- Free software: Apache Software License 2.0
Glog-CLI is an open source command line interface for Graylog2.
pip install glogcli
easy_install glogcli
or you can even install it from a GitHub clone:
git clone https://github.com/globocom/glog-cli
cd glog-cli/
pip install . -r requirements.txt
Glog-CLI enables you to make searches using the official Graylog query language. To understand how to make queries please see the documentation [http://docs.graylog.org/en/2.1/pages/queries.html].
Once you've installed the tool now it's time to run some commands, the following:
glogcli -h mygraylog.server.com -u john.doe -p password -@ "10 minutes ago" "source:my-app-server"
glogcli -h mygraylog.server.com -u john.doe -p password "message:200"
glogcli -h mygraylog.server.com -u john.doe -p password -f
glogcli -h mygraylog.server.com -u john.doe -p password "level:DEBUG"
glogcli -h mygraylog.server.com -u john.doe -p password "level:DEBUG" -f
glogcli -h mygraylog.server.com -u john.doe -p password "level:DEBUG" -d --fields timestamp,level,message -o dump.csv
glogcli -h mygraylog.server.com -u john-doe -p password -@ "2016-11-21 00:00:00" -# "2016-11-21 01:00:00" 'message:blabla'
glogcli -e dev -r short
glogcli -e dev -r short -st mystreamid
glogcli -e dev -r short -st '*'
Glog-CLI can reuse some common configurations like address of your Graylog server and your credentials, it will look for a ~/.glogcli.cfg or a glogcli.cfg (in your current directory). Glog-CLI will use default environment and format whenever an environment or format is omitted.
Here is a example for your glogcli.cfg file:
format={host} {level} {facility} {timestamp} {message}
format=[{timestamp}] {level} {message}
format=time: [{timestamp}] level: {level} msg: {message} tags: {tags}
Please run the help command to more detailed information about all the client features.
Usage: glogcli [OPTIONS] [QUERY]
-v, --version Prints your glogcli version
-h, --host TEXT Your graylog node's host
-e, --environment TEXT Label of a preconfigured graylog node
-sq, --saved-query List user saved queries for selection
--port TEXT Your graylog port
--no-tls Not use TLS to connect to Graylog server
-u, --username TEXT Your graylog username
-p, --password TEXT Your graylog password (default: prompt)
-k, --keyring / -nk, --no-keyring
Use keyring to store/retrieve password
-@, --search-from TEXT Query range from
-#, --search-to TEXT Query range to (default: now)
--tail Show the last n lines for the query
-d, --dump Print the query result as a csv
--fields TEXT Comma separated fields to be printed in the
-o, --output TEXT Output logs to file (only tail/dump mode)
-f, --follow Poll the logging server for new logs
matching the query (sets search from to now,
limit to None)
-n, --limit INTEGER Limit the number of results (default: 100)
-a, --latency INTEGER Latency of polling queries (default: 2)
-st, --stream TEXT Stream ID of the stream to query (default:
no stream filter)
-s, --sort TEXT Field used for sorting (default: timestamp)
--asc / --desc Sort ascending / descending
--proxy TEXT Proxy to use for the http/s request
-r, --format-template TEXT Message format template for the log
(default: default format
--no-color Don't show colored logs
-c, --config TEXT Custom config file path
--help Show this message and exit.