Not getting "Hello, World!" message
hchiam opened this issue · 6 comments
Instead of the 'Hello, World!' message, I get a response found listed for the Default Welcome Intent in Dialogflow. I then tried deleting the test responses in Dialogflow, but that causes another error. Any help would be appreciated. Catching up on the V2 API, specifically for webhooks.
Did you enable Fulfillment for that intent? What error do you get?
Yes, in Dialogflow, I have Webhook enabled under Fulfillment, and I entered the URL that I got from the firebase deploy
With it as-is: no error. But it shows a text response instead of the desired webhook response.
If I delete text responses in Dialogflow: The Actions on Google simulator says My test app isn't responding right now. Try again soon.
and the error log says:
MalformedResponse Failed to parse Dialogflow response into AppResponse because of invalid platform response: Could not find a RichResponse or SystemIntent in the platform response for agentId: ... and intentId: ...
Is your fulfillment URL in the pattern https://<project-id>
The URL generated by the CLI command looks like this: