
JetBrains IDE support

Opened this issue · 3 comments

Do you plan to support JetBrains IDEs like WebStorm with something like this: ? It parses the this.When, this.Given, this.Then step definitions and by viewing the .feature files it highlights the line we don't have a matching pattern. It looks like this:


To make this work with yadda I am using currently the following workaround:

var Yadda = require("yadda");

var English = Yadda.localisation.English;
var library = English.library();
library.Given = library.given;
library.When = library.when;
library.Then = library.then;

var defineSteps = require(__dirname + "/features/step_definitions/math");;

new Yadda.FeatureFileSearch(__dirname + "/features").each(function (file) {

    featureFile(file, function (feature) {

        var yadda = Yadda.createInstance(library);

        scenarios(feature.scenarios, function (scenario) {
            steps(scenario.steps, function (step, done) {
      , done);

and I use the cucumberjs directory structure:

|-- features
      |-- x.feature
      |-- step_definitions
            |-- x.js

I don't like the directory structure and the uppercase steps, but this highlighting feature is too good to not to be used. :-)

Andrey Vokin created an issue for us here: All we need is register and vote on the issue after login, so please vote!

Thanks for kicking this off. I'll leave the ticket open to encourage votes.

It's been 5 years, and only received 9 votes. Closing