bssid: 3C:CD:57:71:F8:FC channel: 11 noise: -73 stacount: 2 CLIENT_MAC |PHY|SECU|RSSI|NOISE|SNR|RX_RATE|RX_UC(pkt)|RX_UC(kbyte)|RX_MC(pkt)|RX_MC(kbyte)|TX_RATE|TX_UC(pkt)|TX_UC(kbyte)|TX_MC(pkt)|TX_MC(kbyte)|IDLE(ms)|MBAND BC:FE:D9:3B:69:CE n WPA2PSK -49 -95 46 1.0 31 4 46 10 54.0 27 7 0 0 0 0 00:BB:3A:F7:CF:12 n WPA2PSK -40 -95 55 1.0 211 56 42 9 26.0 202 70 0 0 0 0 ========== iwinfo wl1 txpowerlist 166 dBm (2147483647 mW) 0 dBm ( 1 mW) ========== iwinfo wl1 freqlist 0 0 ========== iwpriv wl1 stat wl1 stat: Tx success = 65444 Tx fail count = 4279, PER=6.1% Rx success = 254832 Rx with CRC = 24344, PER=8.7% Rx with PhyErr = 0 Rx with PlcpErr = 0 Rx drop due to out of resource = 0 Rx duplicate frame = 0 False CCA (one second) = 320 (CCK 298 + OFDM 22) Channel Utilization = 2% Channel Utilization Average = 2% RSSI = -40 -55 0 Last TX Rate = MCS7, 20M, LGI, MM Last RX Rate = MCS7, 20M, LGI, MM TX AGG Range 1 (1) = 47750 TX AGG Range 2 (25) = 4489 TX AGG Range 3 (615) = 982 TX AGG Range 4 (>15) = 59 AMPDU Tx success = 64995 AMPDU Tx fail count = 3897, PER=5.6% WPS Information: Enrollee PinCode(ra0) 74693085 Enrollee PinCode(ra1) 53721563 Enrollee PinCode(ra2) 64207322

Enrollee PinCode(ApCli0) 01292763 Ap Client WPS Profile Count = 0


========== iwpriv wl1 show stat ========== iwpriv wl1 show stainfo ========== iwpriv wl1 rf wl1 rf:Dump to RFDump.txt ========== iwpriv wl1 bbp wl1 bbp: ========== iwinfo wl2 info wl2 ESSID: minet_ready Access Point: 3E:CD:57:51:F8:FC Mode: Master Channel: 11 (2.462 GHz) Tx-Power: 11 dBm Link Quality: 0/100 Signal: 0 Noise: -95 Bit Rate: 144.0 Encryption: WPA2 PSK/NONE (WEP-40, WEP-104, TKIP, CCMP, AES-OCB, CKIP, NONE) Type: wext HW Mode(s): 802.11bgn Hardware: unknown [Generic WEXT] TX power offset: unknown Frequency offset: unknown Supports VAPs: no PHY name: wl2 ========== iwinfo wl2 assolist ifname: wl2 ssid: minet_ready bssid: 3E:CD:57:51:F8:FC channel: 11 noise: -95 stacount: 0 CLIENT_MAC |PHY|SECU|RSSI|NOISE|SNR|RX_RATE|RX_UC(pkt)|RX_UC(kbyte)|RX_MC(pkt)|RX_MC(kbyte)|TX_RATE|TX_UC(pkt)|TX_UC(kbyte)|TX_MC(pkt)|TX_MC(kbyte)|IDLE(ms)|MBAND ========== iwinfo wl2 txpowerlist 166 dBm (2147483647 mW) 0 dBm ( 1 mW) ========== iwinfo wl2 freqlist 0 0 ========== iwpriv wl2 stat wl2 stat: Tx success = 65444 Tx fail count = 4279, PER=6.1% Rx success = 254834 Rx with CRC = 24344, PER=8.7% Rx with PhyErr = 0 Rx with PlcpErr = 0 Rx drop due to out of resource = 0 Rx duplicate frame = 0 False CCA (one second) = 338 (CCK 332 + OFDM 6) Channel Utilization = 2% Channel Utilization Average = 2% RSSI = -40 -55 0 Last TX Rate = MCS7, 20M, LGI, MM Last RX Rate = MCS7, 20M, LGI, MM TX AGG Range 1 (1) = 47750 TX AGG Range 2 (25) = 4489 TX AGG Range 3 (615) = 982 TX AGG Range 4 (>15) = 59 AMPDU Tx success = 64995 AMPDU Tx fail count = 3897, PER=5.6% WPS Information: Enrollee PinCode(ra0) 74693085 Enrollee PinCode(ra1) 53721563 Enrollee PinCode(ra2) 64207322

Enrollee PinCode(ApCli0) 01292763 Ap Client WPS Profile Count = 0


========== iwpriv wl2 show stat ========== iwpriv wl2 show stainfo ========== iwpriv wl2 rf wl2 rf:Dump to RFDump.txt ========== iwpriv wl2 bbp wl2 bbp: ========== iwinfo wl3 info wl3 ESSID: MiShareWiFi_F8FB Access Point: 3E:CD:57:61:F8:FC Mode: Master Channel: 11 (2.462 GHz) Tx-Power: 11 dBm Link Quality: 0/100 Signal: 0 Noise: -95 Bit Rate: 144.0 Encryption: WPA2 PSK/NONE (WEP-40, WEP-104, TKIP, CCMP, AES-OCB, CKIP, NONE) Type: wext HW Mode(s): 802.11bgn Hardware: unknown [Generic WEXT] TX power offset: unknown Frequency offset: unknown Supports VAPs: no PHY name: wl3 ========== iwinfo wl3 assolist ifname: wl3 ssid: MiShareWiFi_F8FB bssid: 3E:CD:57:61:F8:FC channel: 11 noise: -95 stacount: 0 CLIENT_MAC |PHY|SECU|RSSI|NOISE|SNR|RX_RATE|RX_UC(pkt)|RX_UC(kbyte)|RX_MC(pkt)|RX_MC(kbyte)|TX_RATE|TX_UC(pkt)|TX_UC(kbyte)|TX_MC(pkt)|TX_MC(kbyte)|IDLE(ms)|MBAND ========== iwinfo wl3 txpowerlist 166 dBm (2147483647 mW) 0 dBm ( 1 mW) ========== iwinfo wl3 freqlist 0 0 ========== iwpriv wl3 stat wl3 stat: Tx success = 65444 Tx fail count = 4279, PER=6.1% Rx success = 254842 Rx with CRC = 24346, PER=8.7% Rx with PhyErr = 0 Rx with PlcpErr = 0 Rx drop due to out of resource = 0 Rx duplicate frame = 0 False CCA (one second) = 275 (CCK 258 + OFDM 17) Channel Utilization = 2% Channel Utilization Average = 2% RSSI = -40 -55 0 Last TX Rate = MCS7, 20M, LGI, MM Last RX Rate = MCS7, 20M, LGI, MM TX AGG Range 1 (1) = 47750 TX AGG Range 2 (25) = 4489 TX AGG Range 3 (615) = 982 TX AGG Range 4 (>15) = 59 AMPDU Tx success = 64995 AMPDU Tx fail count = 3897, PER=5.6% WPS Information: Enrollee PinCode(ra0) 74693085 Enrollee PinCode(ra1) 53721563 Enrollee PinCode(ra2) 64207322

Enrollee PinCode(ApCli0) 01292763 Ap Client WPS Profile Count = 0


========== iwpriv wl3 show stat ========== iwpriv wl3 show stainfo ========== iwpriv wl3 rf wl3 rf:Dump to RFDump.txt ========== iwpriv wl3 bbp wl3 bbp: wifi_log: wificount="2" wifi_log: Ifname="wl0", Current_channel="36", Scan_if="apclii0" Cell 01 - Address: 36:F1:50:1B:E6:9A ESSID:"" Frequency:5.18 GHz (Channel 36) wifi_log: Ifname="wl1", Current_channel="11", Scan_if="apcli0" ==========dmesg: [ 8280.480000] wifi_log: [Class 2 - SEND ASSOC RSP] - if="wl1", sta_mac="66:64:4a:07:e9:22", bssid="3c💿57:71:f8:fc", action="mlme-assoc", status="0", Aid="3" [ 8280.580000] wifi_log: [Class 3 - EAPOL START] - if="wl1", sta_mac="66:64:4a:07:e9:22", bssid="3c💿57:71:f8:fc", action="eapol-start" [ 8280.590000] wifi_log: [Class 3 - SEND EAPOL 1/4] - if="wl1", sta_mac="66:64:4a:07:e9:22", bssid="3c💿57:71:f8:fc", action="send-eapol" [ 8280.600000] wifi_log: [Class 3 - RECV EAPOL 2/4] - if="wl1", sta_mac="66:64:4a:07:e9:22", bssid="3c💿57:71:f8:fc", action="recv-eapol" [ 8280.610000] wifi_log: [Class 3 - SEND EAPOL 3/4] - if="wl1", sta_mac="66:64:4a:07:e9:22", bssid="3c💿57:71:f8:fc", action="send-eapol" [ 8280.630000] wifi_log: [Class 3 - RECV EAPOL 4/4] - if="wl1", sta_mac="66:64:4a:07:e9:22", bssid="3c💿57:71:f8:fc", action="recv-eapol" [ 8280.640000] wifi_log: [Class 3 - EAPOL DONE] - if="wl1", sta_mac="66:64:4a:07:e9:22", bssid="3c💿57:71:f8:fc", action="eapol-done" [ 8351.520000] wifi_auth1 MAC 66-64-4a-07-e9-22 [ 8351.520000] wifi_log: [Class 1 - RECV AUTH] - if="wl1", sta_mac="66:64:4a:07:e9:22", bssid="3c💿57:71:f8:fc", action="recv-auth", rssi="-52", status="0" [ 8351.540000] wifi_log: [Class 1 - SEND AUTH_RSP] - if="wl1", sta_mac="66:64:4a:07:e9:22", bssid="3c💿57:71:f8:fc", action="mlme-auth", info="send auth resp(Success)", status="0" [ 8351.560000] wifi_log: [Class 2 - RECV ASSOC] - if="wl1", sta_mac="66:64:4a:07:e9:22", bssid="3c💿57:71:f8:fc", action="recv-assoc", rssi="-52", Aid="3" [ 8351.570000] wifi_assoc MAC 66-64-4a-07-e9-22, RSSI -52 StatusCode 0 [ 8351.580000] wifi_log: [Class 2 - SEND ASSOC RSP] - if="wl1", sta_mac="66:64:4a:07:e9:22", bssid="3c💿57:71:f8:fc", action="mlme-assoc", status="0", Aid="3" [ 8351.680000] wifi_log: [Class 3 - EAPOL START] - if="wl1", sta_mac="66:64:4a:07:e9:22", bssid="3c💿57:71:f8:fc", action="eapol-start" [ 8351.690000] wifi_log: [Class 3 - SEND EAPOL 1/4] - if="wl1", sta_mac="66:64:4a:07:e9:22", bssid="3c💿57:71:f8:fc", action="send-eapol" [ 8351.700000] wifi_log: [Class 3 - RECV EAPOL 2/4] - if="wl1", sta_mac="66:64:4a:07:e9:22", bssid="3c💿57:71:f8:fc", action="recv-eapol" [ 8351.710000] wifi_log: [Class 3 - SEND EAPOL 3/4] - if="wl1", sta_mac="66:64:4a:07:e9:22", bssid="3c💿57:71:f8:fc", action="send-eapol" [ 8351.730000] wifi_log: [Class 3 - RECV EAPOL 4/4] - if="wl1", sta_mac="66:64:4a:07:e9:22", bssid="3c💿57:71:f8:fc", action="recv-eapol" [ 8351.740000] wifi_log: [Class 3 - EAPOL DONE] - if="wl1", sta_mac="66:64:4a:07:e9:22", bssid="3c💿57:71:f8:fc", action="eapol-done" [ 8355.280000] wifi_deauth(rcv) MAC 66-64-4a-07-e9-22, ReasonCode 3 [ 8355.290000] wifi_log: [Class 1 - RECV DEAUTH] - if="wl1", sta_mac="66:64:4a:07:e9:22", bssid="3c💿57:71:f8:fc", action="recv-deauth", reason="3", rssi="-53" [ 8356.210000] wifi_auth1 MAC 66-64-4a-07-e9-22 [ 8356.220000] wifi_log: [Class 1 - RECV AUTH] - if="wl1", sta_mac="66:64:4a:07:e9:22", bssid="3c💿57:71:f8:fc", action="recv-auth", rssi="-52", status="0" [ 8356.230000] wifi_log: [Class 1 - SEND AUTH_RSP] - if="wl1", sta_mac="66:64:4a:07:e9:22", bssid="3c💿57:71:f8:fc", action="mlme-auth", info="send auth resp(Success)", status="0" [ 8356.250000] wifi_log: [Class 2 - RECV ASSOC] - if="wl1", sta_mac="66:64:4a:07:e9:22", bssid="3c💿57:71:f8:fc", action="recv-assoc", rssi="-52", Aid="3" [ 8356.260000] wifi_assoc MAC 66-64-4a-07-e9-22, RSSI -52 StatusCode 0 [ 8356.270000] wifi_log: [Class 2 - SEND ASSOC RSP] - if="wl1", sta_mac="66:64:4a:07:e9:22", bssid="3c💿57:71:f8:fc", action="mlme-assoc", status="0", Aid="3" [ 8356.370000] wifi_log: [Class 3 - EAPOL START] - if="wl1", sta_mac="66:64:4a:07:e9:22", bssid="3c💿57:71:f8:fc", action="eapol-start" [ 8356.380000] wifi_log: [Class 3 - SEND EAPOL 1/4] - if="wl1", sta_mac="66:64:4a:07:e9:22", bssid="3c💿57:71:f8:fc", action="send-eapol" [ 8356.390000] wifi_log: [Class 3 - RECV EAPOL 2/4] - if="wl1", sta_mac="66:64:4a:07:e9:22", bssid="3c💿57:71:f8:fc", action="recv-eapol" [ 8356.400000] wifi_log: [Class 3 - SEND EAPOL 3/4] - if="wl1", sta_mac="66:64:4a:07:e9:22", bssid="3c💿57:71:f8:fc", action="send-eapol" [ 8356.420000] wifi_log: [Class 3 - RECV EAPOL 4/4] - if="wl1", sta_mac="66:64:4a:07:e9:22", bssid="3c💿57:71:f8:fc", action="recv-eapol" [ 8356.430000] wifi_log: [Class 3 - EAPOL DONE] - if="wl1", sta_mac="66:64:4a:07:e9:22", bssid="3c💿57:71:f8:fc", action="eapol-done" [ 8464.180000] wifi5_disa1_3=MAC:ae-1e-1c-5b-85-79,TSF:3780402214,DIFF:193,RSSI:-48 [ 8464.180000] wifi_log: [Class 1 - RECV DEAUTH] - if="wl0", sta_mac="ae:1e:1c:5b:85:79", bssid="3c💿57:71:f8:fd", action="recv-deauth", reason="3", rssi="-48" [ 8542.320000] wifi_log: [Class 1 - RECV AUTH] - if="wl0", sta_mac="ae:1e:1c:5b:85:79", bssid="3c💿57:71:f8:fd", action="recv-auth", rssi="-49", status="0" [ 8542.340000] wifi_log: [Class 1 - SEND AUTH_RSP] - if="wl0", sta_mac="ae:1e:1c:5b:85:79", bssid="3c💿57:71:f8:fd", action="mlme-auth", info="send auth resp(Success)", status="0" [ 8542.350000] wifi_log: [Class 2 - RECV ASSOC] - if="wl0", sta_mac="ae:1e:1c:5b:85:79", bssid="3c💿57:71:f8:fd", action="recv-assoc", rssi="-49", Aid="2" [ 8542.370000] wifi5_assoc=MAC:ae-1e-1c-5b-85-79,TSF:3858596870,RSSI:-49 [ 8542.370000] wifi_log: [Class 2 - SEND ASSOC RSP] - if="wl0", sta_mac="ae:1e:1c:5b:85:79", bssid="3c💿57:71:f8:fd", action="mlme-assoc", status="0", Aid="2" [ 8542.600000] wifi_log: [Class 3 - EAPOL START] - if="wl0", sta_mac="ae:1e:1c:5b:85:79", bssid="3c💿57:71:f8:fd", action="eapol-start" [ 8542.610000] wifi_log: [Class 3 - SEND EAPOL 1/4] - if="wl0", sta_mac="ae:1e:1c:5b:85:79", bssid="3c💿57:71:f8:fd", action="send-eapol" [ 8542.650000] wifi_log: [Class 3 - RECV EAPOL 2/4] - if="wl0", sta_mac="ae:1e:1c:5b:85:79", bssid="3c💿57:71:f8:fd", action="recv-eapol" [ 8542.660000] wifi_log: [Class 3 - SEND EAPOL 3/4] - if="wl0", sta_mac="ae:1e:1c:5b:85:79", bssid="3c💿57:71:f8:fd", action="send-eapol" [ 8542.670000] wifi_log: [Class 3 - RECV EAPOL 4/4] - if="wl0", sta_mac="ae:1e:1c:5b:85:79", bssid="3c💿57:71:f8:fd", action="recv-eapol" [ 8542.690000] wifi_log: [Class 3 - EAPOL DONE] - if="wl0", sta_mac="ae:1e:1c:5b:85:79", bssid="3c💿57:71:f8:fd", action="eapol-done" [ 9143.290000] ESW: Link Status Changed - Port4 Link Down [ 9143.630000] ipaccount: ifname [eth1] event[9] [ 9143.640000] eth1: ===> VirtualIF_close [ 9143.640000] ipaccount: ifname [eth1] event[2] [ 9143.650000] *hwnat unreg dev ******* unset dev[eth1]:5 [ 9143.650000] ipaccount: ifname [eth1] event[7] [ 9143.660000] GDMA2_MAC_ADRH -- : 0x00003ccd [ 9143.660000] GDMA2_MAC_ADRL -- : 0x5771f8fb [ 9143.670000] ipaccount: ifname [eth1] event[8] [ 9143.670000] GDMA2_MAC_ADRH -- : 0x00003ccd [ 9143.680000] GDMA2_MAC_ADRL -- : 0x5771f8fb [ 9143.680000] ipaccount: ifname [eth1] event[8] [ 9143.690000] ipaccount: ifname [eth1] event[13] [ 9143.690000] eth1: ===> VirtualIF_open [ 9143.700000] ipaccount: ifname [eth1] event[1] [ 9143.700000] *hwnat reg dev ******* set dev[eth1]->ifindex = 5 [ 9144.840000] ESW: Link Status Changed - Port4 Link UP,100Mbps,Full Duplex [ 9147.350000] ipaccount: ifname [eth1] event[7] [ 9149.490000] dev_redirect: add(+) dev redirect mapping: src:eth1->dst:ifb0 [ 9150.260000] dev_redirect OFF. [ 9150.480000] dev_redirect OFF.ipaccount: landev_init_all() add dev [eth0] is_wireless: 0. [ 9151.910000] ipaccount: landev_init_all() add dev [wl0] is_wireless: 1. [ 9151.920000] ipaccount: landev_init_all() add dev [wl1] is_wireless: 1. [ 9151.920000] ipaccount: landev_init_all() add dev [wl3] is_wireless: 1. [ 9187.270000] ipaccount: ifname [br-guest] event[9] [ 9187.270000] ipaccount: ifname [br-guest] event[2] [ 9187.280000] *hwnat unreg dev ******* unset dev[br-guest]:16 [ 9187.280000] device wl3 left promiscuous mode [ 9187.290000] br-guest: port 1(wl3) entered disabled state [ 9187.290000] ipaccount: ifname [br-guest] event[8] [ 9187.300000] ipaccount: ifname [br-guest] event[11] [ 9187.300000] ipaccount: ifname [br-guest] event[6] [ 9187.400000] ipaccount: ifname [br-guest] event[17] [ 9187.410000] ipaccount: ifname [ifb0] event[9] [ 9187.420000] ifb is closed now. [ 9187.420000] ipaccount: ifname [ifb0] event[2] [ 9187.420000] *hwnat unreg dev ******* unset dev[ifb0]:2 [ 9187.440000] ipaccount: ifname [br-lan] event[9] [ 9187.440000] br-lan: port 3(wl0) entered disabled state [ 9187.450000] br-lan: port 2(wl1) entered disabled state [ 9187.450000] br-lan: port 1(eth0) entered disabled state [ 9187.460000] ipaccount: ifname [br-lan] event[2] [ 9187.460000] *hwnat unreg dev ******* unset dev[br-lan]:15 [ 9187.470000] device eth0 left promiscuous mode [ 9187.470000] br-lan: port 1(eth0) entered disabled state [ 9187.590000] ipaccount: ifname [br-lan] event[11] [ 9187.590000] ipaccount: ifname [eth0] event[9] [ 9187.590000] ra2880stop()...Done [ 9187.600000] eth1: ===> VirtualIF_close [ 9187.600000] Free TX/RX Ring Memory! [ 9187.610000] ipaccount: ifname [eth0] event[2] [ 9187.610000] *hwnat unreg dev ******* unset dev[eth0]:3 [ 9187.620000] IPv6: ADDRCONF(NETDEV_UP): eth0: link is not ready [ 9187.620000] device wl0 left promiscuous mode [ 9187.630000] br-lan: port 3(wl0) entered disabled state [ 9187.630000] device wl1 left promiscuous mode [ 9187.640000] br-lan: port 2(wl1) entered disabled state [ 9187.640000] ipaccount: ifname [br-lan] event[11] [ 9187.650000] ipaccount: ifname [br-lan] event[6] [ 9187.730000] ipaccount: ifname [br-lan] event[17] [ 9187.740000] ipaccount: ifname [lo] event[9] [ 9187.750000] ipaccount: ifname [lo] event[2] [ 9187.750000] *hwnat unreg dev ******* unset dev[lo]:1 [ 9187.830000] ipaccount: ifname [eth1] event[9] [ 9187.840000] eth1: ===> VirtualIF_close [ 9187.840000] ipaccount: ifname [eth1] event[2] [ 9187.850000] *hwnat unreg dev ******* unset dev[eth1]:5 [ 9187.850000] ipaccount: ifname [eth1] event[7] [ 9187.860000] GDMA2_MAC_ADRH -- : 0x00003ccd [ 9187.860000] GDMA2_MAC_ADRL -- : 0x5771f8fb [ 9187.860000] ipaccount: ifname [eth1] event[8] [ 9189.620000] ipaccount: ifname [br-lan] event[16] [ 9189.620000] ipaccount: ifname [br-lan] event[5] [ 9189.630000] *hwnat reg dev ******* set dev[br-lan]->ifindex = 17 [ 9189.640000] ipaccount: ifname [eth0] event[13] [ 9189.640000] 3C:FFFFFFCD:57:71:FFFFFFF8:FFFFFFFA [ 9189.650000] Raeth v3.1 (Tasklet,SkbRecycle) [ 9189.660000] set CLK_CFG_0 = 0x40a00020!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!1 [ 9189.660000] phy_free_head is 0xc46000!!! [ 9189.670000] phy_free_tail_phy is 0xc47ff0!!! [ 9189.670000] txd_pool=a0c50000 phy_txd_pool=00C50000 [ 9189.680000] ei_local->skb_free start address is 0x8749a6dc. [ 9189.680000] free_txd: 00c50010, ei_local->cpu_ptr: 00C50000 [ 9189.690000] POOL HEAD_PTR | DMA_PTR | CPU_PTR [ 9189.690000] ----------------+---------+-------- [ 9189.700000] 0xa0c50000 0x00C50000 0x00C50000 [ 9189.700000] [ 9189.700000] phy_qrx_ring = 0x00c45000, qrx_ring = 0xa0c45000 [ 9189.710000] [ 9189.710000] phy_rx_ring0 = 0x00c58000, rx_ring0 = 0xa0c58000 [ 9189.750000] MT7530 Reset Completed!! [ 9189.760000] change HW-TRAP to 0x17c8f [ 9189.760000] set LAN/WAN LLLLW [ 9189.770000] GMAC1_MAC_ADRH -- : 0x00003ccd [ 9189.770000] GMAC1_MAC_ADRL -- : 0x5771f8fa [ 9189.780000] eth1: ===> VirtualIF_open [ 9189.780000] MT7621 GE2 link rate to 1G [ 9189.790000] CDMA_CSG_CFG = 81000000 [ 9189.790000] GDMA1_FWD_CFG = 20714444 [ 9189.790000] GDMA2_FWD_CFG = 20714444 [ 9189.800000] ipaccount: ifname [eth0] event[1] [ 9189.800000] *hwnat reg dev ******* set dev[eth0]->ifindex = 3 [ 9189.810000] ipaccount: ifname [wl1] event[9] [ 9189.810000] wifi_disassoc2 MAC 50-5b-c2-09-e8-32, ReasonCode 4 [ 9189.820000] wifi_log: [Class 2 - SEND DISASSOC] - if="wl1", sta_mac="50:5b:c2:09:e8:32", bssid="3c💿57:71:f8:fc", action="send-disassoc", info="mlme kick out sta", reason="4", Aid="1" [ 9189.840000] wifi_disassoc2 MAC 20-f5-43-0d-18-e5, ReasonCode 4 [ 9189.840000] wifi_log: [Class 2 - SEND DISASSOC] - if="wl1", sta_mac="20:f5:43:0d:18:e5", bssid="3c💿57:71:f8:fc", action="send-disassoc", info="mlme kick out sta", reason="4", Aid="2" [ 9189.860000] wifi_disassoc2 MAC 66-64-4a-07-e9-22, ReasonCode 4 [ 9189.870000] wifi_log: [Class 2 - SEND DISASSOC] - if="wl1", sta_mac="66:64:4a:07:e9:22", bssid="3c💿57:71:f8:fc", action="send-disassoc", info="mlme kick out sta", reason="4", Aid="3" [ 9190.180000] wifi_deauth1 MAC 50-5b-c2-09-e8-32, ReasonCode 6 [ 9190.180000] wifi_deauth1 MAC 50-5b-c2-09-e8-32, ReasonCode 6 [ 9190.280000] wifi_deauth1 MAC 50-5b-c2-09-e8-32, ReasonCode 6 [ 9190.330000] wifi_auth1 MAC 50-5b-c2-09-e8-32 [ 9190.340000] wifi_log: [Class 1 - RECV AUTH] - if="wl1", sta_mac="50:5b:c2:09:e8:32", bssid="3c💿57:71:f8:fc", action="recv-auth", rssi="-54", status="0" [ 9190.350000] wifi_log: [Class 1 - SEND AUTH_RSP] - if="wl1", sta_mac="50:5b:c2:09:e8:32", bssid="3c💿57:71:f8:fc", action="mlme-auth", info="send auth resp(Success)", status="0" [ 9190.370000] wifi_log: [Class 2 - RECV ASSOC] - if="wl1", sta_mac="50:5b:c2:09:e8:32", bssid="3c💿57:71:f8:fc", action="recv-assoc", rssi="-54", Aid="1" [ 9190.390000] wifi_assoc MAC 50-5b-c2-09-e8-32, RSSI -54 StatusCode 0 [ 9190.390000] wifi_log: [Class 2 - SEND ASSOC RSP] - if="wl1", sta_mac="50:5b:c2:09:e8:32", bssid="3c💿57:71:f8:fc", action="mlme-assoc", status="0", Aid="1" [ 9190.490000] wifi_log: [Class 3 - EAPOL START] - if="wl1", sta_mac="50:5b:c2:09:e8:32", bssid="3c💿57:71:f8:fc", action="eapol-start" [ 9190.500000] wifi_log: [Class 3 - SEND EAPOL 1/4] - if="wl1", sta_mac="50:5b:c2:09:e8:32", bssid="3c💿57:71:f8:fc", action="send-eapol" [ 9190.540000] ipaccount: ifname [wl1] event[2] [ 9190.540000] *hwnat unreg dev ******* unset dev[wl1]:8 [ 9190.550000] ipaccount: ifname [eth0] event[20] [ 9190.550000] device eth0 entered promiscuous mode [ 9190.560000] ipaccount: ifname [br-lan] event[11] [ 9190.560000] ipaccount: ifname [br-lan] event[8] [ 9190.570000] ipaccount: ifname [br-lan] event[7] [ 9190.570000] ipaccount: ifname [br-lan] event[8] [ 9190.580000] ipaccount: ifname [br-lan] event[13] [ 9190.580000] br-lan: port 1(eth0) entered forwarding state [ 9190.590000] br-lan: port 1(eth0) entered forwarding state [ 9190.600000] ipaccount: ifname [br-lan] event[1] [ 9190.610000] IPv6: ADDRCONF(NETDEV_UP): wl1: link is not ready [ 9190.620000] ipaccount: ifname [wl1] event[13] [ 9190.620000] pAd->ApBootFlag = TRUE [ 9190.970000] efuse_probe: efuse = 10000002 [ 9190.980000] tssi_1_target_pwr_g_band = 34 [ 9191.250000] <==== rt28xx_init, Status=0 [ 9191.250000] pAd->ApBootFlag = FALSE [ 9191.250000] ipaccount: ifname [wl1] event[1] [ 9191.260000] *hwnat reg dev ******* set dev[wl1]->ifindex = 8 [ 9191.260000] ipaccount: ifname [wl1] event[4] [ 9191.270000] ipaccount: ifname [br-lan] event[4] [ 9191.270000] ipaccount: ifname [wl1] event[20] [ 9191.280000] device wl1 entered promiscuous mode [ 9191.280000] br-lan: port 2(wl1) entered forwarding state [ 9191.290000] br-lan: port 2(wl1) entered forwarding state [ 9191.290000] ipaccount: ifname [br-lan] event[7] [ 9191.300000] ipaccount: ifname [wl0] event[9] [ 9191.300000] wifi5_disa2_4=MAC:00-bb-3a-f7-cf-12,TSF:4507549301, DIFF:4298 [ 9191.310000] wifi_log: [Class 2 - SEND DISASSOC] - if="wl0", sta_mac="00:bb:3a:f7:cf:12", bssid="3c💿57:71:f8:fd", action="send-disassoc", info="mlme kick out sta", reason="4", Aid="1" [ 9191.330000] wifi5_disa2_4=MAC:ae-1e-1c-5b-85-79,TSF:4507572955, DIFF:618 [ 9191.330000] wifi_log: [Class 2 - SEND DISASSOC] - if="wl0", sta_mac="ae:1e:1c:5b:85:79", bssid="3c💿57:71:f8:fd", action="send-disassoc", info="mlme kick out sta", reason="4", Aid="2" [ 9191.350000] wifi5_disa2_4=MAC:bc-fe-d9-3b-69-ce,TSF:4507596501, DIFF:1538 [ 9191.360000] wifi_log: [Class 2 - SEND DISASSOC] - if="wl0", sta_mac="bc:fe:d9:3b:69:ce", bssid="3c💿57:71:f8:fd", action="send-disassoc", info="mlme kick out sta", reason="4", Aid="3" [ 9191.410000] ipaccount: ifname [wl0] event[2] [ 9191.410000] *hwnat unreg dev ******* unset dev[wl0]:9 [ 9191.420000] ipaccount: ifname [br-lan] event[7] [ 9191.430000] IPv6: ADDRCONF(NETDEV_UP): wl0: link is not ready [ 9191.430000] ipaccount: ifname [wl0] event[13] [ 9191.440000] MAC_CSR0=0, rtmp_asic_top_init [ 9191.480000] Set defult RDRegion value: CountryCode=MX � [ 9191.480000] 11�, RDRegion=0 [ 9191.500000] ESW: Link Status Changed - Port2 Link UP,100Mbps,Full Duplex [ 9192.590000] br-lan: port 1(eth0) entered forwarding state [ 9192.840000] ESW: Link Status Changed - Port3 Link UP,1000Mbps,Full Duplex [ 9193.230000] wifi_auth1 MAC ae-1e-1c-5b-85-79 [ 9193.240000] wifi_log: [Class 1 - RECV AUTH] - if="wl1", sta_mac="ae:1e:1c:5b:85:79", bssid="3c💿57:71:f8:fc", action="recv-auth", rssi="-46", status="0" [ 9193.250000] wifi_log: [Class 1 - SEND AUTH_RSP] - if="wl1", sta_mac="ae:1e:1c:5b:85:79", bssid="3c💿57:71:f8:fc", action="mlme-auth", info="send auth resp(Success)", status="0" [ 9193.290000] br-lan: port 2(wl1) entered forwarding state [ 9193.290000] wifi_log: [Class 2 - RECV REASSOC] - if="wl1", sta_mac="ae:1e:1c:5b:85:79", bssid="3c💿57:71:f8:fc", action="recv-reassoc", rssi="-46", Aid="1" [ 9193.310000] wifi_assoc MAC ae-1e-1c-5b-85-79, RSSI -46 StatusCode 0 [ 9193.310000] wifi_log: [Class 2 - SEND REASSOC RSP] - if="wl1", sta_mac="ae:1e:1c:5b:85:79", bssid="3c💿57:71:f8:fc", action="mlme-assoc", status="0", Aid="1" [ 9193.410000] wifi_log: [Class 3 - EAPOL START] - if="wl1", sta_mac="ae:1e:1c:5b:85:79", bssid="3c💿57:71:f8:fc", action="eapol-start" [ 9193.420000] wifi_log: [Class 3 - SEND EAPOL 1/4] - if="wl1", sta_mac="ae:1e:1c:5b:85:79", bssid="3c💿57:71:f8:fc", action="send-eapol" [ 9193.440000] wifi_log: [Class 3 - RECV EAPOL 2/4] - if="wl1", sta_mac="ae:1e:1c:5b:85:79", bssid="3c💿57:71:f8:fc", action="recv-eapol" [ 9193.450000] wifi_log: [Class 3 - SEND EAPOL 3/4] - if="wl1", sta_mac="ae:1e:1c:5b:85:79", bssid="3c💿57:71:f8:fc", action="send-eapol" [ 9193.470000] wifi_log: [Class 3 - RECV EAPOL 4/4] - if="wl1", sta_mac="ae:1e:1c:5b:85:79", bssid="3c💿57:71:f8:fc", action="recv-eapol" [ 9193.480000] wifi_log: [Class 3 - EAPOL DONE] - if="wl1", sta_mac="ae:1e:1c:5b:85:79", bssid="3c💿57:71:f8:fc", action="eapol-done" [ 9193.710000] wifi_auth1 MAC 00-bb-3a-f7-cf-12 [ 9193.710000] wifi_log: [Class 1 - RECV AUTH] - if="wl1", sta_mac="00:bb:3a:f7:cf:12", bssid="3c💿57:71:f8:fc", action="recv-auth", rssi="-43", status="0" [ 9193.730000] wifi_log: [Class 1 - SEND AUTH_RSP] - if="wl1", sta_mac="00:bb:3a:f7:cf:12", bssid="3c💿57:71:f8:fc", action="mlme-auth", info="send auth resp(Success)", status="0" [ 9193.740000] wifi_log: [Class 2 - RECV ASSOC] - if="wl1", sta_mac="00:bb:3a:f7:cf:12", bssid="3c💿57:71:f8:fc", action="recv-assoc", rssi="-43", Aid="2" [ 9193.760000] wifi_assoc MAC 00-bb-3a-f7-cf-12, RSSI -43 StatusCode 0 [ 9193.770000] wifi_log: [Class 2 - SEND ASSOC RSP] - if="wl1", sta_mac="00:bb:3a:f7:cf:12", bssid="3c💿57:71:f8:fc", action="mlme-assoc", status="0", Aid="2" [ 9193.870000] wifi_log: [Class 3 - EAPOL START] - if="wl1", sta_mac="00:bb:3a:f7:cf:12", bssid="3c💿57:71:f8:fc", action="eapol-start" [ 9193.880000] wifi_log: [Class 3 - SEND EAPOL 1/4] - if="wl1", sta_mac="00:bb:3a:f7:cf:12", bssid="3c💿57:71:f8:fc", action="send-eapol" [ 9193.890000] wifi_log: [Class 3 - RECV EAPOL 2/4] - if="wl1", sta_mac="00:bb:3a:f7:cf:12", bssid="3c💿57:71:f8:fc", action="recv-eapol" [ 9193.900000] <==== rt28xx_init, Status=0 [ 9193.900000] ipaccount: ifname [wl0] event[1] [ 9193.900000] *hwnat reg dev ******* set dev[wl0]->ifindex = 9 [ 9193.900000] ipaccount: ifname [wl1] event[9] [ 9193.920000] wifi_log: [Class 3 - SEND EAPOL 3/4] - if="wl1", sta_mac="00:bb:3a:f7:cf:12", bssid="3c💿57:71:f8:fc", action="send-eapol" [ 9193.940000] wifi_log: [Class 3 - RECV EAPOL 4/4] - if="wl1", sta_mac="00:bb:3a:f7:cf:12", bssid="3c💿57:71:f8:fc", action="recv-eapol" [ 9193.950000] wifi_log: [Class 3 - EAPOL DONE] - if="wl1", sta_mac="00:bb:3a:f7:cf:12", bssid="3c💿57:71:f8:fc", action="eapol-done" [ 9193.960000] wifi_disassoc2 MAC ae-1e-1c-5b-85-79, ReasonCode 4 [ 9193.970000] wifi_log: [Class 2 - SEND DISASSOC] - if="wl1", sta_mac="ae:1e:1c:5b:85:79", bssid="3c💿57:71:f8:fc", action="send-disassoc", info="mlme kick out sta", reason="4", Aid="1" [ 9193.990000] wifi_disassoc2 MAC 00-bb-3a-f7-cf-12, ReasonCode 4 [ 9193.990000] wifi_log: [Class 2 - SEND DISASSOC] - if="wl1", sta_mac="00:bb:3a:f7:cf:12", bssid="3c💿57:71:f8:fc", action="send-disassoc", info="mlme kick out sta", reason="4", Aid="2" [ 9194.630000] br-lan: port 2(wl1) entered disabled state [ 9194.640000] ipaccount: ifname [wl1] event[2] [ 9194.640000] *hwnat unreg dev ******* unset dev[wl1]:8 [ 9194.650000] ipaccount: ifname [wl0] event[4] [ 9194.650000] ipaccount: ifname [wl0] event[20] [ 9194.660000] device wl0 entered promiscuous mode [ 9194.660000] br-lan: port 3(wl0) entered forwarding state [ 9194.670000] br-lan: port 3(wl0) entered forwarding state [ 9194.670000] ipaccount: ifname [br-lan] event[7] [ 9194.680000] ipaccount: ifname [br-lan] event[7] [ 9194.680000] ipaccount: ifname [ifb0] event[13] [ 9194.690000] ifb is opened now. [ 9194.690000] ipaccount: ifname [ifb0] event[1] [ 9194.690000] *hwnat reg dev ******* set dev[ifb0]->ifindex = 2 [ 9194.700000] ipaccount: ifname [lo] event[13] [ 9194.710000] ipaccount: ifname [lo] event[1] [ 9194.710000] *hwnat reg dev ******* set dev[lo]->ifindex = 1 [ 9194.810000] wifi_log: [Class 1 - RECV AUTH] - if="wl0", sta_mac="ae:1e:1c:5b:85:79", bssid="3c💿57:71:f8:fd", action="recv-auth", rssi="-47", status="0" [ 9194.820000] wifi_log: [Class 1 - SEND AUTH_RSP] - if="wl0", sta_mac="ae:1e:1c:5b:85:79", bssid="3c💿57:71:f8:fd", action="mlme-auth", info="send auth resp(Success)", status="0" [ 9194.840000] wifi_log: [Class 2 - RECV REASSOC] - if="wl0", sta_mac="ae:1e:1c:5b:85:79", bssid="3c💿57:71:f8:fd", action="recv-reassoc", rssi="-48", Aid="1" [ 9194.860000] wifi5_assoc=MAC:ae-1e-1c-5b-85-79,TSF:958099,RSSI:-48 [ 9194.860000] wifi_log: [Class 2 - SEND REASSOC RSP] - if="wl0", sta_mac="ae:1e:1c:5b:85:79", bssid="3c💿57:71:f8:fd", action="mlme-assoc", status="0", Aid="1" [ 9194.960000] ipaccount: ifname [wl0] event[9] [ 9194.960000] wifi5_disa2_4=MAC:ae-1e-1c-5b-85-79,TSF:1065348, DIFF:0 [ 9194.970000] wifi_log: [Class 2 - SEND DISASSOC] - if="wl0", sta_mac="ae:1e:1c:5b:85:79", bssid="3c💿57:71:f8:fd", action="send-disassoc", info="mlme kick out sta", reason="4", Aid="1" [ 9195.030000] br-lan: port 3(wl0) entered disabled state [ 9195.030000] ipaccount: ifname [wl0] event[2] [ 9195.040000] *hwnat unreg dev ******* unset dev[wl0]:9 [ 9195.110000] ipaccount: landev_init_all() add dev [eth0] is_wireless: 0. [ 9195.110000] ipaccount: landev_init_all() add dev [wl0] is_wireless: 1. [ 9195.120000] ipaccount: landev_init_all() add dev [wl1] is_wireless: 1. [ 9195.130000] ipaccount: landev_init_all() add dev [wl3] is_wireless: 1. [ 9195.710000] ipaccount: ifname [wl1] event[13] [ 9195.710000] pAd->ApBootFlag = TRUE [ 9196.010000] efuse_probe: efuse = 10000002 [ 9196.020000] tssi_1_target_pwr_g_band = 34 [ 9196.410000] <==== rt28xx_init, Status=0 [ 9196.420000] pAd->ApBootFlag = FALSE [ 9196.420000] ipaccount: ifname [wl1] event[1] [ 9196.420000] *hwnat reg dev ******* set dev[wl1]->ifindex = 8 [ 9196.650000] br-lan: port 2(wl1) entered forwarding state [ 9196.650000] br-lan: port 2(wl1) entered forwarding state [ 9196.660000] ipaccount: ifname [wl1] event[4] [ 9197.800000] ipaccount: landev_init_all() add dev [eth0] is_wireless: 0. [ 9197.810000] ipaccount: landev_init_all() add dev [wl0] is_wireless: 1. [ 9197.820000] ipaccount: landev_init_all() add dev [wl1] is_wireless: 1. [ 9197.820000] ipaccount: landev_init_all() add dev [wl3] is_wireless: 1. [ 9198.650000] br-lan: port 2(wl1) entered forwarding state [ 9198.940000] ipaccount: landev_init_all() add dev [eth0] is_wireless: 0. [ 9198.940000] ipaccount: landev_init_all() add dev [wl0] is_wireless: 1. [ 9198.950000] ipaccount: landev_init_all() add dev [wl1] is_wireless: 1. [ 9198.960000] ipaccount: landev_init_all() add dev [wl3] is_wireless: 1. [ 9199.200000] ipaccount: landev_init_all() add dev [eth0] is_wireless: 0. [ 9199.200000] ipaccount: landev_init_all() add dev [wl0] is_wireless: 1. [ 9199.210000] ipaccount: landev_init_all() add dev [wl1] is_wireless: 1. [ 9199.220000] ipaccount: landev_init_all() add dev [wl3] is_wireless: 1. [ 9199.720000] ipaccount: ifname [wl0] event[13] [ 9199.730000] MAC_CSR0=0, rtmp_asic_top_init [ 9199.760000] Set defult RDRegion value: CountryCode=MX � [ 9199.760000] 11�, RDRegion=0 [ 9200.400000] wifi_deauth1 MAC 50-5b-c2-09-e8-32, ReasonCode 6 [ 9200.410000] wifi_deauth1 MAC 50-5b-c2-09-e8-32, ReasonCode 6 [ 9200.850000] ESW: Link Status Changed - Port4 Link UP,100Mbps,Full Duplex [ 9202.060000] <==== rt28xx_init, Status=0 [ 9202.060000] ipaccount: ifname [wl0] event[1] [ 9202.070000] *hwnat reg dev ******* set dev[wl0]->ifindex = 9 [ 9202.070000] br-lan: port 3(wl0) entered forwarding state [ 9202.080000] br-lan: port 3(wl0) entered forwarding state [ 9202.080000] ipaccount: ifname [wl0] event[4] [ 9203.880000] disable ip account module. [ 9204.080000] br-lan: port 3(wl0) entered forwarding state [ 9204.280000] wifi_auth1 MAC 02-e0-20-0a-2c-87 [ 9204.280000] wifi_log: [Class 1 - RECV AUTH] - if="wl1", sta_mac="02:e0:20:0a:2c:87", bssid="3c💿57:71:f8:fc", action="recv-auth", rssi="-52", status="0" [ 9204.290000] wifi_log: [Class 1 - SEND AUTH_RSP] - if="wl1", sta_mac="02:e0:20:0a:2c:87", bssid="3c💿57:71:f8:fc", action="mlme-auth", info="send auth resp(Success)", status="0" [ 9204.310000] ESW: Link Status Changed - Port2 Link Down [ 9204.310000] wifi_log: [Class 2 - RECV ASSOC] - if="wl1", sta_mac="02:e0:20:0a:2c:87", bssid="3c💿57:71:f8:fc", action="recv-assoc", rssi="-52", Aid="1" [ 9204.310000] wifi_assoc MAC 02-e0-20-0a-2c-87, RSSI -52 StatusCode 0 [ 9204.310000] wifi_log: [Class 2 - SEND ASSOC RSP] - if="wl1", sta_mac="02:e0:20:0a:2c:87", bssid="3c💿57:71:f8:fc", action="mlme-assoc", status="0", Aid="1" [ 9204.360000] ESW: Link Status Changed - Port3 Link Down [ 9204.410000] wifi_log: [Class 3 - EAPOL START] - if="wl1", sta_mac="02:e0:20:0a:2c:87", bssid="3c💿57:71:f8:fc", action="eapol-start" [ 9204.420000] wifi_log: [Class 3 - SEND EAPOL 1/4] - if="wl1", sta_mac="02:e0:20:0a:2c:87", bssid="3c💿57:71:f8:fc", action="send-eapol" [ 9204.430000] wifi_log: [Class 3 - RECV EAPOL 2/4] - if="wl1", sta_mac="02:e0:20:0a:2c:87", bssid="3c💿57:71:f8:fc", action="recv-eapol" [ 9204.450000] wifi_log: [Class 3 - SEND EAPOL 3/4] - if="wl1", sta_mac="02:e0:20:0a:2c:87", bssid="3c💿57:71:f8:fc", action="send-eapol" [ 9204.480000] wifi_log: [Class 3 - RECV EAPOL 4/4] - if="wl1", sta_mac="02:e0:20:0a:2c:87", bssid="3c💿57:71:f8:fc", action="recv-eapol" [ 9204.490000] wifi_log: [Class 3 - EAPOL DONE] - if="wl1", sta_mac="02:e0:20:0a:2c:87", bssid="3c💿57:71:f8:fc", action="eapol-done" [ 9205.670000] wifi_auth1 MAC 66-64-4a-07-e9-22 [ 9205.670000] wifi_log: [Class 1 - RECV AUTH] - if="wl1", sta_mac="66:64:4a:07:e9:22", bssid="3c💿57:71:f8:fc", action="recv-auth", rssi="-53", status="0" [ 9205.690000] wifi_log: [Class 1 - SEND AUTH_RSP] - if="wl1", sta_mac="66:64:4a:07:e9:22", bssid="3c💿57:71:f8:fc", action="mlme-auth", info="send auth resp(Success)", status="0" [ 9205.710000] wifi_log: [Class 2 - RECV ASSOC] - if="wl1", sta_mac="66:64:4a:07:e9:22", bssid="3c💿57:71:f8:fc", action="recv-assoc", rssi="-53", Aid="2" [ 9205.720000] wifi_assoc MAC 66-64-4a-07-e9-22, RSSI -53 StatusCode 0 [ 9205.730000] wifi_log: [Class 2 - SEND ASSOC RSP] - if="wl1", sta_mac="66:64:4a:07:e9:22", bssid="3c💿57:71:f8:fc", action="mlme-assoc", status="0", Aid="2" [ 9205.830000] wifi_log: [Class 3 - EAPOL START] - if="wl1", sta_mac="66:64:4a:07:e9:22", bssid="3c💿57:71:f8:fc", action="eapol-start" [ 9205.840000] wifi_log: [Class 3 - SEND EAPOL 1/4] - if="wl1", sta_mac="66:64:4a:07:e9:22", bssid="3c💿57:71:f8:fc", action="send-eapol" [ 9205.850000] wifi_log: [Class 3 - RECV EAPOL 2/4] - if="wl1", sta_mac="66:64:4a:07:e9:22", bssid="3c💿57:71:f8:fc", action="recv-eapol" [ 9205.860000] wifi_log: [Class 3 - SEND EAPOL 3/4] - if="wl1", sta_mac="66:64:4a:07:e9:22", bssid="3c💿57:71:f8:fc", action="send-eapol" [ 9205.880000] wifi_log: [Class 3 - RECV EAPOL 4/4] - if="wl1", sta_mac="66:64:4a:07:e9:22", bssid="3c💿57:71:f8:fc", action="recv-eapol" [ 9205.890000] wifi_log: [Class 3 - EAPOL DONE] - if="wl1", sta_mac="66:64:4a:07:e9:22", bssid="3c💿57:71:f8:fc", action="eapol-done" [ 9209.110000] ESW: Link Status Changed - Port2 Link UP,100Mbps,Full Duplex [ 9209.790000] HNAT: switch HNAT OFF..... [ 9210.170000] ESW: Link Status Changed - Port3 Link UP,1000Mbps,Full Duplex [ 9219.300000] wifi_log: [Class 1 - RECV AUTH] - if="wl0", sta_mac="ae:1e:1c:5b:85:79", bssid="3c💿57:71:f8:fd", action="recv-auth", rssi="-53", status="0" [ 9219.320000] wifi_log: [Class 1 - SEND AUTH_RSP] - if="wl0", sta_mac="ae:1e:1c:5b:85:79", bssid="3c💿57:71:f8:fd", action="mlme-auth", info="send auth resp(Success)", status="0" [ 9219.330000] wifi_log: [Class 2 - RECV ASSOC] - if="wl0", sta_mac="ae:1e:1c:5b:85:79", bssid="3c💿57:71:f8:fd", action="recv-assoc", rssi="-53", Aid="1" [ 9219.350000] wifi5_assoc=MAC:ae-1e-1c-5b-85-79,TSF:16537314,RSSI:-53 [ 9219.350000] wifi_log: [Class 2 - SEND ASSOC RSP] - if="wl0", sta_mac="ae:1e:1c:5b:85:79", bssid="3c💿57:71:f8:fd", action="mlme-assoc", status="0", Aid="1" [ 9219.550000] wifi_log: [Class 3 - EAPOL START] - if="wl0", sta_mac="ae:1e:1c:5b:85:79", bssid="3c💿57:71:f8:fd", action="eapol-start" [ 9219.560000] wifi_log: [Class 3 - SEND EAPOL 1/4] - if="wl0", sta_mac="ae:1e:1c:5b:85:79", bssid="3c💿57:71:f8:fd", action="send-eapol" [ 9219.600000] wifi_log: [Class 3 - RECV EAPOL 2/4] - if="wl0", sta_mac="ae:1e:1c:5b:85:79", bssid="3c💿57:71:f8:fd", action="recv-eapol" [ 9219.620000] wifi_log: [Class 3 - SEND EAPOL 3/4] - if="wl0", sta_mac="ae:1e:1c:5b:85:79", bssid="3c💿57:71:f8:fd", action="send-eapol" [ 9219.630000] wifi_log: [Class 3 - RECV EAPOL 4/4] - if="wl0", sta_mac="ae:1e:1c:5b:85:79", bssid="3c💿57:71:f8:fd", action="recv-eapol" [ 9219.640000] wifi_log: [Class 3 - EAPOL DONE] - if="wl0", sta_mac="ae:1e:1c:5b:85:79", bssid="3c💿57:71:f8:fd", action="eapol-done" [ 9223.110000] wifi5_disa1_1=MAC:ae-1e-1c-5b-85-79,TSF:20303491,DIFF:3,RSSI:-53 [ 9223.120000] wifi_log: [Class 1 - RECV DEAUTH] - if="wl0", sta_mac="ae:1e:1c:5b:85:79", bssid="3c💿57:71:f8:fd", action="recv-deauth", reason="1", rssi="-53" [ 9223.220000] wifi_log: [Class 1 - RECV AUTH] - if="wl0", sta_mac="ae:1e:1c:5b:85:79", bssid="3c💿57:71:f8:fd", action="recv-auth", rssi="-53", status="0" [ 9223.240000] wifi_log: [Class 1 - SEND AUTH_RSP] - if="wl0", sta_mac="ae:1e:1c:5b:85:79", bssid="3c💿57:71:f8:fd", action="mlme-auth", info="send auth resp(Success)", status="0" [ 9223.260000] wifi_log: [Class 2 - RECV ASSOC] - if="wl0", sta_mac="ae:1e:1c:5b:85:79", bssid="3c💿57:71:f8:fd", action="recv-assoc", rssi="-53", Aid="1" [ 9223.270000] wifi5_assoc=MAC:ae-1e-1c-5b-85-79,TSF:20459414,RSSI:-53 [ 9223.280000] wifi_log: [Class 2 - SEND ASSOC RSP] - if="wl0", sta_mac="ae:1e:1c:5b:85:79", bssid="3c💿57:71:f8:fd", action="mlme-assoc", status="0", Aid="1" [ 9223.550000] wifi_log: [Class 3 - EAPOL START] - if="wl0", sta_mac="ae:1e:1c:5b:85:79", bssid="3c💿57:71:f8:fd", action="eapol-start" [ 9223.560000] wifi_log: [Class 3 - SEND EAPOL 1/4] - if="wl0", sta_mac="ae:1e:1c:5b:85:79", bssid="3c💿57:71:f8:fd", action="send-eapol" [ 9223.590000] wifi_log: [Class 3 - RECV EAPOL 2/4] - if="wl0", sta_mac="ae:1e:1c:5b:85:79", bssid="3c💿57:71:f8:fd", action="recv-eapol" [ 9223.600000] wifi_log: [Class 3 - SEND EAPOL 3/4] - if="wl0", sta_mac="ae:1e:1c:5b:85:79", bssid="3c💿57:71:f8:fd", action="send-eapol" [ 9223.610000] wifi_log: [Class 3 - RECV EAPOL 4/4] - if="wl0", sta_mac="ae:1e:1c:5b:85:79", bssid="3c💿57:71:f8:fd", action="recv-eapol" [ 9223.620000] wifi_log: [Class 3 - EAPOL DONE] - if="wl0", sta_mac="ae:1e:1c:5b:85:79", bssid="3c💿57:71:f8:fd", action="eapol-done" [ 9226.860000] wifi_log: [Class 1 - RECV AUTH] - if="wl0", sta_mac="00:bb:3a:f7:cf:12", bssid="3c💿57:71:f8:fd", action="recv-auth", rssi="-35", status="0" [ 9226.870000] wifi_log: [Class 1 - SEND AUTH_RSP] - if="wl0", sta_mac="00:bb:3a:f7:cf:12", bssid="3c💿57:71:f8:fd", action="mlme-auth", info="send auth resp(Success)", status="0" [ 9226.890000] wifi_log: [Class 2 - RECV ASSOC] - if="wl0", sta_mac="00:bb:3a:f7:cf:12", bssid="3c💿57:71:f8:fd", action="recv-assoc", rssi="-35", Aid="2" [ 9226.900000] wifi5_assoc=MAC:00-bb-3a-f7-cf-12,TSF:24089191,RSSI:-35 [ 9226.910000] wifi_log: [Class 2 - SEND ASSOC RSP] - if="wl0", sta_mac="00:bb:3a:f7:cf:12", bssid="3c💿57:71:f8:fd", action="mlme-assoc", status="0", Aid="2" [ 9227.630000] wifi_log: [Class 3 - EAPOL START] - if="wl0", sta_mac="00:bb:3a:f7:cf:12", bssid="3c💿57:71:f8:fd", action="eapol-start" [ 9227.640000] wifi_log: [Class 3 - SEND EAPOL 1/4] - if="wl0", sta_mac="00:bb:3a:f7:cf:12", bssid="3c💿57:71:f8:fd", action="send-eapol" [ 9227.650000] wifi_log: [Class 3 - RECV EAPOL 2/4] - if="wl0", sta_mac="00:bb:3a:f7:cf:12", bssid="3c💿57:71:f8:fd", action="recv-eapol" [ 9227.660000] wifi_log: [Class 3 - SEND EAPOL 3/4] - if="wl0", sta_mac="00:bb:3a:f7:cf:12", bssid="3c💿57:71:f8:fd", action="send-eapol" [ 9227.680000] wifi_log: [Class 3 - RECV EAPOL 4/4] - if="wl0", sta_mac="00:bb:3a:f7:cf:12", bssid="3c💿57:71:f8:fd", action="recv-eapol" [ 9227.690000] wifi_log: [Class 3 - EAPOL DONE] - if="wl0", sta_mac="00:bb:3a:f7:cf:12", bssid="3c💿57:71:f8:fd", action="eapol-done" [ 9238.820000] wifi_log: [Class 1 - RECV AUTH] - if="wl0", sta_mac="bc:fe:d9:3b:69:ce", bssid="3c💿57:71:f8:fd", action="recv-auth", rssi="-65", status="0" [ 9238.840000] wifi_log: [Class 1 - SEND AUTH_RSP] - if="wl0", sta_mac="bc:fe:d9:3b:69:ce", bssid="3c💿57:71:f8:fd", action="mlme-auth", info="send auth resp(Success)", status="0" [ 9238.850000] wifi_log: [Class 2 - RECV REASSOC] - if="wl0", sta_mac="bc:fe:d9:3b:69:ce", bssid="3c💿57:71:f8:fd", action="recv-reassoc", rssi="-65", Aid="3" [ 9238.870000] wifi5_assoc=MAC:bc-fe-d9-3b-69-ce,TSF:36057604,RSSI:-65 [ 9238.870000] wifi_log: [Class 2 - SEND REASSOC RSP] - if="wl0", sta_mac="bc:fe:d9:3b:69:ce", bssid="3c💿57:71:f8:fd", action="mlme-assoc", status="0", Aid="3" [ 9239.110000] wifi_log: [Class 3 - EAPOL START] - if="wl0", sta_mac="bc:fe:d9:3b:69:ce", bssid="3c💿57:71:f8:fd", action="eapol-start" [ 9239.130000] wifi_log: [Class 3 - SEND EAPOL 1/4] - if="wl0", sta_mac="bc:fe:d9:3b:69:ce", bssid="3c💿57:71:f8:fd", action="send-eapol" [ 9239.140000] wifi_log: [Class 3 - RECV EAPOL 2/4] - if="wl0", sta_mac="bc:fe:d9:3b:69:ce", bssid="3c💿57:71:f8:fd", action="recv-eapol" [ 9239.150000] wifi_log: [Class 3 - SEND EAPOL 3/4] - if="wl0", sta_mac="bc:fe:d9:3b:69:ce", bssid="3c💿57:71:f8:fd", action="send-eapol" [ 9239.160000] wifi_log: [Class 3 - RECV EAPOL 4/4] - if="wl0", sta_mac="bc:fe:d9:3b:69:ce", bssid="3c💿57:71:f8:fd", action="recv-eapol" [ 9239.180000] wifi_log: [Class 3 - EAPOL DONE] - if="wl0", sta_mac="bc:fe:d9:3b:69:ce", bssid="3c💿57:71:f8:fd", action="eapol-done" [ 9272.810000] wifi_auth1 MAC 50-5b-c2-09-e8-32 [ 9272.820000] wifi_log: [Class 1 - RECV AUTH] - if="wl1", sta_mac="50:5b:c2:09:e8:32", bssid="3c💿57:71:f8:fc", action="recv-auth", rssi="-32", status="0" [ 9272.830000] wifi_log: [Class 1 - SEND AUTH_RSP] - if="wl1", sta_mac="50:5b:c2:09:e8:32", bssid="3c💿57:71:f8:fc", action="mlme-auth", info="send auth resp(Success)", status="0" [ 9272.850000] wifi_log: [Class 2 - RECV ASSOC] - if="wl1", sta_mac="50:5b:c2:09:e8:32", bssid="3c💿57:71:f8:fc", action="recv-assoc", rssi="-32", Aid="3" [ 9272.870000] wifi_assoc MAC 50-5b-c2-09-e8-32, RSSI -32 StatusCode 0 [ 9272.870000] wifi_log: [Class 2 - SEND ASSOC RSP] - if="wl1", sta_mac="50:5b:c2:09:e8:32", bssid="3c💿57:71:f8:fc", action="mlme-assoc", status="0", Aid="3" [ 9272.970000] wifi_log: [Class 3 - EAPOL START] - if="wl1", sta_mac="50:5b:c2:09:e8:32", bssid="3c💿57:71:f8:fc", action="eapol-start" [ 9272.980000] wifi_log: [Class 3 - SEND EAPOL 1/4] - if="wl1", sta_mac="50:5b:c2:09:e8:32", bssid="3c💿57:71:f8:fc", action="send-eapol" [ 9273.020000] wifi_log: [Class 3 - RECV EAPOL 2/4] - if="wl1", sta_mac="50:5b:c2:09:e8:32", bssid="3c💿57:71:f8:fc", action="recv-eapol" [ 9273.040000] wifi_log: [Class 3 - SEND EAPOL 3/4] - if="wl1", sta_mac="50:5b:c2:09:e8:32", bssid="3c💿57:71:f8:fc", action="send-eapol" [ 9273.050000] wifi_log: [Class 3 - RECV EAPOL 4/4] - if="wl1", sta_mac="50:5b:c2:09:e8:32", bssid="3c💿57:71:f8:fc", action="recv-eapol" [ 9273.060000] wifi_log: [Class 3 - EAPOL DONE] - if="wl1", sta_mac="50:5b:c2:09:e8:32", bssid="3c💿57:71:f8:fc", action="eapol-done" [ 9339.900000] wifi5_disa1_3=MAC:ae-1e-1c-5b-85-79,TSF:137091909,DIFF:111,RSSI:-50 [ 9339.910000] wifi_log: [Class 1 - RECV DEAUTH] - if="wl0", sta_mac="ae:1e:1c:5b:85:79", bssid="3c💿57:71:f8:fd", action="recv-deauth", reason="3", rssi="-50" [ 9344.210000] wifi_log: [Class 1 - RECV AUTH] - if="wl0", sta_mac="ae:1e:1c:5b:85:79", bssid="3c💿57:71:f8:fd", action="recv-auth", rssi="-50", status="0" [ 9344.220000] wifi_log: [Class 1 - SEND AUTH_RSP] - if="wl0", sta_mac="ae:1e:1c:5b:85:79", bssid="3c💿57:71:f8:fd", action="mlme-auth", info="send auth resp(Success)", status="0" [ 9344.240000] wifi_log: [Class 2 - RECV ASSOC] - if="wl0", sta_mac="ae:1e:1c:5b:85:79", bssid="3c💿57:71:f8:fd", action="recv-assoc", rssi="-50", Aid="1" [ 9344.250000] wifi5_assoc=MAC:ae-1e-1c-5b-85-79,TSF:141445148,RSSI:-50 [ 9344.260000] wifi_log: [Class 2 - SEND ASSOC RSP] - if="wl0", sta_mac="ae:1e:1c:5b:85:79", bssid="3c💿57:71:f8:fd", action="mlme-assoc", status="0", Aid="1" [ 9344.790000] wifi_log: [Class 3 - EAPOL START] - if="wl0", sta_mac="ae:1e:1c:5b:85:79", bssid="3c💿57:71:f8:fd", action="eapol-start" [ 9344.800000] wifi_log: [Class 3 - SEND EAPOL 1/4] - if="wl0", sta_mac="ae:1e:1c:5b:85:79", bssid="3c💿57:71:f8:fd", action="send-eapol" [ 9344.810000] wifi_log: [Class 3 - RECV EAPOL 2/4] - if="wl0", sta_mac="ae:1e:1c:5b:85:79", bssid="3c💿57:71:f8:fd", action="recv-eapol" [ 9344.830000] wifi_log: [Class 3 - SEND EAPOL 3/4] - if="wl0", sta_mac="ae:1e:1c:5b:85:79", bssid="3c💿57:71:f8:fd", action="send-eapol" [ 9344.840000] wifi_log: [Class 3 - RECV EAPOL 4/4] - if="wl0", sta_mac="ae:1e:1c:5b:85:79", bssid="3c💿57:71:f8:fd", action="recv-eapol" [ 9344.850000] wifi_log: [Class 3 - EAPOL DONE] - if="wl0", sta_mac="ae:1e:1c:5b:85:79", bssid="3c💿57:71:f8:fd", action="eapol-done" [ 9507.740000] wifi_auth1 MAC 20-f5-43-0d-18-e5 [ 9507.740000] wifi_log: [Class 1 - RECV AUTH] - if="wl1", sta_mac="20:f5:43:0d:18:e5", bssid="3c💿57:71:f8:fc", action="recv-auth", rssi="-44", status="0" [ 9507.760000] wifi_log: [Class 1 - SEND AUTH_RSP] - if="wl1", sta_mac="20:f5:43:0d:18:e5", bssid="3c💿57:71:f8:fc", action="mlme-auth", info="send auth resp(Success)", status="0" [ 9507.780000] wifi_log: [Class 2 - RECV ASSOC] - if="wl1", sta_mac="20:f5:43:0d:18:e5", bssid="3c💿57:71:f8:fc", action="recv-assoc", rssi="-44", Aid="4" [ 9507.790000] wifi_assoc MAC 20-f5-43-0d-18-e5, RSSI -44 StatusCode 0 [ 9507.800000] wifi_log: [Class 2 - SEND ASSOC RSP] - if="wl1", sta_mac="20:f5:43:0d:18:e5", bssid="3c💿57:71:f8:fc", action="mlme-assoc", status="0", Aid="4" [ 9507.900000] wifi_log: [Class 3 - EAPOL START] - if="wl1", sta_mac="20:f5:43:0d:18:e5", bssid="3c💿57:71:f8:fc", action="eapol-start" [ 9507.910000] wifi_log: [Class 3 - SEND EAPOL 1/4] - if="wl1", sta_mac="20:f5:43:0d:18:e5", bssid="3c💿57:71:f8:fc", action="send-eapol" [ 9507.920000] wifi_log: [Class 3 - RECV EAPOL 2/4] - if="wl1", sta_mac="20:f5:43:0d:18:e5", bssid="3c💿57:71:f8:fc", action="recv-eapol" [ 9507.930000] wifi_log: [Class 3 - SEND EAPOL 3/4] - if="wl1", sta_mac="20:f5:43:0d:18:e5", bssid="3c💿57:71:f8:fc", action="send-eapol" [ 9507.950000] wifi_log: [Class 3 - RECV EAPOL 4/4] - if="wl1", sta_mac="20:f5:43:0d:18:e5", bssid="3c💿57:71:f8:fc", action="recv-eapol" [ 9507.960000] wifi_log: [Class 3 - EAPOL DONE] - if="wl1", sta_mac="20:f5:43:0d:18:e5", bssid="3c💿57:71:f8:fc", action="eapol-done" [ 9810.090000] wifi_log: [Class 1 - Ageout] -ageout 20:f5:43:0d:18:e5 after 300-sec silence [ 9810.090000] wifi_log: [Class 1 - SEND DEAUTH] - if="wl1", sta_mac="20:f5:43:0d:18:e5", bssid="3c💿57:71:f8:fc", action="send-deauth", info="aging, sta leave", reason="3", Aid="4" [ 9820.670000] wifi_auth1 MAC 20-f5-43-0d-18-e5 [ 9820.670000] wifi_log: [Class 1 - RECV AUTH] - if="wl1", sta_mac="20:f5:43:0d:18:e5", bssid="3c💿57:71:f8:fc", action="recv-auth", rssi="-43", status="0" [ 9820.690000] wifi_log: [Class 1 - SEND AUTH_RSP] - if="wl1", sta_mac="20:f5:43:0d:18:e5", bssid="3c💿57:71:f8:fc", action="mlme-auth", info="send auth resp(Success)", status="0" [ 9820.710000] wifi_log: [Class 2 - RECV ASSOC] - if="wl1", sta_mac="20:f5:43:0d:18:e5", bssid="3c💿57:71:f8:fc", action="recv-assoc", rssi="-43", Aid="4" [ 9820.720000] wifi_assoc MAC 20-f5-43-0d-18-e5, RSSI -43 StatusCode 41 [ 9820.730000] wifi_log: [Class 2 - SEND ASSOC RSP] - if="wl1", sta_mac="20:f5:43:0d:18:e5", bssid="3c💿57:71:f8:fc", action="mlme-assoc", status="41", Aid="4" [10129.730000] ipaccount: ifname [wl1] event[9] [10129.730000] wifi_disassoc2 MAC 02-e0-20-0a-2c-87, ReasonCode 4 [10129.740000] wifi_log: [Class 2 - SEND DISASSOC] - if="wl1", sta_mac="02:e0:20:0a:2c:87", bssid="3c💿57:71:f8:fc", action="send-disassoc", info="mlme kick out sta", reason="4", Aid="1" [10129.760000] wifi_disassoc2 MAC 66-64-4a-07-e9-22, ReasonCode 4 [10129.760000] wifi_log: [Class 2 - SEND DISASSOC] - if="wl1", sta_mac="66:64:4a:07:e9:22", bssid="3c💿57:71:f8:fc", action="send-disassoc", info="mlme kick out sta", reason="4", Aid="2" [10129.780000] wifi_disassoc2 MAC 50-5b-c2-09-e8-32, ReasonCode 4 [10129.790000] wifi_log: [Class 2 - SEND DISASSOC] - if="wl1", sta_mac="50:5b:c2:09:e8:32", bssid="3c💿57:71:f8:fc", action="send-disassoc", info="mlme kick out sta", reason="4", Aid="3" [10130.440000] br-lan: port 2(wl1) entered disabled state [10130.440000] ipaccount: ifname [wl1] event[2] [10130.450000] *hwnat unreg dev ******* unset dev[wl1]:8 [10130.660000] ipaccount: ifname [wl0] event[9] [10130.660000] wifi5_disa2_4=MAC:ae-1e-1c-5b-85-79,TSF:927875759, DIFF:749 [10130.670000] wifi_log: [Class 2 - SEND DISASSOC] - if="wl0", sta_mac="ae:1e:1c:5b:85:79", bssid="3c💿57:71:f8:fd", action="send-disassoc", info="mlme kick out sta", reason="4", Aid="1" [10130.690000] wifi5_disa2_4=MAC:00-bb-3a-f7-cf-12,TSF:927899351, DIFF:861 [10130.690000] wifi_log: [Class 2 - SEND DISASSOC] - if="wl0", sta_mac="00:bb:3a:f7:cf:12", bssid="3c💿57:71:f8:fd", action="send-disassoc", info="mlme kick out sta", reason="4", Aid="2" [10130.710000] wifi5_disa2_4=MAC:bc-fe-d9-3b-69-ce,TSF:927922796, DIFF:850 [10130.720000] wifi_log: [Class 2 - SEND DISASSOC] - if="wl0", sta_mac="bc:fe:d9:3b:69:ce", bssid="3c💿57:71:f8:fd", action="send-disassoc", info="mlme kick out sta", reason="4", Aid="3" [10130.770000] br-lan: port 3(wl0) entered disabled state [10130.770000] ipaccount: ifname [wl0] event[2] [10130.780000] *hwnat unreg dev ******* unset dev[wl0]:9 [10131.730000] ipaccount: ifname [wl1] event[13] [10131.730000] pAd->ApBootFlag = TRUE [10132.110000] efuse_probe: efuse = 10000002 [10132.120000] tssi_1_target_pwr_g_band = 34 [10134.990000] <==== rt28xx_init, Status=0 [10134.990000] pAd->ApBootFlag = FALSE [10135.000000] ipaccount: ifname [wl1] event[1] [10135.000000] *hwnat reg dev ******* set dev[wl1]->ifindex = 8 [10135.010000] br-lan: port 2(wl1) entered forwarding state [10135.010000] br-lan: port 2(wl1) entered forwarding state [10135.020000] ipaccount: ifname [wl1] event[4] [10137.010000] br-lan: port 2(wl1) entered forwarding state [10137.510000] ipaccount: ifname [wl0] event[13] [10137.510000] MAC_CSR0=0, rtmp_asic_top_init [10137.550000] Set defult RDRegion value: CountryCode=MX � [10137.550000] 11�, RDRegion=0 [10139.830000] <==== rt28xx_init, Status=0 [10139.830000] ipaccount: ifname [wl0] event[1] [10139.840000] *hwnat reg dev ******* set dev[wl0]->ifindex = 9 [10139.840000] br-lan: port 3(wl0) entered forwarding state [10139.850000] br-lan: port 3(wl0) entered forwarding state [10139.850000] ipaccount: ifname [wl0] event[4] [10140.810000] wifi_auth1 MAC bc-fe-d9-3b-69-ce [10140.820000] wifi_log: [Class 1 - RECV AUTH] - if="wl1", sta_mac="bc:fe:d9:3b:69:ce", bssid="3c💿57:71:f8:fc", action="recv-auth", rssi="-48", status="0" [10140.830000] wifi_log: [Class 1 - SEND AUTH_RSP] - if="wl1", sta_mac="bc:fe:d9:3b:69:ce", bssid="3c💿57:71:f8:fc", action="mlme-auth", info="send auth resp(Success)", status="0" [10140.850000] wifi_log: [Class 2 - RECV ASSOC] - if="wl1", sta_mac="bc:fe:d9:3b:69:ce", bssid="3c💿57:71:f8:fc", action="recv-assoc", rssi="-44", Aid="1" [10140.860000] wifi_assoc MAC bc-fe-d9-3b-69-ce, RSSI -44 StatusCode 0 [10140.870000] wifi_log: [Class 2 - SEND ASSOC RSP] - if="wl1", sta_mac="bc:fe:d9:3b:69:ce", bssid="3c💿57:71:f8:fc", action="mlme-assoc", status="0", Aid="1" [10140.970000] wifi_log: [Class 3 - EAPOL START] - if="wl1", sta_mac="bc:fe:d9:3b:69:ce", bssid="3c💿57:71:f8:fc", action="eapol-start" [10140.980000] wifi_log: [Class 3 - SEND EAPOL 1/4] - if="wl1", sta_mac="bc:fe:d9:3b:69:ce", bssid="3c💿57:71:f8:fc", action="send-eapol" [10141.000000] wifi_log: [Class 3 - RECV EAPOL 2/4] - if="wl1", sta_mac="bc:fe:d9:3b:69:ce", bssid="3c💿57:71:f8:fc", action="recv-eapol" [10141.010000] wifi_log: [Class 3 - SEND EAPOL 3/4] - if="wl1", sta_mac="bc:fe:d9:3b:69:ce", bssid="3c💿57:71:f8:fc", action="send-eapol" [10141.020000] wifi_log: [Class 3 - RECV EAPOL 4/4] - if="wl1", sta_mac="bc:fe:d9:3b:69:ce", bssid="3c💿57:71:f8:fc", action="recv-eapol" [10141.040000] wifi_log: [Class 3 - EAPOL DONE] - if="wl1", sta_mac="bc:fe:d9:3b:69:ce", bssid="3c💿57:71:f8:fc", action="eapol-done" [10141.290000] wifi_auth1 MAC 00-bb-3a-f7-cf-12 [10141.300000] wifi_log: [Class 1 - RECV AUTH] - if="wl1", sta_mac="00:bb:3a:f7:cf:12", bssid="3c💿57:71:f8:fc", action="recv-auth", rssi="-35", status="0" [10141.310000] wifi_log: [Class 1 - SEND AUTH_RSP] - if="wl1", sta_mac="00:bb:3a:f7:cf:12", bssid="3c💿57:71:f8:fc", action="mlme-auth", info="send auth resp(Success)", status="0" [10141.330000] wifi_log: [Class 2 - RECV ASSOC] - if="wl1", sta_mac="00:bb:3a:f7:cf:12", bssid="3c💿57:71:f8:fc", action="recv-assoc", rssi="-35", Aid="2" [10141.340000] wifi_assoc MAC 00-bb-3a-f7-cf-12, RSSI -35 StatusCode 0 [10141.350000] wifi_log: [Class 2 - SEND ASSOC RSP] - if="wl1", sta_mac="00:bb:3a:f7:cf:12", bssid="3c💿57:71:f8:fc", action="mlme-assoc", status="0", Aid="2" [10141.450000] wifi_log: [Class 3 - EAPOL START] - if="wl1", sta_mac="00:bb:3a:f7:cf:12", bssid="3c💿57:71:f8:fc", action="eapol-start" [10141.460000] wifi_log: [Class 3 - SEND EAPOL 1/4] - if="wl1", sta_mac="00:bb:3a:f7:cf:12", bssid="3c💿57:71:f8:fc", action="send-eapol" [10141.470000] wifi_log: [Class 3 - RECV EAPOL 2/4] - if="wl1", sta_mac="00:bb:3a:f7:cf:12", bssid="3c💿57:71:f8:fc", action="recv-eapol" [10141.490000] wifi_log: [Class 3 - SEND EAPOL 3/4] - if="wl1", sta_mac="00:bb:3a:f7:cf:12", bssid="3c💿57:71:f8:fc", action="send-eapol" [10141.500000] wifi_log: [Class 3 - RECV EAPOL 4/4] - if="wl1", sta_mac="00:bb:3a:f7:cf:12", bssid="3c💿57:71:f8:fc", action="recv-eapol" [10141.510000] wifi_log: [Class 3 - EAPOL DONE] - if="wl1", sta_mac="00:bb:3a:f7:cf:12", bssid="3c💿57:71:f8:fc", action="eapol-done" [10141.850000] br-lan: port 3(wl0) entered forwarding state [10145.080000] wifi_log: [Class 1 - RECV AUTH] - if="wl0", sta_mac="ae:1e:1c:5b:85:79", bssid="3c💿57:71:f8:fd", action="recv-auth", rssi="-48", status="0" [10145.090000] wifi_log: [Class 1 - SEND AUTH_RSP] - if="wl0", sta_mac="ae:1e:1c:5b:85:79", bssid="3c💿57:71:f8:fd", action="mlme-auth", info="send auth resp(Success)", status="0" [10145.110000] wifi_log: [Class 2 - RECV ASSOC] - if="wl0", sta_mac="ae:1e:1c:5b:85:79", bssid="3c💿57:71:f8:fd", action="recv-assoc", rssi="-48", Aid="1" [10145.130000] wifi5_assoc=MAC:ae-1e-1c-5b-85-79,TSF:4475859,RSSI:-48 [10145.130000] wifi_log: [Class 2 - SEND ASSOC RSP] - if="wl0", sta_mac="ae:1e:1c:5b:85:79", bssid="3c💿57:71:f8:fd", action="mlme-assoc", status="0", Aid="1" [10145.330000] wifi_log: [Class 3 - EAPOL START] - if="wl0", sta_mac="ae:1e:1c:5b:85:79", bssid="3c💿57:71:f8:fd", action="eapol-start" [10145.340000] wifi_log: [Class 3 - SEND EAPOL 1/4] - if="wl0", sta_mac="ae:1e:1c:5b:85:79", bssid="3c💿57:71:f8:fd", action="send-eapol" [10145.360000] wifi_log: [Class 3 - RECV EAPOL 2/4] - if="wl0", sta_mac="ae:1e:1c:5b:85:79", bssid="3c💿57:71:f8:fd", action="recv-eapol" [10145.380000] wifi_log: [Class 3 - SEND EAPOL 3/4] - if="wl0", sta_mac="ae:1e:1c:5b:85:79", bssid="3c💿57:71:f8:fd", action="send-eapol" [10145.390000] wifi_log: [Class 3 - RECV EAPOL 4/4] - if="wl0", sta_mac="ae:1e:1c:5b:85:79", bssid="3c💿57:71:f8:fd", action="recv-eapol" [10145.400000] wifi_log: [Class 3 - EAPOL DONE] - if="wl0", sta_mac="ae:1e:1c:5b:85:79", bssid="3c💿57:71:f8:fd", action="eapol-done" [10160.430000] wifi_log: [Class 1 - RECV AUTH] - if="wl0", sta_mac="bc:fe:d9:3b:69:ce", bssid="3c💿57:71:f8:fd", action="recv-auth", rssi="-50", status="0" [10160.450000] wifi_log: [Class 1 - SEND AUTH_RSP] - if="wl0", sta_mac="bc:fe:d9:3b:69:ce", bssid="3c💿57:71:f8:fd", action="mlme-auth", info="send auth resp(Success)", status="0" [10160.460000] wifi_log: [Class 2 - RECV REASSOC] - if="wl0", sta_mac="bc:fe:d9:3b:69:ce", bssid="3c💿57:71:f8:fd", action="recv-reassoc", rssi="-49", Aid="2" [10160.480000] wifi5_assoc=MAC:bc-fe-d9-3b-69-ce,TSF:19828620,RSSI:-49 [10160.480000] wifi_log: [Class 2 - SEND REASSOC RSP] - if="wl0", sta_mac="bc:fe:d9:3b:69:ce", bssid="3c💿57:71:f8:fd", action="mlme-assoc", status="0", Aid="2" [10160.690000] wifi_log: [Class 3 - EAPOL START] - if="wl0", sta_mac="bc:fe:d9:3b:69:ce", bssid="3c💿57:71:f8:fd", action="eapol-start" [10160.700000] wifi_log: [Class 3 - SEND EAPOL 1/4] - if="wl0", sta_mac="bc:fe:d9:3b:69:ce", bssid="3c💿57:71:f8:fd", action="send-eapol" [10160.710000] wifi_log: [Class 3 - RECV EAPOL 2/4] - if="wl0", sta_mac="bc:fe:d9:3b:69:ce", bssid="3c💿57:71:f8:fd", action="recv-eapol" [10160.730000] wifi_log: [Class 3 - SEND EAPOL 3/4] - if="wl0", sta_mac="bc:fe:d9:3b:69:ce", bssid="3c💿57:71:f8:fd", action="send-eapol" [10160.740000] wifi_log: [Class 3 - RECV EAPOL 4/4] - if="wl0", sta_mac="bc:fe:d9:3b:69:ce", bssid="3c💿57:71:f8:fd", action="recv-eapol" [10160.750000] wifi_log: [Class 3 - EAPOL DONE] - if="wl0", sta_mac="bc:fe:d9:3b:69:ce", bssid="3c💿57:71:f8:fd", action="eapol-done" [10248.560000] TransmitCountFromOS = 232974 [10248.560000] TransmittedFragmentCount = -2124355700 [10248.570000] MulticastTransmittedFrameCount = 47492 [10248.570000] FailedCount = 110 [10248.570000] RetryCount = 16986 [10248.580000] MultipleRetryCount = 0 [10248.580000] RTSSuccessCount = 0 [10248.580000] RTSFailureCount = 0 [10248.590000] ACKFailureCount = 0 [10248.590000] FrameDuplicateCount = 995 [10248.590000] ReceivedFragmentCount = 218847 [10248.600000] MulticastReceivedFrameCount = 3590 [10248.600000] Rx drop due to out of resource = 0 [10248.610000] RealFcsErrCount = 5844 [10248.610000] TransmittedFrameCount = 263745 [10248.610000] WEPUndecryptableCount = 0 [10248.620000] [10248.620000] ===Some 11n statistics variables: [10248.620000] TransmittedAMSDUCount = 0 [10248.630000] TransmittedOctetsInAMSDU = 0 [10248.630000] ReceivedAMSDUCount = 405 [10248.630000] ReceivedOctesInAMSDUCount = 177529 [10248.640000] TransmittedAMPDUCount = 128156 [10248.640000] TransmittedMPDUsInAMPDUCount = 191522 [10248.650000] TransmittedOctetsInAMPDUCount = 198843440 [10248.650000] MPDUInReceivedAMPDUCount = 149625 [10248.660000] fAnyStaFortyIntolerant=0 [10248.660000] -- IF-ra0 -- [10248.660000] Packets Received = 179742 [10248.670000] Packets Sent = 239782 [10248.670000] Bytes Received = 29398014 [10248.670000] Byte Sent = 200768120 [10248.680000] Error Packets Received = 11 [10248.680000] Drop Received Packets = 12211 [10248.680000] WscInfo: [10248.680000] WscConfMode=6 [10248.680000] WscMode=PIN [10248.680000] WscConfStatus=2 [10248.680000] WscPinCode=74693092 [10248.680000] WscState=0x0 [10248.680000] WscStatus=0x1 [10248.680000] WscLatestMacAddr=00:00:00:00:00:00 [10248.710000] -- IF-ra0 end -- [10248.710000] [10248.710000] ae:1e:1c:5b:85:79 - 1 [10248.710000] [10248.710000] bc:fe:d9:3b:69:ce - 2 [10248.720000] ==================== [10248.730000] [10248.730000] BackOff Slot : short slot time, BKOFF_SLOT_CFG(0x1104) = 0x00000109 [10248.730000] HT Operating Mode : 0 [10248.740000] [10248.740000] [10248.740000] MAC AID BSS PSM WMM MIMOPS RSSI0 RSSI1 PhMd BW MCS SGI STBC Idle Rate TIME [10248.750000] AE:1E:1C:5B:85:79 1 0 1 1 3 -56 -55 VHT 80M 1S-M9 0 0 299 390 103 0 , 1072, 100% [10248.770000] MaxCap:VHT 80M 1S-M91 0 [10248.770000] [10248.770000] BC:FE:D9:3B:69:CE 2 0 1 1 3 -60 -60 VHT 80M 1S-M9 1 0 278 433 87 0 , 9, 100% [10248.790000] MaxCap:VHT 80M 1S-M91 0 [10248.790000] [10248.920000] TransmitCountFromOS = 128453 [10248.920000] TransmittedFragmentCount = 120676 [10248.930000] MulticastTransmittedFrameCount = 55232 [10248.930000] FailedCount = 4279 [10248.940000] RetryCount = 0 [10248.940000] MultipleRetryCount = 0 [10248.940000] RTSSuccessCount = 0 [10248.940000] RTSFailureCount = 0 [10248.950000] ACKFailureCount = 0 [10248.950000] FrameDuplicateCount = 0 [10248.950000] ReceivedFragmentCount = 254832 [10248.960000] MulticastReceivedFrameCount = 1063 [10248.960000] Rx drop due to out of resource = 0 [10248.970000] RealFcsErrCount = 24344 [10248.970000] TransmittedFrameCount = 65444 [10248.980000] WEPUndecryptableCount = 0 [10248.980000] [10248.980000] ===Some 11n statistics variables: [10248.980000] TxAMSDUCount = 0 [10248.990000] RxAMSDUCount = 0 [10248.990000] TransmittedAMPDUCount = 0 [10248.990000] TransmittedMPDUsInAMPDUCount = 65172 [10249.000000] TransmittedOctetsInAMPDUCount = 24396655 [10249.000000] MPDUInReceivedAMPDUCount = 68636 [10249.010000] fAnyStaFortyIntolerant=0 [10249.010000] -- IF-ra0 -- [10249.010000] Packets Received = 105902 [10249.020000] Packets Sent = 69840 [10249.020000] Bytes Received = 14731065 [10249.020000] Byte Sent = 25324368 [10249.030000] Error Packets Received = 300 [10249.030000] Drop Received Packets = 35493 [10249.040000] WscInfo: [10249.040000] WscConfMode=6 [10249.040000] WscMode=PIN [10249.040000] WscConfStatus=2 [10249.040000] WscPinCode=74693085 [10249.040000] WscState=0x0 [10249.040000] WscStatus=0x1 [10249.040000] WscLatestMacAddr=00:00:00:00:00:00 [10249.060000] -- IF-ra0 end -- [10249.060000] -- IF-ra1 -- [10249.060000] Packets Received = 0 [10249.070000] Packets Sent = 0 [10249.070000] Bytes Received = 0 [10249.070000] Byte Sent = 0 [10249.080000] Error Packets Received = 0 [10249.080000] Drop Received Packets = 0 [10249.080000] WscInfo: [10249.080000] WscConfMode=6 [10249.080000] WscMode=PIN [10249.080000] WscConfStatus=2 [10249.080000] WscPinCode=53721563 [10249.080000] WscState=0x0 [10249.080000] WscStatus=0x1 [10249.080000] WscLatestMacAddr=00:00:00:00:00:00 [10249.110000] -- IF-ra1 end -- [10249.110000] -- IF-ra2 -- [10249.110000] Packets Received = 1085 [10249.120000] Packets Sent = 1993 [10249.120000] Bytes Received = 168175 [10249.120000] Byte Sent = 197307 [10249.130000] Error Packets Received = 0 [10249.130000] Drop Received Packets = 0 [10249.130000] WscInfo: [10249.130000] WscConfMode=6 [10249.130000] WscMode=PIN [10249.130000] WscConfStatus=2 [10249.130000] WscPinCode=64207322 [10249.130000] WscState=0x0 [10249.130000] WscStatus=0x1 [10249.130000] WscLatestMacAddr=00:00:00:00:00:00 [10249.160000] -- IF-ra2 end -- [10249.160000] [10249.160000] bc:fe:d9:3b:69:ce - 1 [10249.160000] [10249.160000] 00:bb:3a:f7:cf:12 - 2 [10249.170000] ==================== [10249.170000] [10249.180000] HT Operating Mode : 3 [10249.180000] [10249.180000] [10249.180000] MAC MODE AID BSS PSM WMM MIMOPS RSSI0/1/2 PhMd BW MCS SGI STBC Idle Rate QosMap [10249.190000] BC:FE:D9:3B:69:CE 200011 0 0 1 3 -49/-61/0 HTMIX 20M 7 0 0 211 65 0 , 27, 100% [10249.200000] MaxCap:HTMIX 20M 7 1 0 [10249.210000] [10249.210000] 00:BB:3A:F7:CF:12 200012 0 0 1 3 -40/-55/0 HTMIX 20M 15 0 0 227 130 0 , 202, 100% [10249.220000] MaxCap:HTMIX 20M 15 1 0 [10249.230000] [10249.780000] TransmitCountFromOS = 128453 [10249.780000] TransmittedFragmentCount = 120676 [10249.790000] MulticastTransmittedFrameCount = 55232 [10249.790000] FailedCount = 4279 [10249.800000] RetryCount = 0 [10249.800000] MultipleRetryCount = 0 [10249.800000] RTSSuccessCount = 0 [10249.810000] RTSFailureCount = 0 [10249.810000] ACKFailureCount = 0 [10249.810000] FrameDuplicateCount = 0 [10249.820000] ReceivedFragmentCount = 254834 [10249.820000] MulticastReceivedFrameCount = 1063 [10249.820000] Rx drop due to out of resource = 0 [10249.830000] RealFcsErrCount = 24344 [10249.830000] TransmittedFrameCount = 65444 [10249.840000] WEPUndecryptableCount = 0 [10249.840000] [10249.840000] ===Some 11n statistics variables: [10249.850000] TxAMSDUCount = 0 [10249.850000] RxAMSDUCount = 0 [10249.850000] TransmittedAMPDUCount = 0 [10249.860000] TransmittedMPDUsInAMPDUCount = 65172 [10249.860000] TransmittedOctetsInAMPDUCount = 24396655 [10249.860000] MPDUInReceivedAMPDUCount = 68636 [10249.870000] fAnyStaFortyIntolerant=0 [10249.870000] -- IF-ra0 -- [10249.880000] Packets Received = 105902 [10249.880000] Packets Sent = 69840 [10249.880000] Bytes Received = 14731065 [10249.890000] Byte Sent = 25324368 [10249.890000] Error Packets Received = 300 [10249.890000] Drop Received Packets = 35493 [10249.900000] WscInfo: [10249.900000] WscConfMode=6 [10249.900000] WscMode=PIN [10249.900000] WscConfStatus=2 [10249.900000] WscPinCode=74693085 [10249.900000] WscState=0x0 [10249.900000] WscStatus=0x1 [10249.900000] WscLatestMacAddr=00:00:00:00:00:00 [10249.920000] -- IF-ra0 end -- [10249.920000] -- IF-ra1 -- [10249.930000] Packets Received = 0 [10249.930000] Packets Sent = 0 [10249.930000] Bytes Received = 0 [10249.930000] Byte Sent = 0 [10249.940000] Error Packets Received = 0 [10249.940000] Drop Received Packets = 0 [10249.940000] WscInfo: [10249.940000] WscConfMode=6 [10249.940000] WscMode=PIN [10249.940000] WscConfStatus=2 [10249.940000] WscPinCode=53721563 [10249.940000] WscState=0x0 [10249.940000] WscStatus=0x1 [10249.940000] WscLatestMacAddr=00:00:00:00:00:00 [10249.970000] -- IF-ra1 end -- [10249.970000] -- IF-ra2 -- [10249.970000] Packets Received = 1085 [10249.980000] Packets Sent = 1993 [10249.980000] Bytes Received = 168175 [10249.980000] Byte Sent = 197307 [10249.990000] Error Packets Received = 0 [10249.990000] Drop Received Packets = 0 [10249.990000] WscInfo: [10249.990000] WscConfMode=6 [10249.990000] WscMode=PIN [10249.990000] WscConfStatus=2 [10249.990000] WscPinCode=64207322 [10249.990000] WscState=0x0 [10249.990000] WscStatus=0x1 [10249.990000] WscLatestMacAddr=00:00:00:00:00:00 [10250.020000] -- IF-ra2 end -- [10250.020000] [10250.020000] bc:fe:d9:3b:69:ce - 1 [10250.020000] [10250.020000] 00:bb:3a:f7:cf:12 - 2 [10250.030000] ==================== [10250.040000] [10250.040000] HT Operating Mode : 3 [10250.040000] [10250.040000] [10250.040000] MAC MODE AID BSS PSM WMM MIMOPS RSSI0/1/2 PhMd BW MCS SGI STBC Idle Rate QosMap [10250.620000] TransmitCountFromOS = 128453 [10250.630000] TransmittedFragmentCount = 120676 [10250.630000] MulticastTransmittedFrameCount = 55232 [10250.640000] FailedCount = 4279 [10250.640000] RetryCount = 0 [10250.640000] MultipleRetryCount = 0 [10250.650000] RTSSuccessCount = 0 [10250.650000] RTSFailureCount = 0 [10250.650000] ACKFailureCount = 0 [10250.660000] FrameDuplicateCount = 0 [10250.660000] ReceivedFragmentCount = 254842 [10250.660000] MulticastReceivedFrameCount = 1063 [10250.670000] Rx drop due to out of resource = 0 [10250.670000] RealFcsErrCount = 24346 [10250.680000] TransmittedFrameCount = 65444 [10250.680000] WEPUndecryptableCount = 0 [10250.680000] [10250.680000] ===Some 11n statistics variables: [10250.690000] TxAMSDUCount = 0 [10250.690000] RxAMSDUCount = 0 [10250.700000] TransmittedAMPDUCount = 0 [10250.700000] TransmittedMPDUsInAMPDUCount = 65172 [10250.710000] TransmittedOctetsInAMPDUCount = 24396655 [10250.710000] MPDUInReceivedAMPDUCount = 68636 [10250.710000] fAnyStaFortyIntolerant=0 [10250.720000] -- IF-ra0 -- [10250.720000] Packets Received = 105902 [10250.720000] Packets Sent = 69840 [10250.730000] Bytes Received = 14731065 [10250.730000] Byte Sent = 25324368 [10250.730000] Error Packets Received = 300 [10250.740000] Drop Received Packets = 35493 [10250.740000] WscInfo: [10250.740000] WscConfMode=6 [10250.740000] WscMode=PIN [10250.740000] WscConfStatus=2 [10250.740000] WscPinCode=74693085 [10250.740000] WscState=0x0 [10250.740000] WscStatus=0x1 [10250.740000] WscLatestMacAddr=00:00:00:00:00:00 [10250.770000] -- IF-ra0 end -- [10250.770000] -- IF-ra1 -- [10250.770000] Packets Received = 0 [10250.780000] Packets Sent = 0 [10250.780000] Bytes Received = 0 [10250.780000] Byte Sent = 0 [10250.780000] Error Packets Received = 0 [10250.790000] Drop Received Packets = 0 [10250.790000] WscInfo: [10250.790000] WscConfMode=6 [10250.790000] WscMode=PIN [10250.790000] WscConfStatus=2 [10250.790000] WscPinCode=53721563 [10250.790000] WscState=0x0 [10250.790000] WscStatus=0x1 [10250.790000] WscLatestMacAddr=00:00:00:00:00:00 [10250.810000] -- IF-ra1 end -- [10250.820000] -- IF-ra2 -- [10250.820000] Packets Received = 1085 [10250.820000] Packets Sent = 1993 [10250.830000] Bytes Received = 168175 [10250.830000] Byte Sent = 197307 [10250.830000] Error Packets Received = 0 [10250.840000] Drop Received Packets = 0 [10250.840000] WscInfo: [10250.840000] WscConfMode=6 [10250.840000] WscMode=PIN [10250.840000] WscConfStatus=2 [10250.840000] WscPinCode=64207322 [10250.840000] WscState=0x0 [10250.840000] WscStatus=0x1 [10250.840000] WscLatestMacAddr=00:00:00:00:00:00 [10250.860000] -- IF-ra2 end -- [10250.870000] [10250.870000] bc:fe:d9:3b:69:ce - 1 [10250.870000] [10250.870000] 00:bb:3a:f7:cf:12 - 2 [10250.880000] ==================== [10250.880000] [10250.890000] HT Operating Mode : 3 [10250.890000] [10250.890000] [10250.890000] MAC MODE AID BSS PSM WMM MIMOPS RSSI0/1/2 PhMd BW MCS SGI STBC Idle Rate QosMap ==========meminfo MemTotal: 124728 kB MemFree: 61904 kB Buffers: 3736 kB Cached: 13116 kB SwapCached: 0 kB Active: 21940 kB Inactive: 7544 kB Active(anon): 12852 kB Inactive(anon): 904 kB Active(file): 9088 kB Inactive(file): 6640 kB Unevictable: 0 kB Mlocked: 0 kB SwapTotal: 0 kB SwapFree: 0 kB Dirty: 0 kB Writeback: 0 kB AnonPages: 12660 kB Mapped: 7848 kB Shmem: 1124 kB Slab: 18944 kB SReclaimable: 1820 kB SUnreclaim: 17124 kB KernelStack: 1088 kB PageTables: 552 kB NFS_Unstable: 0 kB Bounce: 0 kB WritebackTmp: 0 kB CommitLimit: 62364 kB Committed_AS: 71672 kB VmallocTotal: 1048372 kB VmallocUsed: 11252 kB VmallocChunk: 948016 kB ==========topinfo top - 23:29:43 up 2:50, 0 users, load average: 1.02, 1.11, 0.97 Tasks: 98 total, 1 running, 97 sleeping, 0 stopped, 0 zombie Cpu(s): 1.3%us, 2.2%sy, 0.0%ni, 96.0%id, 0.0%wa, 0.0%hi, 0.5%si, 0.0%st Mem: 124728k total, 63416k used, 61312k free, 4028k buffers Swap: 0k total, 0k used, 0k free, 13344k cached

PID USER PR NI VIRT RES SHR S %CPU %MEM TIME+ COMMAND 18162 root 15 -5 1784 592 476 R 4 0.5 0:00.23 top 1 root 20 0 2004 364 308 S 0 0.3 0:02.60 init 3 root 20 0 0 0 0 S 0 0.0 0:05.21 ksoftirqd/0 5 root 0 -20 0 0 0 S 0 0.0 0:00.00 kworker/0:0H 7 root RT 0 0 0 0 S 0 0.0 0:10.66 migration/0 8 root 20 0 0 0 0 S 0 0.0 0:00.03 rcu_bh 9 root 20 0 0 0 0 S 0 0.0 0:03.17 rcu_sched 10 root RT 0 0 0 0 S 0 0.0 0:00.50 watchdog/0 11 root RT 0 0 0 0 S 0 0.0 0:00.26 watchdog/1 12 root RT 0 0 0 0 S 0 0.0 0:08.07 migration/1 13 root 20 0 0 0 0 S 0 0.0 0:06.67 ksoftirqd/1 15 root 0 -20 0 0 0 S 0 0.0 0:00.00 kworker/1:0H 16 root RT 0 0 0 0 S 0 0.0 0:00.55 watchdog/2 17 root RT 0 0 0 0 S 0 0.0 0:09.59 migration/2 2 root 20 0 0 0 0 S 0 0.0 0:00.02 kthreadd 20 root 0 -20 0 0 0 S 0 0.0 0:00.00 kworker/2:0H 21 root RT 0 0 0 0 S 0 0.0 0:00.35 watchdog/3 22 root RT 0 0 0 0 S 0 0.0 0:09.92 migration/3 23 root 20 0 0 0 0 S 0 0.0 0:13.76 ksoftirqd/3 25 root 0 -20 0 0 0 S 0 0.0 0:00.00 kworker/3:0H 26 root 0 -20 0 0 0 S 0 0.0 0:00.00 khelper 27 root 20 0 0 0 0 S 0 0.0 0:00.00 kdevtmpfs 105 root 0 -20 0 0 0 S 0 0.0 0:00.00 writeback 107 root 0 -20 0 0 0 S 0 0.0 0:00.00 kintegrityd 108 root 0 -20 0 0 0 S 0 0.0 0:00.00 bioset 110 root 0 -20 0 0 0 S 0 0.0 0:00.00 kblockd 132 root 0 -20 0 0 0 S 0 0.0 0:00.00 cfg80211 151 root 20 0 0 0 0 S 0 0.0 0:00.02 khungtaskd 152 root 20 0 0 0 0 S 0 0.0 0:00.00 kswapd0 239 root 20 0 0 0 0 S 0 0.0 0:00.00 fsnotify_mark 253 root 0 -20 0 0 0 S 0 0.0 0:00.00 crypto 329 root 0 -20 0 0 0 S 0 0.0 0:00.00 et_port_queue 352 root 0 -20 0 0 0 S 0 0.0 0:00.00 deferwq 582 root 30 10 0 0 0 S 0 0.0 0:03.41 jffs2_gcd_mtd7 685 root 20 0 2004 76 0 S 0 0.1 0:00.01 init 701 root 20 0 5400 1108 768 S 0 0.9 0:15.61 syslog-ng 967 root 20 0 1296 480 356 S 0 0.4 0:00.05 hotplug2 1030 root 10 -10 1376 340 280 S 0 0.3 0:01.44 ubusd 1088 root 20 0 0 0 0 S 0 0.0 0:03.18 kworker/2:1 1121 root 20 0 9976 500 336 S 0 0.4 0:03.72 taskmonitorServ 1124 root 20 0 1400 288 220 S 0 0.2 0:00.04 taskmonitorDaem 1186 root 20 0 0 0 0 S 0 0.0 0:02.70 kworker/3:0 1201 root 20 0 0 0 0 S 0 0.0 0:04.25 kworker/0:1 1629 root 0 -20 0 0 0 S 0 0.0 0:00.08 kworker/1:1H 2042 root 0 -20 0 0 0 S 0 0.0 0:00.06 kworker/3:1H 2048 root 0 -20 0 0 0 S 0 0.0 0:00.02 kworker/0:1H 2051 root 0 -20 0 0 0 S 0 0.0 0:00.00 kworker/2:1H 3974 root 20 0 2000 348 292 S 0 0.3 0:00.02 3990 root 20 0 1424 344 284 S 0 0.3 0:00.79 iwevent 3991 root 20 0 2036 540 432 S 0 0.4 0:10.05 iwevent-call 4092 root 20 0 2120 408 328 S 0 0.3 0:00.09 netapi 4165 root 20 0 18300 2864 2420 S 0 2.3 0:02.86 datacenter 4267 root 20 0 16712 3504 3008 S 0 2.8 0:01.06 plugincenter 4372 root 20 0 4732 2684 960 S 0 2.2 0:04.61 lua 18 root 20 0 0 0 0 S 0 0.0 0:05.37 ksoftirqd/2 4768 root 20 0 15292 3228 2656 S 0 2.6 0:00.89 smartcontroller 4787 root 20 0 1988 852 656 S 0 0.7 0:00.77 netifd 4949 root 20 0 0 0 0 S 0 0.0 0:00.00 kworker/3:2 5024 root 20 0 1992 60 0 S 0 0.0 0:00.09 watchdog 5031 root 20 0 0 0 0 S 0 0.0 0:00.01 kworker/0:2 5032 root 20 0 0 0 0 S 0 0.0 0:00.12 kworker/1:0 5045 root 20 0 2168 720 476 S 0 0.6 0:00.63 syslog-ng.helpe 5046 root 20 0 2004 344 288 S 0 0.3 0:00.08 tail 5047 root 20 0 1996 348 292 S 0 0.3 0:00.06 grep 5048 root 20 0 2000 348 292 S 0 0.3 0:00.01 stat_points.hel 5049 root 20 0 2164 720 480 S 0 0.6 0:00.09 stat_points.cro 5090 root 20 0 5248 1796 1416 S 0 1.4 0:00.10 statisticsservi 5195 root RT 0 1212 80 48 S 0 0.1 0:00.08 btnd 5837 root 20 0 7184 2876 1200 S 0 2.3 0:04.79 trafficd 5897 root 20 0 1428 356 296 S 0 0.3 0:00.04 xqbc 6007 root 15 -5 2012 316 244 S 0 0.3 0:00.01 crond 7267 root 20 0 2000 348 292 S 0 0.3 0:00.00 mald 7268 root 15 -5 11348 1492 1148 S 0 1.2 0:02.63 messagingagent 8846 root 20 0 1228 328 264 S 0 0.3 0:00.09 web_filter_reco 8884 root 20 0 0 0 0 S 0 0.0 0:01.58 kworker/2:2 12118 root 20 0 0 0 0 S 0 0.0 0:00.01 kworker/u8:1 14677 root 20 0 0 0 0 S 0 0.0 0:00.02 kworker/u8:2 15958 root 20 0 1992 348 292 S 0 0.3 0:00.00 sleep 16031 root 20 0 0 0 0 S 0 0.0 0:00.00 kworker/2:0 16032 root 20 0 0 0 0 S 0 0.0 0:00.80 kworker/2:3 16087 root 20 0 0 0 0 S 0 0.0 0:00.00 kworker/0:0 16147 root 20 0 0 0 0 S 0 0.0 0:00.42 kworker/3:1 16154 root 20 0 0 0 0 S 0 0.0 0:00.07 RtmpCmdQTask 16155 root 20 0 0 0 0 S 0 0.0 0:00.00 RtmpWscTask 16156 root 20 0 0 0 0 S 0 0.0 0:00.19 RtmpMlmeTask 16282 root 15 -5 1220 68 0 S 0 0.1 0:00.04 acsc 16336 root 20 0 0 0 0 S 0 0.0 0:00.00 RtmpCmdQTask 16337 root 20 0 0 0 0 S 0 0.0 0:00.01 RtmpWscTask 16338 root 20 0 0 0 0 S 0 0.0 0:00.73 RtmpMlmeTask 16407 root 20 0 0 0 0 S 0 0.0 0:08.14 kworker/1:2 17931 root 20 0 1992 348 292 S 0 0.3 0:00.00 sleep 17941 root 15 -5 3972 2104 864 S 0 1.7 0:00.16 luci 17948 root 15 -5 2004 348 292 S 0 0.3 0:00.01 sh 17949 root 15 -5 2024 544 448 S 0 0.4 0:00.14 log_collection. 4669 root 20 0 3872 456 348 S 0 0.4 0:00.08 rmonitor 19359 root 15 -5 3912 856 680 S 0 0.7 0:03.64 fcgi-cgi 19883 root 20 0 8036 1612 228 S 0 1.3 0:00.00 sysapihttpd 19884 root 15 -5 8128 2676 1412 S 0 2.1 0:08.63 sysapihttpd

==========slabinfo ========== cat /tmp/pppoe.log ========== cat /tmp/vpn.stat.msg ========== ubus call turbo_ccgame get_pass

talvez edte los sirva de algo dado gracias a este tutorial pude instalar openwrt ,,, esa version de software trate de localizarla por una semana y no la ubique por ningun lado ni cambiando de region de firmware probe los chinos los internacionales pero nunca encontre el 3.0.27im close this issue

