Culture: DevOps is pretty inconsistent
actionjack opened this issue · 13 comments
The future is already here — it's just not very evenly distributed.
William Gibson
DevOps has become an industry that has lost sight of Patrick Debois' original intentions. When Debois formed DevOpsDays -- the first use of the word -- in 2009 DevOps simply meant to have Agile infrastructure, with development and operations working better together.
Theresa Neate
"is a mind shift, a cultural shift, a change in the way we do stuff. Culture is at the heart of all DevOps engagements."
DevOps Hijacked
Ransom note:
We have your DevOps,
If you want to see it again
Go back and study what DevOps is actually about e.g.
Culture, Automation, Measurement and Sharing.
We have your DevOps! What went wrong and how to get it back (if you ever had it)!
"Those who cannot remember the past are condemned to repeat it."
George Santayana
What is AWS DevOps?
Conflating DevOps Engineers with Cloud Engineers helps no one...