
ValueError: Field missing. Details: {'conversation_id': '289a9ec4-cf13-45f5-bc3f-f96046e487c7', 'message_id': 'a5be1cb9-610f-4c53-a019-73abfd2b68ab', 'is_completion': False, 'moderation_response': {'flagged': False, 'blocked': False, 'moderation_id': 'modr-7eJ0uKhi6TSRvHoiBzCxVBTu7GA2v'}}

maaz-shaban opened this issue · 4 comments

Is there an existing issue for this?

  • I have searched the existing issues and checked the recent builds/commits

What happened?

`ValueError Traceback (most recent call last)
~\AppData\Local\Temp\ipykernel_7696\ in
----> 1 response = generate_response_gpt(p_list, 'product_type')

~\AppData\Local\Temp\ipykernel_7696\ in generate_response_gpt(products, attribute)
10 # return prompt
11 response = ''
---> 12 for data in chat.ask(prompt, model='gpt-3.5-turbo'):
13 response = data['message']

~\anaconda3\lib\site-packages\revChatGPT\ in ask(self, prompt, conversation_id, parent_id, model, plugin_ids, auto_continue, timeout, **kwargs)
574 ]
--> 576 yield from self.post_messages(
577 messages,
578 conversation_id=conversation_id,

~\anaconda3\lib\site-packages\revChatGPT\ in post_messages(self, messages, conversation_id, parent_id, plugin_ids, model, auto_continue, timeout, **kwargs)
527 data["plugin_ids"] = plugin_ids
--> 529 yield from self.__send_request(
530 data,
531 timeout=timeout,

~\anaconda3\lib\site-packages\revChatGPT\ in __send_request(self, data, auto_continue, timeout, **kwargs)
399 continue
400 if not self.__check_fields(line):
--> 401 raise ValueError(f"Field missing. Details: {str(line)}")
402 if line.get("message").get("author").get("role") != "assistant":
403 continue`

Steps to reproduce the problem

I am trying to simply call the ask function .

What should have happened?

Generating error.

Version where the problem happens

I also tried after updating it to the latest version, but it didn't solve the problem

What Python version are you running this with?


What is your operating system ?


Command Line Arguments


Console logs


Additional information

No response

I also have this

I have the same problem


I got the same problem and then fixed it by upgrade to version = "6.8.6"