Update UTD Grades data for fall 2020, spring 2021, and summer 2021 semesters
Closed this issue · 4 comments
The UTD Grades database needs to be updated to display grade distributions for fall 2020, spring 2021, and summer 2021 data. Using the data that @Tmtomer and the Mercury have obtained using a Freedom of Information Act request, follow the repository's documentation on uploading the grades data to the database on AWS that currently stores grades data.
There was an inconsistency with how administration had provided data. The main.py
converter file changes "Course Number" to "num" while administration provided data contained "Course\nNumber" instead. A quick find and replace all fixes this error.
Additionally, the Connection class is imported into index.js within loader but never calls the connect method. Calling this method fixes the database connection error.
@CharlieMahana are we all good to close this?
I still need to post this year's data alongside a bug fix.
Closed by 56e1cd0