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In my previous post many were telling me I was missing the point about task runners - they're for wiring up complex sets of tasks, not just running odd tasks. So I thought I'd wrap up this piece with a complex set of tasks typical of a multi-hundred-line Gruntfile. For this example I want to do the following:

  "scripts": {
    "clean": "rimraf dist/*",

    "prebuild": "npm run clean -s",
    "build": "npm run build:scripts -s && npm run build:styles -s && npm run build:markup -s",
    "build:scripts": "browserify -d assets/scripts/main.js -p [minifyify --compressPath . --map --output dist/] | hashmark -n dist/main.js -s -l 8 -m assets.json 'dist/{name}{hash}{ext}'",
    "build:styles": "stylus assets/styles/main.styl -m -o dist/ && hashmark -s -l 8 -m assets.json dist/main.css 'dist/{name}{hash}{ext}'",
    "build:markup": "jade assets/markup/index.jade --obj assets.json -o dist",

    "test": "karma start --singleRun",

    "watch": "parallelshell 'npm run watch:test -s' 'npm run watch:build -s'",
    "watch:test": "karma start",
    "watch:build": "nodemon -q -w assets/ --ext '.' --exec 'npm run build'",

    "open:prod": "opener",
    "open:stage": "opener http://staging.example.internal",
    "open:dev": "opener http://localhost:9090",

    "deploy:prod": "s3-cli sync ./dist/ s3://example-com/prod-site/",
    "deploy:stage": "s3-cli sync ./dist/ s3://example-com/stage-site/",

    "serve": "http-server -p 9090 dist/",
    "live-reload": "live-reload --port 9091 dist/",

    "dev": "npm run open:dev -s & parallelshell 'npm run live-reload -s' 'npm run serve -s' 'npm run watch -s'"