
Black screen on DRM videos in macOS Catalina with IQSV

vandroiy2013 opened this issue · 17 comments

On macOS Mojave DRM video works well.

for me, i'm using iMac19,2, need to disable forceOfflineRenderer with shikigva=1, in this case i am able to play video, if not, there is only sound, no video.

confirmed, shikigva=1 bootargs, playable with quicktime player. but screenshot will be blank picture, due to DRM nature?

additional notes: with shikigva=1, VDADecoderChecker will report error,

VDADecoderCreate failed. err: -12473
An error was returned by the decoder layer. This may happen for example because of bitstream/data errors during a decode operation. This error may also be returned from VDADecoderCreate when hardware decoder resources are available on the system but currently in use by another process.
VDADecoderCreate failed. err: -12473

This bad decision. It breaks the hardware decoder.
Research is necessary.

This bad decision. It breaks the hardware decoder.
Research is necessary.

It is too bad, so i decided to remove the shikigva=1 args, hardware decoder is more useful to me than playing DRM video.

I've also tried models which has no forceOfflineRenderer option according to /System/Library/PrivateFrameworks/AppleGVA.framework/Resources/Info.plist, e.g. use MacBookPro15,1 (without shikigva=1 boot arg) instead of iMac19,2 for my hardware (i5-8400+ RX470), this model also breaks hardware decoder by default


defaults write gvaForceAMDAVCDecode -boolean yes

fixed VDADecoderChecker error

You switched the decoder to AMD. This decision so-so, to us Intel the decoder is necessary because it is better.

Resolved in master.

@vit9696 just tried the new version of weg:
The video provided by @vandroiy2013 is playable with sound and image now.
But /Application/ does not play, a new window flashes swiftly and then disappear.

 nvram boot-args
boot-args	darkwake=0
ProductName:	Mac OS X
ProductVersion:	10.15.1
BuildVersion:	19B88
macserial | grep Model
         Model: iMac19,2
         Model: JWDW - iMac19,2
   SystemModel: iMac (Retina 4K, 21.5-inch, 2019)
defaults read
2019-11-17 18:00:49.153 defaults[809:14132]
Domain does not exist
 defaults read
2019-11-17 18:01:06.228 defaults[813:14275]
Domain does not exist

I've tried Reset NVRAM and below commands, same result.

sudo kextcache -i /
sudo update_dyld_shared_cache -force
sudo rm -rf ~/Library/Caches/*
sudo rm -rf /Library/Caches/*
sudo rm -rf /System/Library/Caches/*

logs from Console. What else can i do to debug this issue?


sorry, it looks like a network error, Apple Tv is not playable in China now?
Screen Shot 2019-11-17 at 18 40 02

sorry, it looks like a network error, Apple Tv is not playable in China now?
Screen Shot 2019-11-17 at 18 40 02

Same error code in Australia when I trying to download any episode. I can't even play it with always black screen and 0:00. This might not be a regional issue. System 10.15.1 built with OC 0.5.3 and WEG 1.3.5

Apple TV requires hardware decoding, it will not work.

Apple TV requires hardware decoding, it will not work.

But Hardware decoding already works, i’m on UHD630+ RX 470

See post 2 , On Oct16 i was able to fully play Apple TV with shikigva=1, i was also able to hear sound without shikigva=1, but today, i can’t even hear sound, the new window just disappear quickly, downloading does not work. I have no idea what went wrong.

You confuse service TV+ and movies shop in in iTunes).
Movies from shop it is solved in the master.
But service TV+ has problems with IQSV.

You confuse service TV+ and movies shop in in iTunes).
Movies from shop it is solved in the master.
But service TV+ has problems with IQSV.

wow, thanks for the info, checked again, Apple's product name is confusing me, but i'm gonna make it clear, on /Application/ there are 5 tabs, only films in Movies are playable.

@vit9696 thanks for the update and patch.

You confuse service TV+ and movies shop in in iTunes).
Movies from shop it is solved in the master.
But service TV+ has problems with IQSV.

Dose IQSV means Intel Quick Sync Video? Any plan to solve this IQSV issue?
Thank you.