
Postgres operator creates and manages PostgreSQL clusters running in Kubernetes

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Postgres Operator

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The Postgres operator manages PostgreSQL clusters on Kubernetes using the operator pattern. During the initial run it registers the Custom Resource Definition (CRD) for Postgres. The PostgreSQL CRD is essentially the schema that describes the contents of the manifests for deploying individual PostgreSQL clusters using StatefulSets and Patroni.

Once the operator is running, it performs the following actions:

  • watches for new PostgreSQL cluster manifests and deploys corresponding clusters
  • watches for updates to existing manifests and changes corresponding properties of the running clusters
  • watches for deletes of the existing manifests and deletes corresponding clusters
  • acts on an update to the operator definition itself and changes the running clusters when necessary (i.e. when the docker image inside the operator definition has been updated)
  • periodically checks running clusters against the manifests and acts on the differences found

For instance, when the user creates a new custom object of type postgresql by submitting a new manifest with kubectl, the operator fetches that object and creates the corresponding Kubernetes structures (StatefulSets, Services, Secrets) according to its definition.

Another example is changing the docker image inside the operator. In this case, the operator first goes to all StatefulSets it manages and updates them with the new docker images; afterwards, all pods from each StatefulSet are killed one by one (rolling upgrade) and the replacements are spawned automatically by each StatefulSet with the new docker image.


This project is currently in active development. It is however already used internally by Zalando in order to run Postgres databases on Kubernetes in larger numbers for staging environments and a smaller number of production databases. In this environment the operator is deployed to multiple Kubernetes clusters, where users deploy manifests via our CI/CD infrastructure.

Please, report any issues discovered to https://github.com/zalando-incubator/postgres-operator/issues.


  1. "Blue elephant on-demand: Postgres + Kubernetes" talk by Oleksii Kliukin and Jan Mussler, FOSDEM 2018: video | slides (pdf)

  2. "Kube-Native Postgres" talk by Josh Berkus, KubeCon 2017: video

Running and testing the operator

The best way to test the operator is to run it in minikube. Minikube is a tool to run Kubernetes cluster locally.

Installing and starting minikube

See minikube installation guide

Make sure you use the latest version of Minikube.

After the installation, issue

$ minikube start

Note: if you are running on a Mac, make sure to use the xhyve driver instead of the default docker-machine one for performance reasons.

Once you have it started successfully, use the quickstart guide in order to test your that your setup is working.

Note: if you use multiple Kubernetes clusters, you can switch to Minikube with kubectl config use-context minikube

Select the namespace to deploy to

The operator can run in a namespace other than default. For example, to use the test namespace, run the following before deploying the operator's manifests:

kubectl create namespace test
kubectl config set-context minikube --namespace=test

All subsequent kubectl commands will work with the test namespace. The operator will run in this namespace and look up needed resources - such as its config map - there.

Specify the namespace to watch

Watching a namespace for an operator means tracking requests to change Postgresql clusters in the namespace such as "increase the number of Postgresql replicas to 5" and reacting to the requests, in this example by actually scaling up.

By default, the operator watches the namespace it is deployed to. You can change this by altering the WATCHED_NAMESPACE env var in the operator deployment manifest or the watched_namespace field in the operator configmap. In the case both are set, the env var takes the precedence. To make the operator listen to all namespaces, explicitly set the field/env var to "*".

Note that for an operator to manage pods in the watched namespace, the operator's service account (as specified in the operator deployment manifest) has to have appropriate privileges to access the watched namespace. The operator may not be able to function in the case it watches all namespaces but lacks access rights to any of them (except Kubernetes system namespaces like kube-system). The reason is that for multiple namespaces operations such as 'list pods' execute at the cluster scope and fail at the first violation of access rights.

The watched namespace also needs to have a (possibly different) service account in the case database pods need to talk to the Kubernetes API (e.g. when using Kubernetes-native configuration of Patroni).

Create ConfigMap

ConfigMap is used to store the configuration of the operator

$ kubectl --context minikube  create -f manifests/configmap.yaml

Deploying the operator

First you need to install the service account definition in your Minikube cluster.

$ kubectl --context minikube create -f manifests/serviceaccount.yaml

Next deploy the postgres-operator from the docker image Zalando is using:

$ kubectl --context minikube create -f manifests/postgres-operator.yaml

If you prefer to build the image yourself follow up down below.

Check if CustomResourceDefinition has been registered

$ kubectl --context minikube   get crd

NAME                          KIND
postgresqls.acid.zalan.do     CustomResourceDefinition.v1beta1.apiextensions.k8s.io

Create a new Spilo cluster

$ kubectl --context minikube  create -f manifests/minimal-postgres-manifest.yaml

Watch pods being created

$ kubectl --context minikube  get pods -w --show-labels

Connect to PostgreSQL

We can use the generated secret of the postgres robot user to connect to our acid-minimal-cluster master running in Minikube:

$ export HOST_PORT=$(minikube service acid-minimal-cluster --url | sed 's,.*/,,')
$ export PGHOST=$(echo $HOST_PORT | cut -d: -f 1)
$ export PGPORT=$(echo $HOST_PORT | cut -d: -f 2)
$ export PGPASSWORD=$(kubectl --context minikube get secret postgres.acid-minimal-cluster.credentials -o 'jsonpath={.data.password}' | base64 -d)
$ psql -U postgres

Configuration Options

The operator can be configured with the provided ConfigMap (manifests/configmap.yaml).

Use taints and tolerations for dedicated PostgreSQL nodes

To ensure Postgres pods are running on nodes without any other application pods, you can use taints and tolerations and configure the required toleration in the operator ConfigMap.

As an example you can set following node taint:

$ kubectl taint nodes <nodeName> postgres=:NoSchedule

And configure the toleration for the PostgreSQL pods by adding following line to the ConfigMap:

apiVersion: v1
kind: ConfigMap
  name: postgres-operator
  toleration: "key:postgres,operator:Exists,effect:NoSchedule"

Or you can specify and/or overwrite the tolerations for each PostgreSQL instance in the manifest:

apiVersion: "acid.zalan.do/v1"
kind: postgresql
  name: acid-minimal-cluster
  teamId: "ACID"
  - key: postgres
    operator: Exists
    effect: NoSchedule

Please be aware that the taint and toleration only ensures that no other pod gets scheduled to a PostgreSQL node but not that PostgreSQL pods are placed on such a node. This can be achieved by setting a node affinity rule in the ConfigMap.

Using the operator to minimize the amount of failovers during the cluster upgrade

Postgres operator moves master pods out of to be decommissioned Kubernetes nodes. The decommission status of the node is derived from the presence of the set of labels defined by the node_readiness_label parameter. The operator makes sure that the Postgres master pods are moved elsewhere from the node that is pending to be decommissioned , but not on another node that is also about to be shut down. It achieves that via a combination of several properties set on the postgres pods:

  • nodeAffinity is configured to avoid scheduling the pod on nodes without all labels from the node_readiness_label set.
  • PodDisruptionBudget is defined to keep the master pods running until they are moved out by the operator.

The operator starts moving master pods when the node is drained and doesn't have all labels from the node_readiness_label set. By default this parameter is set to an empty string, disabling this feature altogether. It can be set to a string containing one or more key:value parameters, i.e:

node_readiness_label: "lifecycle-status:ready,disagnostic-checks:ok"

when multiple labels are set the operator will require all of them to be present on a node (and set to the specified value) in order to consider it ready.

Custom Pod Environment Variables

It is possible to configure a config map which is used by the Postgres pods as an additional provider for environment variables.

One use case is to customize the Spilo image and configure it with environment variables. The config map with the additional settings is configured in the operator's main config map:

postgres-operator ConfigMap

apiVersion: v1
kind: ConfigMap
  name: postgres-operator
  # referencing config map with custom settings
  pod_environment_configmap: postgres-pod-config

referenced ConfigMap postgres-pod-config

apiVersion: v1
kind: ConfigMap
  name: postgres-pod-config
  namespace: default
  MY_CUSTOM_VAR: value

This ConfigMap is then added as a source of environment variables to the Postgres StatefulSet/pods.

❗ Note that there are environment variables defined by the operator itself in order to pass parameters to the Spilo image. The values from the operator for those variables will take precedence over those defined in the pod_environment_configmap.

Limiting the number of instances in clusters with min_instances and max_instances

As a preventive measure, one can restrict the minimum and the maximum number of instances permitted by each Postgres cluster managed by the operator. If either min_instances or max_instances is set to a non-zero value, the operator may adjust the number of instances specified in the cluster manifest to match either the min or the max boundary. For instance, of a cluster manifest has 1 instance and the min_instances is set to 3, the cluster will be created with 3 instances. By default, both parameters are set to -1.

Setup development environment

The following steps guide you through the setup to work on the operator itself.

Setting up Go

Postgres operator is written in Go. Use the installation instructions if you don't have Go on your system. You won't be able to compile the operator with Go older than 1.7. We recommend installing the latest one.

Go projects expect their source code and all the dependencies to be located under the GOPATH. Normally, one would create a directory for the GOPATH (i.e. ~/go) and place the source code under the ~/go/src subdirectories.

Given the schema above, the postgres operator source code located at github.com/zalando-incubator/postgres-operator should be put at -~/go/src/github.com/zalando-incubator/postgres-operator.

$ export GOPATH=~/go
$ mkdir -p ${GOPATH}/src/github.com/zalando-incubator/
$ cd ${GOPATH}/src/github.com/zalando-incubator/ && git clone https://github.com/zalando-incubator/postgres-operator.git

Building the operator

You need Glide to fetch all dependencies. Install it with:

$ make tools

Next, install dependencies with glide by issuing:

$ make deps

This would take a while to complete. You have to redo make deps every time you dependencies list changes, i.e. after adding a new library dependency.

Build the operator docker image and pushing it to Pier One:

$ make docker push

You may define the TAG variable to assign an explicit tag to your docker image and the IMAGE to set the image name. By default, the tag is computed with git describe --tags --always --dirty and the image is pierone.stups.zalan.do/acid/postgres-operator

Building the operator binary (for testing the out-of-cluster option):

$ make

The binary will be placed into the build directory.

Deploying self build image

The fastest way to run your docker image locally is to reuse the docker from minikube. The following steps will get you the docker image built and deployed.

$ eval $(minikube docker-env)
$ export TAG=$(git describe --tags --always --dirty)
$ make docker
$ sed -e "s/\(image\:.*\:\).*$/\1$TAG/" manifests/postgres-operator.yaml|kubectl --context minikube create  -f -

Operator Configuration Parameters

  • team_api_role_configuration - a map represented as "key1:value1,key2:value2" of configuration parameters applied to the roles fetched from the API. For instance, team_api_role_configuration: log_statement:all,search_path:'public,"$user"'. By default is set to "log_statement:all". See PostgreSQL documentation on ALTER ROLE .. SET for to learn about the available options.
  • protected_role_names - a list of role names that should be forbidden as the manifest, infrastructure and teams API roles. The default value is admin. Operator will also disallow superuser and replication roles to be redefined.

Debugging the operator itself

There is a web interface in the operator to observe its internal state. The operator listens on port 8080. It is possible to expose it to the localhost:8080 by doing:

$ kubectl --context minikube port-forward $(kubectl --context minikube get pod -l name=postgres-operator -o jsonpath={.items..metadata.name}) 8080:8080

The inner 'query' gets the name of the postgres operator pod, and the outer enables port forwarding. Afterwards, you can access the operator API with:

$ curl$endpoint| jq .

The available endpoints are listed below. Note that the worker ID is an integer from 0 up to 'workers' - 1 (value configured in the operator configuration and defaults to 4)

  • /databases - all databases per cluster
  • /workers/all/queue - state of the workers queue (cluster events to process)
  • /workers/$id/queue - state of the queue for the worker $id
  • /workers/$id/logs - log of the operations performed by a given worker
  • /clusters/ - list of teams and clusters known to the operator
  • /clusters/$team - list of clusters for the given team
  • /cluster/$team/$clustername - detailed status of the cluster, including the specifications for CRD, master and replica services, endpoints and statefulsets, as well as any errors and the worker that cluster is assigned to.
  • /cluster/$team/$clustername/logs/ - logs of all operations performed to the cluster so far.
  • /cluster/$team/$clustername/history/ - history of cluster changes triggered by the changes of the manifest (shows the somewhat obscure diff and what exactly has triggered the change)

The operator also supports pprof endpoints listed at the pprof package, such as:

  • /debug/pprof/
  • /debug/pprof/cmdline
  • /debug/pprof/profile
  • /debug/pprof/symbol
  • /debug/pprof/trace

It's possible to attach a debugger to troubleshoot postgres-operator inside a docker container. It's possible with gdb and delve. Since the latter one is a specialized debugger for golang, we will use it as an example. To use it you need:

  • Install delve locally
go get -u github.com/derekparker/delve/cmd/dlv
  • Add following dependencies to the Dockerfile
RUN apk --no-cache add go git musl-dev
RUN go get github.com/derekparker/delve/cmd/dlv
  • Update the Makefile to build the project with debugging symbols. For that you need to add gcflags to a build target for corresponding OS (e.g. linux)
-gcflags "-N -l"
  • Run postgres-operator under the delve. For that you need to replace ENTRYPOINT with the following CMD:
CMD ["/root/go/bin/dlv", "--listen=:DLV_PORT", "--headless=true", "--api-version=2", "exec", "/postgres-operator"]
  • Forward the listening port
kubectl port-forward POD_NAME DLV_PORT:DLV_PORT
  • Attach to it
$ dlv connect

Unit tests

To run all unit tests, you can simply do:

$ go test ./...

For go 1.9 vendor directory would be excluded automatically. For previous versions you can exclude it manually:

$ go test $(glide novendor)

In case if you need to debug your unit test, it's possible to use delve:

$ dlv test ./pkg/util/retryutil/
Type 'help' for list of commands.
(dlv) c