
Telnet Connection Refused - Mi 4A 100mbps

Closed this issue · 3 comments

dmi97 commented

Hi, I'm unable to open a telnet connection to my Xiaomi Mi A4 100mbps router.

I upgraded the firmware to a supported version: 2.18.51

I am running the exploit from a raspberry pi and I also have the GUI of the router open in that same raspberry. I read somewhere it would not work if the "stok" code wasn't from the computer/session doing the exploit.

I also tried to exploit it using the WAN port and the LAN port, did a reboot between retries and tested with fresh stok codes without success.

Any ideas or alternative methods? I have ordered a bios flasher but it will take more than a month to arrive and I would really like to use this exploit.


2020-10-31 01_11_12-Window

Hi 👋

Everything I can say is already explained in the readme.

  • Try using version 0.0.1 of this exploit in case your router does not have internet access
  • Try to use a simple network configuration: for example, use a normal laptop in a home network. I dont think using a raspberry is very common, and I am not sure anybody can give you support for that kind of environment
  • Last resource, read in the OpenWrt forum, there is an almost infinite thread about the router and the exploit
dmi97 commented

I tried with 0.0.1 and it did not work, turns out all these exploits only work when the router is in router mode, not when its in repeater mode. After changing this, I got in at the first try.

Thanks for the exploit!

I do have my router in repeater mode (4Agigabit) and exploit it without issues, so something else may be the reason preventing you from exploiting. But glad you managed 👏