
Facebook's agreement?

wamatt opened this issue · 2 comments

I see Facebook mentioned in a number of places as associated with OWF, however there is no signed agreement listed at

Anyone know why?

The OWF simply provides a legal framework for developing and publishing specifications. Facebook uses the OWFa for projects they're involved with like OGP and OpenCompute, but that doesn't have anything to do with any other specifications that also happen to choose to release a spec under an OWF agreement.

Facebook's only real connection to ActivityStreams is that a small part of Monica's work on the spec was done while she was employed at Facebook. They also had an implementation running at one point that some engineer hacked up, but I don't think it's around any more.

We talked with Facebook a year or two ago about signing an OWF agreement, but they preferred not to be associated with the spec.

Interesting bit of history. Thanks 👍