
Partial not rendering in section

rkamun1 opened this issue · 8 comments


I have a section and trying to render a partial in it like this:

       section "Subscribers", :priority => 1 do
    render "user_dash"

my _user_dash.html.erb file has a table and some independent text. But for some reason it renders a blank section. Is this a bug that you know of?


sorry...figured it out.


Can you write how you did that ? Cause I have the same problem

Any partials must go in a sub-folder named after the "model" for example dashboard partials go in the dashboard folder.

I had trouble rendering a partial in my dashboard. In case anyone else encounters a similar issue, here's what I did to get it working.

Originally, I had this in dashboard.rb:

section "Daily Acquisition", do
  render 'signups', :start_date => 1.month.ago

And to get it to work, I had to wrap it in a div like this:

section "Daily Acquisition", do
  div render('signups', :start_date => 1.month.ago)

@mhuggins Thanks for that note! I was just having this issue.

 section "Business Summary", do
           div render ('graph')

Doesn't work for me, the partial doesn't render and I only get a blank section...

Here's an example that works. I didn't have the div do end and my partial didn't display.

  section "Search Links", :priority => 1 do
    div do
      render 'search_links'