
grcov v0.5.14 broke the --output-file option

Closed this issue · 1 comments

rye commented

After v0.5.14 of grcov was released, actions-rs/grcov invocations stopped working because the --output-file command-line option is no longer recognized by the grcov binary.

Looking at the compare, (upstream does not keep a proper changelog) it appears that mozilla/grcov@26acaa0 is the culprit, and does not include a backwards compatibility mechanism. It appears that a simple change from output-file to output-path is all that is necessary to resolve this, and I'm preparing a patch for that. This issue is mostly just for tracking.

Thank you for the patch, published in v0.1.6 tag and available via the actions-rs/grcov@v0.1 tag!