
Parsing logs fails with "runtime error: makeslice: len out of range" v4.6.0

jnimmo opened this issue · 3 comments

Hi team,
Running RITA 4.6.0 on a fresh SO 2.3.150 installation and experiencing the following error

       [-] Finished parsing logs in 566ms
        [-] Host Analysis:            465 / 465  [==================] 100 %
        [-] Host Aggregation:         14 / 14  [==================] 100 %
        [-] Unique Connection Analysis: 1055 / 1055  [==================] 100 %
        [-] Unique Connection Aggregation: 14 / 14  [==================] 100 %
        [-] Uconn Proxy Analysis:     7 / 7  [==================] 100 %
        [-] SNI Connection Analysis:  691 / 691  [==================] 100 %
        [!] No DNS data to analyze
        [!] No Hostname data to analyze
        [-] Beacon Analysis:          1055 / 1055  [==================] 100 %
        [-] Beacon Aggregation:       14 / 14  [==================] 100 %
        [-] Gathering FQDNs for Beacon Analysis ...     [                    ] 
        [-] FQDN Beacon Analysis:     366 / 366  [==================] 100 %
        [-] FQDN Beacon Aggregation:  14 / 14  [==================] 100 %
panic: runtime error: makeslice: len out of range

goroutine 1428 [running]:*analyzer).start.func1()
        /go/src/ +0x44e
created by*analyzer).start
        /go/src/ +0x6f
panic: runtime error: makeslice: len out of range

Thank you for your bug report. We have begun tracking down the issue using the info in your report.

Version 4.6.0 is currently in pre-release. We recommend using version 4.5.1 for any meaningful work at this time.

The error appears to be stemming from

tsLengthFull := len(entry.TsListFull) - 1

In this line, we assume len(entry.TsListFull) is positive. In this error case, we can see that len(entry.TsListFull) must be 0. So, there is either a bug in the code which gathers these timestamps in the proxy beacons module or we are missing a filter which would have prevented this code from executing.

@jnimmo Please replace your existing copy of RITA v4.6.0 with a fresh copy from the v4.6.0 pre-release page and try importing your data once again.

It appears that this issue was resolved in PR #749 5 days ago, but the rita binary on the pre-release page was not updated afterwards.

Fantastic thanks for the quick response! That's solved it now :)