
Original Menu is Not Hidden

Closed this issue · 3 comments

I am using the default config, default class names. I get the sliding menu, but the original menu does not get display: none; added to it.

Realized I have to call the .on() method. Perhaps make this clearer in examples on the homepage?

I have noticed the same, even when I call on() the menu is displayed anyways:
Besides that it is not animated, it just dis/appers

What am I missing please?

The plugin will not hide that original menu element by default. It’s recommended to not use display: none on that element, since people using screen readers will only have access to that original nav item. That styling is left to your site styles, since jPanelMenu comes with no enforced styling of it’s own.

As an aside: there is now a clone option, which allows you to decide whether the element gets cloned into the new menu, or moved.