
Github actions workflow issue for long running jobs - Not able to view Logs & status marked as cancelled but overall workflow seems to be running

katkhem-bh opened this issue · 5 comments


We are using Github actions to run our jmeter scripts.
We have configured self-hosted runner and scheduling the job on that runners. Job will be generally scheduled to run for 3-4 days depending on the scenarios.

For first 10-12 hours my workflow will print logs properly but after that job status will be changed as cancelled & printing logs will be stopped. But overall job workflow would be running same as in below mentioned image.

we will not able to see the jmeter job logs (error %) or anything as we will not be able to expand and see the jmeter job's step. My question is if the job was canceled how would it be still running & is there any variable / parameter that we can set to increase the log size limit bcz my job will print huge logs as part of the script execution.


If anyone faced this similar kind of issue please guide us to resolve . Thankyou in advance

Hello @katkhem-bh
Thank you for creating this issue. We will investigate it and get back to you as soon as we have some feedback.

Hi @HarithaVattikuti

It would be really helpful if you can guide us to overcome this issue as soon as possible.
We will be waiting for your response.


Hi @HarithaVattikuti

one quick observation

after the job got executed successfully for 3 days that cancelled sign was changed to success.


But i just want to know why this issue is happening in github actions UI..?

I may be missing something but this issue does not appear to be about the stale github action. If I’m correct, you may have more luck asking at

Hi @katkhem-bh , this doesnt looks like a issue related to actions/stale, you can try to log this issue at Github Actions discussions for a solution. Hence closing this issue.