BMP085 wrong pressure
Opened this issue · 2 comments
I connect this sensor BMP085 to my Raspberry PI B+ and i have a wrong pressure. In my city is pressure about 1022hPa but my sensor BMP085 show me about 993hPa.
Temperature in my city is -2 and sensor show about -2,6
How i can calibrate this ? Please help me.
Just thought I should point out that the the code for the bmp in this repo are outdated. A new one is available at
On another note. If I understand correctly. The tempature is .6 off and the barometer is around 30 off. This sounds pretty small to me, and I have read that the bmp can be a little unreliable.
I'm worry that I cannot tell you how to fix it though, I just got mine yesterday and all I know is from reading online.
Thank you for the Issue!
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