
Semantic error?

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Noticed the YAML had been updated, however it still throws up errors when you open it with the Swagger editor

Examples are:

Semantic error at paths./authoring/v1/
Read only properties cannot be marked as required by a schema.
Jump to line 2596

Semantic error at paths./authoring/v1/comments/{id}.get.responses.200.schema.required.0
Read only properties cannot be marked as required by a schema.
Jump to line 2596

Semantic error at paths./authoring/v1/comments/{id}.put.responses.200.schema.required.0
Read only properties cannot be marked as required by a schema.
Jump to line 2596

Semantic error at definitions.Comment4.required.0
Read only properties cannot be marked as required by a schema.
Jump to line 2596

Semantic error at
Read only properties cannot be marked as required by a schema.
Jump to line 2596

Semantic error at paths./authoring/v1/comments/by-item/{classification}/{id}
Read only properties cannot be marked as required by a schema.
Jump to line 2596