
Feature request - logging/notification

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I think it would be useful to log/notify the HA event that is executing (rather than the occusim name).

At the moment my logs show eg
`2018-01-09 11:55:12.130688 INFO Occupancy Simulator: Evening - Ian's Study random lights_on_0: @ 2018-01-09 16:07:08

2018-01-09 11:55:12.134749 INFO Occupancy Simulator: Evening - Ian's Study random lights_off_0: @ 2018-01-09 16:14:23

2018-01-09 11:55:12.139146 INFO Occupancy Simulator: Evening - Red Bedroom random lights_on_1: @ 2018-01-09 16:25:43

2018-01-09 11:55:12.143311 INFO Occupancy Simulator: Evening - Red Bedroom random lights_off_1: @ 2018-01-09 16:53:21

and the same event ("Ian's Study random lights_on_0" etc) shows in the notifications. This is not user friendly. It would be better to show "scene.wendys_lamp: on" or something similar (especially for notifications, possibly both in log).

Two other points:

  • "notify: '0'" does not work for me - I still get notifications. I need to comment out the whole line to stop getting notifications.
  • for reasons I cannot track down I get two notifications for every event when notifications are turned on! I suspect this is an error with my implementation rather than your code.

EDIT: for some reason it seems that my logs now also show the entity events (which they were not previously - no idea why!) But my comments re notifications remain.