
resolvedOfferings does not reflect the right value when memory override is done using "-m" option and when memory is also set for container in Acornfile.

sangee2004 opened this issue · 2 comments

acorn version - v0.10.0-rc2-9-g43dbcbf4+43dbcbf4

Steps to reproduce the problem:

  1. Deploy app with memory override using "-m" option using Acornfile that has memory set for container in Acornfile - acorn run -n test2 -m 128Mi .
args: {
	newtext: "hello2"
	number:  1
	decimal: 1.1
containers: {
	mywebnew: {
		name:  "testweb1"
		image: "nginx"
		scale: 1
		ports: publish: "80/http"
		files: {
			"/usr/share/nginx/html/index.html": args.newtext
			"/usr/share/nginx/html/test.html":  "modified"
			"/usr/share/nginx/html/test1.html": "\(args.decimal)"
			"/usr/share/nginx/html/test2.html": "new1"
                memory: 256Mi
  1. Once app is deployed , examine the resolvedOfferings field
                "resolvedOfferings": {
                    "containers": {
                        "": {
                            "class": "default",
                            "memory": 134217728,
                            "cpuScaler": 0.25
                        "mywebnew": {
                            "class": "default",
                            "memory": 268435456,
                            "cpuScaler": 0.25
                    "region": "acorn-sb-us-east-2"

Resolved offerings shows the memory value set in Acornfile for the containers.

Expected Behavior:
Resolved offerings should show the memory value set for the container from CLI which is what it gets deployed with.

Just merged the fix. resolvedOfferings should look correct for the Acornfile given in this issue.

Tested with acorn version - v0.10.0-rc2-17-g1142dab8+1142dab8

Resolved offerings shows the right memory value set for the container from "-m" optioned used in the CLI as expected.