
Provide prebuild packages

sesom42 opened this issue · 7 comments

Are there any plans to provide prebuild packages (rpm/deb)? This could facilitate the installation for new users crucial.

In short, no, or at least not any time soon.

I currently don't have time to work on gnome15. This fork was made over a year ago in order to add a feature, which itself was abandoned due to lack of time. At some point I will attempt to update this repository with the code contained in the latest available packages, but as it stands now, the project should be considered "unmaintained".

I want to maintaned it, but my Skills are not so much. :D ist Available.

Since you're picking up maintenance, is it changing what you've said before? I still haven't heard of russo since the website gone, and the doesn't seems lively, maybe it's a kind of fan made or dunno.
Like @Huskynarr I'd like to help, but I don't know anything in these languages I guess.

@fullinterest Hey, im have not so much time, but won't make all correct on
It seems not lively, but i must rebuild all.

So now a Forum there, but only install and Configure and not more.
And at the Homepage lot of Thinks still not working.
I fix everey week Something, but alone without Time is this a Hard Task.

@Huskynarr You made the new ?

Joined just to say "Yay!" and I hope y'all keep at this somehow.

@ZatsuneNoMokou I try it. :D Not so many Time.