
[!] Your operating system is unsupported.

Cy-Beard opened this issue · 1 comments

I am using Kali Linux (latest version 2023.2) inside of WSL2 on a Windows 10 v22H2.
I cloned the repo and attempted the install with the
I get the following:
└─# ./

_ \ _ _| __ __|
/ | | _
|\ ___| _| _/ _\ v4.8.0

Brought to you by Active CounterMeasures

[-] In order to run the installer, several basic packages must be installed.
[-] Updating packages... SUCCESS
[-] Ensuring curl is installed... SUCCESS
[-] Ensuring coreutils is installed... SUCCESS
[-] Ensuring lsb-release is installed... SUCCESS
[-] Ensuring yum-utils is installed... SUCCESS
[-] Ensuring gpg is installed... SUCCESS
[-] This installer supports Ubuntu, CentOS, RHEL, and Debian.
[!] Your operating system is unsupported.

For Kali support, you can simply run this command after extracting:

sed "s/\!\=\ \"Debian\"/\!\=\ \"$(lsb_release -is)\"/g" -i


sed "s/\!\=\ \"Ubuntu\"/\!\=\ \"$(lsb_release -is)\"/g" -i

now install zeek and and mongdb 4.2.x and run:

./ --disable-zeek --disable-mongo