
Dashboard for vendor

Opened this issue · 19 comments

Create an endpoint that displays a neatly formatted dashboard providing a high-level overview of all the vendor details present in the database.

could you assign me this issue

You have been assigned issue #3. you can only be assigned to one issue at a time. kindly finish that first.

Can you assign me to this

!assign @MeghanaK11 60

!assign @MeghanaK11 60

!assign @MeghanaK11 60


@Mathew-K-Alexander are you working on this?

@Mathew-K-Alexander you don't look like you're working on this? please update!! or you'll be deassigned

Hey @Samyukta-b! The timer for the @Mathew-K-Alexander to work on the issue has finished, deassign and assign a new contributor or extend the current timer. Contact maintainer leads if inactive @DedLad @polarhive @achyuthcodes30


can you assign this to me

!assign @Anyaaa-2 60

Can you assign this to me... I'd like to have a crack at it

Hey @Samyukta-b! The timer for the @Alex-Hunterz to work on the issue has finished, deassign and assign a new contributor or extend the current timer. Contact maintainer leads if inactive @DedLad @polarhive @achyuthcodes30

May I please be assigned this issue?

!assign @svaidy-i 60