
Incomplete and duplicated DLLs

Opened this issue · 4 comments

Describe the bug

The following DLLs are required, for the service to run (these are the expected sizes, from an msi install)

  Length Name
  ------ ----
  235872 AppleMobileDeviceService_main.dll
  103776 AppleMobileDeviceService.exe
   28984 AppleVersions.dll
   80696 ASL.dll
 1861408 CFNetwork.dll
 2230584 CoreFoundation.dll
27159352 icudt62.dll
   45880 libcache.dll
  104760 libdispatch.dll
 2457912 libicuin.dll
 1579320 libicuuc.dll
 1320224 libxml2.dll
 3888480 MobileDevice.dll
  237368 objc.dll
   95544 pthreadVC2.dll
  991008 SQLite3.dll

Out of those, from just looking at byte lengths, (these are broken, extracted by lessmsi)

 Length Name
 ------ ----
  37688 libcache.dll
2117944 libicuin.dll
1042208 libxml2.dll
3183456 MobileDevice.dll
  72504 pthreadVC2.dll

To Reproduce

lessmsi.exe x AppleMobileDeviceSupport64.msi

Expected behavior
Should work.


  • OS: Windows 10

@brian6932 I suspect this is because there are two of these files in that msi. After extracting them I ran the following commands to see the files:

C:\Users\scott\Downloads>dir /s AppleMobileDeviceSupport64\SourceDir | findstr libcache.dll
11/08/2023  04:37 PM            37,688 libcache.dll
11/08/2023  04:31 PM            45,880 libcache.dll.duplicate1

That .duplicate1 extension is added by lessmsi when it detects it is extracting a file into athe same place. Just guessing, but maybe they have x32 x64 versions in there and the lessmsi logic extracts only one based on the target OS.

You can also open that msi up in the GUI and do a Ctrl+F fr libcache.dll and you'll see both of them there too:

Screenshot 2024-04-23 at 16 40 40

I'm closing this issue with the assumption that gets you straightened out, but if not, feel free to re-open or open another issue.

You're right about the duplicates being the right sizes, but msiexec doesn't do this. I'd wager there's some way you can tell which dll is for which platform, or some flag should be added to choose the largest duplicate, storing a bunch of sizes in a table isn't a modular approach to this, and it doesn't make a ton of sense to extract 2x the data I actually need.

Well I don't think those bits are being mangled, but I suspect there is some heuristic that could be used to fix the paths. When I was looking at this yesterday I noticed they were linked to two different install directories with a 64 or 32 in the names. Looking at the Directory table closer now I see these two files ultimately resolve to a directory named CommonFiles64Folder and CommonFilesFolder that have the same default value of Common Files. Which is where it gets put and one overwrites the other.

I suppose we could implement some logic in lessmsi to detect at least those root-level duplicate directory names (root level == TARGETDIR per and differentiate them somehow like Common Files-CommonFiles64Folder and Common Files-CommonFilesFolder or something.

Would that meet your needs?

P.S. Some of this is a bit of a note to myself :)

msi Directory table 01 INSTALLDIR msi Directory table 02 MobileDeviceFolder msi Directory table 03 AppleFolder msi Directory Table 04 CommonFiles msi Directory table 05 TARGETDIR