
Render videos or images at multiple locations on a canvas simultaneously

Primary LanguageJavaScriptMIT LicenseMIT


mediacanvas.js is a lightweight utility that can be used to render multiple types of media to a single <canvas> simultaneously. It uses window.requestAnimationFrame internally to render frames at your screen's refresh rate, and supports adding/removing/updating items in the rendering queue on the fly—even while rendering is in progress.

Installing MediaCanvas

NPM (recommended)

npm install --save mediacanvas


ES2015 modules

import MediaCanvas from 'mediacanvas';



const MediaCanvas = require('mediacanvas');


When using MediaCanvas in this way, a global value MediaCanvas is added to the window object in your browser. You can avoid name conflicts by instead installing it via your favorite package manager and importing the MediaCanvas class into a more limited scope.

Note: you can also download a copy of this library at the links below if you prefer using a local copy.



<script src="https://unpkg.com/mediacanvas/dist/mediacanvas.js"></script>




<script src="https://unpkg.com/mediacanvas/dist/mediacanvas.min.js"></script>

A source map for the production version of MediaCanvas is available here.

Using MediaCanvas

Create an instance

Construct an instance of MediaCanvas by passing it an HTMLCanvasElement. MediaCanvas initially gets its dimensions from the clientWidth and clientHeight of the canvas you pass it, so if your canvas is hidden or otherwise not rendered on the screen you may need to set the dimensions afterward.

let mediacanvas = new MediaCanvas(document.getElementsById("my-canvas"));

Add media

Push an object onto the items property of your instance of MediaCanvas. items is a simple array over which MediaCanvas iterates each time it renders a frame.

let mediaItem = {
    src: document.getElementById("my-image"),
    x: 0,
    y: 0,
    width: 640,
    height: 360


Dimensions are relative to the coordinate plane being used by this instance of MediaCanvas. The original width and height properties can be accessed via the originalWidth and originalHeight properties, respectively.

Each object in items should contain x, y, width, height, and src properties.

Start, stop, or request a single frame from the renderer

Start rendering


Stop rendering


Render a single frame
