
Take user input for port

Closed this issue · 3 comments

Right now the PORT on which the server is hosted is hardcoded. Take PORT no as input from the user and check if it is correct and available then host a server on that port otherwise display an error message.

Hey @achhayapathak can you assign this issue to me?

P.S.I tested your code and I like your project, I will keep contributing to opened issues

Hi @yashkathe, I would be more than happy if you contribute to the project. Though couple of things I would like to mention before you start contributing:

  1. Please read about software versioning here: . In this project, I am following the MAJOR.MINOR.PATCH versioning format and I update the version of the application in the package.json file everytime I make a commit. This has to be done as we are developing an npm package where versioning is important. So whenever you make a commit make sure to update the version according to the change.
  2. Please follow the standard commit message format that I am using, here is an example: v1.3.8 bug-fix: removed the provenance flag. It starts with the current version and then mentions whether the update was a bug-fix, an enhancement or a feature and then you provide the description of the change.

I have added some instructions in the Readme file but in case you want to contribute there as well I will be more than happy!