
Establish a list of running services

Closed this issue · 2 comments

Create a detailed list of services that are being run by the ACM/LUG servers. This list should include both public and private services. Each service should have listings of the following:

  • Name of service
  • Service Audience (Public: Student, Staff, Faculty, SysAdmins, Alumni, etc.; Private: SysAdmins, X on systems)
  • Currently running on... (Which server(s)?)
  • Description / Purpose
  • Impact (What other things does this service impact by being down/unavailable?)
  • Data Locations
  • Data Backup Situation
  • Running dependencies (What needs to be up before this service can be brought up?)

More to come later?

Still figuring out how exactly we should organize this, but either a WIki article here on GitHub or a markdown document within the repo is fine for now.

Started wiki page

Finished by @avenmia . Thanks!