Tools and standards for conducting and evaluating research in software engineering
- aaghamohammadiUnited States
- afnan-s@UCLComputerScience
- alessiogambiAustrian Institute of Technology (AIT)
- andreas-bauerGermany | Sweden
- andreendoDC-UFSCar
- angrymeirfortiss
- bianculliUniversity of Luxembourg
- ChristopherBull@newcastleuniversity-computing
- ChristophStanikHamburg
- chrstphlbrSimula Research Laboratory
- cmrosenbergOslo
- dvmarcilioUber
- elliseghanCape Coast, Ghana
- fabiopetrillo
- gkapfhamAllegheny College
- hebomstrOulu, Finland.
- iivanooVrije Universiteit Amsterdam
- ivovh
- jacksonpradolimaBrick Abode
- joe4dev@localstack
- jwaldenMiami University
- kristianwiklundLäskiga skogen
- lvsartori
- MateusGabiUnicamp
- maxxbw54Assistant Professor at North Carolina State University
- michaeldornerBlekinge Institute of Technology
- Mitschi
- mrksbrgCodeScene
- oscarcostaThe Interwebs
- PinjiaHeThe Chinese University of Hong Kong, Shenzhen
- rafaelmm82UFPB
- rodrigorUniversidade Federal da Paraíba
- rufset
- stephanlukasczykUniversity of Passau, @se2p
- WsineSun Yat-sen University
- zhiyuan-wan