
Check for syntax errors and correct allocations before injection

Closed this issue · 29 comments

The python parser does not check for syntax errors and such for the c code.
this can create situations where even though the allocation is improper a free statement is injected.
Handle this by first compiling the code, if there is an error in the compilation only return the error, but if the compilation passes
do the injections.

please assign this to me

alright im assigning you @gma4040
i will be giving you 1 hr min as of now, based on your progress we shall extend the time if needed

please assign this to me

when you are done and want to create a pullrequest please send me a message so that i can confirm which branch you will need to create the pull request to @gma4040

Im going to dinner now could you please extend time

!extend 60

Extended timer by 30

Hey @tejas-techstack! The timer for the @gma4040 to work on the issue has finished, deassign and assign a new contributor or extend the current timer. Contact maintainer leads if inactive @DedLad @polarhive @achyuthcodes30


i hope you have started working on it


Hey @tejas-techstack! The timer for the @gma4040 to work on the issue has finished, deassign and assign a new contributor or extend the current timer. Contact maintainer leads if inactive @DedLad @polarhive @achyuthcodes30

hey, do you have any progress?

working on it give me 10 minutes

alright sure i will extend your time then


Im unable to solve this could you please unassign me

sure i will do that but you can run !withdraw to remove yourself


can i get this assigned @tejas-techstack

can i get assigned to this

@AyushChakraborty you might already be assigned to a different issue make sure you are deassigned from any issue before you can be assigned somewhere else

yes I am working on other issue