
Creation working only after calling `Model.all`

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I have a model called Hotel which is using active yaml.

class Hotel < ActiveYaml::Base
  set_root_path Rails.root.join('db', 'yaml_data')
  set_filename 'hotel'

After going to rails c if I do Hotel.create(name: "A hotel name") it's throwing

NoMethodError (undefined method `name=' for #<Hotel:0x00007f7ff0ce7b98 @attributes={:name=>"name"}>)  

Anyway if i do the same after running Hotel.all. It's just working fine:

vailability-validation ~/repos/booking-engine> rails c
Running via Spring preloader in process 6236
Loading development environment (Rails

irb(main):001:0> Hotel.create(name: "name")
Traceback (most recent call last):
           1: from (irb):1
NoMethodError (undefined method `name=' for #<Hotel:0x00007f7ff17106d8 @attributes={:name=>"name"}>)

irb(main):002:0> Hotel.all
 => #<ActiveHash::Relation:0x00007f7ff71e6300 @klass=Hotel, @all_records=[#<Hotel:0x00007f7ff71ef900 @attributes={:id=>1, :....... @query_hash={}, @records_dirty=false>

irb(main):003:0> Hotel.create(name: "name")
=> #<Hotel:0x00007f7ff710bb88 @attributes={:name=>"name", :id=>5}>

I have just used Hotel model for simplicity, but this is happenning on all yaml models.

This is documented in the readme The fields are autoloaded once you call Model.all. To make them available before that, use the fields class method.