
Email/Password storing the Access token

Swiftgti opened this issue · 3 comments

Is there an existing issue for this?

  • I have searched the existing issues and checked the recent builds/commits

What would your feature do ?

Use Email/Password for config the script but to be used only when Access token is expired, so always uses the Access token stored and only when it is expired the Access token the Email/Password is used, for creating a new Access token and store it in a file.
So this way every time that the script executes don't do a login only uses the Access token and only do the Email/Password authentication when really is needed.

Proposed workflow

1 Email/Password authentication stores Access token in a file
2 every time the scrips execute uses stored Access token
2 only authenticates with Email/Password when Access token is expired and renews the file

Additional information

No response

in fact, it does work like that.

Good, genius. Let me ask. Where is stored the access token. ?

Good, genius. Let me ask. Where is stored the access token. ?

dir named “revChatGPT” in userhome