
docker-compose error: Failed to connect to database: no reachable servers

dneville-pep opened this issue · 4 comments

Here is my config.yaml:

# This section configures the connection to the MongoDB server and the database name to use
  # See
  ConnectionString: mongodb://localhost:27017
  # Example with authentication. Be sure to change the AuthenticationMechanism as well.
  # ConnectionString: mongodb://username:password@localhost:27017

  # Accepted Values: null, "SCRAM-SHA-1", "MONGODB-CR", "PLAIN"
  # Since Mongo version 3.0 the default authentication mechanism is SCRAM-SHA-1
  AuthenticationMechanism: null

  # The time in hours before RITA's connection to MongoDB times out. 0 waits indefinitely.
  SocketTimeout: 2

  # For encrypting data on the wire between RITA and MongoDB
    Enable: false
    #If set, RITA will verify the MongoDB certificate's hostname and validity
    VerifyCertificate: false
    #If set, RITA will use the provided CA file instead of the system's CA's
    CAFile: null

  # This database holds information about the procesed files and databases.
  MetaDB: MetaDatabase

  # This is the default number of chunks to keep in rolling databases.
  # This only is used if the --numchunks command argument isn't supplied.
  DefaultChunks: 24

  # LogLevel
  # 3 = debug
  # 2 = info
  # 1 = warn
  # 0 = error
  LogLevel: 2

  # LogPath is the path for Rita's logs. Make sure permissions are set accordingly.
  # Logs will only be written here if LogToFile is true
  RitaLogPath: /var/lib/rita/logs

  LogToFile: true
  LogToDB: true

  # Number of days before checking for a new version of RITA.
  # A value of zero here will disable checking.
  UpdateCheckFrequency: 14

  # These are filters that affect the import of connection logs. They
  # currently do not apply to dns or http logs.
  # A good reference for networks you may wish to consider is RFC 5735.

  # Example: AlwaysInclude: [""]
  # This functionality overrides the NeverInclude and InternalSubnets
  # section, making sure that any connection records containing addresses from
  # this range are kept and not filtered
  AlwaysInclude: []

  # Example: NeverInclude: [""]
  # This functions as a whitelisting setting, and connections involving
  # ranges entered into this section are filtered out at import time
    - # "This" Host           RFC 1122, Section
    - # Loopback              RFC 1122, Section
    - # Link Local            RFC 3927
    - # Multicast             RFC 3171
    - # Limited Broadcast     RFC 919, Section 7
    - ::1/128 # Loopback              RFC 4291, Section 2.5.3
    - fe80::/10 # Link local            RFC 4291, Section 2.5.6
    - ff00::/8 # Multicast             RFC 4291, Section 2.7

  # Example: InternalSubnets: ["","",""]
  # This allows a user to identify their internal network, which will result
  # in any internal to internal and external to external connections being
  # filtered out at import time. Reasonable defaults are provided below
  # but need to be manually verified against each installation before enabling.
    - # Private-Use Networks  RFC 1918
    - # Private-Use Networks  RFC 1918
    - # Private-Use Networks  RFC 1918

  # Example: AlwaysIncludeDomain: ["","*"]
  # This functionality overrides the NeverIncludeDomain
  # section, making sure that any connection records containing domains
  # that match this list are kept and not filtered
  # NOTE: When using wildcards, make sure the added entry is in quotes,
  #       ie, '*'. Only subdomain wildcarding
  #       (asterisk as the prefix) is supported
  AlwaysIncludeDomain: []

  # Example: NeverIncludeDomain: ["","*"]
  # This functions as a whitelisting setting, and connections involving
  # ranges entered into this section are filtered out at import time
  # NOTE: When using wildcards, make sure the added entry is in quotes,
  #       ie, '*'. Only subdomain wildcarding
  #       (asterisk as the prefix) is supported
  NeverIncludeDomain: []

  # FilterExternalToInternal will ignore any entries where communication
  # is occurring from an external host to an internal host
  FilterExternalToInternal: false

  Enabled: true
  # These are blacklists built into rita-blacklist. Set these to false
  # to disable checks against them. true true

  # This is the name of the database which will be created as a master list of
  # blacklisted ips and hostnames by rita-blacklist
  BlacklistDatabase: "rita-bl"

  # These are custom blacklists that you may define. They are lists of either
  # file paths or urls. These custom blacklists are expected to be simple,
  # line separated text documents containing a list of blacklisted entries.

  # Example: CustomIPBlacklists: ["$HOME/.rita/myIPBlacklist.txt"]
  # myIPBlacklist.txt would look like this:

  # Lists containing both IPv4 and IPv6 addresses are acceptable
  CustomIPBlacklists: []
  # Lists containing hostnames, domain names, and FQDNs are acceptable
  CustomHostnameBlacklists: []

  Enabled: true
  # The default minimum number of connections used for beacons analysis.
  # Any two hosts connecting fewer than this number will not be analyzed.
  # 20 was chosen as it is a little bit less than once per hour in a day,
  # and allows for any packet loss that could occur.

  # If you choose a lower value, this will significantly increase both
  # the analysis time and the number of false positives. You can safely
  # increase this value to improve performance if you are not concerned
  # about slow beacons.
  DefaultConnectionThresh: 20

  Enabled: true
  # The default minimum number of connections used for beacons FQDN analysis.
  # Any two hosts connecting fewer than this number will not be analyzed.
  # 20 was chosen as it is a little bit less than once per hour in a day,
  # and allows for any packet loss that could occur.

  # If you choose a lower value, this will significantly increase both
  # the analysis time and the number of false positives. You can safely
  # increase this value to improve performance if you are not concerned
  # about slow beacons.
  DefaultConnectionThresh: 20

  Enabled: true
  # The default minimum number of connections used for beacons proxy analysis.
  # Any two hosts connecting fewer than this number will not be analyzed.
  # 20 was chosen as it is a little bit less than once per hour in a day,
  # and allows for any packet loss that could occur.

  # If you choose a lower value, this will significantly increase both
  # the analysis time and the number of false positives. You can safely
  # increase this value to improve performance if you are not concerned
  # about slow beacons.
  DefaultConnectionThresh: 20

  Enabled: true

  Enabled: true

  # This sets the maximum number of connections between any two given hosts that are stored.
  # Connections above this limit will be deleted and not used in other analysis modules. This will
  # also trigger an entry in the strobe module. A lower value will reduce import & analysis time and
  # hide more potential false positives from other modules. A higher value will increase import &
  # analysis time, increase false positives, but reduce the risk of false negatives.
  # Recommended values for this setting are:
  #    86400 - One connection every second for 24 hours
  #   700000 - Safe max value that is unlikely to cause errors
  # The theoretical limit due to implementation limitations is ~1,048,573
  # but in practice timeouts have occurred at lower values.
  ConnectionLimit: 86400

Here is my docker-compose.yml:

version: '3'

    image: mongo:4.2
      - db:/data/db/

    build: .
      # give db an alias of "localhost" so that RITA's default config works unchanged
      - db:localhost
      - ${CONFIG:?You must provide a path to your CONFIG}:/etc/rita/config.yaml:ro
      - ${LOGS:?You must provide a path to your LOGS}:/logs:ro


Here's a record of my attempt to run it:

rita  $ export CONFIG=/Users/dneville/Documents/scratch/rita/config.yaml && export LOGS=/Users/dneville/Documents/scratch/rita/2022-03-24
rita  $ docker-compose run --rm rita import /logs test
[+] Running 1/0
 ⠿ Container rita-db-1  Running                                                                                                                                                                            0.0s
[+] Running 1/1
 ⠿ Container rita-rita-1  Started                                                                                                                                                                          0.6s
Failed to connect to database: no reachable servers

any ideas what could be going wrong here?

Thank you for your report. I am able to reproduce this issue. We will reply here when we figure out what is causing the issue.

Steps to reproduce the issue:

  • Clone the latest version of RITA
  • Install Docker and Docker-Compose
  • Run: sudo LOGS=`realpath .` CONFIG=`realpath ./etc/rita.yaml` docker-compose run --rm rita test-config

It looks like there is an issue with the alias to localhost used by the RITA container to contact the database container.
Until we push up a proper fix, you may resolve the issue by editing /Users/dneville/Documents/scratch/rita/config.yaml and setting the MongoDB Connection string to mongodb://rita-db-1:27017. You may need to use rita_db_1 with underscores instead of dashes depending on your version of docker-compose.

Example config change:

  # See
  ConnectionString: mongodb://rita-db-1:27017

Thank you, mongodb://rita-db-1:27017 worked for me!

Closing as this issue is tracked here: