
Question setTempOffset()

esp13 opened this issue · 4 comments

esp13 commented


In the example the temperature offset is set by comparing to 25.0

(1)- Why 25.0? Is it supposed to be the average room temperature, so instead of having the real temperature, it takes the 25.0 as average?

(2)- If yes, I could use my BME280 sensor to set the real offset? like this: ccs.setTempOffset(temp - bme.readTemperature());?

(3)- I don't really understand this temperature part. The CCS811 chip doesn't have any temperature sensor inside right? On my CCS811 breadboard I don't have any NTC temperature sensor neither I think (didn't see it). So how is this temperature moving?

(4)- When you use setEnvironmentalData() with datas from a BME280, Is the temperature offset still in use? If yes do we need to periodically update the offset ccs.setTempOffset(temp - bme.readTemperature());?

Thank for reading and sorry for my poor english level.

it does not anymore - the old chips used to have temperature sensor support. it does not anymore, so this is sorta moot. :)

esp13 commented

Thank you for your fast answer!

(5)- So we can remove all setTempOffset() and calculateTemperature() call inside program?

(6)- What is now returning calculateTemperature()? Cause the returned data is moving.

yes dont use any of thsoe, they do not work with newer chips

Hi esp13,
did you understand the answer given by ladyada ?
(1) No need to use ccs.setTempOffset and ccs.calculateTemperature, anymore?
(2) Are new chips accurate without the use of these routines?