
Mg4 standart 2022

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Hi. I have a mg4 standart and not working the refresque data, i have to reload the integraton any time.
The worse is the battery level not show the real value. The fuel level and range always show 0.
I used HA core Last version.

Hi @bujiero

Are you able to share your logs? It might be a matter of the API response, that might differ on a specific vehicle.

If you send me the logs I may be able to get it sorted.


Hi @bujiero

After looking at the log you sent, seems like you need to activate the debug logs for the integration.

You just need to add the following to configuration.yaml and restart HA.:

  default: warning
    custom_components.mg_saic: debug

Once you restart, you may check the logs and do a new export.

Ok i did
2024-09-25 09:36:51.502 DEBUG (MainThread) [custom_components.mg_saic] Finished fetching MG SAIC data update coordinator data in 11.784 seconds (success: True)
2024-09-25 09:36:51.512 ERROR (MainThread) [custom_components.mg_saic] Error updating sensor Battery Voltage: No entity id specified for entity MG EH32 X1 Battery Voltage

Hi @bujiero,

So looks like the API is not returning the necessary data for your vehicle. Some values are partially correct, but some others return as 0.


That's the issue and it falls only on MG side, not the integration.

Also seems like we bay get a fallback o the BMS sensors, which are returning some electrical data. I will have to look into it to see if I may merge both sensors and define a fallback for cases like yours.

I will try to let you know something in a few days.



I have the same problem with Mg4 standard 2023 (EH32 X7).

Hi @Soodium

Certainly is the same issue with the API. I will try to push this forward next week and see what may I come up with.



I think this is solved with release 0.3.0 >>

Let me know if it improves

I updated to relรฉase 0.3.0 and still fuell level show 0.0%
The rest of the sensor are ok.
Thank you

2024-10-22 00:13:31.859 WARNING (MainThread) [homeassistant.util.loop] Detected blocking call to load_verify_locations with args (<ssl.SSLContext object at 0x7f7860b5a1d0>,) inside the event loop by custom integration 'mg_saic' at custom_components/mg_saic/, line 150: saic_api = SaicApi(config) (offender: /usr/local/lib/python3.12/site-packages/httpx/, line 149: context.load_verify_locations(cafile=cafile)), please create a bug report at result = await self._flow_mgr.async_configure(flow_id, data) File "/config/custom_components/mg_saic/", line 72, in async_step_login_data File "/config/custom_components/mg_saic/", line 150, in fetch_vehicle_data

Same here fuel level show 0,0%

can confirm just setup integration with M4 UK based and showing 0 fuel. Not battery or EV SOC information being created.

ive moved over from running a seperate docker container for the SAIC MQTT integration which showed this before.

Hi @eximo84

Do you have the full log from the integration for your vehicle?

Is you car a BEV or PHEV?



I haven't restarted just reloaded the integration with debug enabled and get this.

I will restart now and check.

Logger: homeassistant.components.climate
Source: components/climate/
integration: Climate (documentation, issues)
First occurred: 07:00:24 (1 occurrences)
Last logged: 07:00:24

Entity None (<class 'custom_components.mg_saic.climate.SAICMGClimateEntity'>) implements HVACMode(s): off, cool and therefore implicitly supports the turn_on/turn_off methods without setting the proper ClimateEntityFeature. Please create a bug report at

Restarted. No other errors ๐Ÿ™

Hi @eximo84

That error is already sorted for the next version, in my test version is already working fine.

What about the battery level, did you get that already?

To activate the full debug log, you should follow this #3 (comment)

Once you do, you will get way more details and information on the data obtained from the API. With that we may check the data being pull and why the Battery is not showing properly.

I will activate it via the config but I've enabled it in the integration so should be the same really


You can see here I have no SOC or battery info other than the 12v

Fuel range which is the correct range is fine.


I will activate it via the config but I've enabled it in the integration so should be the same really

In theory yes, but once you do it on the configuration, you will get more data. Don't know why, but the log level is different.

interesting it seems to use HEV rather than BEV despite BEV being selected :/

Ive taken my VIN number out of the logs

2024-11-06 10:52:18.320 DEBUG (MainThread) [custom_components.mg_saic] Logging in with region-based endpoint for region: EU
2024-11-06 10:52:19.896 DEBUG (MainThread) [custom_components.mg_saic] Login successful, initializing vehicle APIs.
2024-11-06 10:52:35.159 DEBUG (MainThread) [custom_components.mg_saic] Vehicle Type: HEV
2024-11-06 10:52:35.159 DEBUG (MainThread) [custom_components.mg_saic] Vehicle Info: [VinInfo(bindTime=1718292462000, brandName='MG', colorName='Andes Grey', isActivate=False, isCurrentVehicle=True, isSubaccount=False, modelName='EH32 X8', modelYear='2023', name=None, series='EH32 L', vin='', subAccountList=[], vehicleModelConfiguration=[VehicleModelConfiguration(itemCode='J17', itemName='Tire', itemValue='1'), VehicleModelConfiguration(itemCode='Q00', itemName='Airbag', itemValue='1'), VehicleModelConfiguration(itemCode='Q01', itemName='FAirbag', itemValue='1'), VehicleModelConfiguration(itemCode='Q09', itemName='AirbagS', itemValue='1'), VehicleModelConfiguration(itemCode='S35', itemName='Sunroof', itemValue='0'), VehicleModelConfiguration(itemCode='S61', itemName='Remote control', itemValue='1'), VehicleModelConfiguration(itemCode='T11', itemName='AC', itemValue='1'), VehicleModelConfiguration(itemCode='EPS', itemName='EPS', itemValue='1'), VehicleModelConfiguration(itemCode='SA64', itemName='SA64', itemValue='0111110000000000001000000100101000000010100000000000000000000110'), VehicleModelConfiguration(itemCode='BONNUT', itemName='BONNUT', itemValue='1'), VehicleModelConfiguration(itemCode='DOOR', itemName='DOOR', itemValue='1111'), VehicleModelConfiguration(itemCode='BOOT', itemName='BOOT', itemValue='1'), VehicleModelConfiguration(itemCode='ENGINE', itemName='ENGINE', itemValue='1'), VehicleModelConfiguration(itemCode='EV', itemName='EV', itemValue='0'), VehicleModelConfiguration(itemCode='HeatedSeat', itemName='HeatedSeat', itemValue='0'), VehicleModelConfiguration(itemCode='KEYPOS', itemName='KEYPOS', itemValue='0'), VehicleModelConfiguration(itemCode='ENERGY', itemName='ENERGY', itemValue='1'), VehicleModelConfiguration(itemCode='BATTERY', itemName='BATTERY', itemValue='1'), VehicleModelConfiguration(itemCode='INTEMP', itemName='INTEMP', itemValue='1'), VehicleModelConfiguration(itemCode='EXTEMP', itemName='EXTEMP', itemValue='1'), VehicleModelConfiguration(itemCode='WINDOW', itemName='WINDOW', itemValue='0000'), VehicleModelConfiguration(itemCode='LRD', itemName='LRD', itemValue='1'), VehicleModelConfiguration(itemCode='BTKEY', itemName='BTKEY', itemValue='1'), VehicleModelConfiguration(itemCode='BType', itemName='Battery', itemValue='2'), VehicleModelConfiguration(itemCode='SBH', itemName='SBH', itemValue='1'), VehicleModelConfiguration(itemCode='BHI', itemName='BHI', itemValue='1'), VehicleModelConfiguration(itemCode='ROV', itemName='ROV', itemValue='25857')])]
2024-11-06 10:52:35.159 DEBUG (MainThread) [custom_components.mg_saic] Vehicle Status: VehicleStatusResp(basicVehicleStatus=BasicVehicleStatus(batteryVoltage=126, bonnetStatus=0, bootStatus=0, canBusActive=1, clstrDspdFuelLvlSgmt=0, currentJourneyId=787, currentJourneyDistance=100, dippedBeamStatus=0, driverDoor=0, driverWindow=0, engineStatus=0, extendedData1=54, extendedData2=0, exteriorTemperature=12, frontLeftSeatHeatLevel=0, frontLeftTyrePressure=59, frontRightSeatHeatLevel=0, frontRightTyrePressure=60, fuelLevelPrc=0, fuelRange=1720, fuelRangeElec=1720, handBrake=0, interiorTemperature=15, lastKeySeen=0, lockStatus=1, mainBeamStatus=0, mileage=44990, passengerDoor=0, passengerWindow=1, powerMode=0, rearLeftDoor=0, rearLeftTyrePressure=59, rearLeftWindow=1, rearRightDoor=0, rearRightTyrePressure=60, rearRightWindow=1, remoteClimateStatus=0, rmtHtdRrWndSt=0, sideLightStatus=0, steeringHeatLevel=None, steeringWheelHeatFailureReason=None, sunroofStatus=0, timeOfLastCANBUSActivity=None, vehElecRngDsp=0, vehicleAlarmStatus=2, wheelTyreMonitorStatus=0), extendedVehicleStatus=ExtendedVehicleStatus(alertDataSum=[0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0]), gpsPosition=GpsPosition(gpsStatus=0, timeStamp=0, wayPoint=GpsPosition.WayPoint(hdop=0, heading=0, position=GpsPosition.WayPoint.Position(altitude=0, latitude=0, longitude=0), satellites=0, speed=0)), statusTime=1730890344)
2024-11-06 10:52:35.159 DEBUG (MainThread) [custom_components.mg_saic] Vehicle Charging Data: ChrgMgmtDataResp(chrgMgmtData=ChrgMgmtData(bmsAdpPubChrgSttnDspCmd=0, bmsAltngChrgCrntDspCmd=4, bmsChrgCtrlDspCmd=2, bmsChrgOtptCrntReq=1023, bmsChrgOtptCrntReqV=1, bmsChrgSpRsn=0, bmsChrgSts=0, bmsDsChrgSpRsn=0, bmsEstdElecRng=329, bmsOnBdChrgTrgtSOCDspCmd=7, bmsPackCrnt=20000, bmsPackCrntV=0, bmsPackSOCDsp=538, bmsPackVol=1369, bmsPTCHeatReqDspCmd=2, bmsPTCHeatResp=0, bmsPTCHeatSpRsn=None, bmsReserCtrlDspCmd=2, bmsReserSpHourDspCmd=6, bmsReserSpMintueDspCmd=0, bmsReserStHourDspCmd=22, bmsReserStMintueDspCmd=0, ccuEleccLckCtrlDspCmd=2, ccuOffBdChrgrPlugOn=0, ccuOnbdChrgrPlugOn=0, chrgngAddedElecRng=0, chrgngAddedElecRngV=0, chrgngDoorOpenCnd=0, chrgngDoorPosSts=0, chrgngRmnngTime=1023, chrgngRmnngTimeV=1, chrgngSpdngTime=0, chrgngSpdngTimeV=0, clstrElecRngToEPT=172, disChrgngRmnngTime=1023, disChrgngRmnngTimeV=1, imcuChrgngEstdElecRng=331, imcuChrgngEstdElecRngV=0, imcuDschrgngEstdElecRng=159, imcuDschrgngEstdElecRngV=0, imcuVehElecRng=172, imcuVehElecRngV=0, onBdChrgrAltrCrntInptCrnt=0, onBdChrgrAltrCrntInptVol=0), rvsChargeStatus=RvsChargeStatus(chargingDuration=0, chargingElectricityPhase=None, chargingGunState=0, chargingPileID=None, chargingPileSupplier=None, chargingType=1, endTime=1730525562, extendedData1=None, extendedData2=None, extendedData3=None, extendedData4=None, fotaLowestVoltage=None, fuelRangeElec=1720, lastChargeEndingPower=616, mileage=44990, mileageOfDay=100, mileageSinceLastCharge=840, powerUsageOfDay=29, powerUsageSinceLastCharge=225, realtimePower=390, startTime=1730507560, staticEnergyConsumption=None, totalBatteryCapacity=725, workingCurrent=20000, workingVoltage=1369))
2024-11-06 10:52:35.160 DEBUG (MainThread) [custom_components.mg_saic] Finished fetching MG SAIC data update coordinator data in 15.077 seconds (success: True)
2024-11-06 10:52:35.167 WARNING (MainThread) [homeassistant.components.climate] Entity None (<class 'custom_components.mg_saic.climate.SAICMGClimateEntity'>) implements HVACMode(s): off, cool and therefore implicitly supports the turn_on/turn_off methods without setting the proper ClimateEntityFeature. Please create a bug report at
2024-11-06 10:52:35.167 DEBUG (MainThread) [custom_components.mg_saic] Vehicle does not have heated seats. Skipping Heated Seats Switch.
2024-11-06 10:52:45.164 WARNING (MainThread) [homeassistant.components.sensor] Setup of sensor platform mg_saic is taking over 10 seconds.
2024-11-06 10:52:46.324 DEBUG (MainThread) [custom_components.mg_saic] Vehicle Type: HEV
2024-11-06 10:52:46.324 DEBUG (MainThread) [custom_components.mg_saic] Vehicle Info: [VinInfo(bindTime=1718292462000, brandName='MG', colorName='Andes Grey', isActivate=False, isCurrentVehicle=True, isSubaccount=False, modelName='EH32 X8', modelYear='2023', name=None, series='EH32 L', vin='', subAccountList=[], vehicleModelConfiguration=[VehicleModelConfiguration(itemCode='J17', itemName='Tire', itemValue='1'), VehicleModelConfiguration(itemCode='Q00', itemName='Airbag', itemValue='1'), VehicleModelConfiguration(itemCode='Q01', itemName='FAirbag', itemValue='1'), VehicleModelConfiguration(itemCode='Q09', itemName='AirbagS', itemValue='1'), VehicleModelConfiguration(itemCode='S35', itemName='Sunroof', itemValue='0'), VehicleModelConfiguration(itemCode='S61', itemName='Remote control', itemValue='1'), VehicleModelConfiguration(itemCode='T11', itemName='AC', itemValue='1'), VehicleModelConfiguration(itemCode='EPS', itemName='EPS', itemValue='1'), VehicleModelConfiguration(itemCode='SA64', itemName='SA64', itemValue='0111110000000000001000000100101000000010100000000000000000000110'), VehicleModelConfiguration(itemCode='BONNUT', itemName='BONNUT', itemValue='1'), VehicleModelConfiguration(itemCode='DOOR', itemName='DOOR', itemValue='1111'), VehicleModelConfiguration(itemCode='BOOT', itemName='BOOT', itemValue='1'), VehicleModelConfiguration(itemCode='ENGINE', itemName='ENGINE', itemValue='1'), VehicleModelConfiguration(itemCode='EV', itemName='EV', itemValue='0'), VehicleModelConfiguration(itemCode='HeatedSeat', itemName='HeatedSeat', itemValue='0'), VehicleModelConfiguration(itemCode='KEYPOS', itemName='KEYPOS', itemValue='0'), VehicleModelConfiguration(itemCode='ENERGY', itemName='ENERGY', itemValue='1'), VehicleModelConfiguration(itemCode='BATTERY', itemName='BATTERY', itemValue='1'), VehicleModelConfiguration(itemCode='INTEMP', itemName='INTEMP', itemValue='1'), VehicleModelConfiguration(itemCode='EXTEMP', itemName='EXTEMP', itemValue='1'), VehicleModelConfiguration(itemCode='WINDOW', itemName='WINDOW', itemValue='0000'), VehicleModelConfiguration(itemCode='LRD', itemName='LRD', itemValue='1'), VehicleModelConfiguration(itemCode='BTKEY', itemName='BTKEY', itemValue='1'), VehicleModelConfiguration(itemCode='BType', itemName='Battery', itemValue='2'), VehicleModelConfiguration(itemCode='SBH', itemName='SBH', itemValue='1'), VehicleModelConfiguration(itemCode='BHI', itemName='BHI', itemValue='1'), VehicleModelConfiguration(itemCode='ROV', itemName='ROV', itemValue='25857')])]
2024-11-06 10:52:46.324 DEBUG (MainThread) [custom_components.mg_saic] Vehicle Status: VehicleStatusResp(basicVehicleStatus=BasicVehicleStatus(batteryVoltage=124, bonnetStatus=0, bootStatus=0, canBusActive=1, clstrDspdFuelLvlSgmt=0, currentJourneyId=787, currentJourneyDistance=100, dippedBeamStatus=0, driverDoor=0, driverWindow=0, engineStatus=0, extendedData1=54, extendedData2=0, exteriorTemperature=12, frontLeftSeatHeatLevel=0, frontLeftTyrePressure=59, frontRightSeatHeatLevel=0, frontRightTyrePressure=60, fuelLevelPrc=0, fuelRange=1720, fuelRangeElec=1720, handBrake=0, interiorTemperature=15, lastKeySeen=0, lockStatus=1, mainBeamStatus=0, mileage=44990, passengerDoor=0, passengerWindow=1, powerMode=0, rearLeftDoor=0, rearLeftTyrePressure=59, rearLeftWindow=1, rearRightDoor=0, rearRightTyrePressure=60, rearRightWindow=1, remoteClimateStatus=0, rmtHtdRrWndSt=0, sideLightStatus=0, steeringHeatLevel=None, steeringWheelHeatFailureReason=None, sunroofStatus=0, timeOfLastCANBUSActivity=None, vehElecRngDsp=0, vehicleAlarmStatus=2, wheelTyreMonitorStatus=0), extendedVehicleStatus=ExtendedVehicleStatus(alertDataSum=[0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0]), gpsPosition=GpsPosition(gpsStatus=2, timeStamp=1730890354, wayPoint=GpsPosition.WayPoint(hdop=8, heading=0, position=GpsPosition.WayPoint.Position(altitude=22, latitude=51487603, longitude=-3232443), satellites=9, speed=0)), statusTime=1730890355)
2024-11-06 10:52:46.324 DEBUG (MainThread) [custom_components.mg_saic] Vehicle Charging Data: ChrgMgmtDataResp(chrgMgmtData=ChrgMgmtData(bmsAdpPubChrgSttnDspCmd=0, bmsAltngChrgCrntDspCmd=4, bmsChrgCtrlDspCmd=2, bmsChrgOtptCrntReq=1023, bmsChrgOtptCrntReqV=1, bmsChrgSpRsn=0, bmsChrgSts=0, bmsDsChrgSpRsn=0, bmsEstdElecRng=329, bmsOnBdChrgTrgtSOCDspCmd=7, bmsPackCrnt=20000, bmsPackCrntV=0, bmsPackSOCDsp=538, bmsPackVol=1369, bmsPTCHeatReqDspCmd=2, bmsPTCHeatResp=0, bmsPTCHeatSpRsn=None, bmsReserCtrlDspCmd=2, bmsReserSpHourDspCmd=6, bmsReserSpMintueDspCmd=0, bmsReserStHourDspCmd=22, bmsReserStMintueDspCmd=0, ccuEleccLckCtrlDspCmd=2, ccuOffBdChrgrPlugOn=0, ccuOnbdChrgrPlugOn=0, chrgngAddedElecRng=0, chrgngAddedElecRngV=0, chrgngDoorOpenCnd=0, chrgngDoorPosSts=0, chrgngRmnngTime=1023, chrgngRmnngTimeV=1, chrgngSpdngTime=0, chrgngSpdngTimeV=0, clstrElecRngToEPT=172, disChrgngRmnngTime=1023, disChrgngRmnngTimeV=1, imcuChrgngEstdElecRng=331, imcuChrgngEstdElecRngV=0, imcuDschrgngEstdElecRng=159, imcuDschrgngEstdElecRngV=0, imcuVehElecRng=172, imcuVehElecRngV=0, onBdChrgrAltrCrntInptCrnt=0, onBdChrgrAltrCrntInptVol=0), rvsChargeStatus=RvsChargeStatus(chargingDuration=0, chargingElectricityPhase=None, chargingGunState=0, chargingPileID=None, chargingPileSupplier=None, chargingType=1, endTime=1730525562, extendedData1=None, extendedData2=None, extendedData3=None, extendedData4=None, fotaLowestVoltage=None, fuelRangeElec=1720, lastChargeEndingPower=616, mileage=44990, mileageOfDay=100, mileageSinceLastCharge=840, powerUsageOfDay=29, powerUsageSinceLastCharge=225, realtimePower=390, startTime=1730507560, staticEnergyConsumption=None, totalBatteryCapacity=725, workingCurrent=20000, workingVoltage=1369))
2024-11-06 10:52:46.324 DEBUG (MainThread) [custom_components.mg_saic] Finished fetching MG SAIC data update coordinator data in 11.162 seconds (success: True)
2024-11-06 10:52:46.325 INFO (MainThread) [custom_components.mg_saic] Services registered for MG SAIC integration.
2024-11-06 10:52:46.325 INFO (MainThread) [custom_components.mg_saic] MG SAIC integration setup completed successfully.

Thanks. Let me have a look and see if I can handle it easily.

Once you select the BEV from the configuration it should be stored, but maybe I left something from the initial check that was meant to be automatic and it's overriding it.

Give me a couple days and I will try to figure it out.

Anyhow, you should have the battery level as the API is returning that you have 54%.

x3e commented

I'm having the same issue with an MG 4 SE 2022. No SoC is shown. Looking forward to a fix!

Hi @eximo84 , @x3e and @bujiero

Can you guys check on the latest release 0.4.2 ( and see if this fixes the issue with the MG4?

I believe that this shall now be sorted, but have a look please.

This version shall pick the vehicle type selection you already did on the initial configuration, but just in case it still does not, I would recommend you remove and re-add the integration, to make sure that the correct vehicle type is picked.

I've deployed the latest version but getting a timeout on login. I'm away so doing this remote off network.

Can try later when I'm home.


Let me know. The timeout may come from the API itself, but let me know once you have some more details.

I did not change anything related to login, so it should work as before. Although, if the issue persists, try to remove and add the integration again.

Remove the integration and intall the new versiรณn. Evething ok, car selection, etc. Still Fuel level 0%. The other parameters ok


Let me know. The timeout may come from the API itself, but let me know once you have some more details.

I did not change anything related to login, so it should work as before. Although, if the issue persists, try to remove and add the integration again.

It was a timeout on the car selection page actually however back home and tried again and it worked first time. I'll put it down to janky vpn on my side ๐Ÿ˜„


However all now showing correct on my side now, range and SOC and current changing status.

Amazing. Thank you so much.

x3e commented

Same here, everything works now, including State of Charge. @ad-ha thank you so much for your effort in writing this plugin!

Good to hear and glad that it is all working now.

Thank you all for the feedback and help with the logs.


This morning I had an update notification from version 0.4.1 to 0.4.2. I have updated and reinstalled the integration and it now works ok everytihng include battery level. Thank you so much


Sometimes state of charge 105%

If yoy reload the integration works again ok

Same here, 102% instead of should be 60% or so
Also the windows are reported open when in reality they aren't.

No logs yet, will try to get some over the weekend

Hi. This is sorted (I hope so) with version 0.4.3
