
Backup MongoDB to local filesystem with periodic backups and rotate backups.

Primary LanguageShell

Docker Pulls


Backup MongoDB to the local filesystem with periodic rotating backups, based on docker-postgres-backup-local. Backup multiple databases from the same host by setting the database names in MONGO_DB separated by commas or spaces.

Supports the following Docker architectures: linux/amd64, linux/arm64/v8.



docker run -e MONGO_HOST=MONGO -e MONGO_DB=dbname -e MONGO_USER=user -e MONGO_PASSWORD=password acouvreur/mongo-backup-local:latest

Docker Compose:

version: '2'
        image: mongo
        restart: always
            - MONGO_INITDB_DATABASE=database
            - MONGO_INITDB_ROOT_USERNAME=mongo
            - MONGO_INITDB_ROOT_PASSWORD=mongo
         #  - MONGO_INITDB_ROOT_PASSWORD_FILE=/run/secrets/db_password <-- alternative for MONGO_INITDB_ROOT_PASSWORD (to use with docker secrets)

        image: acouvreur/mongo-backup-local:latest
        restart: always
            - /var/opt/mongobackups:/backups
            - mongodb
            - mongodb
            - MONGO_HOST=mongodb
            - MONGO_DB=database
            - MONGO_USER=mongo
            - MONGO_PASSWORD=mongo
         #  - MONGO_PASSWORD_FILE=/run/secrets/db_password <-- alternative for MONGO_PASSWORD (to use with docker secrets)
            - SCHEDULE=@daily
            - BACKUP_KEEP_DAYS=7
            - BACKUP_KEEP_WEEKS=4
            - BACKUP_KEEP_MONTHS=6
            - HEALTHCHECK_PORT=8080

Environment Variables

env variable description
BACKUP_DIR Directory to save the backup at. Defaults to /backups.
BACKUP_SUFFIX Filename suffix to save the backup. Defaults to .sql.gz.
BACKUP_KEEP_DAYS Number of daily backups to keep before removal. Defaults to 7.
BACKUP_KEEP_WEEKS Number of weekly backups to keep before removal. Defaults to 4.
BACKUP_KEEP_MONTHS Number of monthly backups to keep before removal. Defaults to 6.
HEALTHCHECK_PORT Port listening for cron-schedule health check. Defaults to 8080.
MONGO_DB Comma or space separated list of MONGO databases to backup. Required.
MONGO_DB_FILE Alternative to MONGO_DB, but with one database per line, for usage with docker secrets.
MONGO_HOST MONGO connection parameter; MONGO host to connect to. Required.
MONGO_PASSWORD MONGO connection parameter; MONGO password to connect with. Required.
MONGO_PASSWORD_FILE Alternative to MONGO_PASSWORD, for usage with docker secrets.
MONGO_PORT MONGO connection parameter; mongo port to connect to. Defaults to 27017.
MONGO_USER MONGO connection parameter; mongo user to connect with. Required.
MONGO_USER_FILE Alternative to MONGO_USER, for usage with docker secrets.
SCHEDULE Cron-schedule specifying the interval between mongo backups. Defaults to @daily.
TZ POSIX TZ variable specifying the timezone used to evaluate SCHEDULE cron (example "Europe/Paris").

Manual Backups

By default this container makes daily backups, but you can start a manual backup by running /backup.sh.

This script as example creates one backup as the running user and saves it the working folder.

docker run --rm -v "$PWD:/backups" -u "$(id -u):$(id -g)" -e MONGO_HOST=mongo -e MONGO_DB=dbname -e MONGO_USER=user -e MONGO_PASSWORD=password  acouvreur/mongo-backup-local /backup.sh

Automatic Periodic Backups

You can change the SCHEDULE environment variable in -e SCHEDULE="@daily" to alter the default frequency. Default is daily.

More information about the scheduling can be found here.

Folders daily, weekly and monthly are created and populated using hard links to save disk space.

Restore examples

Some examples to restore/apply the backups.

Restore locally

Replace the backupfile name, $CONTAINER, $USERNAME and $DBNAME from the following command:

zcat backupfile.sql.gz | docker exec --tty --interactive $CONTAINER psql --username=$USERNAME --dbname=$DBNAME -W

Restore to a remote server

Replace $BACKUPFILE, $VERSION, $HOSTNAME, $PORT, $USERNAME and $DBNAME from the following command:

docker run --rm --tty --interactive -v $BACKUPFILE:/tmp/backupfile.archive mongo:$VERSION /bin/sh -c "zcat /tmp/backupfile.sql.gz | psql --host=$HOSTNAME --port=$PORT --username=$USERNAME --dbname=$DBNAME -W"