
Problem with sticky footer

Closed this issue · 2 comments

jPanelMenu causes the sticky footer (from the Bootstrap Samples Page) to not stick anymore. Any idea why or how to fix? Thanks.

I fixed this issue by setting the .jPanelMenu-panel div to position: static. Bear in mind, this only works when using jPM below a certain breakpoint (mobile only?), because if you set position: static across all breakpoints, it prevents #jPanelMenu-menu from pushing .jPanelMenu-panel (which wraps everything inside the body tag) to the side. The menu will end up overlapping the panel instead.

So if you want to implement the sticky footer from a certain breakpoint up (which makes sense as you don't really need it on small screens), try something like:

@media only screen and (min-width: 768px) {
    .jPanelMenu-panel {
        position: static !important;

This should make the sticky footer work again and should also not interfere with the jPM setup.

Pull request #16 set the default position to static, except in animated instances. Sounds like that will clear up this issue.