
Do we need FOUR separate osm2rdf-specific prefixes

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There are currently four different osm2rdf-specific prefixes, namely:

@prefix osm2rdf: <> .
@prefix osm2rdfkey: <> .
@prefix osm2rdfgeom: <> .
@prefix osm2rdfmember: <> .

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Is this useful or good for anything? At first glance, I find it unnecessarily complex + we have four not so nice prefixes then. The suggestion would be to just have the first one.

@patrickbr and @lehmann-4178656ch What do you think?

If I remember correctly, this was to avoid some duplicate predicate names, which meant a different thing in another context. @lehmann-4178656ch, maybe your memory is better?

I think we can now collapse some of them. osm2rdfgeom will be removed with #89 and osm2rdfmember is currently used for member relations. We would need to find good names for osm2rdfmember:id, osm2rdfmember:role, osm2rdfmember:pos which can be placed in the osm2rdf namespace.

osm2rdfkey is used to avoid duplicate entries as we sometimes reinterpret/recalculate/reformat osmkey entries and store them in this namespace to indicate that we did something and these are not the values provided by the OpenStreetMap. As osmkey can prefix nearly anything I would suggest to keep this namespace to avoid collision with data we calculate and add and not simply transform given information.