
r1 code=1629

Closed this issue · 2 comments

when i exec "", it told "done". but I still can't telnet into my router.
after that I find result in upload config file part said:
“ start uploading config file... r1={"code":1629,"msg":"解压失败,可能文件已经损坏"}”
It mean unzip fail, file may destoryed.
what should i do?

i change the code in the "" like that
## upload config file print("start uploading config file...") r1 ="http://{}/cgi-bin/luci/;stok={}/api/misystem/c_upload".format(router_ip_address, stok), files={"image":open("build/payload.tar.gz",'rb')}, proxies=proxies) print("r1="+r1.text)
and i find the error

Please look at the closed issues before opening a new one. This has already been discussed: #31