
Unexpected character error on blocks within functions within {} in JSX

Closed this issue · 4 comments

acorn-jsx fails if you have a block within a function within a { } expression, like in the example below.

❯ cat index.jsx
var foo = <div> {
  function() {
    if (true) {

❯ jsx index.jsx                     
built Module("index.jsx")
var foo = React.createElement("div", null, " ", 
  function() {
    if (true) {


❯ acorn-jsx index.jsx 
Unexpected character '
' (4:5)


No doubts it's a bug, but why are you putting such a complex expressions inside JSX container? It's not meant to be used that way.

Thanks for the feedback! This was just a silly example to show the bug.

I guess the rationale is that a self calling function expression can look better than the suggested use of ternary if's.

function() {
  if (foo) {
    return <div/>;
  } else if (bar) {
    return <div/>;
  } else if (baz) {
    return <div/>;
  } else {
    return <div/>;


  foo? <div>: bar? <div/>: baz?: <div>: </div> ... etc.

Another slightly better example, would be the use of filter:

var a = [1,2,3,4];
var foo = <div> {
  a.filter(function(item) {
    if (item == 2 || item == 3) {
      return true;
    } else {
      return false;

Again you could just return the bool, but don't you think there is times where this is useful?

Looks like all those issues started with acceptance of #1. Removing inXJSChildExpression fixes all those kinds of issues but skipped whitespace, and in general expressions inside containers should know nothing about JSX context they're in. I'll look into better ways of handling the original issue.

Fixed now, thanks. Let me know if you find edge cases that this could break (handling whitespaces differently is pretty tricky).